SOTF: Evolution Grand Archive

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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 03:10

"Morning campers, it's 00:00am here in - hah, like I'd tell you! - and that means it's time for the first announcement! Alright!"

"Ahh... mah head..."

Iris had fallen asleep.  Her head was pounding violently and she cringed as she held it.  That numb feeling in her mouth was so strong now that she couldn't feel anything when she opened her mouth.  Her jaw ached but the rest of her mouth felt absolutely nothing.  She could hear the announcement loud and clear though she rolled around on the couch, clutching her hands over her ears.  This girl's voice was shrill!  It was making her headache even worse!

"Connor Bromwell, who, woah, got shot, but not just shot, he was shot a lot. Like seriously, that Cristo guy is a total nutjob, damn."


Iris sprung up from her seat, wincing as the pain in her jaw grew.  Iris was not an idiot.  She could put two and two together pretty easily.  It didn't take much thought to realize what had happened.  Cristo had killed someone and he hadn't come back to find her.  He had abandoned her.  Iris knew not to jump to conclusions.  Perhaps he was just so shocked on how he killed someone that he couldn't bare to go see her.  She sighed, rubbing her eyes as she tried to take in what she just heard.   She got up from the couch, her eyes stained with dried tears as she walked to the window.  She hoped she could see where Cristo was.

She didn't find Cristo.  She found someone laying outside though, crumpled on the ground.  Iris blinked.  Who was that?  She took out her pistol, holding onto it with both hands as she opened the door slowly and snuck outside.  She approached the girl on the floor, her eyes growing wide.  It was Holly, the girl she met from the church.  She lowered to her knees, looking down at Holly.  She shook her shoulder.

"Holly." Iris whispered silently.  "Holly... what happened?  Holly?"

She shook Holly's shoulder.  She was out cold.  Iris didn't quite understand it.  Iris had fallen asleep but even she had woken up when the announcement came on.  Holly wasn't just sleeping.  IT was like she had worked on the farm for two days straight.  Iris could remember the time where she worked for 39 hours straight, and she went to sleep for a whole day.  Iris let out a heavy sigh as she took Holly's dufflebag and started to pick up the stuff that Holly must have dropped.  She zipped up the bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"Don' worry Holly... Holly..."  Holly was out cold so it was useless trying to talk to her.  However, Iris felt like she should at least calm Holly.  Iris smiled sadly as she managed to drag Holly up the stairs and into the mansion.  Iris had enough strength to get the girl to the couch and flip her onto it, though it took her some time.  Iris yawned, dropping the bag by the couch.  

She looked down at Holly, rubbing her arm.  Holly was about the only friend she had on this island.  If Iris was going to survive, she had to keep her close.  But... if Holly were to die what would happen?  Would Iris have less reason to live?  Iris had done alot of self-thought over the past few hours.  She thought about herself, her father.  Iris wanted to live, certainly.  However did she deserve to live more than Holly, someone she barely knew?  Iris had to think about that.  For now Iris decided just to sit down in a wooden chair nearby.  She decided it would be best if she rested her eyes, just for a little bit.

"Good morning campers!"

God damn it. Summer camp, always waking you up at the incorrect time. It wasn't as if she was up and rearing to go, oh no. In fact, her entire body was aching all over. They really needed to learn when to let people rest so that they wouldn't be throbbing all over the next day.

Wait a second, Alice left her radio on early in the morning again, didn't she? That wasn't annoying camp councilor, that was annoying DJ. See? The woman was going on about some nutcase named Cristo and how something was "gross". That name did ring a bell, but she assumed it was some weird new celebrity like Lady Gaga or that Ke$ha person, and they did something "scandalous" that the media would not shut up about for months on end, even though most people didn't give a shit about what celebrities did in their everyday lives.

Meh. She was too tired right now. Holly was just going to go back to sleep and find out later. Her mind could not even process this right now.

And so, she fell into a deep sleep once again.

Holly found herself back inside her Social Studies classroom. Today, there was a test. Mr. D was passing out the papers, yammering on about how the test worked, even though everyone knew how a test worked. There was a strange looking map on the board, but Holly paid no attention. She knew she was going to ace this test, anyways. She always did. Right? Right.

Wait, why was the teacher suddenly wearing a gas mask out of nowhere? God, Mr. D was so weird. But, for some reason she couldn't help but feel nervous. It should have been as stupid as the "upside-down chicken mask" thing she once saw in a video online about some game, but it really made her skin crawl, as if it reminded her of something. Holly found herself staring down at her paper, only to see the words "Solar Strength" written on it. But what... what was that supposed to mean?!

And was someone shouting? Something about not fucking with Conan... and then a series of noises. It sounded like... well, something.

Oh god... Holly's blood froze once she realized what that was. Gunshots.

And that's when she woke up.

Holly's eyes flickered open, finding herself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Thank god that was a nightmare. After all, why the hell would her teacher be wearing a god damn gas mask? That was as stupid as all hell. Seriously. Sure, it was a creepy looking gas mask, and it seemed as if she had seen it before in some part of her mind in some horrible fashion, but there was no reason for him to be wearing one, right?

"Jesus... what the... fuck..." Holly mumbled, placing her hand to her head.

God, her head hurt. It was as if she had been drinking again, even though she swore not to get drunk again the first time she had tried alcohol. It didn't help that she was aching all over, or that she was unable to focus. And where the hell was she? Was she over at a friend's house? No, no friend of hers had this kind of couch that she was resting on.

Holly closed her eyes again. It was still somewhat dark, and she really wanted to rest some more. Holly was never a morning person, anyways, and she was extremely tired. Just a little bit more... maybe she'd feel a bit more awake once she got more rest....

Enter Subject C07, Johnny Marsh
How long’s it been? Could’ve been 15 minutes or 15 hours. I just need to find somewhere more secure than the top of a damn cliff and rest. Oh man I could do with a good sleep; no island in your sleep no fights no nothing.

Johnny woke with a start not long after he passed out on the cliff and began walking immediately. There was a good moon and he was walking through an open patch of land so he could see pretty well for the time being. The map showed a collection of buildings to the north and he decided to head there for the night. Just as well I woke up; I could’ve got frostbite or anything. As Johnny walked he thought about everything that had happened. Meeting Billy, the incident, crossing to the beach, seeing those girls with the boy and then that horrific climb. We all have our parts to play here. Killers, victims and those in-between. Someone else must want to fight them, get revenge for this whole shitty mess they put us in. I have to find those people. While avoiding the wrong sort.

After some time Johnny reached the settlement, a collection of six small cottages surrounding a larger manor. Johnny was smart enough to draw one of his guns as he approached, and he could feel the cold steel of Billy’s knife in his left boot. Approaching the nearest cottage cautiously Johnny avoided the front door and went to slip in through the back. Trying the handle he cursed after finding it locked. Looking around Johnny flipped the gun and swung it like a hammer, smashing a small hole in the glass. Wincing at the noise Johnny reached inside and unlocked the door before slipping inside. Spinning around Johnny checked the house for anyone else and, finding none, looked for somewhere to sleep. There was a bedroom but Johnny ignored it. That would be too obvious. First place I’d look.

With that in mind Johnny headed instead to the bathroom. Using his pack as an uncomfortable but functional pillow he slipped his gun to the side and drew the shower curtain across. Johnny lay with his knees bent as he waited for sleep to claim him for what would hopefully be an event free night.

Iris had fallen asleep.  She had closed her eyes longer than she planned.  Holly was out like the light.  It was hot but Holly was shaking.  A nightmare?  Iris hated nightmares.  Most of the time Iris never remembered her dreams, except for her nightmares, those were the worst.  Iris felt upset.  Holly was looking very tired.  Iris smiled a tiny smile, fragmented but still very real.  She slept almost soundlessly.  Iris imagined Holly as a snorer.   She had a case of the shakes though and this worried Iris slightly.

Iris, only thinking for the best interests of her only friend, went to go grab a blanket.

Any normal person would have assumed that the house had been ransacked many weeks earlier.  There wasn't much in the parlor except for the chesterfield, a rather fancy looking leather couch.  However Iris was sure there had to be a bed somewhere.  Why would anyone clear out such a beautiful house like this?  All the cabinets, furniture and other essentials were still intact but everything else seemed to have disappeared.  No plates, no lamps, nothing she expected to see in a house.  Just the bare minimum.  For such a spiraling manor Iris would have thought there'd be more than just doors. She had to go upstairs just to find the bedrooms, there were so many rooms.  

A big quilt.  Yes, this would work wonders.  She grabbed it and rolled it up, closing the door behind her with her foot.

She walked downstairs to find Holly shifting on the bed.  It was weird.  Holly had been energetic that very same morning and now she was so tired.  Even now, when she was awake, she wasn't moving around that much.  Was she sick?  Iris knew that whenever she was sick or really tired, she found it hard to even sit up.  

Iris finally arrived at the couch.  Holly's eyes were closed, leading Iris to think that she was still asleep, thank lord.  It was all good.  Iris slowly draped the blanket over Holly, tucking her in like her father would when she was a little gremlin.  That was what he used to call her when she was a kid, his little gremlin.

"There there..."

Iris smiled as Holly finally simmered down again.  She felt happy.  Maybe Holly will feel better in a few hours.

Johnny had slept well, considering his bed. He’d only dreamt of Billy once, his face twice. He’d survived accidents, standoffs and a climb from hell. He survived the night. I’m going to survive this day too. And the day after that. And every other day too. I’ll keep on living and gas mask man will die. One way or another I’ll make him pay. Johnny felt the urges of morning. There was a toilet next to the bath; it even had water in the bowl still. But he was in his wetsuit. He’d have to take it off. He’d have to look at himself, his new body. NO. I’ll just close my eyes and pray my aim is good. That’s what guys do anyway judging by public toilets.

Johnny managed to unzip himself from the wetsuit and aim at the bowl. It was difficult but he was prepared to take a little longer if it meant he didn’t have to look at himself. When he was done it zipped up the suit once again. Only then did he open his eyes. The urine was dark so Johnny took a drink of water. Then he considered the problem at hand. He was in someone else’s home. It was polite to clean up after himself, but flushing would surely alert anyone to his presence. If someone came in my house and left it in a…used state, I’d be pissed off. I’ll deal with the consequences later.

The toilet was old, with a long chain hanging down. Johnny gripped the handle tightly then yanked for all he was worth.  The old toilet was good for it. The plumbing system was not. The whole house was filled with a tremendous noise, a rushing, gurgling sound. Johnny swore loudly and kicked the toilet. Clutching his foot in pain he fell ungraciously back into the bath.

Nice one Johnny boy.

There was a sound.  A very loud sound,  Iris jumped.

"W-Wha... in tarnation?"

What was that?  What WAS THAT?  Iris gripped her pistol so tight that her hands turned purple.  The sound, whatever it was, turned out to be so loud that she was surprised Holly's eyes didn't spring open.  That girl was out like a light.  Iris frowned, shuddering.  She didn't have a darn idea of what that sound was, but she had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't as alone as she thought she was.  


If it were really him then why was he avoiding her?  Why wouldn't Cristo come to her?  No, couldn't be Cristo.  It had to be someone else.  Maybe it was that black boy Cristo told her about, what was his name?  Iris bit her lip.  Oh god, what was happening?  What should Iris do?  So Iris did the only thing she thought made sense - she had to go look.

"Stay here Holly..." Iris wasn't sure if Holly was awake, but she warned her anyway. "I'm gonna go check."

Every step resounded in an incredibly loud creak.  Creak.  Creak.  Creak.

Iris peeked in the dining room, the kitchen and the tens of rooms on the first floor.  She looked all around the first floor and she was close to giving up.  That was, of course, until Iris saw the door.

The door to the bathroom.  It was open.  Iris had opened it when she was looking for a blanket for Holly..  She hadn't looked too extensively but there wasn't anything there.  She was sure of that.  The curtains to the bathtub were closed.  She was sure of that.  Now the curtains were pushed back.  Was... no.  Couldn't be.  No way.

"H-Hello?"  she whispered.  

Iris was scared.  She was breathing heavily.  She shook like a scared puppy but she held the gun up.  Creak.  Creak.  Creak.  Iris held her breath as she stepped into the bathroom, not sure what she would find.

A few more noises.

And then something was placed over her.

Holly opened her eyes yet again, and saw a girl. She looked familiar... like Holly had spent all day looking for her. But who was it? Was she sleeping over at someone's house after all? The name "Iris" came to mind, and she had the feeling that she had been in danger earlier and Holly had been worried.

Her facial expression turned to that of confusion. What was going on now? Why was she being woken up so late? Where was she? She could remember the sound of gunshots, something about how "Conan" was going to steal water and shouldn't be fucked with, and the words "solar strength", among other things. Whatever the hell that meant.

Wait, what was that loud noise just now?

It sounded like someone was trying to use a toilet. "Trying", however, was the key word here. Seriously, it sounded like someone had never seen one before, and was kicking and attacking it. Holly's head turned towards the noise, her expression turning to even more confusion.

"What the fuck..." she repeated, still unsure of what was going on.

Something told her that sound wasn't very good, at all. Sure, it was probably some idiot who was experiencing bathroom problems due to never even laying eyes on a toilet, but something seemed to put her on edge about it.

Iris- was that her name?- seemed to go off to check what the noise was. As she left, Holly put her hand to her head again. Ow, how it hurt! And she really needed to sleep. People kept waking her up...

But what was that mark on her arm?

Holly stared at it with heavy eyelids for a few seconds, before realizing what it was.

"Fuck..." she repeated once more for good measure.

That's right... some scientist douches had abducted them and did... things to them. Holly could vaguely remember lifting some pew. Why was she lifting a pew? She couldn't remember right now. Her mind didn't want to remember. Too tired.

So what did that have to do with some weirdo who attacks toilets? Was there some weird ability that somehow involved human feces or something? Meh... she was going to have to think about this later... or she could just get up and check it out. But her legs, and the rest of her, still hurt.

Damn, what was she doing yesterday to ache so much?

