The Noose of Time


To the south of the mess hall lies the ruins of what must have once been some form of barracks or living facility.The building, however, has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber—the result of improper safety precautions in storage of explosives that eventually led to the abandonment of the entire island as an unsafe workplace. The building was clearly rather large, with the wreckage indicating a number of distinct rooms. The entire place is quietly ominous, a situation not helped by the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings at once.
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Post by Aura »

Well, at least Keiji wasn't totally oblivious.  Way too optimistic, but at least he knew what was going on.  Or at least Adonis as pretty sure that he knew.  Well, whatever.  Point is, at least the guy was still connected to reality.  That was more than he could say for half the assholes he had run into so far.

But still, there was something about just how sure Keiji was that everything was gonna be fine that pissed him off.  Adonis didn't feel like talking much longer, so he was gonna take one last shot at talking some sense into the guy.

"Look man, don't be a fuckin' idiot, alright?  I saw someone get shot.  Don't just count on someone to fly in and save you, because no one saved her, alright?  If you wanna get outta here, you actually need a plan."  He squinted at the cheerful airhead.  "You got a plan?"
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Post by Namira »

Saying Keiji trailed off wouldn't be completely accurate because it would suggest he'd been on much of a trail in the first instance.

What he did do was stop for several long seconds.

"What else is there, man?" he brushed off Adonis calling him an idiot, cause Donny was still grumpy as heck. "We gotta wait it out."

Keiji tried really hard not to think about someone getting shot, or the two people who had ran past him firing at one another, or the multiple gunshots he'd heard all through the day.

He did not succeed.
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Post by Aura »

"Waitin' it out, huh?"

Yeah, Adonis was pretty sure that this wasn't gonna go anywhere else.  Keiji's mind was pretty made up, and it sure as hell wasn't changing.  If the guy just wanted to sit there and see what happened, then there wasn't really much that he could do about it.  He supposed the best he could do was try not to be a total shitter about the whole thing.

"So yeah, you're good here?"
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Post by Namira »

"I'm great. Yeah, totally. You uh, you going somewhere, Donny?"

He had the sense that it was what Adonis was angling towards.

Keiji was also aware—uncomfortably so—that he hadn't been down with his idea. So like, what was Adonis's?
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Post by Aura »

Adonis shrugged.  "I dunno.  Don't know where to go, but I don't wanna stay put."

How was he supposed to put this?  He still didn't want to kill anyone, that was for damn sure.  But he wasn't just going to sit around and wait for someone to come for him either.  No matter what way he looked at it, he was in a shit situation.  They all were.  He could say that he was trying to make the best of it, but that would be a damn lie.  He just wanted to survive.

Actually... yeah, that sounded like a good way to put it.

"I guess I'm gonna try to stay alive."
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Post by Namira »

Keiji nodded enthusiastically. His doubts were a little set to rest; Adonis seemed down with the general idea of waiting things out, even if was playing all hard to get about it. Try to stay alive; that was pretty much the same thing, far as Keiji was concerned.

"Yeah! Like, don't do the die!"


That sounded better in his head.

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Post by Aura »

... Adonis was choosing not to respond to Keiji's attempt at reassurance.  Instead, he tapped his hand against the side of the wall and gave his farewells.

"Alright.  Later man."

He stopped leaning over the wall and turned to walk away.  Thinking back on it "later" might not have been the best word to use since he was probably never going to see Keiji again, but fuck it, it worked.  Besides, with Keiji being all optimistic and stuff, he probably thought that the two of them would run into each other again tomorrow or something.  Poor bastard.

It was mid-afternoon, but Adonis was dead tired.  Probably had something to do with all the time he spent running away from girls with guns.  He just wanted to find a place to crash.  Maybe for a couple hours, maybe for all night.  He took out his map to see if there was anywhere that seemed at least decent nearby.

... Wait, didn't he just leave a big, burned out building behind?


Adonis folded his map and turned around.

((Adonis Alba continued in Good Morning, You Idiot))
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Post by Namira »

"Uh, yeah! Good talk, Donny!"

And there he went.

Keiji picked himself up and dusted himself off.

Everything was going to be okay so long as he kept his cool. Just like in a big game. The bad guys were trying to psyche him and all the rest of them out. So keep their cool and they all won and got to go home.

Everything was going to be okay.

((Keiji continued in It's a—wait, hang on a sec...))
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