A Pity Sight for the Magpie


In a remote section in the northwest portion of the island are several grassy hills, overlooking much of the area around them. A trail leading up a slope of one of the smaller hills leads to an isolated hillside cabin in the middle of nowhere. The area around the home is surrounded by a small wooden fence. The property contains the wooden cabin itself and a smaller outhouse. Many overgrown bushes and large trees also surround the area around the hills. The cabin appears older than most of the mining-related buildings, but is actually in somewhat better shape, having been refurbished into a foreman's dwelling and then stripped less carefully as the mining company departed.
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

A knock at the seam of the left wall, and then a pause.
Are you here?
A shuffle of feet on foliage outside the cabin.
Is anyone home?
A short groan, fabric rubbing together.
There you are.
Bullets ripping through the joint around chest level.
I'm sorry.
A knock at the seam of the left wall, and then a pause.
Please, don't get up.
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Post by Deamon »

Daniel was trying to comfort her. He had taken the cloth off his eyes.

Unfortunately Yaz was not fucking comforted and when the gunfire started it all went to shit.

She screamed, jumped into the air and then hit the floor, hands over her head.

She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die, she didn't want to die.

Luckily it was just the one burst but still, it shook her up.

From where she was lying she looked up at Daniel and whispered a question to him.

"What the fuck do we do?"
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Post by delicateMachine »

The gun screamed, Yaz screamed, Daniel screamed from what he would have liked to call a desire not to be left out; but was actually just because everything hurt a whole lot. Every inch of progress he had made in feeling a little less like a trash factory was erased in an instant, washing away the relief with waves of fresh and exciting pain.

Thankfully, clutching his head worked both as an indicator of extreme agony and extreme fear, because hoo boy, Daniel wasn't lacking in either emotion.

"I, I, I dunno? I don't know, I don't know!" Daniel whispered, first to Yaz but then continuing to repeat it to himself.

At least he knew that he didn't know.
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

There was screaming inside. It was difficult to hear with the gunfire still ringing in her ears, but she could make out the sound at the least. No words. Just the noises of those inside scrambling to hold on to life. If she was more honest with herself, she preferred it that way. It moved things along easier.
We have to make our own mercy.
The knocks came in rapid succession this time, trailing along the back of the cabin to the next corner. Did they even hear them? Why was she doing that? She'd already figured out her plan, but there was something tactile and inevitable to the motion. There was nothing those inside could do to prevent it, or to prevent its inevitable conclusion. All they could do was hide and hope that a stray bullet didn't catch them.
Finish the square. It's not right if you don't finish the square.
There was barely any pause as she rounded the corner. More bullets flew through the seam of the right wall, though the burst was shorter this time. By the end of it, Katarina had stopped looking at the cabin and started looking at her gun. She'd spent a lot of ammo on this encounter already, and for what? Two targets, yes, but two that seemed to have no fight left in them whatsoever. There was no way to be certain that she'd killed them without entering the cabin, and if this was some sort of ruse that's exactly what they wanted. Assuming she could manage it in the first place. With enough commitment she would eventually guarantee both of them died this way, but that would be inefficient.
But it'd be so easy.
And it was a marathon, not a sprint.
Sprints are over so much faster.
KK knew there was a better way. She rounded to the front of the cabin with another quick series of knocks along its right wall, then picked up her bag by the door and started into the woods. This experiment was over. She'd reap its results soon enough.

((Katarina Konipaski's next victim sighted.))
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Post by Deamon »

There was another burst of gunfire and Yaz yelped, pulling her hands tighter over her head.

There were more knocks and then when Yaz braced for more gunfire there was nothing.

She looked up and scanned the interior of the room. It was just her and Daniel. Whoever had been attacking them had given up. They were alone again.

Panting she sat up and looked at Daniel.

"What the fuck was that?"
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Post by delicateMachine »

Despite all the effort it had taken for Daniel to free himself from the floor's insidious clutch; he did not hesitate to embrace it when the extremely bad knocking sounds continued. The next round of bullets didn't fly anywhere close to him or Yaz so it wasn't like lowering himself a few inches made the different between living or having his brain literally oozing out of his head instead of just metaphorically, but it made him feel safer. Not safe, not even like, kinda safe, but it was all relative, right?

The knocking continued, the gunfire didn't, and soon its harbinger quieted as well. Daniel sat nervously, waiting for a renewed assault at the door or the sound of a window breaking or something, but nope. Sweet silence except for the ringing inside his ears that was really just another addition to the cacophony that was his mind. Okay that sounded a whole lot edgier than he had intended. He could picture the type of person who would have that on a t-shirt in his mind, and he didn't like that person. Might not be fair to judge, but Daniel had literally created them, he at least had the right to glance over and go like 'nah.'

"It was, uh, just a housewarming party?" Daniel laughed, quick and awkward. More like choking, really. "'Cause I mean, the alternative is someone just tried to kill us, but like, really halfheartedly? And I have literally no idea what to do with that information?"
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Post by Somersault »

((Natali Greer and Kyran Dean continued from Septic))

Natali didn’t know how long she’d been walking. More accurately, she didn’t how long Kyran had been walking, carrying her. Regardless of how long it was taking, walking through trees and more trees, trying to steer clear of wannabe murderers that might have been lurking in the trees and bushes, until finally they came across hills and then more hills. However, there was one absolute constant during their whole journey here.