Johnny had just regained his senses when he heard a voice. Oh my life someone’s coming. Of course they’re coming you’d have come. Why couldn’t you have just not flushed the damned thing? They seemed a little slow on the uptake though, because Johnny was caught empty handed and slack jawed when a little boy walked in. No, that’s a chick. She’s got…freckles. Johnny looked at…it while it pointed its gun at him. He took a deep breath and held it. His every muscle was tensed. It had only taken one moment of carelessness and now he was staring down the barrel of a gun. He wasn’t watching from the side lines anymore, this danger was real.

The shot didn’t come. He let out a shaky breath. The building flashback to his life so far withered and died in his brain. He searched for the right words.

A mumbled apology.

‘Sorry about the noise.’

What the fuck was that?

‘Are you going to kill me?’

Don’t give her fucking ideas!

‘I uh, erm’

You know what, just shoot me. I already ballsed this up.

Johnny’s eyes glanced around the room before he hung his head. Guess this is how you react under intense pressure ey Johnny boy? See, if you can wilt and stammer through this what'll you be like when you meet gas mask at the endgame? How will you do what’s needed then if you can’t even fucking move now?

Johnny slowly put his hands up and said in a steady voice, ‘I’m Johnny. I didn’t mean any harm; would you please point that somewhere else? Or just get it over with; I’m not one for drawn out sessions at gunpoint in the bath.’

Atta boy, you just gave her fucking free reign to decorate the walls with your head

Iris didn't say anything.  She was scared and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that.  This was... who the fuck was this supposed to be?  He was talking but his mouth wasn't even moving!  It was like he was wearing a big sock that fit his whole body.  It made her waver.  She almost took him up on that offer.  Clearly this boy was not a human... but... yet...

What was she thinking?  Of course this was a human.  He just looked different, that's all.  She remembered what her mom said.  Everyone was the same, deep down, blacks, whites, sock... people...  Iris didn't think she'd have it in her to even fire.  She just let her arm go limp.  She let out a big gasp.  Lord, please forgive Iris.  She didn't know what she was doing, please, PLEASE understand.

"I... I-I'm Iris..."  she said, her hand still holding the gun.  She didn't want to let it go.  She wanted to find a reason not to trust the boy in the spandex, but she just couldn't.   He was a kid, just like her.  Why couldn't she just trust him?  What would be the harm?

She could cut the silence with a knife.

"... 'pose you ain't had the best'a days."

Iris stated the obvious.  Frankly, it felt like the only thing she could do.  If she was supposed to wear a damn plastic bag or whatever the hell that was supposed to be, she'd be mighty unhappy too.  

Her smile wavered, now looking a little forced.  "... Here. I'll help yah up.  Looks like yah had a mighty loud fall."

Johnny smiled, though you couldn’t tell for looking. The girl wasn’t going to kill him after all. Instead she offered him help. Not a player then, she would have just shot me he thought as he took her outstretched hand. It felt odd touching her with the suit on. It was as if he was, but he wasn’t at the same time. He couldn’t quite explain it. Regardless he braced his feet against the sides and climbed out of the bath. ‘Thanks’ he said. He meant it too. It may have been just a small gesture of goodwill but it was more than that. It was a small ‘fuck you’ to gas mask and his plan. Proof that human beings were good.

Or maybe he was reading too much into it. Johnny decided to help Iris at that moment. He hoisted his bag out of the bath and laid it at his feet. ‘Have you seen anyone else so far? ’ He sat on the edge of the bath. I don’t think I’ll tell her about me being with Billy. What if she thought it was me? ‘I saw these two chicks on the beach. From a distance though I didn’t want to get too close you know?’ I really made a good job of keeping my distance; I brought the whole house and its sister running to me.

His eyes flicked to the gun, still hanging loosely in Iris’s hand. He couldn’t help feeling nervous around it, but that feeling was giving way to gratitude. At least she could look after herself if she needed to. Johnny wondered if it was going to come to that. At some point he knew it would. He’d already seen violence happening and judging by that announcement other people were up for dishing it out. Someone, at some time would find them and shatter this small peace. Johnny was glad for his mask. He didn’t have to hide his feelings. It didn’t keep the tears out.

Iris didn't have any trouble helping the boy up.  The whole time she reminded herself not to stare at his suit.  This was a kid, just like Iris, so she shouldn't stare.  Staring was rude, her father told her once.  He had slapped her on the cheek, not in a violent way but hard enough to make his point clear.  Iris loved Daddy and she did not want to make him mad.   The boy had asked if she had seen anyone else

"Seen anyon'?"  Iris gave him a cheeky little grin.  "Why, I've been wit' this other girl tha' whole time.  An' I've seen a few others..."

The wetsuit put Iris off just a tad, but her cheery demeanor didn't fade. What made her cheery demeanor fade was the thought of Cristo, the latin boy whom she grew fond of,  out there hurting people.  Her smile waned.  

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I been mighty rude haven't I?  I didn't even tell yah my name." She smiled, "I'm Iris, Iris Landon.   I-I'm from Iowa.  Where y'all from?  I can't tell wit' that su-"

Iris froze and suddenly felt very guilty.  She just brought up the wetsuit.  Darn it.  Iris had tried her best to just ignore the damn thing, but it was nearly impossible.  The thing just stuck out and this wasn't like a person with a different skin color than hers, it was a man in a bag.  She pouted, looking down at the floor in a fit of shame.

And there was that bad taste in her mouth.  Iris gulped.

"S-She's still asleep," she muttered.  "The girl.  Her name is Holly." She shifted nervously.  "We, uhh, dun' need'tah stay in here."

Iris sighed and kept quiet.  She led the boy out of the bathroom and down the hall, looking back every once in awhile to make sure here was following her.  All the while Iris still had her gun out.  Everything looked safe.  Iris just wouldn't put it back.  She couldn't put it back.

They finally arrived at the entrance.  Iris's eyes went wide.

"O-Oh!  Holly!  Y'all awake."

Even in her... condition, Holly wanted to investigate.

Seriously, what the hell was going on? She could hear more noises, but she had no clue what exactly was happening. So, with a bit of effort, Holly was able to sit upright. Rubbing her head, she looked off at a nearby window. Early morning. Dawn. It was just getting light out. Good. At least she can see now, right? See if she's injured, head on once she's feeling better, you know, that sort of thing.

Holly swung her body around, to put her feet on the floor. She buried her face in her hands, still feeling groggy. Okay, she should try not to exert herself as much as yesterday. Didn't she spend the entire day looking for Iris? Yeah, she did. And when she stopped to take a break, Cristo...

Cristo. He killed someone. She heard it happen.

Fuck that bastard! She knew he was bad news from the start. Iris was okay, wasn't she? She didn't see any injuries or anything like that, but she seemed fine. They had to be more careful, or else-

The conversation was getting louder. She looked up, and saw Iris and... someone else? But, they were approaching. Holly lifted herself off the couch, and, taking slow steps, managed to near herself towards the hallway. Wait a second... was that the scuba suit guy? The one that had been dressed up by the mad scientists that way, for whatever reason? Holly squinted, rubbing one of her eyes.

Iris seemed surprised at her being awake. Holly couldn't help but smile that trademark smile of hers, regardless of the strangely dressed stranger and the lingering bits of tiredness.

"Yeah... awake... guess last night was rough..." she mumbled quietly. One could tell Holly was still tired as all hell.

Holly rubbed one of her eyes, and stared at Mr. Scuba Man. Why was he going around dressed like that? Did it have to do with his power-thingy? And... was he like... well, Cristo?

"Iris, who is he? And why is he dressed like that?"

Could she fight him off if he turned out to be a psycho nutjob like Cristo? She had super strength, that she could remember. Plus, she had been strong from the start. But, he had to be dressed like that for a reason, of course. She had to be careful and not do something unless she figured out what his power was and if he attacked them. But for now... she yawned.

"I-It's just a wetsuit."

Iris slumped, looking back at Johnny sadly.  Iris was trying hard to make Johnny forget about the... suit.  

"Tah be honest wit'cha, I didn't ask.  An' I dun think it would be polite.  Johnny's fine."  Iris smiled at Johnny.  "Johnny, this is Holly.  She's been asleep, excuse her."

Holly looked at Iris for a moment.  Iris turned back and felt her slump her shoulders even more.  That gaze was... painful.  Maybe Holly was just cranky.  Iris got cranky when she didn't get enough sleep.   The only time that happened was during the winter.  She had a nasty cold and she was up all night coughing and sneezing.  She hated it.  She hated being sick.  Maybe Holly was sick?  She looked terrible, that was for sure.  Forgetting about Johnny for a moment, Iris walked closer to Holly.  She lowered herself to the couch, brushing her jeans off.  She pressed the back of her hand against Holly's forehead.  

"Hey hey.  Dun' go movin' too much.  You were out lik'a light for I dun' know how long!"  Iris smiled.  "You doin' alright?"

Holly mumbled.


"I said yeah..."

"Oh..."  Iris grew quiet.  She lowered her hand.  "Are you feelin' alright?  I mean, y'all aren't lookin' so good."

"I'm fine..."  Holly nodded weakly.

Iris sighed softly, brushing the hair out of her eyes.  "I dun know.  You were out for-"

"I'm fine Iris."

Iris kept her mouth shut.  Holly must have been in a really bad mood.  Iris had never seen her like this.  Iris just nodded meekly and didn't press the subject.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 09:49

Enter Subject C08, Ashlie Jackson
Ashlie hadn't stopped walking for what seemed like an eternity. Everywhere she went was shrouded in complete and utter darkness, but she stumbled on regardless, not even thinking about pulling her flashlight out. The last thing she needed was for someone to know where she was. Granted, with the amount of noise she was making, it wouldn't have taken much to find her. Whether through luck or something else, The pink-haired girl had managed to avoid contact with anyone since... the incident.

Ashlie didn't even know what the hell had happened. She had seen much, but she definately knew what she did see, heard, and felt. Her gun had been moving of it's own will, she had heard someone tell her to shut up (it didn't escape her notice that this was the second time she'd been told to shut up), but most of all, she felt what seemed like a body on top of her. Not to mention the sticky sensation she was feeling on her arms and torso. Everything had pointed towards someone had been on top of her, only no one was there.

"This is just one fucked up trip..." Ashlie muttered to herself as she continued to walk. The first announcement had been hours in the past, and the girl had remembered to mark down the dangerzones. She remembered hearing something about a device they put inside the subjects that would explode if they were caught in one of these "dangerzones". That was not a fate Ashlie wanted for herself. If she was going to die, then she was going to give it her all to the bitter end.

Walking over the small hill in front of her, the girl found herself looking at a building that seemed very familiar, and at the same time, not. Somewhere in the dark recesses of her subconsciousness she knew this odd looking building was important. Her attention was quickly turned to something else however. Off in the distance, the first signs of the rising sun were visible, it's comforting rays hitting the girl's face like a gentle assurance that her horrific night was over, for now. Ashlie closed her eyes, the Flordia native reveling in the feel of the sun.

Opening her eyes, Ashlie casually pushed a wayward strand of pink hair from her face. Something about her hand caught her attention at that moment however. Something that wasn't there before. She still felt the same sticky sensation as before, only now the feeling was accompanied by a dark red substance on her hands. She looked at her hands with a mixture of shock and amusement for a moment before it finally sunk into her head what exactly she was looking at. Her hands, right arm up to her elbow, and a good portion of her chest were covered in blood.

It took every ounce of nerves in Ashlie's body to not scream, faint, vomit, or all three at once. When she had first woken up at the cable car station, she had thought that fighting for her survival would be no problem. After all, she had seen people get into brutal fights at her raves, and those often ended in bloodshed. She was supposed to be used to this. Hard as a rock. So why were her arms shaking so much? Ashlie brought her arms into herself, hugging her torso and getting blood all over her tank top. A shiver went up her spine as Ashlie sat down hard in the hill overlooking the building.

Nothing made any sense to her. Aside from her feet and a few bruises here and there, Ashlie was uninjured, or at least not nearly injured enough to have bled on herself in this volume. More, why did it take her so long to notice? This wasn't something you would miss normally. Unless.... Slowly the pieces of the puzzle were forming themselves in her head. She was covered in blood that wasn't hers, that she couldn't see, but feel. Until now. What was so different now than a few hours ago?....The sun. That was it. She didn't see the blood because there was nothing to see. So then, whoever's blood this belonged to would have not been able to have been seen either. Which means that feeling she had of someone being on top of her wasn't a figment of her imagination.

All this came to a head with one harsh revelation. There was no way that the other person had survived, juding just by the amount of blood on Ashlie. Despite not being able to see it, Ashlie had killed someone. Unfolding her arms again, the pink haired girl looked at her hands again. These hands had taken a life. She had killed someone in cold blood... and she smiled. It had been so easy! Ashlie didn't even have to try, and she had killed someone! Maybe there was still hope yet for her to escape this God forsaken situation. The announcement had said three were dead, which meant unless someone else had already kicked it, there were 17 others, including herself. Judging by the fact that she had only encountered one person(okay, two, but she didn't see the second person), that meant someone else was getting their hands dirty as well. She might not even have to do that much, and she could survive, and even if she had to kill someone else, it was so easy to do, she'd have no problem!

Ashlie stood again, a renewed energy in her face. Looking from the building to her tank top, she realized she'd have to find some new clothing somewhere. She almost considered removing the bloodied piece of clothing and going around shirtless, but she decided against it. As much as she didn't like to admit it, she was somewhat ashamed of her chubbiness, and the tank top, while revealing, did wonders to her self-esteem in that regard. With a new hop in her step, the pink haired girl headed down the hill towards the building, hoping there would be a new shirt for her or something waiting for her there.

Enter Subject C13, Taryn Jones
Kate and Taryn had walked for hours until it was too dark for them to continue. Not wanting to risk being seen by using their flashlights, the girls decided to rest for the night hidden under some brush.

For a few fleeting moments before she was entirely asleep Taryn felt comfortable. The air of, well, wherever they were, wasn’t too cold. It was a very temperate atmosphere. Although she had just met Kate, Taryn always liked the feeling of falling asleep next to another body.

She slept dreamlessly until the crackling of P.A. system brought her to life with a start. Taryn sat up gradually as the cheery woman yapped about the events of the day before. Hidden in the horrible woman’s stream of speech was some valuable information.

A boy named Cristo shot someone. A Hispanic boy. Must watch out for him. The other killer…a girl. A….banshee?

