I've Passed the Point of no Return

Open; Post-announcement

The cargo hold and engine rooms of the cruise ship, as well as crew quarters and other areas not intended to be seen by the guests, comprise the bowels. These are the lowest points of the ship, and unlike the well-decorated upper levels, the aesthetic is sparse and functional. The bare metal walls are stained with rust, and low-hanging pipes are common. Given the ship's size, this area falls well below the waterline, leaving ambient noise strange and unsettling, and creating a stifling atmosphere. The cargo hold is full of wooden crates, creating an artificial maze, though most of the crates are empty and those that are not are mostly filled with screws and bolts rendered inoperable by manufacturing defects; these were brought in by the producers to populate the area.
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Rhonda leaving hadn’t gone through Verity’s head quite yet because she heard those noises somewhere in the close distance and it was like… you heard them and you knew they weren’t good noises. Like how she always heard her parents footsteps move through the house around the corner right up to her bedroom door. Like how everything just went silent right before the lights went out. Like the crunch and the scream that had entered the air right after Timothy flew. Like the burst of gunfire that she’d made in the dining hall. Like the tinnitus screech that had enveloped her ears once she opened her eyes and saw the consequences. The presence of the sea, the rush of ripples and waves that told her right back then and there that she hadn’t died. That she was going to be who she was no matter what. Didn’t even matter that Keegan hadn’t died. Didn’t even matter that it was still only the one. This was going to go bad. She was going to make things go bad. There was no escape.

The crash against the ground across the corner told her that. The sound of flesh on flesh. Outburst. Noises.


She moved. Not the same way Rhonda did. She followed Leah across the corner and when the new hallway came into vision she saw the two girls. Silhouette. Two dark shapes in front of a dark background, roughly about ten metres away. One of the girls had just hit the other. The other was recovering.

This was going to go bad. Even down here there was no escape.

“Don’t,” her mouth said, to nobody in particular. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. “Don’t-”
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She felt a rather concerning lingering effect, despite the fact that she heard no footsteps following her. Verity did not follow her. The two other contestants did not. She had been walking for a lengthy amount of time. It was likely she would vacate the area. She would do so with little chance of incident. There was no reason. None for this.

Her hand was still in her pocket. It was still early to declare the situation safe. Dare say, it was hard to call any situation in SOTF safe at all. The right hand was positioned along the wall, almost…like, a compass? Or a map.

Towards a taller…

Everything exploded. Arm. Shoulder. Chest. White. Her collarbone. There was concrete.

A thump so sharp, it was nearly a crack, the hits came in succession, one by a humanoid, the other by a cold wide expansion of solid cement. But they were muffled, perhaps by her jacket

Or by the intensity. The sudden experience of bone on bone, elbow to collarbone, back to cement. But it was not the feeling that made it worse, made it sear like heatless fire, or a bomb that hit ground zero and spread across the land with purple radiation.

The deflation of the lungs were harsh, drying out her skeletal vocal cords, a gust of wind forced through a small, fragile opening with shrill protest.

Inhaling was painful. Did it anyways.

The spots did not fade from her retina. A blind spot covered the humanoid contestant’s face. It didn’t matter. Did not matter.

The bones, heavy. Unwilling like-

Both hands were on the floor, one taken out. She rose, despite the weight, pushed with her arms.

The ballet dancer kicked with her dominant leg, towards their right shin.
[+] Characters
SOTF-TV V3: (Relationship Thread Here)

Chris Tyrrell - Currently working at What can I fix you with?

The Program V3:

Lucy Arkwright -- Currently dreaming in Sing Us A Song; You're The Piano Man
Molly McKenzie -- Currently looking death in the eye in The Seagull

The Program V2.5:

Edward Taylor -- Currently rescued in...And An Ending.
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Post by Fenrir »

The person she hit went down and it wasn’t until they were on the ground that Akeno had a chance to see who it was. As she had suspected it was Rebecca, running towards her, running from something, now down for the count and breathing harshly through the pain.

Akeno hesitated.

Should she continue? Attack while the girl was still dazed, make sure she couldn’t recover, then wrap the wire around her neck like she had Maxine? Her hand twitched towards her pocket at the thought. She should, she needed to, the only question was if she would have enough time. Emmy’s warning remained a factor; two killers, other than herself.

As it turned out, she didn’t have any time at all. Another girl came around the corner almost immediately, almost silently compared to the running girl, just in time to make things more complicated and to witness whatever came next. Akeno didn’t recognise them; they were about as tall as Rebecca, but seemed taller with how thin they were. The important part was that she didn’t appear to be armed and she wasn’t on the same team as her; neither of them was.

