You Snooze, You Lose

Start of Cobalt Jellyfish 1; open!

In the small, cozy little town lies the Mauna Loa Condominium, a white building six stories high. Inside the building are all sorts of condos - from singles to family sized - all decorated in the cozy decorum of a tropical paradise. Each condo has a balcony to the outside and 12 square feet of space, all pre-furnished with polyester furniture.
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Post by KamiKaze »

After Eden nodded, Bella walked over to her bag, still sitting on the carpet where she left it. Hoisting it by the strap, she sat down on the recliner again, the bag in her lap.

It was still unzipped, leaving everything out on display. Bella gently pushed her hands through it, occasionally lifting the various goods inside it. There was plenty of food to last her more than a while. She never had Slim Jims before, but there was what appeared to be a vacuum wrapped sandwich, plenty of bread, some blue Powerade, water, saltines, and even Skittles.


Bella pulled the bag of candy out. Yes, Skittles. She was never really allowed to have sweets, so that was a small plus. She had to admit, despite her not being supposed to have them she liked sweet, sugary goods. And they gave her an entire bag. Not a large one, but still, a bag.

Maybe she would have a go at that sometime later.

Placing the Skittles back into the bag, she continued searching. A large plastic bag was filled with some kind of frilly blue and pink fabric. She had to guess that was her costume? She wasn't sure if she should take a look to see what exactly they gave her, though, at least not right now. Other things you would typically expect from a daypack were in there too: maps, compass, first aid kit, extra clothes, and even a condom, as unnecessary as it was. One thing seemed slightly out of place, and that was a small package.

It took Bella a second to realize she was holding a small box of sleeping pills. That was... unusual.

But she couldn't help but look around her, to see if she missed any sort of weapon just laying around. Nothing in sight near the recliner, and nothing in sight inside the bag.

Did they give her a joke?

Joke weapons were not out of the norm. In fact, it happened pretty frequently. Sometimes they could be humorous, or maybe useful in their own right. But it meant improvising if you had to defend yourself, or... you know. When you're the one with the joke, it's generally not a good thing.

Well, that wasn't a good start weapon-wise.

Bella frowned. Unless she could figure out how to hurt someone with sleeping pills... but that would require actually plotting someone's death by poisoning them. Poisoning was hard to justify, no matter what. It was already bad enough that she had to kill someone to begin with, but the idea of deliberately poisoning someone, putting some sleeping pills in their food and drink, waiting for them to keel over...

She wasn't even sure how possible it was to actually poison someone with sleeping pills, but the very idea of doing something like that only increased that pit in her stomach.

As she pulled out the plastic bag with the fabric again to examine it further, she heard Eden ask if they should stick around. Bella peered up from the clothes bag.

"Well. It's generally a good idea to move around. Or... be ready to do so. They force you out of areas sometimes with dangerzones."

The bag gently crinkled as she lowered it.

"On the other hand. It's good to stay someplace you feel is safe enough for a little while, I feel. What do you think?"
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Will* »

Eden saw Bella’s face scrunch up into a frown as she searched her bag. She obviously hadn't gotten a very good weapon either. Although, she doubted whatever Bella got could be worse than a chair. Either way, they weren't going to last long without anything to protect themselves with. They’d either have to try and find a weapon on the island which could be pretty easy to do, although they probably wouldn't find a good one, or team up with someone who did have one.  

When Bella responded to Eden, it got her thinking. She’d almost forgotten about danger zones. Being in a hotel wouldn't be the best place to stay if it got announce as a danger zone and they’d have to try and navigate their way out of a maze of corridors and floors to get to the exit. However, as Bella suggested, it would be safer to stay at the hotel; they knew that there wasn't anyone around their immediate vicinity and if someone else was to enter the area it would be unlikely they would find the pair of them as a result of the many rooms.

“Hmm, yeah you’re right. We should probably camp out here for a while longer. Besides, we have almost everything we need right here, it’s like having our own miniature house.”

Stepping back into the room, Eden closed the door and strolled over to the sofa. She slumped down and stretched out her legs and arms, her body was aching a lot after laying in the bath tub for god knows how long. She looked across at Bella who still had her bag on her lap.

“So, what weapon did you get?” Eden asked. She then noticed another bag made of plastic on Bella’s lap which had some sort of blue and pink thing in it. “And what’s that?” She said whilst nodding towards the plastic bag.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Bella smiled again. It was kind of like a little house, wasn't it? This room could easily be their home, at least until the next announcement. They could stay here for a little while.

The only other major problem had just occurred to her, though.

Eden snapped her out of her thoughts once more by sitting down and asking about the weapon, as well as the fabric inside her bag.

"I guess they didn't give me anything good", she said, a sheepish look on her face. "I found sleeping pills, though?"

Gently placing her tote on the ground before, Bella pulled open the plastic bag, now that it was a topic of discussion. Curiosity was just bugging her right now.

"As for this..."

She gingerly tugged it out, seeing that it was a... confection. Confection was the right word. It appeared to be a blue jumper dress, with pink lace on the skirt- almost the color of cotton candy.

Feeling the need to explain, she said "They give you extra clothes sometimes, but usually they're the kind of thing for..."

She searched for the word.


There was more, though, and as Bella looked through the bag a bit more, placing the articles of clothing next to her on the armrest, she saw what looked to be an equally pink petticoat, a pair of white bloomers, a pink blouse that was probably supposed to be layered underneath, matching socks, and even what appeared to be bows to attach somewhere.

In summary: it was the most girly outfit she had ever seen in her life. And she was a dancer.

Still staring at the bag's contents, she couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. Maybe she'd wear it just for laughs, but she wasn't sure how well she could run in a dress like this, or if she wanted to risk dying in it. It obviously wasn't something she'd wear regularly, except maybe in a play, but the whole concept was making her giggle a little bit.

"Anyways, until next announcement, at the very least. Sounds good?" Bella added, folding up the frilly dress into the bag.

The issue still floated around in her mind. The truth was, Bella knew Shadi was here. It was kind of obvious that she would be... at consideration, to say the least, seeing as everyone in their grade could have been picked. But she saw her at the start, even if briefly. She wasn't sure who else from school was taken aside from her, Shadi, Eden, and Matt, but it still made her worried.

Shadi was a big girl, no doubt, and hopefully she got a good draw to protect herself. The two of them had seen SOTF before, too, so she would know something about strategy. But she still couldn't help but be worried about her. What if someone killed her before they could have found each other?

Bella didn't want something bad to happen to her.

Some part of her wanted to tell Eden that Shadi was here, that they should look for her when they're ready to head out. But she said nothing, only smiling.

It was their little miniature house for the time being, after all.

((Bella Bianchi continued in The Jellies Experience))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Will* »

((I don't have enough time to get a post up at the moment, but I'm not going to hold this area up any longer))

((Eden Bishop continued in Kill Your Heroes))
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