Taryn suddenly remembered a blurry vision of a girl with pink hair and tape over her mouth from earlier.

The saying is "shrieking like a banshee". Must watch out for pink haired girl as well.

“Hey,” she said, shoving Kate lightly. “Hey. Wake up, honey.”  

Taryn squinted. In the distance she saw something that looked like a building. It was the first building she’d seen so far on the island other than a little shack at the beach.

Enter Subject C11, Katherine Black
Sleeping on the floor in some brush wasn't Kate's ideal place to spend a night, but she was surprised at how easily to make-do when tired. She quickly fell asleep, and managed to sleep peacefully for a couple of hours befor-

"Morning campers, it's 00:00am here in - hah, like I'd tell you! - and that means it's time for the first announcement! Alright!"

Kate was suddenly awoken by an annoyingly high-pitched voice on what had to have been ...a radio? Kate quickly checked if she had her mp3 player in her ears, but she hadn't seen any trace of that since she had gotten on the island.

I guess it must've been taken or something.

Once the annoying woman had finally shut up, Kate felt a nudge on her shoulder. She guessed it was Taryn and quickly responded.

"I-I'm awake." Kate said, sitting up slightly and pulling down the hood of her jacket.

Kate turned around and checked if her pack was still there. She'd used it as a makeshift pillow so she wouldn't cut her head on any rocks on the ground if she turned over in her sleep. Kate breathed a sigh of relief when she unzipped it and saw nothing had been stolen. The last thing she needed was one of their packs getting stolen by someone who'd followed them from the beach, or anything. Kate took a small torch out of her bag and placed it in her jacket before zipping the bag back up and slinging it over her shoulder.

Yeah, way to go, Kate. You steal someone's bag, it's a-okay, but even the thought of someone else stealing yours is horrible.

Kate pulled her map out of her skirt pocket and unfolded it. She could see just well enough to know that where they were wasn't near anywhere the annoying woman had designated as 'danger zones.' From a little mark she made on the map before she dozed off, Kate saw they were pretty close to a place called the Holding Cells.

"Um, The map says there's a building nearby..." Kate took the torch out of her pocket and turned it on, shining it at roughly where the map had the building marked down. She could spot a building in the distance. "I-I think it's this one."

It didn't take long for Ashlie to make it to the stone building. In the dim light of the rising sun it gave off an air of utter depression, and yet at the same time, familiarity. The pink haired girl couldn't quite place why, but every step towards her destination made her get butterflies in her stomach. Finally, the girl came to a set of doors set in the side of the building.

Ashlie took a deep breath. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she had a feeling that entering this building would be a game changer, so to speak. Whatever happened before this point didn't matter anymore. Her revelation she had made still fresh in her mind, she knew she had to follow through with it. Once she passed that door, everything would be different.

Reaching out with her blood soaked right hand, Ashlie gripped the door handle. She turned the metal knob slowly, hearing a click as the catch slid into place. This is it. she thought. The final moments of your old life. Once this door opens, the Old Ashlie Jackson is gone forever. Are you ready? Can you live with yourself after this? After what you've done? After what you plan to do? Will you be able to look at yourself in the mirror when all is said and done?

Can you kill another human being with intent?

"Yes" Ashlie whispered to herself, pulling the door open with a heave, walking into the old building.

Taryn nodded at Kate. She stood up and brushed herself off, then looked back to her. She had a flashlight out; Taryn didn’t think they needed more than one.

"Um, The map says there's a building nearby..."

“Okay, let’s head over there. Maybe they’ve got something better than the ground to sleep on. There might be blankets too. In any case, we might as well. I mean, what else have we got to do?”

Taryn hauled her bag up and tried to look out at the building. She looked over her shoulder at Kate. “Let’s get going. "

The girls made thier way towards the stone buildings. As they walked the sky was gradually becoming lighter. From a distance she could see that one of the doors was ajar.  "It’ll be okay.”


“It’ll be okay.”

Taryn tried to put her arm around her younger sister, Kendra. Kendra shook the arm off violently and ran down the hall.

“Kendra, wait!”

Taryn ran after the younger girl until she encountered a white door slammed shut at her face. She pounded on the door, making a nearby glass display case shake.

“Kendra! Kendra, talk to me! You can’t just run away.”

“Shut up!” was the response from behind the door. “Don’t talk to me like I’m a kid and don’t lie to me, Taryn! You can’t tell me things are going to be okay! I’m not stupid.”

“I know you’re not stupid I just-!” Taryn sighed and her hand slipped down the door. “I just wanted to comfort you.”

Taryn walked back down the hall to the games room. Her father was sitting at a desk near the billiards table.

“How’s Kenny doing?” he asked without looking up. Taryn folded her arms and looked sternly at the thin man.

“How do you think she’s doing? She’s not taking the news about mom well. But that’s pretty reasonable.” Taryn walked around to her father’s side and he gave her a kiss on the cheek, still without looking away from his papers.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I think we should go on a trip. Just for a few days. I think it would make her feel better. Mom’s in the hospital and staying around here is only going to remind her of that. I know Jayna’s busy but I think it would good for her, for us, to take a trip. We hardly ever get to see you anyway. I know it would mean a lot to her. She could relax and forget about things just for a little while.”

“You think it’s a good idea? Okay, baby. If you think so, I’ll start planning.”

Taryn took her father’s face in her hand and forced him to look at her. “

“But if you do this, you have to promise we are really going to go. You can’t cancel at the last minute or send a chauffer with us or something. It has to be YOU.”


“You promise?”

“I promise.”


“…I promise.”  

“Okay, let’s head over there. Maybe they’ve got something better than the ground to sleep on. There might be blankets too.”

"I doubt it," Kate started walking over, taking care not to trip over any branches or tree roots on the floor. "But, um, I think it's worth a shot."

Kate kept moving forwards towards the building, trying to keep her torch focused on it while checking the map, but she couldn't stop herself from shining the torch towards the darker areas of the forest. She was always expecting some giant animal to jump out or something. Kate had been fine walking through the jungle earlier when it'd been lighter, but the dark had made her paranoid.

Kate trudged along, checking every so often out of a fear that Taryn would leave her to die or shoot her in the back or something like that. It was graduly getting lighter, closer to dawn, and Kate could see well enough now that she didn't think she'd need the map any more.

"It’ll be okay ...I promise."

"O-okay," Kate said, folding up the map and putting it back in her pocket. She could clearly see the building now, and she figured it'd be good idea to put the map away so she couldn't drop it if she had to run away from anyone again. "I understand."

Kate tightened her grip on the torch as she approached the door. It was slightly ajar, Kate assumed that meant either that someone was inside, or that someone had been there recently. Still, she thought it would be best to stay safe, in-case someone like the crazy mexican the annoying woman mentioned was nearby, so she checked that Taryn was close before she opened the door.

Now... how do they do it in the movies...

Taking a deep breath and keeping herself to one side of the door, while silently motioning for Taryn to stay on the other side, she gently pushed it open with her palm.


The interior of the building was in an utter state of disrepair. The stone walls gave off a feel of neglect, as if all they wanted was someone to fix them. Ashlie ran her hands along one section of the wall, sending small bits of concrete tumbling to the ground. Walking deeper into the building, everything just seemed to get more and more depressing. The thought of just turning around and leaving crossed her mind, until she heard a meek voice call out.

For once in her life, Ashlie was quiet. She thought briefly about taking the gun out of her pocket, but she knew she would be more or less useless with it. As quietly as she could, she unzipped her bag, removing the unbloodied knife. It was bad enough she was covered in blood, she didn't need anyone seeing her wielding a bloody knife. The blade fit comfortably in her hand, and while she was by no means an expert, it was much easier to use a knife than it did a gun. Of course, she always had the other weapon, just in case.

Quickly looking around her area for a place she would maybe hide, she found herself out of luck. The hallway she was in was one of the few in the building without any cells, probably leading to the offices or something. So much for that plan. The voice sounded rather hesitant, so maybe if she yelled loud enough, they would get scared and run off, which would be a desirable end for Ashlie, at least until she could find a change of clothes.


Taryn cautiously peered into the dark hallway that was revealed by the open door. She stayed a step back or two from Kate just behind the door itself, just in case someone was waiting in ambush. She briefly looked down to check that her knife was still securely within the waistband of her shorts. The moments after Kate’s call were dead, heavy silence.

All of the sudden a strange noise erupted from down the length of the corridor. Taryn swayed and leaned against the stone wall for balance. For a moment she couldn’t think. She felt dizzy and it was as if her eyes were vibrating inside her head. She fell to her knees and ripped open her bag, looking for something, anything that would help.

The noise waned for a split second giving her a window in which to think.

The bread!

Taryn pulled out the loaf of bread. The noise started again and she winced, trying to work the plastic wrapping open as fast as she could. She remembered from when she was little how she and her sisters would take the insides of bread and mold it into shapes. Mostly they made circles, but every now and again they would make a half-formed horse type shape or a dog.

Taryn took two slices, ripped out the insides and started shoving them into her ears. The soft bread molded to the shape of her ear and her feelings of sickness started to subside. Taryn sighed and shakily stood up. She could still feel the vibrations around her body, but they were no longer affecting her as much now that they weren’t in her head.

“Banshee” she whispered in wonder when the noise had ended.

She took a few steps inside the hallway and motioned to Kate. To Taryn, her footsteps were muffled like all other noise. Taryn looked back over her shoulder to see if Kate was alright.

“You okay?”

Kate waited a few moments for a reply before poking her head round the corner. It was too dark to see much, but from what Kate could see there wasn't anyone inside the hallway of the building.

Suddenly, Kate heard a sound she couldn't describe. What she could describe, however, was it's effect on her. The noise went right into her head, making her eyes vibrate in their sockets and her ears ring worse than they ever had done before. She literally couldn't hear herself think. Kate lowered herself down to try and keep her balance, barely managing to stay on her feet as she did so.

Her head spinning, Kate felt a sudden pain in her stomach and started coughing like mad. She pre-emptively pulled her hair back behind her ears, just in case she was going to vomit. She didn't really want to walk around the island for however long it was gonna be before she died a horrible and violent death with her puke in her hair.

Luckily for Kate, the noise let up for a second, allowing her to take a couple of deep breaths and stop herself from spewing all over the ground. She realised that whatever making the noise was inside the building, and turned towards the door, but Taryn was already making her way inside.

Trying to keep her torch in her shaky hand, Kate quickly followed, stumbling forwards a couple of steps, but tripping over the step into the building. She clumisly tried to turn around as she fell, managing to land on her side, rather than flat on her face. It still hurt like hell, landing on the stuff in her pack and all, but Kate was glad she at least avoided faceplanting the stone floor. She really wasn't in the mood to knock out a couple of teeth to test out her power.

Kate reached out and grabbed her torch before trying to get back up. She tried to push herself up off the ground, but the noise was still affecting her balance. The ringing was gradually subsiding, though, and Kate eventually managed it.

"I..." Kate finally got back up to her feet, and put her free hand to her forehead. "I-I'm fine, I'll be fine."

Kate closed the door behind her. She noticed her torch wasn't working, and tapped it on her hand a couple of times. Kate guessed that the bottom of the torch had come loose and screwed up the bottom and pressing the button, hoping it would turn back on. Kate was relieved to find that it did, and shone it through the building, finally being able to see where she was.

"Let's go," She walked forwards, looking on the walls for a lightswitch or anything like that. "Let's go look for, um, whoever made that noise..."

Apparently whoever was out there decided to not listen to her warning, much to the annoyance of the pink-haired girl. As the footsteps and sounds got closer to her, Ashlie looked around for somewhere where she could hide. This once again heeded similar results as before, only this time she noticed a set of old, stone stairs leading up. With as much grace as the girl could muster, which wasn't much, she took off for said stairs, taking them two at a time.

Once she reached the top, she found herself in a similar hallway as before, only this time where were a couple doors on her left. Going to the first door, she was relieved to find it was unlocked. Opening the old wooden door, Ashlie found herself in a small barren office. There was a desk off to one side, and a coat hanger, but that was about it. Closing the door behind her, she stepped fully into the room.

Knowing full well that whoever had entered the building probably heard her going into deeper into the building, Ashlie finally decided to pull out her gun with her free hand. She quickly went to the desk, ducking down into the small space under it. The pink-haired girl then simply waited, gun in one hand, knife in the other, and hoped that whoever was out there decided to not look in this room. If they did, well.... things weren't going to end pretty.

Taryn pulled out her flashlight and flicked it on, pointing the beam into the dim building. It was still too early on the morning, the sun wasn’t up yet. Behind her a clattering sound caused her to turn back and see Kate had fumbled her flashlight.

“Watch your step, sweetie.”

She smiled and took hold of Kate’s hand. The two girls walked deeper into the building, the sound of pattering feet echoing down the hall.

“Someone’s running,” she whispered to Kate.

The end of the hall gave way to a large room surrounded by cells. Taryn shined her light into the small rooms. They all seemed empty.

“This place feels familiar,” she murmured.

It seemed that they were alone after all. Taryn moved her light over the floor when something caught her eye. On about the fourth step, there were little specks of something red. She walked to the stars and put her finger to the mark. It smeared.

“Fresh blood?”

It’s probably someone who’s scared and hurt. Should we bother with them? Maybe we can get more supplies. If they are already dying we might as well, if not, we could always just leave. I doubt an injured person who runs from people would attack us. Then again, the announcements mentioned a banshee who killed….

Slowly she walked up the stairs, little specks of red occasionally smeared to the stone. The flight ended in a hall of doors. She motioned for Kate to come near and set her sights on the first door. Quietly, she reached into her pack and pulled out the gun. Taryn stood to the side of the door and nodded at the other girl.

"T-Thanks..." Taryn grabbed her hand. Kate should really have expected that. Taryn had been a little bit touchy-feely with her, to say the least.

"Huh?" She heard footsteps echo along the corridor, and gripped Taryn’s hand tighter. There was definitely someone there. But why didn't they answer her before? They were running, so that meant they were scared... either scared or setting a trap. "S-Someone's here, Taryn..."