Could she take them both? She said she wouldn’t risk fighting against greater numbers again after the ferry, but Rebecca was already down and would stay that way if Akeno acted quickly enough and this new girl didn’t look like much of a threat. Another two kills now would put her way ahead of the game, but the chance of being interrupt…


Verity was here; the Verity who had pushed someone to their death. Now she knew who one of the killers was, at least; luckily it wasn’t Seo-Yun or things could have gotten messy. Three people was definitely too much for her to try and fight right now though, which made the decision of what to do next a lot easier.

Akeno stepped back from Rebecca and turned to the other two girls with her hands raised like she had a gun pointed at her. The worst thing that could happen right now was the three of them deciding she was the common threat so she needed to sell them on the idea that she wasn’t an enemy, that this was a misunderstanding, so that she could defuse this situation before it escalated.

“She was ru-“ Pain exploded in her right shin and she hopped away from the girl who had just lashed out at her from the ground. She reigned in the instinct to retaliate, to kick her hands out from under her as she attempted to pick herself up, and tried again. “She ran at me; I reacted. I don’t want this to turn into a fight.”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Yonagoda »

‘Hell of a lotta fight for someone who doesn’t want one,’ were the words she wanted to say. She skidded to a stop, stumbling on one leg and then another before finally balancing herself.

‘I Don’t trust that,’ she wanted to blurt out.

Or maybe it was something along the lines of ‘then why did you choose to hit her first?’

Or was it ‘I’m an easier kill than her’?

Whatever it was, it wasn’t something that she actually said.

Leah hadn’t technically been in a fight before. Anthony did it for her. She wasn’t a fighter. It wasn’t a role that she was made to do. It wasn’t in her character. She wasn’t supposed to be a fighter and she wasn’t supposed to be proactive.


A screech so loud that it drowned out all the other sounds in this rumbling ship. Leah savored the taste of the swear on her tongue.

She stepped over the taller girl’s body and put her hand over the kicker, forming her body into a little wall.

“Hey guys, uh.”

No. That voice was too soft.

“Save the violence for later.”

It was only the first day. She almost couldn’t fathom why people would choose violence so quickly, much less to kill.

“We can afford to wait it out.”

Leah hated conflict. She couldn’t get why people chose to fight. Leah never chose violence against other people when she had any other choice, and she always had other choices before.

Leah hated the people who chose to fight other people. She hated how she couldn’t understand them, and sometimes she hated how she couldn’t be them.

Did they go in expecting to win?

Did they ever consider what they could lose?

Did they even think at all before they fought?

Violence and bloodshed against people weren’t concepts that felt like they existed to her. She has only punched one person before, on instinct, and they ate ice cream together and made up like little kids do. She apologized, he apologized, everything was fine.

Leah usually hated the people who hurt other people, but she made exceptions to murderers by her side.
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This was okay. She couldn’t quite see who the people on the other side of the hall were because she’d lost her glasses but that was okay. Leah had suddenly screamed really loud and that had caused Verity to put her gun down in way more of a jolt motion than she would’ve liked, but that was okay. This was okay. There wasn’t any violence happening here. There wasn’t going to be any violence happening here. The four of them could walk away and nobody would get hurt. This wouldn’t go bad. There was an escape from this. This could be okay.

“Okay,” she said, after Leah’s noise faded out. “I, um, don’t know who either of you are right now, but… Leah’s right. We, um, can all walk away from this.”

It was like a square. Each person had their own little corner. In the bottom right was Verity, gun by her side, barrel pointed at the person to her left. In the top right — across the hall to Verity — was the… Shadow Defender. The girl who’d been knocked to the ground. She was still there, for now. To Shadow Defender’s right — the top left corner — was Shadow Attacker, who was currently not attacking. In the bottom left, next to Verity, was Leah. She was… she was fine, right now. She was okay. This was okay. This was going to be okay.

She took a breath.

She took a breath.
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Flashes of monochrome, as if a phantom flash bang eruptted next to her collar bone, the waves of aftermath from such a tiny bomb still rung in her mind. A torturous hum that took centre stage, and allowed only the lights on it, leaving the voices of the small chorus in shadows-


Anthropoid shadow communicated in such a strange way, that the person on the floor, she, she interpreted it...shallowly? There were no words in the vault that she could grasp for. There was no literary block that had stopped her from understanding them. There was only a slight inference from a rapidly irrelevant humming diva. But she couldn't understand what they were saying nonetheless.


Cut this out.

Stand up.

