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Re: Rock the Flock

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:52 pm
by Aster
The exact opposite happened.

They came upstairs, or at least one of them did. Regina's words came faster than Tucker could process the face. It was Yagmur: a friend of a friend, but nonetheless a familiar face. Pretty big fellow, and admittedly someone he didn't want to run into on SOTF. That, combined with the gun in his hand and the golden bandanna immediately invalidated him as a potential ally. He wasn't prepared for a fight and neither was Regina, but he gripped his knife anyway.

Regina murmured to 'play along' before letting out a scream. Tucker recoiled, but as he jumped Yagmur went over to steady his ally, tucking his gun away. He asked if they were leaving before scooping up Regina, motioning for Tucker to follow behind.

He hesitated, but remembered Regina's warning. Nodding and putting away his own knife, he replied. "Uh, yeah. We heard gunshots and thought it was a good idea to hightail it outta here."

Tucker continued as the three of them made it to the bottom of the stairs. "...Gene? Did he happen to...uh, tumble down these stairs? Cause that guy killed a girl up there and whacked Regina in the leg." He didn't particularly trust Yagmur, though if he was being friendly than Tucker saw no reason not to return the favor. Besides, he thought, he could ask him if he'd seen anything: his own teammates, any recent kills, get a new perspective.

Re: Rock the Flock

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:24 pm
by KamiKaze

Bella's head snapped up. A chill ran up and down her spine. It was loud and pained, too. She pulled herself to her feet, her knees wavering. It came upstairs, didn't it? The pogo stick was in her shaking hands.


Yagmur had just gone up there, and if people were screaming, that wasn’t good. Bella felt something in her throat. She couldn’t run away. She wouldn’t. Instead, there was one other option.

Her heart started pounding again as she approached the stairs, stepping over Gene without looking. As she bolted up as quickly as possible, Bella tripped slightly on a bottom step. Already her mind was picturing all sorts of unpleasant scenarios. Maybe someone was getting hurt again. It didn’t sound like Yagmur. Too feminine. But she had to check it out.

As she turned across the spiral staircase, she saw Yagmur. There were two other people with him. They must had been from the other school too. One was a boy with orange hair that seemed familiar somehow. The other was a girl with brown hair who Yagmur was propping up against him. Were they friends of his? Maybe. She didn’t know for sure.

Bella stopped. She had been holding the pogo in her hand like a baseball bat, but her fingers only loosened somewhat.

“Are… are you alright?” she breathed out. “I heard screaming, and…”

Re: Rock the Flock

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:57 pm
by Imehal*
[Permission still stands.]
Her vision swam, shifted. Regina was dimly aware that she was no longer standing, or trying to. That realisation, unfortunately, had been replaced by the pressure on her injury that came hand in hand with Yagmur’s assistance. Tucker’s voice was recognisable, but every jolt of movement as they descended prevented her from reacting to what was going on around her, let alone speaking. Teeth gritted, she instead clutched at the Nulla Nulla in her hands – refused to cling to her classmate, and telling herself over and over that she had planned for this.

That barely stopped the panic that had begun to work its way into her mind alongside the pain and tentative planning, tensing in Yagmur’s arms and hoping that the jostling would be over. That soon she would be able to stand on her own two feet again. Also, when had it become so cold out here?

Then there was a third voice. This time Regina forced herself to shift in the secure hold that was taking her down the staircase, not saying a word as she looked over the girl that was waiting for them – for Yagmur. There was no flicker of recognition; another unwanted anomaly in her plans. To be honest, she was getting a little sick of them.

“Fine,” she insisted, even whilst pale and tensed further in Yagmur’s arms, well aware that the stranger had not been addressing her, “can we just get out of here and go somewhere-“

Speech broke off, a spasm of pain taking precedent over her faculties. “-warm?” And with just a bit of luck, she might even get there before things went really badly. I cannot afford another Tucker. I cannot afford any more weakness. Regina told herself she would be able to manage – told herself that she did not need help. It turned out that only a year’s worth of lying to herself so well made it really easy to believe that.

Re: Rock the Flock

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:46 pm
by General Goose
((Hate to do this, but have no time. Will fill in tomorrow or Friday.))

Yagmur got out. He did not die.

((Yagmur Tekindor continued in Picking Up The Pieces.))

Re: Rock the Flock

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:57 pm
by Aster
((Same. GM of Regina and Bella approved by their handlers))

They reached the bottom of the stairs and met another girl, the one with Yagmur: probably from the other school. She was clutching the pogo stick Gene had used to kill Bunny, but the girl's cobalt bandanna caught Tucker's eye. She was one of Regina's teammates.

He only half-listened to her questions as he processed the fact. This girl was likely to ally with Regina, making Tucker the potential third wheel here. He hoped that she'd be friendly enough towards him while he was with Regina, but somehow he didn't trust her nor Yagmur. If he was with her, the four might stick together until they found more teammates. That alone should give him reason to trust the two, but their different bandannas marked them all as enemies. Regina may have been on a different team, but she was an ally for the time being. When he thought more about it, he didn't completely trust Regina. He bore no ill will towards her, but didn't really think she had his best interests at heart in the long run.

While he was thinking, Regina asked to be brought someplace warm, and Yagmur had gone off with Regina in hand. Snapping out of it, he scrambled after the two, hearing the other girl following as well. Like it or not, he had to trust Yagmur and the girl. At least for the time being. Regina implied that it was a ruse back up on the stairs, but she might change her mind when she sees that one of her teammates was also present. Either way, they all left the tower for good.

He trusted that they were indeed going someplace warm.

((Tucker Hopkins, Regina Aston and Bella Bianchi continued in Picking Up The Pieces))