Kate tightened her grip on the torch and looked around. They'd pretty much disappeared. Could they go invisible? God, that would be scary. She doubted it though. The way things were going, what with her with her internal dental plan and the blood crystals Taryn had ended up getting.

Taryn took the lead again, letting go of Kate’s hand. Kate was quite happy following her lead, considering every time she'd walked off on her own so far she'd been attacked or hurt herself. They walked along the corridor, coming to an open door. Someone was definitely in here, all the other doors had been shut.

"Hey, T-Taryn." She said, trying to break the silence. "You, um, know that putting stuff in your ears for too long causes, um, infections, right?"

No answer. Taryn was seriously focused right now. Well, either that or the bread in her ears was drowning Kate's voice out. It didn't really matter either way. Kate didn't think Taryn would appreciate hearing what she’d just said anyway.

Kate pushed open the door and walked into the room. It was deceptively large, the building looked like it was much smaller from the outside. The room was a prison of sorts, barred cells lining the walls. Kate looked over at one of them. The side of the door had the number 11 stencilled on it. Kate checked her pack, the number matched.

Kate walked over, shining her torch inside the dingy looking cell. Had... Had she been kept in there? She took a step inside, looked down and saw it. She knew she'd forgotten something, that something important was missing. Kate knelt down and picked it up. It was a little dirty, she hadn't got around to polishing it in months, and it being on the ground hadn't helped matters, but just having it back was a relief. Sammy would've killed her if she found out she'd lost her necklace.

Kate unclipped the back of it and put it on, tucking it down underneath her hoodie, before getting back up and walking out of the cell. Taryn had walked off. Kate panicked for a moment, waving her torch into the other cells frantically, before finding her by some steps.

"D-Did they go upstairs?" She walked over. Taryn was smudging something on the steps. Then Kate realised. Blood. Whoever it was was hurt, and they had to have been hurt bad if they were bleeding everywhere. "I... hope they're okay."

Taryn said nothing, pulling out her gun and walking up the stairs. Kate hoped that it was just for show, that she wouldn't shoot someone who wasn't planning to attack them, someone who was hurt already. The first time was bad enough, and that was someone who was attacking her. Kate hoped that Taryn didn't have that side to her.

They got to the top of the stairs, Taryn on one side of the door, Kate on the other. Kate reluctantly took her knife, holding it in her free hand. When it came down to it, she needed something to protect herself, and she wasn't going to use her gun in a hurry. Taryn nodded, and Kate pushed the door open, this time not making the mistake of ducking her head round.

"H-Hello?" she shouted, "Anyone in there? W-We're, um, not here to hurt you."

Ashlie stayed in her cramped position under the desk, listening as whoever had followed her into the building somehow managed to find the room she was in. Of course, she didn't realize that in her mad dash she had reopened the cuts on her feet, and the blood was slowly oozing out of the bandages. The feeling in her feet had long since left the girl, which wasn't helping her cause much.

The door opened, and the same meek voice called out again. Ashlie decided not to say anything this time, instead waiting for them to either leave or come into the room more. If they left then great, if they didn't well... she might have to use her gun. More dead people meant she was closer to leaving, which was a prospect that more than appealed to the pink-haired girl. Now all she needed to do was wait.

Taryn took a deep breath. It hadn’t occurred to her until just now that she had stopped breathing. She leaned into the door way and had her gun pointed in front of her, finger on the trigger, just in case. Her arms were straight out and her elbows were locked as she took the first step into the room. It looked like an old office. There was a desk, a chair, some book shelves along the walls, but not much in terms of decorative touches. If one were to replace the desk with a bed and the door with bars, it wouldn’t have been much different from the cells.

The blood they had followed made a trail to the other side of the desk. Taryn swallowed hard and kept her hands steady.

What’s back there? A dead body? An injured person? Only one way for us to find out.

She took a few more steps into the room, her shoes padded softly on the concrete floor. When she was standing at the side of the desk she stopped.

Count to three. One, two,

In a flash she took one large step forward and pointed the gun under the desk. What she saw was a girl, huddled underneath the piece of furniture with no shoes and a gun.

“Pink hair…” she whispered. Her look softened just a little bit, the girl looked scared and injured. However, that didn’t mean she could be trusted, especially because she was also armed.

“You killed a boy.” The statement wasn’t angry or accusatory, simply a statement of fact.

No reply, but at least this time Kate didn't want to throw up. That was much better. Kate poked her head around the door. No one in the room, and it looked pretty much devoid of anything that Kate thought they would find useful. Of course, Kate thought that Taryn would've wanted to check the room anyway. Confirming her suspicions, Taryn quickly went into the room. Kate decided to hang back. Not because she wanted Taryn to get hurt, or anything like that. Far from it. She'd decided to check if they'd been followed.

"H-Hang on a second, Taryn." Kate looked back, but she got no response from Taryn or anyone else. Great. She swore people couldn't hear what she was saying lately.

Kate quickly descended the staircase, getting to the bottom and flicking her torch back on. She shone the torch into all of the cells. They were still all empty. Kate turned around and made her way back to the staircase. She walked up the stairs again, this time noticing the small marks of blood on each step, leading into the office. She'd assumed the bloodstain Taryn had found earlier was just a one off stain, but no.

She got to the top of the staircase and turned her torch off, shoving it back in her pack. She had a feeling that if anyone was there, having a hand free would make the difference between her living and... well, dying. Kate had been trying to avoid the thought that she was probably going to die on this island out of her head, but she couldn't help but think of how useless she would be right now without Taryn's help. She'd probably still be trying to get up that damn cliff or something.

Kate pushed open the door again, gripping the knife with her strong hand. Taryn had her gun pointed at something underneath the desk. Kate tried to make her footsteps as quiet as possible as she moved around to get a look at who or what Taryn was talking to. Taryn was probably coming off of one of her speeches about going it alone or something. Kate managed to get close enough to see just who it was Taryn had at gunpoint this time. Pink-Haired, slightly, um, curvy, feet all skanky looking. She almost looked frightened. Had she been running from them the whole time?

And then Taryn said the shocker. Apparently the girl under the desk had killed someone. Kate didn't know where she'd got the logic from, but it just didn't sit right with Kate. At all.

"She... She did?" Kate shook her head. Why would someone who was hiding underneath a desk from her of all people be a killer? There had to be a mistake. "...A-are you sure, Taryn?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Ashlie silently cursed as a pair of legs entered her view. The girl who those legs belonged to said she killed someone. Well, it was true. There's not really much she could say to defend one way or the other. Her clothes were soaked in blood that wasn't hers and she had a bloody knife in her bag, which again she was sure wasn't her blood. That meek voice she kept hearing piped up again, asking the other girl something or other.

At this juncture, Ashlie had two options. The first one was she could try to attack them. Sure, it was two on one, but all it'd take was a couple lucky shots and bam, they'd be finished. On the other hand, if they knew that she had killed someone, then no doubt the others knew. If she could somehow make it seem like she was the victim, maybe she would be able to convince them she was harmless. It wouldn't hurt to have a couple bodies between her and whoever they encountered.

Ashlie tossed the gun towards Kate, opting to keep the knife just in case. "So what if I did?" She asked defiantly while crawling out from under the table. If things went bad, she didn't want to die cooped up under some filthy desk.

“I….I’m not sure,” she said in surprise. All of the evidence she had leading her up to that conclusion had been circumstantial and based on assumption. Who was to say that this was the person the announcement was referring to, or that the announcement had been telling the truth at all?

The noise of metal scraping against the concrete floor called her attention in time for her to see the gun slide towards Kate.

She’s surrendering?

Suddenly the noise was back. Taryn stumbled backwards and hit a book shelf. She squeezed her right shoulder up to her head and put her left hand up to her left ear, trying to block it out while still holding her gun.

“Stop it!” she shouted. “Her voice!” she screamed, looking to Kate.

"Oh..." Kate sighed. "Right."

Great, Taryn was unsure. That was even better. The last time they were unsure, the boy had gotten shot. Kate really didn't want a repeat of that one in a hurry.

Kate stepped back. The girl with the skanky feet had a gun, and Kate valued the usage of her legs too much to let her shoot her. to her surprise, however, the girl instead threw the gun at her. How polite.

The gun scraped across the floor, stopping at her feet. Kate knelt down and picked it up, pulling the clip out and checking the number of bullets within. As far as she could tell, the clip/magazine/whatever was full, so at least she hadn't used the gun. That in itself would help Kate's case if Taryn decided to go trigger happy again.  Kate put the clip from the gun in her bag and tossed the gun away.

"G-Good choice," Kate said, trying not to stare at the piercings the girl had. Kate was never allowed to get her ears pierced or anything like that, and she never really saw anyone with stuff through their eyebrows or anything like that. It was sort've a shock, really. "Thanks... Thanks for seeing things, um, our way."

Now that Kate had her gun, the girl with skanky feet was harmless, right? Kate stood up and stretched out her hand, offering to help the girl up, but it was swatted away. Alright, fine, she wasn't interested in help. Kate was okay with that. The girl with skanky feet instead opted to crawl out from under the desk, mumbling something. Kate shook her stinging hand...

...and the noise came back. It wasn't as loud as before, nor as intense, but it caught Kate off-guard nonetheless. Her head started pounding in her skull in time with her heart, her vision quickly becoming a blurry haze of bright colours. She wanted to throw up. No, she wanted it to stop. She wanted it to fucking stop.

"S-Stop! P-Please!" Kate shouted, as high as her usually quiet voice would let her. "Stop it! Stop it!"

As quickly as it came, the noise subsided again, leaving Kate holding her head, breathing heavily. Taryn looked like she'd been similarly effected, but... the girl with skanky feet looked fine. Could she be immune to it? It wasn't likely, all things considered. Could she be the one causing the noise? That wasn't likely, either. Kate figured that she would know what she was doing, she'd know that her voice made people sick. Unless... unless she had no idea. No idea what she was doing to other people. Maybe to her she was talking normally. From what Taryn was shouting, she agreed, although she didn't really seem like she had a plan. Well, besides her inevitable knee-jerk reaction of pointing a gun at her. For once, however, Kate had an idea.

"A-alright... um, this sounds really rude but, um," She turned to the girl with skanky feet. "C-Can you possibly like, um, not talk for a second?"

Kate knelt down and opened up her pack. She had a pencil in her pocket, so now all she needed was a piece of paper of some sort. Deciding against using the one sheet of paper that let her know where the hell she was going, she took out the small sheet of paper with her 'power' on it. Deciding to let Taryn explain this one, she took the pencil out of her pocket and offered them to the girl with skanky feet, hoping she'd accept them without saying anything.

Once Ashlie spoke again, the other two girls started to do what everyone seemed to do around her presence, namely stumbling around like idiots and telling her to shut up. The pinked haired girl instinctively tightened her grasp on the knife she was still holding, but held herself back. She wasn't sure why, but there was something about this duo that made her hold back.

Once they stopped stumbling around, the meek one pulled out a pencil and a scrap of paper, holding them out for Ashlie to take. Ashlie snatched them out of her hands without a word, reading the writing on it. It's contents were somewhat perplexing to the pink haired girl, but she didn't really care. What she was more concerned about was just what they wanted her to do with said piece of paper. No doubt they would tell her eventually.

Taryn took a few deep breathes and steadied herself. The noise had thankfully stopped, but that didn’t mean they were safe. To her right, Kate pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.

Good thinking. Everytime this girl opens her mouth I feel like I’m about to lose the lunch I didn’t even have.

The girl ripped the paper and pencil out of Kate’s hands. She didn’t seem like the friendly type and Taryn wasn’t sure they were going to get along. However, if they didn’t get along, then what? Leave her here and go somewhere else? Or….What if she did kill a boy? She was covered in blood. One less to worry about, and a possible danger at that.

The girl stared at the paper. Taryn noticed her arms were getting slack. She straightened them and firmly pointed the gun at the girl, just as a precaution.

“Well? Go on,” she said, motioning with the gun towards the paper. “Who are you? Write it down.”

The girl snatched the paper out of her hands, understandably not saying anything. Kate felt like sighing, but didn't think the girl with skanky feet would appreciate it. She'd probably just make them throw up, run away and then they'd get nowhere. Kate glanced over at Taryn. Apparently, she thought the same. Or maybe not. Kate had no idea what to think any more.

Kate kept the knife clutched tight in her fist, just in case the girl with skanky feet was going to try something with her pencil. No... that stuff only happened in the movies. She shouldn’t be worried at something like that. How many people in history could she remember that had been stabbed to death with a pencil, right?

Great, now she’d made herself paranoid again. This was happening far too much, and wasn't helping her one bit. She needed to keep a cool head, not let herself get worked up by things like this. Taryn had shot someone to protect her earlier. There was someone running around the island with that bullet lodged in him and three people were dead, but she was getting worked up over the girl with skanky feet snatching her paper from her.

Taryn had her gun trained on the girl. Right, that was good. That meant she agreed with Kate. She hoped it wouldn't come to shooting her. Not again, but Kate hoped having a gun pointed at her meant that maybe the girl with skanky feet might not decide to be an idiot and attack them with the knife she was holding.

Kate was glad when Taryn started talking telling the girl with skanky feet just what the hell she wanted her to do with the piece of paper.

"Y-You've gotta, um, co-operate with us, okay?" Kate said, throwing her bag back over her shoulder and getting back to her feet. "If, um... I-If you don't, we can just um, leave you here to die or something, I guess."

Or, they could go for a repeat performance, Kate taking her stuff and Taryn just shooting her, but Kate really didn't want to say that one. She honestly didn't want to give Taryn the idea again. Well, maybe if she attacked them. Then Kate guessed she'd probably deserve it.

Kate took a couple of steps back, and whispered to Taryn.

"I...If you need to take her down..." Kate shook her head, keeping the knife tight in her hand. The girl was dangerous. She'd killed. She couldn't let her or Taryn be taken unaware. Not like before. "T-This time I wont stand in your way, Taryn. Just do what you have to."

The other girls finally told her what they wanted her to do, although the meek one made a somewhat admirable attempt at being intimidating. It didn't work very well on Ashlie, especially with the hard to miss stutter in her voice. Still, there was no sense in getting snippy at them, especially when one of them was holding a gun on you. They wanted to know who she was, fine.