Rebecca holding onto a crate, rose from the concrete. The cement still had an effect on her back even though she had stood up. The cobwebs in her head finally began to clear up, with the help of the force repressing how she felt. There was no scream. There was no crying. There would be none. There was no pain. Not much.

For not the last time, Rebecca did not understand anyone in the room.

Them. Rebecca would have run. Why would people do that?

"That- that makes little s-sense,"

The killer. How would one kill so easily? What goes through their thoughts? Did They want to do that to her all along?

Hemingway. How would one expect not to attack or kill? This was SOTF, of course some would begin to kill.

The left side of her brain told her Rebecca was a hypocrite. And why was she still here, this was dangerous and it was a poor idea to reply-

"Could it be you w-wanted to um, already wanted to uh...umm...find me?"

Negotiate. There must be calm.

"I uh...don't think you, or me, want to draw our first blood. Not here. At least. Later."

Rebecca wanted to leave. Her throat felt so dry.
[+] Characters
SOTF-TV V3: (Relationship Thread Here)

Chris Tyrrell - Currently working at What can I fix you with?

The Program V3:

Lucy Arkwright -- Currently dreaming in Sing Us A Song; You're The Piano Man
Molly McKenzie -- Currently looking death in the eye in The Seagull

The Program V2.5:

Edward Taylor -- Currently rescued in...And An Ending.
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Post by Fenrir »

She was the bad guy here.

It was a designation she had wanted to avoid, because being the only bad guy in a room full of good guys was a terrible place to be, but given the scene that these girls had just walked in on it was unavoidable. Even if they didn’t recognise her or realise who she was, what she had done, she was the aggressor here and Rebecca the victim; it was hard to spin the situation to make her not come across as a threat when they had just seen her hit someone so hard that they were still picking themselves up.

But they hadn’t turned on her yet. The thinner girl placed herself between Akeno and Rebecca like she was trying to break up a fight on the schoolyard and screeched so loud that Akeno felt it press against her eardrums, but that was all she did. Verity stood to the side with a gun, a fucking gun that Akeno hadn’t noticed until just now, but it wasn’t pointed at anything but the floor; the most dangerous person here had actually lowered the gun once Akeno had put her hands up.

That was fine with her; any decision that led to her avoiding a fight she wouldn’t win was the correct one in her books. If Verity wanted them to walk away from this then she had no problem with that. There was no need to draw first blood, or second blood for some of them, down here in the belly of this ship. She was fine with all of that.


Something the tall girl said bothered her, other than the screaming, something she couldn’t let go of; Akeno could absolutely, under no circumstances, afford to wait this out.

Akeno was not a super-fan of SOTF, or at least she didn’t consider herself one; with someone like Lucille to compare herself to, maybe she wasn’t being fair to herself, but she knew of a few other people who were more into it than her as well. But she had given a fair amount of thought to what it took to actually make it anywhere on the show; why did some people, even if they had everything going for them on paper, die early on, while others that nobody would ever think to bet on made it all the way to the end?

The easy answer was luck and the unpredictable nature of throwing dozens of complicated individuals into a difficult situation, but as far as Akeno was concerned the biggest factor was conviction. Someone could have as much luck and as many advantages as life could give them and it meant nothing if they didn’t have the will to use it; conversely, someone could start with nothing and still manage to claw their way to the top. The game was divided into those who found their purpose and those who didn’t; those who could follow through on their goals and those who couldn’t. Anything else was just luck.

It didn’t even matter what they did exactly; there was more than one way out after all. Violence wasn’t the only answer; she would even admit it wasn’t the best answer. Some would try to escape, some would just look to survive, and some would seek out the people they cared about. But whatever they chose they would need to follow through on it with an understanding of what was at stake; their time was limited and if they wanted to succeed they needed to move faster than those around them.

Nobody could afford to wait it out.

Those who tried would flounder. They would move around uncertainly and without direction until things either began to make sense or they died. That was what Akeno was most afraid of; dying before she got a chance to even try.

Akeno wasn’t moving fast enough, the tall girl’s words reminded her of that and she immediately found herself wanting to act. While she was standing here she could feel her escape slipping away from her, could feel herself falling behind. She needed to either leave, or turn this situation to her advantage; the latter wasn’t an option so long as Verity had that gun, so she would make her exit instead.

She tried to smile, but it felt forced. It probably looked it too. “I’m just gonna leave, okay? I don’t want to fight, I just want out of this maze.” Verity said they could all walk away from this and Akeno was just hoping she was as good as her word. It’s what they all wanted. “Sorry for hitting you. You scared me, running like that.”

She began to walk backwards, slowly. Her eyes were pointed at Rebecca and the thin girl, but they darted over to Verity and the gun every few seconds. Akeno felt her foot touch the bag she had dropped earlier and she reached down to pick it up without looking away from everyone else.