The utter silence that passed between the two of them.

On her part, she wasn’t exactly sure what she could tell Kyran. What, sorry for being such a bitch? Thanks for not leaving me in the woods because I couldn't really walk? Was there really anything she could say that would make the situation less awkward? She hated silence, she really did, but that didn't mean she was going to fill the place up with useless words or whatever. If she annoyed him, she might be left, a girl with a screwed-up leg in the forest with only her bag and a gun. At least the gun was there. That was important, even if holding it still gave her goosebumps. Still, they continued to trudge through, Natali holding her duffel in her lap because she wasn't sure where else she could put it, and so they continued walking, trying to look for any sign of Kris.

She didn't really know the other girl, and the short time she had spent with here wasn't pleasant. But in any case, she wasn't exactly in a position to make decisions like that, and so she was carried on this wild goose-chase, trying to look for a blonde figure through the tall trees. A hopeless one, really, but she was pretty sure the guy holding her wasn't going to appreciate that opinion. But, eh. If he wasn't trying to kill her, she was pretty cool with it all. Still kind of a jerk, but at least he wasn't a murderous one. Could she really ask for more?

It was as she mused about the benefits of this that she spotted a structure in the distance, an almost strange sight standing up, above all of the hills that surrounded it, a far cry from the trees that had earlier entirely surrounded her, or even the showers she had fled from. She involuntarily shuddered at that thought, trying not to think of Blaine or Simon. She got out alive, didn't she? Wasn't that what mattered? Couldn't they just go up and rest in that cabin? Have a bit of time for her leg to heal, get everything in order? Put on her actual running shoes? Yeah, it was going to be amazing.

Unfortunately, that was when she heard the gunshots, and that was when her eyes widened.

Turning to Kyran, she looked up in surprise.

"You know what? We should probably get out of this place while we can. Like, right now."

She wasn't going to stay here to get shot. She had way too many close calls with crazy people already, and she had no plans on having another one anytime soon.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Cake »

It was kind of nice. Peaceful even. Kyran could run without hearing Natali run her mouth. Ideal situation.

Well, it was nice while lasted.

The quiet was gone, the all too familiar sounds of bullets thundered the air and Natali spoke again, but she was right.

He'd hoped to find Kris by now, thought maybe she'd found her way to this isolated cabin, but she'd been nowhere to be seen, like a spirit in the wind. Maybe he could have found her, caught up to her back then, but not like this, not while carrying around the injured girl in his arms like she was a bride to be, weighing him down significantly. It was a good thing he was in good condition, or else he'd probably be feeling the pressure by now. A lot more than what he was feeling right now at least.

It was still really awkward too.

Another flurry of gunshots near the distant cabin; Kyran nearly dropped Natali.

"Yeah," he wasn't an idiot. They'd find Kris somewhere else, because she wasn't either. You hear the gunshots you don't run to them.

"We go the other way."

But first.

He lowered her to the ground.

"Can you walk?"

She tried moving. Looks like answer was no.

"Alright, uh. Climb on my back."

She stared at him. Great, that made things ten times worse.

"It's faster."
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Post by Somersault »

Wait. Climb on his back? Like a piggyback ride? Seriously?

Wait. It was faster? Well, this day just kept on getting weirder and weirder.

"Seriously? You want to give me a piggyback ride?"

One raised eyebrow, and a nod. Well, it was probably a lot less awkward than how he was carrying her before, and yes, a quick tentative shake of her leg suggested it was still gonna be out of commission for a while. Well, frick. Looked like she was stuck with the Magic Piggyback Ride after all. Better that than dead, she guessed. There were many things in life that were better than ending up here, murdered by the people she used to call her classmates. But, there was no time to dwell on that. Had to survive, had to.

Still though, the piggyback ride called, and she guessed she had to answer.

"Okay? I mean, yeah, as long as you don't drop me or any other shit like that."

This was turning out just wonderful. It was, it really was.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Cake »

Natali was doing it wrong, practically choking him out as she climbed, knees pressing into the curve of his spine, fingers rubbing into the knife slit on his face, like new found fire. If he didn't know better, he'd swear she was trying to kill him.

"Ow, careful."

Kyran knew he wouldn't be able to fire a weapon if he’d need to or even be able to navigate well. He'd have to really rely on Natali here. Be his compass. Lead the way.

He started to stand and already, Natali was sliding off.

"Don't fall."

That meant hold on, Natali. Stop with the sleeper hold already.

"Alright ready?"

Gunshots. Scurried feet. Sprinting down the - other - way. They were gone.

[[Kyran Dean and Natali Greer, Continued To: Lonely Rivers Flow To The Sea.]]
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Post by Deamon »

Yaz pushed herself back and up against the wall, her breathing slowly regulating itself as her heart rate decreased.

Whoever the fuck that was they weren't friendly. They were also trying too hard to be creepy, but fuck if it wasn't working. She was scared of whoever that had been.