Knife in one hand, pencil and paper in another, Ashlie tried to figure out how to write down the information they had asked. She didn't want to relinquish her grip on her knife, but she was also holding onto it with her dominant hand, and she couldn't write for shit with her other hand. Not to mention the only flat surface near by was the desk she had hidden under, but writing on that would mean she would have to turn her back on the others. That is, unless she moved to the other side of the desk, which would not only allow her to keep and eye on them, but also act as a barrier between her and them.

Without taking her eyes off the other two, Ashlie side stepped around the desk, making sure to grab her bag by it's handles and drag it around with her. She had already given up one gun to them, she sure as hell wasn't going to let them have her other one, not to mention her food. In the back of her mind, she noted that she hadn't eaten in awhile, and if she got out of this situation in tact, she needed to eat something in case she fainted of hunger.

Once she was situated on the other side of the desk, Ashlie spread the paper out on it's surface, blank side up. Placing the pencil on the desk beside the paper, the pink haired girl transfered her weapon to her other hand, before picking up the writing utensil in her dominant hand. It took her a few moments to decide just what she was going to write. They wanted to know who she was. What exactly did they mean by that? Did they want to know just her name, or did they want to know some of her back story too? Maybe they wanted to know what her power was. Ashlie didn't know the exact answer to that question, although she had a very strong suspition at this point.

Finally deciding that simply her name would be enough for these two, Ashlie bent down, looking at the paper but keeping the other two girls in her periphory. Writing down the information quickly, the pink haired girl pushed the piece of paper to the other end of the desk before standing back a few steps, waiting for one of the girls to pick up the paper to read what she wrote, which was just a simple "My name is Ashlie." No doubt they would have more questions for her, and at this point, there wasn't much more for her to do than to just answer them.

The girl awkwardly maneuvered to the other side of the desk and began writing. At least that was a step in the right direction. Taryn was momentarily startled to see Kate suddenly so close to her, but didn’t show it.

If I need to take her down? Kate thinks that I’m the resident killer now? Though am I? That’s just the nature of our situation, I’m not a bad person. Just because I would kill, does not make me a “killer.” I don’t think Kate could shoot this girl or stab her if things got out of hand. I can be the one. I can be strong and do what needs to be done. If it needs to be done.

Having finished, the girl slide the paper over towards Taryn and Kate. Carful to keep her mind juggling between her gun, the girl, and the information on the paper, Taryn leaned over to look and see what she had written. It was upside down from her perspective, but she could still read it. Her eyes ran back and forth between the sheet and the girl a few times.

“Your name is Ashlie?” she said slowly as if looking for confirmation of the information. She cleared her throat and slid the paper back towards Ashlie with the end of the gun, then stood back. “My name is Taryn,” she said, sounding slightly more at ease. She looked back at Kate, she wasn’t going to give any information on her to this Ashlie person, that was up to Kate to decide.

“….and I guess you got the power to fuck people up with your voice.”

She probably wants to know what you can do. You have to make something up. Something that sounds non-threatening, but something that is impossible for her to check. Too bad Kate’s got the market cornered on dental regeneration.

“I can, uh, see sounds as colors. So yeah, when you talk, it not only hurts my ears, but it almost blinds me, too.”

Don’t want her attacking. Ask something comforting and normal.

“So….where are you from? I’m from Albany. You know, the capital of New York.”

From the look on Taryn's face, that hadn't gone down well at all. Right, there was something to remember, then. Don't imply the one person standing between you and someone who could, quite literally, be an axe-murderer, would shoot them if necessary. Was it possible that Taryn was having doubts? Was she regretting what happened on the beach? Kate guessed so. Taryn probably would've shot her by now if she wasn't.

The girl with skanky feet slid the paper across the table. Kate tried to get a look at it, but Taryn quickly slid it back across the desk before she could. Luckily, however, Taryn decided to ask, just for confirmation. As it turned out, her name was Ashley. Right, that wasn't that bad a name, and at least it wasn't anything odd. Taryn followed up by saying her name, and what had to be a fake power, right? Kate still didn't exactly know what Taryn's was, although she guessed it'd make sense for her to team up with the meek, timid girl if she could see sound, but Kate didn't want to particularly dwell on that.

"Yeah, and um... I'm Katherine." Kate nodded, trying to think of a suitably threatening power instead of, well, y'know, Super teething. Invincibility? No, that would be far too easy to test. "Um... and I'm C-Carcinogenic. I can, uh... I can give you cancer by touching you. It's uh, slow, and um, really really painful."

Right. That'd probably have been threatening if Kate hadn't messed it up. Right, yeah, that was something to remember too. Don't flub your lines when there's a chance you might not walk away from it in one piece. Of all the lessons to drop why did she have to pick Drama? Kate stopped herself from sighing.

Taryn, surprisingly, said where she was from. New York? Great. Kate bet everyone else had come from the huge cities. New York, Detroit, Boston, and they just had to throw the girl from The Middle of Nowhere, WI. didn't they? Well, no use lying about it, best to just tell the truth on that one, she guessed.

"Yeah. I'm from, um, Wisconsin. Uh, really small town there. Lakeside... Y-You wouldn't have heard of it..."

The paper was passed back, and Kate got an idea all of a sudden. In hindsight, it wasn't one of her better ideas, but at the time, of course it sounded like a great idea. While Ashley was occupied with Taryn, Kate slowly shuffled around the desk, trying to keep quiet despite the close proximity between her and Ashley. She didn't exactly know what she'd find on the other side, really. Presumably some horrible piece of the puzzle that explained why she was hiding, most likely. After all, if there wasn't anything, they could be sure she wasn't a killer, right? Kate managed to get pretty close to the other side of the desk. She couldn't see anything really suspicious on the floor, but there was something amiss. Something wasn't right. She looked up. Almost managed a scream before it was stifled.

It all went downhill from there.

Ashlie listened intently as the other two girls introduced themselves, in addition to stating where they were from. The talkative one, Taryn, was from New York, and the meek one, Katherine, was from the middle of nowhere apparently. Great, she was dealing with Country Mouse and City Mouse.  They also mentioned their powers, although the meek girl's was a bit.... ridiculous. Not to mention she appeared to be a horrible liar. The paper slid across the table again, and Ashlie got back to writing.

As she wrote down where she was from, Ashlie's mind decided that sticking around with these two would not be a good idea for her down the road. They appeared to be more concerned with each other's survival, adding a third wheel wouldn't be good. No doubt they would throw her to the wolves at the first chance. She needed to leave.

Ashlie began to write something else down when she saw her chance. Katherine was moving around the table, no doubt attempting something outright stupid. Scratching out everything she wrote, she wrote something else quickly. Sliding the paper across to Taryn, Ashlie made her move.

Moving at a speed one wouldn't expect from someone Ashlie's size, Ashlie got Katherine into a stranglehold, clamping her hand around her mouth. Before Taryn or Katherine could even react, the tip of Ashlie's knife was at the meek girl's throat, positioned in such a way so that Taryn would have to shoot her friend to get at her. With her eyes, Ashlie motioned for Taryn to read the slip of paper.

Unless you want to see your friend's insides, don't move.

It was good that Taryn was a competent actress because that was all that was keeping her from bursting out into laughter at Kate’s made-up power. She had to admit, strange as it sounded, it wasn’t a bad fake power.

“Wisconsin, hu? That sounds really pretty. I’ve never been but I’ve heard-“

Taryn turned to look and Kate was gone. She looked up and saw Ashlie holding Kate to her body and pointing a knife at her throat.

Taryn raised her gun again and pointed it at Ashlie. Her arms were getting tired from holding on to it for so long.

“Easy there, sugar bear,” she said slowly, eyes fixed on Ashlie. “I don’t want to shoot you and I don’t think you want to kill her,” she said motioning to Kate, “if you did, you would have jumped out and shot us when we first walked in. You knew we were coming.”

Taryn narrowed her eyes and took a step back.  

"I’m going to let you know a little secret; you killed a boy? Well I shot one. I’m not afraid to do it again if you give me a reason. Don't give me one, let’s talk, or….rather write. What’s going on?” She tried to keep her voice nice and calm, reassuring.

Kate tried to shout something, to warn Taryn, but it was too late. The hand clamped over her mouth, stifling her screams. The knife dug into her throat, drawing a small trickle of blood. Teared up. With her free hand, Kate clasped for the pendant around her neck. Lucky necklace. Sammy's. Always helped her when she needed it and she definitely needed it right now. Oh God, she was serious about this. She was actually going to kill her.

How could she have fallen for it? How could she have been so stupid? In an instant, Ashley had taken her hostage and now she was using her as a bargaining chip and Oh God was Taryn going to shoot her? Would she do it? Shoot her to get to Ashley? No, she wouldn't... Taryn couldn't... she wouldn't. T-The Beach. Taryn shot the boy to protect her. No, No. she wouldn't. The boy was sprawled out on the beach, bleeding everywhere. She couldn't. "T-Taryn... Stop!" She was standing over him, ready to deliver the killing shot. Kate felt a chill run down her spine. Please don't do it, Taryn. Please... don't.

Taryn raised the gun at them. Kate squeezed her eyes shut and waited.


"Kate, I know you're busy and all, but you have to get to sleep sooner or later." Telling her to get to sleep. Regular occurrence. This time, though it wasn't her parents. Sammy, sent from the other room, they thought she'd listen to Sammy. "We're just worried, is all."

16-year-old Kate Black sat at the desk, illuminated only by the dull glow of the cheap desk lamp. Her headphones, draped around her neck, were blaring the latest hit by Lady Gaga, while the few contacts still on msn started to peter out. Kate checked the time on her monitor. 12:58am. Around the normal time, for her. She'd only been online since she'd gotten home from school.

"I'm just turning it off!" Kate shouted back. A lie. She'd be on there for another few hours, between studying and getting the new singles. Had to monitor the downloads, y'know? Besides, she could sleep when she was dead.

"G'night, Kate." Sammy replied. The door was shut, but Kate could tell without looking she was standing there, arms crossed and waiting for the dull roar of the computer's fans to cut it off.

"Night, Sam." Kate responded. Sammy sighed and walked away.


...Nothing. Kate opened her eyes. Taryn was talking? Was she trying to negotiate with Ashley? It looked like it. Oh no. No, This couldn't be happening. Taryn pointed at her. She was honestly trying to bluff her. Kate tried to shout at Taryn to find some way, any way to get Ashley off of her. If she was honest, she would live with being shot in the shoulder if it would hit Ashley in the face at that point.

Taryn brought up what happened on the beach, almost as if she was trying to reassure Kate that everything was fine. Kate didn't know why exactly she was bringing up the time she- they- shot someone, stole their supplies and left them for dead, but... it wasn't helping. Kate looked down at the pendant. Her lucky pendant. She could really use some luck right now. Kate tried to focus on that, instead of what was happening, but her attention was still drawn to the knife at her throat and the gun pointed at her chest. There was nothing left to do now but hope.

Ashlie's eyes narrowed into slits as Taryn tried to calm her down. She shot someone, right out admitted it, and now she expected her to just calmly let Katherine go? No way in hell that was going to happen. The time for talk was over. What she should do is just slit the bitch's throat and use her corpse as a shield until she could get away safely. Of course, with the girl dead, what was to stop Taryn from just shooting the dead body? No, she was much more useful alive.

Ashlie shook her head, trying to signal that no, she wasn't going to talk, write, whatever. Tightening her grip on the knife, Ashlie started to walk towards the entrance of the room, half dragging Katherine with her. She made sure to keep her hostage between her and the other girl, not wanting to give her any opening to shoot.

Once the two girls reached the entrance to the room, Ashlie smiled. She was practically home free now. All she needed to do was let the girl go, or maybe kill her. No, Ashlie wasn't going to kill her. Not yet. It would be too easy to end her life right then. She would stay alive for now. Thrusting her free hand into Katherine's pocket, Ashlie retrieved the clip of ammo she had taken from her other gun. With one last look at Taryn, for the first time since waking up on the island, Ashlie spoke with the intention of using her voice's effect.

"Nice meeting you bitches." Ashlie said before releasing her grip from Katherine and pushing her back into the room. Slamming the door shut to further impede them chasing her, the pink-haired girl took off, finding her way out of the building and moving to a new destination.

Exit Subject C08, Ashlie Jackson

Taryn stayed a good distance back as Ashlie dragged her unwilling living barrier with her to the entrance. Enough of a distance that Ashlie could feel good about her not lunging at them, but still with in shooting range. The possibility of her shooting was all that was keeping her from taking the knife and opening Kate’s throat.

To her great relief, Ashlie thrust Kate back at her once she reached the exit. To her great dismay, she shouted something at them upon departing, making the room spin again. Taryn tried to block her ears while still holding the gun, the sound was pounding through her head. When it stopped, she saw the girl had closed the door behind her.

“Swear to God I’ll shoot her the next time I see her,” she seethed. “I don’t fucking care, right in the head.”

She took a few deep breaths and seemed to recover somewhat. Now that she was gone she emptied out her ears and staggered to Kate.

“You okay?”

Ashley dragged Kate to the door, keeping Kate between her and Taryn's gun. Alright, this was it. She was either getting shot or her throat was getting cut. She was going to die, and there was nothing she could do about it. Kate winced, shut her eyes tight and hoped for the best.

To Kate's surprise, however, neither happened. What Taryn said must've worked, as Ashley let go of her. She had little time to appreciate that fact, however, as a shove from Ashley sent her forwards. Kate stumbled forwards a couple of steps, before Ashley shouted, causing the already unbalanced Kate to crash to the floor.

She groaned and rolled onto her back, just in time for Ashley to scream something at them, again causing the now-familiar feeling of nausea. Kate's head pounded in her skull. It was more controllable now, though. Not as deafening the fourth time around.

"P-Please do..." Kate put a hand up to her forehead as she struggled to sit up. "I... don't think I could take another one of those."

Taryn walked over, took the bread out of her ears. Yeah, Ashley was gone now. Hopefully for good. The bitch.

"Y-Yeah, I should be fine." Kate felt her throat, stopping when it started to sting, then put her hand up to her face. She was bleeding, but it wasn't something that she needed to worry about for now. She could dress it when they stopped for the night. "It's... uh, just a cut. Nothing bad or anything. Don't worry."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

June 24, 2010: 12:00-23:59
JUNE 24, 2010: 12:00

"Found them."