It felt too much like she was backing away from a dangerous animal, so Akeno pushed herself to act more casual. Once she held her bag by the straps she turned her back on the others and began to walk away, resisting the urge to quicken her pace until she was out of sight.

ES10: AKENO KUDO CONTINUED IN When Betting On High Card Pays Off
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Yonagoda »

‘Not here, at least. Later.’

That was what she was talking about.

Verity’s confirmation of her views made her heart do a little warm flip. She didn’t know how proud she should be.

She looked to her side as the Akeno started to move away.

Verity felt like she was breathing too much, too often, too hard, even though she wasn’t exactly sure since she was wearing such a heavy jacket. Did she need help?

If she needed help, who was Leah to give it to her?

“Bye, Akeno,” she muttered, without that much emotion or force to it.

“It’s late. Like, really late.”

Duh. She was Miss Obvious, Queen of Braindead Town here. Leah couldn’t really find the right words for the situation.

“Are the both of you alright? Like, as alright as you can be?”

She wanted to explode into the girls' faces.
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

“Yeah. Um. I’m okay.”

In more ways than one. Shadow Attacker had left. Now the only person here liable to cause violence was Verity and so long as nothing happened… she was okay. This was going to be okay. Nobody here would get hurt. They could all walk away from this.

She just… had to make it safe. Walk away first. Make absolute sure that nothing here could go wrong.

“I’m, um, just going to go, if that’s...”

She looked at Leah.

“Where, um, did you say the showers were?”
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Post by Yonagoda »

“The showers were-”

And explosion of thoughts raddled her brain

“Up in the corridors. The rooms have bathrooms and showers and beds.”

Leah came to a realization.

She didn’t really need to help the girls. She didn’t have any obligation. She didn’t have to do anything. She could stab them and let them bleed out, and it wouldn’t really change much, right?

“So, um, actually, I think I have to leave. I’m… I’m tired. Sleepy, y’know? If you want a rest, you could just go up there,” she said, pointing at Rebecca and then at the ceiling.

‘I’m going to bed, y’all. Night," she lied.

She realized that she didn’t even know many of the girls’ names.

Leah wanted to ask, but she’s already taken back a question- the ‘are-you-alright’ one- and she didn’t want to come off as being too weird, so she just faked a yawn and left.

(Tagged it, she’s not here anymore.)
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »

“Not a problem.”

(because now it means there’s no chance you die)

“I was... heading off too.”

(for now)

She looked at Leah, as she went. She looked at the other girl.

“See you around, if, we, uh, see each other again.”

She took a step.

She took a step.

She took a step.

She took a breath.

She took a step.

Turned the corner.

Disappeared from sight.

((Verity Stewart, continued in Procatalepsis))
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Post by Irina Ivanov »

Stand up. Straight.

That ‘feeling’ in the upper torso area is a bundle of inflamed nerves. Nerves sent signals into the brain. It perceives it as a phenomenon known as pain.

‘Pain.’ as Rebecca believed earlier. It did not exist. It was not real.

“I a-am completely fine.”

The bone was not damaged. It was bruised. It would heal. There was no reason to be concerned. Her. Stewart was not hurt either. If anything, she was in the one with the balance, so Stewart did not need to be asked if she was alright and it made no sense to do so.


Deep breaths.

The plan is to briefly interact. Leave. Hide in a room alone. Perhaps appeal to the audience in the tapes. Leave a legacy.

No. No. Be quiet. Rebecca did not need to be Anarachy, or a pandering fan despeerate to repeat all the cliche speeches, monologues said before. She was going to live.

She needed to exchange lives for a life.

This wasn’t going to achieve it. Why was she still here?

Nothing was going well. She was fealing a sensation that she supposed was cowardice. She had faltered and floundered in the exchanges. She had nearly, died.

She didn’t need to talk to anyone. Talking creates a small but not infinitesimal probability of attachment. Talking risked enemies. It provided no benefits to her, so why…

Rebecca turned to leave, left handed method this time. She was going to find a place. She was going to rest.

She was never doing this again.

((Rebecca Roberts continued elsewhere....))
[+] Characters
SOTF-TV V3: (Relationship Thread Here)

Chris Tyrrell - Currently working at What can I fix you with?

The Program V3:

Lucy Arkwright -- Currently dreaming in Sing Us A Song; You're The Piano Man
Molly McKenzie -- Currently looking death in the eye in The Seagull

The Program V2.5:

Edward Taylor -- Currently rescued in...And An Ending.
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[+] Future Concepts
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