Daniel tried to play it off but...yeah...she wasn't buying it. It was hard to comprehend. That someone had just tried to kill them for no other reason then the fact they had been there. Whoever had been shooting had no idea who had been inside the cabin because it didn't matter to them who it was. That...yeah...that. Heavy shit.

"Ok, ok, ok." She let a long shaky breath out and laughed at Daniel's joke a little herself. "Shit. Right. Ok." She breathed out again and looked over at Daniel.

"I don't think we can stay here. We should like...go somewhere else for a bit. Just in case they come back." Voice still fucked, check.

She stood up using to wall and snorted slightly, trying to clear her airways. Nose still fucked, check.

"I'll, uh, I'll go look for somewhere. Just like somewhere nearby where we can hide out until Baxter and Maxwell get back. If I can't find anywhere I'll come back and we'll stay here."

She took a step forward off the wall to stand on her own.

"What do you think?"
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Post by delicateMachine »

"That sounds smart? Yeah, just, like... just stay safe, alright?" Daniel said, echoing his earlier farewell towards Brandon and Maxwell. He'd been sure to word it to sound as not-final as possible so hopefully that'd tip the narrative in their scales? In their favor. The scales, in their favor. The narrative scales tipped in their favor so everyone was happy and cool. There we go.

It hadn't been long enough to practically be worried about them not being back yet; but Daniel was worrying anyway. It was sorta his thing.

"When you get back, uh; would you mind not knocking? For obvious reasons? Like, just throw a rock through the window or something and I'll get the door open for you."
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Post by Deamon »

She nodded in response to what Daniel said as her hand unconsciously fiddled with the knife in her pocket.

Once she had built up the courage to leave she picked up her bag and slid it along the floor to Daniel.

"I won't be gone long and...if it's here I have to come back..." Yeah awkward. "I'll be back as quickly as possible. I promise." Hell, she didn't want to be out there at all if she was being honest.

After a moment to steady her breathing Yaz turned the knife over in her hand. She thumbed the blade and tapped it before sighing heavily.

"Fuck it."

She pulled the knife out of her pocket and slid it to Daniel as well.

"It's no use to me. I'm tiny and weak, plus people have guns y'know?" She gave as good a grin as she could. "Stay safe Daniel."

Luckily she was small enough that she could move the barricade back slightly and slip through the door without having to take the whole thing done.

Once she was outside Yaz sniffed a few times and looked around at the area.

She would have loved to be able to take photos of it.

((Yasmin "Yaz" Carrol continued elsewhere...))
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Post by delicateMachine »

"Stay safe. Yeah. I can do that. You do that too, alright Yaz? I'll be safe and you'll be safe, and that's like, twice the safety. Safety. Safe. Safe and secure in safety. Safe is a word. S-a-f-e. The 'f' seems fake now. Shoot," Daniel said, Yaz already being long gone. He'd thought that talking to himself to fill the silence would accomplish something, but all he'd managed to do was ruin a perfectly good word for a while.

Any other options for him? He prodded the knife that Yaz had graciously, foolishly gifted to him. Looked like a knife. Sharp. Bloody. Was it real blood? Where'd they get it?

Oh. Mr. Dolph had plenty to spare. Wasn't like he needed it anymore. Since, like, he didn't have brains. Anymore.

Okay yeah getting the knife away from him was the biggest priority. Daniel nudged it with his foot, being sure to avoid the blood. It went sliding across the room, into a corner somewhere. It was fine, he saw where it went. He could give it back to Yaz when she came back. Hopefully she hadn't made the same assumption about the source of the blood? Daniel wasn't an 'ignorance is nice sometimes' sorta guy but he wasn't really in the mood to share this particular breakthrough, so he'd just have to hope

Three gunshots. Decently far away. Daniel thought they were gunshots, at least. Like, maybe someone had found some fireworks and was having a party? But if they'd done that they'd probably wait for it to be night so they could appreciate the cool explosions, so yeah. Probably gunshots. Probably couldn't forget the sound of bullets bursting through and ricocheting around the cabin if he tried.

He got up, with some difficulty. Not the hardest he'd had to willpower that day, but it was still like, non-zero. He trudged towards the barricade, nudged it back towards the door to fix the tiny opening Yaz had made as she left. Better safe than less safe, right? During this whole process there were four more gunshots. Wasn't a great sign, but at least they hadn't gotten any closer.

Daniel trudged to a chair, this time. Collapsed into it. Waited for Yaz. Worried about everything.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Brandon never came back. Maxwell never came back. Yaz never came back.

There had to be a perfectly good explanation that, right? They could be fine. They could be fine. They could be fine. They could be fine.

By the end of the day, Daniel was absolutely certain that they were all dead. He could feel it in his gut. Rachael, too. Everyone in book club. Everyone on the soccer team. He was alone, and useless, and everyone was dead, and even though he didn't know that he knew it. Could picture it in his head, however much he didn't want to.

The mysterious shooty-gun-person never came back either, at least? That was a plus.

((Daniel only stopped worrying once he finally fell asleep.))
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