"Alright, you take that one."

What's going on?

"Hey, is he waking up?"

"Yeah, looks like it. Did you bring the thing?"

The thing?

"Right here. Be careful though, we don't know what this one can do."

Are they... talking about me?

"Yeah, I know."

What're you doing...

"Hurry up, he's starting to open his eyes!"

"Don't rush me, Matt."

Get off my-

"Allllright, there we go. Easy now, don't struggle."


"Sorry, kid."



Step, step, step, step, step. The sounds of panic clicked through the corridors, beats of sweat rolling down the flustered face of a nameless doctor. Before this life, he had kids, a wife, a home; all the trappings of a well-off man, but now? Walking through the halls of a run-down military complex, trying to find his boss so that he could tell him a piece of news which would probably end up killing him.

Poor guy.

Reaching the office of a Dr. Julian Cavery, he hesitated. If he walked in there, he would die. If he walked away, he had nowhere to go. If he stood there any longer, someone would eventually find him. His knuckles quietly rapped at the glass. A moment of silence. Then a voice.

"Come in."

He gulped down the rising fear, and took a deep breath. Cool, calm, collected. He gathered his thoughts, then stepped inside. There was very little light in here - the doctor had the blinds down to block out the harsh rays of the midday sun - and it had a strange sort of smell to it, like something was growing in the walls. Fighting every urge to pull his collar up over his nose, he began to take in stifled breaths as he stood nervously in Cavery's eyeline. He could feel his cold stare, but he forced himself not to look at his face, choosing instead to look blindly ahead at the wall above the desk.

Keep it together now, don't wanna get killed. Not here, not by him.

"Did you need me for something in particular, or...?"

"Er, yes sir! I-I um, we've had a little, er-"

Oh God. Those eyes. He couldn't look away from them any longer, they were drawing him in, like a whirlpool. It didn't matter how hard he tried to swim away, they were just too powerful, dragging him under without mercy. It might not have been so bad if he could only see his face, but that mask... the one he insisted on wearing, even when he was all alone in his office, like now.

"Look, I'm very busy, so if this isn't urgent-"

"He's gone, sir!"

Cavery sat perfectly still. No reaction, not even in his eyes. The doctor tilted his head a little to the side.

Did he hear me?


The masked man jerked suddenly in his chair, apparently surprised at the sight of his subordinate inspecting his face. The other man jumped.


The leather gloves around his hands tightened; his fingers curling themselves around both arms of his chair.

"I heard you."

This was it. He was going to die, he just knew it. The doctor could feel his legs shaking uncontrollably - he was going to die a blithering mess like he always imagined. At least his family couldn't see him now. Little Wendy, little Drew. His wife, Tracey, holding both their hands.

Oh well. He'd made the most of his time here, hadn't he? They'd accomplished something wonderful here, however barbaric the process they used to create it. He could die knowing he'd played a part in bringing humanity into the future. How many people could say the same?

"...Are you going to stand there all day?"


"Y-you're not mad? Er, sir?"

The man leaned back in his chair, relaxing his shoulders. It sounded like he chuckled, but the mask muffled it too much. He looked up at the man in the lab coat with - a grin? It was impossible to tell.

"No, I'm not mad."

Okay, now he was just confused.

"But... wasn't he important?"

A darker look now - time to stop asking questions.

"It's fine, Young. Go back to your station."

Cavery didn't have to tell him twice. Nodding awkwardly, he rushed over to the door and gripped the handle in his palm.

"Oh, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this. Keep it to yourself for now."

"Y-yes sir."

And with that, he left the good doctor to contemplate this news.

For now. Young told himself.


Lizzie cleared her throat.

"Gooooood afternoon! This is your host, Lizzle Badizzle Nolan, with your second announcement! How was that? Awesome, right? 'Course it was, I'm down with you kids and your crazy lingo."

A tired sigh in the background.

"Alrighty, so, I've got a lot of work today and I've been told to keep this one nice and short - like me! - so let's get this rolling! First up is a double-death, which by the way, is really fun to say over and over, trust me. Listen: double-death, double-death, double-death, double-death, dubble-feff - AW, I did so well! What? Oh yeah, well I'd like to see you try it. Oh, oh, what's that? Nothing? Yeeeeah, thought so. He's never been good at tongue-twisters, just ask his mother. OHHHH! BUUUUURN! Hey, where are you- hey no, that's not- No, it's my show, stop it! Hey-"

"Uhhh, is this- oh, okay. Since Lizzie can't handle the responsibility, I'm gonna read this - can you get those pens away from her? That really hurt! - one out today.

Like she said, the first death was a double one, with both Judith Vibert and Fredrick Slagenger getting themselves caught in the black forest after it became a dangerzone. Around the same time, Cristo Ruiz was killed down on the cove after shooting Otis Adelaide who died shortly after.

As for dangerzones, the previous ones have now been cleared and travel through them is safe again, while the Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones. You have one hour to escape, otherwise you will be eliminated.

How'd I do? What? I'm still - dammit."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 12:07

Morning. Six AM. That annoying, screeching female voice. He didn't manage to wake up fully in time for the whole of the announcement, but he did however hear something slightly alarming. "...As for dangerzones, the previous ones have now been cleared and travel through them is safe again, while the Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones. You have one hour to escape, otherwise you will be eliminated."

God. Fucking. Damnit. He glanced at his watch. 6:01. He had to be out by seven. "Shit, Kiera. We can't get out of here with him in tow." His eyes quickly snapped over to the wounded boy. Red had managed to completely soak the dressing overnight. The map was thankfully still out. "Shit, we need to move NOW if we want to live. Pack up and run. I wish there was something we could do for him, but we need to run."

Regret. Ray knew that if he tried to save Joel's life, all three of them would die. Joel was going to die either way. It was an inevitability because of that damnded ditz. There was no way she could be the mastermind behind all this, she was just too... dumb. But she was still a voice, something real to latch his hatred on to.

The powers as far as he'd seen had been complete and total bullshit. But the killing was real.

He slung his pack over his shoulder after buckling up the main flap. Reaching a hand out, he helped his partner up.

"I'm sorry kid... If you can even hear me... We tried. Sleep well."

With that offering of eulogy and regret, he walked. And he didn't look back. Two bodies would lie deceased in that cave come this day; the body of Jay Holland going un noticed by the panicked Ray.

Exit Subject C10, Raymond Pietrowski

"Gooooood afternoon!"

Oh fuck off...

It was the next morning, and Keira had barely wiped the sleep from her eyes before the shrewish voice of the announcer began to emanate across the island. The last thing she really needed after a rather rough night was to listen to Little Miss Coffeholic go on about everyone who had died recently. Four people from the sound of things... Including one of the supposed killers from yesterday. Well, guess thats one less psycho to worry about...

"As for dangerzones, the previous ones have now been cleared and travel through them is safe again, while the Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones. You have one hour to escape, otherwise you will be eliminated."


"Shit, Kiera. We can't get out of here with him in tow."

"What!?!" she exclaimed with a startled look on her face. She couldn't honestly believe what she'd just been told. That Ray was honestly about to just leave this poor kid to die such a horrific death.  "We... We can't just LEAVE him here!"

"Shit, we need to move NOW if we want to live. Pack up and run. I wish there was something we could do for him, but we need to run."

"But... We......" she stammered before falling silent, biting her lip as she looked back at the poor injured boy. As much as she hated to admit it, Ray had a good point. They probably had 10, maybe even 5 minutes to get away from here as fast as possible. It'd take an hour just to carry the poor guy up the mountain, let alone out of the dangerzone. If she wanted to live, the only choice she really had was to leave this poor guy who she didn't even know the name of behind to die. Something she just couldn't bring herself to do...

Ray helped her up at that moment, giving the green blazered boy a final farewell and apology before moving off. Rather then follow along, Keira stood there for a moment, trying to figure out if there was some way out of this mess. There must be SOME way of saving this guy. She'd just need to think about it, thats all...

But then, she began to feel a telltale vibration in her wrist which was more then enough of a warning sign to convince her to leave. Ray was right, there was nothing she could do to save him. Not a single damn thing, other then die along side him. And dying was the last thing on her mind right now...

"I... I, I'm so sorry..." she said, a single tear running down her cheek before she turned around and ran in Ray's direction.

They were barely a dozen metres or so away from the ravine before she heard the noise of an explosion back near where the cave was.

Exit Subject C03, Keira MacDonald

"You should have lived when you could."



There was a voice talking, a voice that hurt Joel's ears. It was still dark around him, and it was still light in his head. His body was cold and stiff, and a general ache had come over it. His head hurt more than it ever had before and he couldn't remember why. The horrible voice stopped and was replaced by a fainter one, much nearer. He could almost make out the words.


Joel felt strangely calm as the people around him left. He simply didn't have the energy to feel any emotion about the situation. For a while he lay on his back in the cave, barely even thinking. He felt sleepy, but something was keeping him awake. Slowly, Joel lifted his head and tried to stand up. Pressure built along the sides of his head until his vision was covered in twinkling lights. Joel felt his head hit the floor hard and fell back into the blackness. Perhaps he could just lie here for a little longer.

Something hit Joel in the stomach. Digestive juices surged up his throat as his stomach was crushed by the intense force, bursting out of his mouth mixed with mucus. Burning droplets were already splattering on him by the time vomit stopped. His gut burned with a pain beyond anything he'd known, but his main concern was the lack of breath. Joel tried to breathe in, but his chest seemed to lack suction. The last of his digestive juices slid down his throat as he struggled for air, gasping as his lungs filled with blood from within. He flailed helplessly, his legs no longer moving and his motions uncoordinated. Joel could feel his vision fading, even from the twisted half-sight he'd had since he woke up in this hell. How on earth was he meant to find help without his eyes? He needed to find someone to help clear his lungs! Anyone!

Desperate for air, Joel struggled even as his thoughts faded, leaving him no time to reflect on his situation. He clawed frantically at his throat and the hole in his stomach, until his body let out one final sigh and fell still.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 12:07

"Holding Cells, The Great Divide, the Settlement and the Radio Tower are the new ones..."

Oh, crap.

With a yell, she slammed her fist onto the device. "Goddamnit. Maybe they don't want us to know..." Slowly, she switched it off, giving a wince. Fuck. So close. FUCK! FUCK!


Kicking the air, she stormed up and down the insides of the station, feeling as if she wanted to punch through a wall. Fuck this shit. Fuck all this shit. She wanted to fucking kick those organization pasties and slam dunk them through a hoop. Picking up her gear, she gave a mental yell. Fuck this shit. I'm going. Bye, thanks for the idea. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!

With a thump, her fist reopened the door, letting her into the outside world.

Exit Subject C12, Penelope Rivers

Pippi’s rather violent outburst at hearing the latest announcement was an understandable one, after all it basically meant that their plans were screwed over before they even started, and normally Simon probably would have reacted along those same lines, except for one thing.

The first death was a double one, with both Judith Vibert and Fredrick Slagenger getting themsel…


They really were dead. He’d known as much anyway in the back of his mind, with them having been gone so long, but up until now he could at least hope that they had just gotten sidetracked and came out of the forest at a different part of the island. What had happened to them anyway, did they get lost, or stuck? Was it Fredrick and his wheelchair or did something happen to Judith? If he had been there rather than going on ahead would he have been able to save them?

Maybe, maybe not. Now was not the time to be worrying about stuff like that though, they were not out of this yet and if their plan for the radio tower was out they’d just need to think of something else instead. Simon looked up to ask the others what they thought when he noticed that one of them wasn’t there anymore.

“Wait, did she leave? Are you going to leave too or are we still going to work together to get out of this?”

The announcement, already? It seemed so recently that the first one had been made. And now the radio tower was out of reach to them.

"There is no point. That cable car leads up to the Radio Tower. The Radio Tower is now dangerous to us. Therefor, we cannot go further than this point. I hope you survive the next day, my friend, but I will not be here to help you. I am going to the shore of this island, to brainstorm another way off, and hope I don't lose myself to darkness...."

On that melancholy note, Chris turned and walked out of the building.

Exit Subject C16, Chris Richardson

Simon watched as Chris turned and walked out as well, not really feeling the need to reach out and stop him. There was no way he could change his mind if he had already decided to give up on working together, especially not when he himself was starting to have doubts that they could even make it out of here alive.

It just seemed like the game was actually out to get him. First off he gets a power that takes away his weapons, an advantage that pretty much everyone else on the island still has, next the two people he managed to ally himself with get killed off by the first set on dangerzones, and finally his plan to escape is stopped before it can even start by the second set of dangerzones, causing his newest allies to lose hope and split up. So far the people behind this game had caused him much more trouble than the other experiments.

Pushing away from the wall he was leaning against Simon began walking towards the door as well, several minutes after the other two had already left, detouring only to go over to the console Pippy had been using earlier to turn the cable cars off. After all, the was a chance they might be able to come back later once the dangerzone had ended and he wanted all the machinery to still work by then. He just hoped there were still some people left alive by that point, what were they down to now? Thirteen if he remembered the announcements right.

Odds were good that number would be halved by the next time he heard that chirpy voice from the speakers again.

Exit Subject C05, Simon Matthews
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 12:07

Announcement. More deaths. Holding cells were a danger zone. ...They were in the holding cells. Oh Crap.

"T-Taryn!" Kate scrambled to her feet, grabbed her knife and her bags, and made her way down the stairs. "W-We have to run. Now!"

She sprinted down the corridor, bag clanking over her shoulder. Pushed through the door, turned the corner, jumped over the step she'd tripped up on earlier as she ran out of the building, through the bushes, and past of the tree she'd memorised from the map earlier as the boundary of the zone. Panting, she slowed to a stop, slumping down at the foot of another tree. She panted heavily, trying to catch her breath, before taking the crumpled map out from her pocket. Half of the island was now out of bounds to her and Taryn, so they'd have to be careful just walking around the island now.

"T-Taryn..." Kate looked up and asked. "Where do... um, Where we go now?"

Exit Subject C11, Katherine Black

Having regained steady footing, Taryn walked normally the rest of the way to Kate. She leaned in close and saw the girl had cut her neck.

