Funtime in the Sunshine

A PM-to-enter pool party~

Two floors down from the primary deck of the cruise ship, another terrace of deck just out, primarily given over to a massive swimming pool. This pool is full of clean, fresh water, and arrayed around it are a wide range of beach towels, pool chairs, and water toys—the latter including dozens of pool noodles and boogie boards, as well as a pair of inflatable pool toys (one yellow duck and one green alligator), each large enough for a grown adult to ride. Back next to the entrance to the corridors is a small stand that sold ice cream; though it has been emptied of sweet treats it provides better cover than anything else in the immediate vicinity.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Too early to tell. We got our biggest threat out of the way off the bat.” Fisk rested his chin on his hand. “Not sure about how many other preppers are here, but Seo Yun’s smart. That’s something to worry about. Outside of that, we’ll have to wait and see.”

Fisk paused, then pointed, lightbulb in his head popping off. “Oh! Ten kills. We gotta work on that, so any targets we can get. We have to watch the bandannas though. Teams don’t matter, but we don’t get points for killing the same color. Speaking of that, after first announcements we can plan our targets off of that. Any competition we get should be our highest priority.”

He looked at his shoes. “Until then, we play indiscriminately, we play smart though like you said, and pick our targets so we don’t bite off more than we can chew.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

"We-" He cut himself off. If one of them achieved ten kills, what would they do? Draw lots? Let the lucky person leave first?

Vasily, instead of continuing, flashed him a smile that was a lot more genuine than he'd like for it to be.

"So... I personally think maybe bunkering down on a certain area for now can work. Like, if danger zones don't fuck it all up. Being mobile and hunting people around wastes energy... right? To be honest our circumstances are a little more unique than I'm used to, but conserving our resources is important, too."

He thought that if he got onto this show he could actually know what the fuck he was doing, but his mind was fuzzy in this way where it wasn't pleasant and he had a hard time processing everything, but he knew that fuzziness felt better than, say, a bunch of other potential emotional reactions to ending up here. He didn't know how Fisk could do it, but it's likely that Fisk was just as freaked out as he is and was better at hiding it.

"But, like, you're the leader, sooo..." He made a little hand wave gesture, "I guess it's up to you now?"
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk continued to clank his shoes together by the heels. That was a good idea, hunkering down. You had much more chance to make it to the end provided human error didn’t factor in. But human error factors in the most when people get complacent or lazy. Someone sleeps on firewatch and someone else sneaks in with a knife and slits the guard or someone else’s throat, let alone if they were heavily armed like Fisk.

On the hunt perpetually leads to the game going by quicker, and let’s you keep your edge sharp by staying out against the elements. However it has its own problems when exhaustion kicks in and exhaustion leads into another form of human error.

Fisk looked up and smiled at Vasily. “Why do we have to choose? Sure that seems like something to worry if we go lone wolf, but there’s six of us! We can split it off in shifts, one group rests, another hunts. There’s no need to worry about that one as much as where can we hold up at the moment.”

His head turned back to the ship. “Kinda like what we’re doing now. Taking a break while Bacchia leads the others on hunting, then they take a break and we do our hunting. No need to wear ourselves out or get lazy. With our numbers why worry? We sow a little bit of dissent and chaos here and there, and go back to bed to sleep while someone’s on guard, maybe swap shifts every once in a while so they get rest, and everyone else is scared shitless and at each other’s necks. By the next morning they’ll be too tired and sleep deprived to defend themselves when we show up.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

He nodded. Smiled. He's glad that Fisk trusts him so much. He's glad that they could all trust each other.

'That sounds right."

He nodded again. Kept his smile. Went mm-hm at just the right times and all that.

All of Fisk's confident words marinated in his brain.

"Speaking of Bacchia, I-"

Vasily popped a bugle in his mouth.

Shouldn't Fisk be worried that he might be played for a fool?

"-Actually, no, we can figure it out as we go, and-"

A burst of distant noise cut him off.
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Post by ItzToxie »

"W-was that a gunshot?" That sounded like it came from the dining hall.


"Those were gunshots."

That meant one of two things. Fisk grabbed his mask. Put it on.

"Come on, mask up."

One, someone nearby was shooting the place up, that meant there was an armed target to kill, and close.

"We gotta go, stay behind me!"

Or two, that meant that someone was an armed target, and close, and shooting at his crew. Fisk began sprinting to the sounds of the gunshots.

Either way, they both lead to one thing.

Someone with a gun was danger close to his crew. They were going to need cover fire, and Fisk was the only one armed to do that.

((Fisk Bateman continued elsewhere.))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

The mask was so stuffy.

He masked up anyways, duh. Gotta do what he's gotta do to help his buddies out. Packed all his shit up quickly, too.
[+] He had a lot of thoughts in these few seconds.
Vasily was scared. Vasily didn't want to die, and he didn't want to get shot, and he didn't want it to be down between him and Fisk and everything else and he didn't want more blood on his hands and his gloves and streaking down his face. He still thought about Lucia (and how they both thought this shitshow of a show was the absolute best thing on earth when they binged it together) and Mom and Anya and everything else. Everything else. The way the bandanna felt annoyingly wet against his skin. The coldness of the chains in his hand. Fisk's speeches. Everything else. He didn't want to think of this. He didn't want to think of anything. Stop it.
Then, off he went!
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