“I’ll cut open her throat next time and pull out that horrible voice of hers. Good thing it’s not a deep cut.”

The announcements came on overhead. Taryn wasn’t paying very close attention until the place they were standing in was named a danger zone. Kate scrambled for her bags and Taryn started pulling her belongings up as well. She had a good amount of strength, but unlike the other girl she was a slow runner.

Lagging behind Kate, she followed after her, trying her best to be quick, but inevitably falling further and further behind. Thankfully, Kate seemed to know the way back out and even though at the end she ended up thirty feet back from the other girl, she came to a stop back in the forest where Taryn finally caught up. She likewise leaned against a tree and slid down. Taryn unzipped her bag, pulled out a water bottle and promptly drained it to the half way mark.

“I dunno, but I guess we’re not going back there,” she said, casting a glance at the structure.

Exit Subject C13, Taryn Jones
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24,2010: 12:07

Iris & Holly
The announcement came on.  


Iris pressed her hands against her heart, her eyes closed.  Holly looked unsympathetic.  Iris shook.  Four dead.  It made Iris shiver but the feeling of horror had lessened.  Iris seemed to be...  getting used to the idea of fighting for her life.  Maybe that scared Iris, the fact that she was used to her impending doom.  Iris felt emotionally numb after the bombshell.  Cristo was dead.  The beautiful boy, the angel.  The only thing that Iris had wanted was his embrace.  Now there was no such luvk of that happening.  Her fingers burned as they traced the outlines of her jaw, a habit that was neither bad nor good.  The dangerzones listed and Iris perked up. The settlement?  Iris didn't know all the areas but this looked like a nice group of houses.

"Where are we?  Holly, where are we?"

"... How should I know?"

"Is this the settlement?"  Iris prodded.

Holly put a hand to her head.  "Yeah, I guess so."  

"I-I think..."


"I think we're in a dangerzone."

Holly's eyes shot open.  "What?"

"T-That's whut the announcement said."

Holly gasped, trying to rise up to her feet. "We have to.... We..." She wobbled.  Iris was right there, catching Holly with both arms.  

"No no!  You ain't walkin', not like that!"

Holly let out a groan, her knees shaking.  "I'm fine Iris... I'm... I'm cool, don't worry."

Iris just shook her head.  There was no way she was going to do that.  If she let go of Holly, she was going to go sprawling to the floor.  Holly would feel even worse.  Friends didn't let friends fall on their faces.  Iris smiled, wrapping her arm around Holly's shoulders.  She could feel Holly resisting at first but then she relaxed.  It was difficult trying to keep Holly up.  She wasn't light.  Holly let out a laugh, though Iris couldn't tell why.  Why was Holly laughing?  She was just snapping at her a minute ago.  Iris turned around and looked at Johnny.

"W-We have tah go Johnny."  Iris said sadly.  She didn't say anything else.  No need.

Exit Subject C02, Iris Landon and Subject C09, Holly Chapman

‘I’m from Little Rock in Arkansas.’

I guess this is a good sign. We’ve been introduced we know a little about each other. This isn’t what you do with someone who you’re gonna murder down the line. Just don’t say anything stupid.

Silently Johnny followed Iris as she made her way to her friend. The friend who predictably ignored him and asked Iris about the suit. Johnny’s eyes narrowed slightly. Fair enough but she doesn’t have the slightest clue why I’m wearing it so she can’t help you can she. It almost made him want to just tear the mask off and show everyone what he was, what he’d become. This thought did not last very long and Johnny quickly returned to the mind-set he’d had before. This thing comes off when I’m dead, and not a moment before.

In all fairness Iris gave him a sad look before introducing the other girl, Holly. She’d even said he was ‘fine’ too. Considering how close these two seemed to be that was probably a ringing endorsement. As they talked Johnny looked at Holly. Iris was asking after her and she really did look like she’d had one too many the night before. He said nothing. It just didn’t seem like the right time. When the announcement came on Johnny jumped a little. Luckily no one seemed to be paying attention to him.

The only name that meant anything to him was the Cristo one. He killed before. Karma’s a bitch. It seemed to be the only name that Iris cared about too. She did say she’d seen some other people but never mentioned who they’d been. Johnny was spared from overly worrying about it when the voice told them the house was a danger zone. Iris helped Holly up and told him that yes, they did have to leave. Johnny wasn’t sure if they meant ‘we have to leave’ as in all three of us or ‘we have to leave’ as in just us two good luck and all that jazz. For a change of pace he moved not silently at all towards the door after they left. They’d let him live and he’d probably just slow them down.

But they might need me…

Exit Subject C07, Johnny Marsh
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 01:38

Enter Subject C01, Samantha Reynolds
Time passed.

Samantha did not sleep. She had not slept in... oh, it must have been going on twenty-six hours. Her personal record was forty-nine. That had been Junior year. Two days, no coffee, no tea, just sheer force of will, reading and rereading and still having trouble come exams, still turning in papers below the level she knew she could reach. Collapsing at the end of it, on Friday afternoon, fresh from swim team, lying in bed and not waking up until Saturday morning, and with a terrible cold at that.

Now, she was willing to take a cold, take lost hours and sickness and headaches, if it meant her survival. Sleep was death. Sleep was the end, a chance for someone to wander by and pump her full of lead. No, that was not how this would go. She would live. She could do it.

The announcements had played some time ago. An hour or two. Fuck it. Didn't matter. The guy on the beach, that had been Cristo, one of the killers. So, only one killer was left. Interesting. It seemed that, perhaps, people weren't so willing to take lives. That was an advantage. It meant there was a good chance people wouldn't come in shooting. A good chance they'd want to talk, like Otis had. If the dangerous ones had weeded themselves out, it would make things so much easier. She would survive. That precluded getting shot. It meant she had to be smart, ruthless. Ready to do whatever it took.


Time to ponder that later.

The forest was unnatural. Black. A forest of death. That was why she was here, though. Four more people were dead. Otis and Cristo she'd seen. But two had exploded in the forest. Samantha had been close to the area when that was stated, and she'd moved in as quickly as she could. The important thing was to be the first person on the scene. To get hold of the guns and supplies, not out of any real need for them, but to deny them to the others. To control as many variables as possible.

Unfortunately, she'd had absolutely no luck. The forest was big, but it wasn't that big. Certainly not big enough for her to have seen no sign after two hours of searching, not when she was using her sense of smell almost as much as her sense of sight. Blood stank. Bodies stank. She knew just how they smelled. Not a single whiff of that. Damn.

Then again, there were the moments, moments like now, when she could hardly be sure she was conscious, when she was wrapped up in her dreams, walking through a haze, her eyelids drifting closed and open, closed and open, her gait lilting, her grip on her gun slackening. She kept it in hand at all times now. No more surprises. No.

She stumbled, nearly fell. Dammit.


A quick thought.

Snap, crack, pain. Her face on fire again. Adrenaline shooting through her system, bringing her to awareness once more. She had discovered that she could trick her body into believing it was in real danger with just a few little torturous adjustments every half hour or so. There'd be hell to pay later, she was sure of it, but it was a gamble she was willing to take. It meant that there would be a later. And, if there wasn't, if she failed and died, what did it matter how fucked up her system was?

The forest made it hard to distinguish things. Hard to place shapes. The geometry of the place seemed to twitch and shift every time she looked away, presenting her with a constantly-refreshed environment to explore. And yet, no corpses. No corpses anywhere. Her left hand was clenched, the nails digging furrows into her palm. Not drawing blood. She'd read about that so many times, but couldn't quite believe it was possible to claw one's own palm open. After all, she'd tried. It hadn't worked.

She stumbled again, this time out of clumsiness, not fatigue. A protruding root had tripped her up. There were roots and fallen branches everywhere.

It was no good. No good at all. Samantha slumped to the ground, leaning against the tree for a second. Not sleeping. Keeping alert. Gun held at the ready, glancing around. She just needed rest for a second. Rest, not sleep. Time to focus, to come up with a plan.


It was all that mattered. She would live. She would do what she had to. Killing people? No. Not unless they attacked her. After all, there was still at least one killer out there, one person thinning the ranks or spreading paranoia. But, in the end, she would have to change that. If there had been twenty subjects in the beginning (and she was fairly sure there had been), then there were thirteen left. Slightly less than two thirds. It made no sense to make any sort of play until the final four or five. Sure, she probably was unidentifiable to the others, but that was no reason to stir up trouble, to risk herself, her health.

And there was always that niggling fear that she was doing something wrong. That there was a better way, another option. If Otis was here, he'd have thought of it. If he was here, she would be sleeping now, probably leaned up against him—no. No, she'd have been keeping him at arm's length, because... because...

It didn't matter anymore. She could think and feel whatever she liked about Otis. He was dead.

She took her glasses from her face and wiped them on her blouse. It was no longer white. It was stained with dirt, mud, and sand. Some blood, too. Must have been Otis' blood. How had that gotten there?

A sigh. Soon. Soon it would be over. She could make it. She could survive.

She had to.

Enter Subject C08, Ashlie Jackson
Ashlie hadn't stopped walking since leaving the holding cells and the other two behind. She stumbled along blindly, her feet still bleeding. She didn't care about her feet anymore. Blood seeped between the bandages, and no doubt if she looked at them she would find something she didn't want to know about. Whatever, she couldn't feel the pain in her feet anymore. Besides, they were the least of her worries. Taryn was no doubt trying to hunt her down at this moment for what she did to her friend. Her feet would mean nothing if she was dead.

As Ashlie continued to walk, she heard the announcements come on. She ignored them, they didn't mean anything to her. As long as she stayed out of the dangerzones, she would be fine. Thankfully, where she was right now wasn't a dangerzone. It was a creepy looking forest however. Gripping her remaining pistol in her right hand, she continued on.

Ashlie needed to think of a plan. Clearly wandering around aimlessly wasn't doing anything for her. She needed to find someone. Maybe an easy target or two. At this point her best plan was to thin out the field some more. The more people dead the less people in her way. Hell, she had already killed one person, she could do it again. Granted the first one was purely by mistake, but that was besides the point. It's not like it would be hard for her, what with her powers. Just talk, aim, and fire. Easy as that. Now she just needed to find someone. It shouldn't be too hard....

Black. Brown. Red. Grey. Colors around her, fading in and out of reality. Don't fall asleep. Don't lose like this. Don't let it all end.

Then: a noise. Minuscule. So simple to ignore it, to let go and catch some rest. Samantha was alert in half a second. Gun out, held two-handed. No mistakes. No fucking around. In that moment, clarity. If someone attacked her, she would kill them. No hesitation. No regrets. No feeling. A simple process, pull the trigger, noise, motion, blood. Just like at the beach. Just like Cristo had done.

Was there really someone there, though? Or was this the sort of paranoid delusion brought about by a total lack of rest, a psyche on the edge of collapse? Samantha was no longer fully stable. She understood this, and believed that her understanding would keep her sane enough to function. She had to stay calm, stay in control. Stop panicking. Put an end to these snap reactions, these poor choices. If Otis hadn't been with her on the beach, she would have been killed. If he hadn't been able to do... whatever he did to Cristo, she would have been killed. If he'd decided not to play nice, decided to make her his first step towards a career as a murderer, she'd have been killed.

Knowing she had survived by luck and the grace of others was not a good feeling. No. She had to get back to the state of mind she'd held on the bridge, getting the drop on Pippi (Pippi, who was still alive out there, somewhere, despite her crippling idiocy. Funny, that), keeping her own interests first and foremost in her mind. Yes. That was how a survivor thought.

Time to face problems head on. Time to get a grip. Time to deal with things directly.

Samantha stepped around the tree, gun at the ready, and there, coming towards her, was a girl. Pink hair. Piercings. A bit overweight. Slut. Samantha's reaction was so visceral it surprised even her. What did it matter if some punk-ass whore was here? It was to be expected. They'd gone and grabbed a good variety, hadn't they? And yet, this girl, this person too fucking idiotic to even wear shoes, ground on Samantha's nerves like none other, especially with all that blood on her. Was she the other killer, then? Samantha almost blew the girl away on the spot.

The gun stopped her. At least this person was ready.

"Don't try anything."

Quick words, buying time. Once more, a stalemate. This time, though, Samantha found she enjoyed it.

Ashlie wasn't very surprised when a voice called out to her, telling her not to try anything. She turned to look at the speaker, not bothering to raise her gun, but keeping her grip on the weapon tight. The other girl looked nervous, not that Ashlie could blame her. All the death and carnage around them, some six or seven out of twenty killed, scary looking bloodstained girl standing in front of her. It amazed Ashlie slightly that she hadn't been shot on the spot by the twitchy girl.

Standing in the dim forest, gun pointed in her general direction, the pink haired girl couldn't help the small smirk that crossed her face. Funny how not a few hours ago Ashlie was holding someone hostage, and now the situation had been reversed on her. She wasn't afraid though. It wasn't the first time she had found herself in a tight situation, and that's not even counting her time on the island.

Ashlie, having nothing better to do and having no way of communication, started to mentally apraise the girl. She wasn't quite her type, and she got major negative points for threatening her. Still, she had a nice body. Face could use some work. Seemed like the type that could easily be talking into or out of doing something, like shooting someone. Too bad Ashlie couldn't talk. Well, she could, but that never ended well. Alas, such is life.

All Ashlie could do at that point was wait. Wait for something to happen. Maybe the girl in front of her would decide she wasn't worth her time, or perhaps she would even decide Ashlie was harmless and drop her guard. Or she might just shoot her. Whatever happened, Ashlie didn't care. Although she would prefer to not get shot.

Enter Subject C12, Penelope Rivers
"Fuck. This. Shit."

Kicking a idle stick up into the air, she gave another swear, something she had been doing WAY too much the last few hours. She really thought that they had a good gameplan. Knowing her luck, they actually did. And then that over-caffinated chick decided to ruin everything by the dangerzones. Fuck, I thought we had it...

Picking up a rock, she gave a grunt and threw it at a tree. Goddamnit. All she wanted to do was go home. None of this fucking magic super powers crap, none of this shoot everyone and kill them stuff. Just be at Elizas apartment and laughing at bad comedies, or on the courts at home with some 2-on-2 with LT on her side and Jess and Chuck yapping at them to keep up. She gave a soft sigh. What was LT thinking now? Or Eliza? Were they wondering where she went?

Shaking her head, she kept walking. This was getting her nowhere.

The other girl didn't try anything. She also didn't say anything. The only thing she did was turn around and then fucking stand there, giving Samantha the eye. Like she wasn't even worth acknowledging. It made Samantha both angry and nervous. On the one hand, such dismissal was a pretty stupid idea, especially coming from a punk slut on the wrong end of a pistol. On the other hand, maybe it meant she had some sort of power that would change the dynamics, the sort of thing that would totally reverse the situation and allow her to dispatch Samantha so easily she didn't even need to be concerned. But there was yet another possibility, that being that she was counting on Samantha to think this through, that she was just trying to bluff her way out of the situation, get Samantha to drop her guard.

It was too complicated. Too much of a pain for her tired mind to work out. No, the solution was blindingly obvious. There was one way to confirm or deny every single one of her suspicions.

She just had to pull the trigger.

Everything hinged on that one little act. It was the logical culmination of her time here, of her pledge to Otis. Live. And how, without killing? There was no way. And shooting this girl would force her hand. If she was bluffing, or just scared, or whatever the fuck it could be, she would die. If she had a dangerous power, maybe Samantha would get the drop on her. And, if she was bulletproof or some shit like that? Maybe the surprise would give Samantha more time to run.

Do it.

Yes. Yes, it made sense, oh how it made sense. And better still, it would be a new way to vent, a new way to blow off her stress. Until now, she had hurt only herself. How simple it would be to adjust that basic philosophy, to spread the pain to others too. The screams would be the same, right? Did it really matter from whose throat they emanated?

Do it.

She tightened her finger on the trigger. A simple pull. So easy, so, so easy. Wash away her problems, her doubts, her fear, her pain. Prove that she had what it took to live. After all, she would murder at some point, or she would die. No way to wiggle free. The very fact that she hadn't fired yet was an argument in favor of biting the bullet and taking a life now. It would desensitize her, give her what she needed for the final battle. Let her blow through all the psychological damage now, when she still had time to recover.

Do it.

Samantha's hands had begun to tremble. She steadied them. The gun was aimed exactly where it had to be.

She pulled the trigger.

The bullet went smashing into a tree, safely clear of Bloodslut. The recoil wasn't nearly so bad this time, being expected.

"Get the fuck out of here," Samantha growled. "I don't know what your game is, and I don't care. I'm too tired to deal with this right now. Maybe I'll catch you in the finals, and we can pick up this delightful interaction then. Maybe I'll never see you again. Here's hoping that's the case."

Then, just to be sure she wasn't going to get blown to pieces by some other attacker, Samantha took a glance around. And there, not nearly far enough away, was Pippi. The moron herself, somehow still alive and unharmed. Would wonders never cease?

"Pippi. Good to see you. A little help here?"

Yeah, idiot. Help me get rid of this whore, and maybe watch out while I get some sleep, and I'll return the favor, and we can be happy and shit, and then go our own ways and never, ever interact again.

Ashlie watched as the girl in front of her continued to point her gun at her. She looked kind of pathetic really. Looking all high and mighty with her gun, thinking she was in control. She was so very wrong. All Ashlie needed to do was say one word, just one simple phrase, and she would have the upper hand. It wouldn't be very hard for her to just dispatch the girl as she lay on the ground, puking her guts ou-

The pink haired girl instinctively ducked when the loud bang went off. The bullet that was intended for her had missed, hitting a tree nearby. Ashlie had to do everything in her power to not laugh at that moment. The fucking bitch missed! What a fucking loser. They were no more than 10 or 15 feet apart, how the fuck do you miss from that distance? Of course, in Ashlie's mind there was no way that missing her could have been intentional.

The girl's next words ended up doing the exact opposite of what they had intended to do. Her high and mighty act only served to infuriate Ashlie even more. She was going to shoot the bitch dead... or at least the new bitch who just walked in on them. The shooting bitch seemed to know her, friends maybe? Perfect.

Ashlie stood up quickly, shifting her weight so that she could make a quick dash for it once she did what she was going to do. A large grin crossed Ashlie's features as she raised the gun in her hands and quickly pulled the trigger in rapid succession three times, pointed in the direction of the newcomer.

Whatever Samantha had expected, it was not an aggressive reaction. Not an attack. She wasn't able to move. Probably wouldn't have done so even had she been able to. Bloodslut stood, moving quickly, and fired. Fired, not at Samantha, but at Pippi.

Samantha wondered, in that split second, if it was wrong that all she could feel was relief.

Ashlie stood in her place, gun still raised, aimed in the general direction of the newcomer. She waited to see what would happen as a result of her firing her gun.

The world went red.

Struggling, Pippi forced herself up off the ground, looking at her arm now slicked with red blood. Giving a grunt of pain, she fell back down on her knees, her vision blurring in front of her. She touched her breast. More blood flowed out onto her hands.

F-fuck. I... Ahhh! Pain...

Looking up, she swallowed, fumbling with something in the waistband of her black tracksuit pants. She recognised that girl, Samantha. She could be saved. She could escape.

Fucking hell. Run, Samantha, get the fuck out of here!

Pulling out the cold metal of the pistol, she moved to depress trigger at her attacker.

You fuck me up, I fuck you u-AHHH!

Sprawling back onto the ground, she coughed up blood. Another shot to the chest, her gun flying aimlessly at her side. She wanted to cry foul, that this wasn't even a fair fight, before realising her lungs were collapsed, her voice taken.

And then another shot.

The scream could be heard across the island, ringing at the back of people's minds, before after an age... it stopped.

Enter Subject C16, Chris Richardson
Chris was hopelessly lost. Pathetically, hopelessly lost. How hard was it to find the shore?

Apparently, pretty hard. Otherwise, he wouldn't be lost now.


Chris jumped, nearly dropping everything he was carrying. Survival instinct forgotten, he pulled his knife from his pocket and charged toward the gunshots. Voices in his mind....

Pippi. And she was in pain. She was telling someone to run, to get away. Then the scream started.

Chris threw his hands to his head, wincing. It was a terrible noise, the last agonizing cry of a dying psychic. He burst into the clearing as Pippi's body hit the ground.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

The shots impacted, forcing Pippi down, curtailing her futile attempt at resistance. It would've been really tragic, except for the fact that Samantha's head was filled with the girl's mental processes. Needless to say, they were not pleasant. It was... oh god, it was the beach again, Pippi was willing her to run, to get clear, Pippi knew she was going to die, just wanted Samantha safe or something. Not again. Someone else dying for her, trying to protect her. Why? What made her so worthwhile? Pippi was stupid as bricks, but surely even she had figured out that she'd been abandoned earlier. People just kept seeing something important in Samantha, something worth saving. Or, no, no, it was a curse. Everyone she met died. Otis. Cristo. Pippi.

Then the screams, the mental blast, ringing through her, consuming her as Pippi passed. It was too much. Samantha reacted instinctively, matching the mental pain with physical, contorting her features, sharpening them, the agonies washing over her, mixing—

After a few moments of her transformation, Pippi's mental scream cut off prematurely, leaving Samantha blinking through tears, staggered but totally aware, totally prepared. Someone else crashed in, asking what was going on as Pippi slumped over dead. Didn't matter. Fuck him. Because it was finally time. Samantha was just so fucking tired of of people dying for her, so fucking tried of freaking out and running away, so fucking tired of being unable to do anything, so fucking tired of, of, of...


Why bother?

Because sometimes, there's nothing to do but keep on trying. Sometimes, you fight for something without even really knowing why. Sometimes, just acting is enough.

You shot the wrong person, bitch.

Samantha turned and opened fire at the murdering whore, one two three four wild shots, and all the while Samantha was moving, running for cover behind even as the recoil threw an erratic waver into her stride. No freezing now. The stress had mounted up, built upon itself, threatened to crush her down, and now it had all broken, everything had shattered into a thousand pieces, she didn't even know what she was doing or why, but she didn't care, either, not now. Now, there was one focus, one alone.

Kill the bitch.

Ashlie's lips formed a content grin as she watched the girl fall to the ground. There was no doubt about it that she was dead. One more dead bitch on the ground, one more step to survival. There couldn't be many more left, and she had more than enough to eliminate them all. She would be home inside of a week, and despite her.... issues with her voice, would go on to live the rest of her life as far away from the rotting, bug ridden corpses of these fuckers.

Ashlie's little inner monologue was cut off by the other girl firing in her general direction. Although she instinctively ducked, she didn't have to, thanks to the girl's terrible aim. Still, the thought of being shot after removing another contender from the game wasn't a pleasant one. It would just suck. Someone else had carelessly crashed into their little party, and he looked like a real downer. One of those ones that usually marked the time to make a hasty exit. Which was just what the pink haired girl planned on doing.

Standing back to full height, Ashlie pointed her gun again, not really at anyone particular, and fired. In the ensuing chaos of her attack, the girl grabbed her bag and, mustering all the energy she could while ignoring the pain in her feet, made a hasty exit away from the scene of the chaos, and onward to hopefully more victims.

Exit Subject C08, Ashlie Jackson

Chris barely had time to take in the scene before a shoot out began. Panicking wildly, he threw himself flat and scrambled behind a tree. Almost as soon as it had started, the gunfight was over. He peeked around the tree and saw that the girl who had shot Pippi had run away. That suited him just fine. He stood up and stepped around the tree, putting his hands up and screaming, "Don't shoot me! Don't shoot me!"

Considering the lack of hot lead slamming into his chest, Chris could only assume that that had worked. Either that, or this other girl was staring at him incredulously, wondering just how someone could be this big of an idiot.

"Please don't shoot me. I-I just want to know what happened here. I was kinda friends with her-" he indicated Pippi's body. "-and I suppose answers would be nice. .... Did I mention please don't shoot me?"

And just like that, half a second, and Bloodslut was gone, with one poorly-aimed parting shot (meaning she'd fired, what, four times?), leaving Samantha panting, fuming, seething in anger, doing her best to force down the bloodlust she'd never even known she possessed. Her new resolved warred with her common sense, every urge telling her to chase after the girl gun blazing, every bit of self preservation telling her to control the situation, to do the smart thing.

Somehow, she fought her feelings down. For once in this entire fucking disaster of an experience, Samantha made the right choice. She locked her anger away in a little corner of her mind, to live with the stress the pain the madness the sorrow. Then, that done, she walked ever-so-calmly over to Pippi's corpse. The girl was leaking blood from everywhere. Nothing Samantha hadn't seen before, not now. Nothing like a melted, eyeless corpse. Nothing she could even bring herself to be upset over.

Memories: gunshot stumbling rocks trees bridge girl idiot gun red hair: a jumbled mess, no connections anymore, no feelings.

Words from the past: "We can go there, work things out or whatever, and then get out of each other's way."

Yes. That was what she had said, and that was what they had done, gotten out of each other's way, but Pippi, stupid Pippi, she had come back, hadn't she? She had come back and so she had fallen, killed by the curse. Because everyone who met Samantha died. Right now, only two people she had interacted with still drew breath: Bloodslut, and this boy here. The boy was nothing special. Brown messy hair, whining and pleading at her, begging her not to kill him. Pathetic. A sniveling wimp. Where the fuck did they get these people, these dysfunctional freaks and latent sociopaths? Of them, only Otis had been sane, had been cool. It made Samantha wonder what the fuck was wrong with her.

She had stooped down, rummaged Pippi's bag. It was getting to be routine. Gun. Check it: fourteen shots, unfired. Knife. Food. Looked like Pippi hadn't really done all that much. Too bad for her. Not surprising. Pippi had never been smart.

And then, that taken care of, Samantha turned to the guy as he finished speaking, and she leveled her gun at him.

She wished she could pretend she didn't know what she was doing. Wished she could come up with an excuse or a logical explanation for her actions that pushed aside responsibility, chalked it up to stress. But it was more than that. It was her finally playing this smart, finally doing the right thing, now that there wasn't anyone left to take bullets for her. Live. Living meant taking life, but, more than that, it meant procuring the necessities to survive. Things were winding down, rolling towards a conclusion. They were nearly halfway, and now Samantha knew who the big threat was, knew who to shoot on sight. She also knew the score when it came to weapons.

She had four guns. Add in Otis' gun, lost or discarded somewhere. He was smart enough to make sure nobody else could use it. Add in the two in the forest, missing, seemingly vanished into thin air. No way would anyone find them. Add in the one this boy surely held, and that made eight. Over a third of the weapons in this game that Samantha could account for.

"Sorry," she said. "I need your gun. Slide it over nice and easy, and nothing unpleasant needs to happen. I won't take your food or your knife. I don't want to hurt you."

Left unspoken: But I will if I have to.

"Oh, and I knew her too, kind of. I'm sorry your friend died, but, hey, maybe you can go hunt down the pink-haired whore or something."

Oh hell. Chris wasn't surprised; it was a stupid idea to think that the girl was trustworthy. After all, this was just a game, wasn't it? And everybody wanted to win.

So Chris, with slow carefulness, took his gun from his daypack, cradling it in both hands and sinking to the ground. He noted, making his plans, that the soil was slightly wet from morning dew. Still touching the gun with both hands, he pushed it across the ground, where friction stopped it about five feet away from the girl.

He stayed on his knees, hanging his head like a betrayed animal, and, with both hands touching the ground, activated his ability. He didn't know how quickly the amperage would build up, but he hoped it would be enough to zap the threat. But not kill her. He didn't want to kill people.

If this would even work, he had no idea. Maybe her shoes would keep her from getting zapped- they had rubber soles, right? And the electricity maybe wouldn't even flow through the ground. Or something.

The boy complied. It was that easy. That simple. He took the gun out, slid it over, not pointing it at her, and pushed his hands to the ground. Was he feeling defeated? Had he just given up? The thought stopped Samantha in her tracks for a second. What the fuck was she doing? There was pragmatism, there was safety, and then there was this. What the fuck? What would Otis have done in this situation? Surely something better. He'd have been smart. With him along, maybe she'd have been able to manage the courage to ally with this boy, to trust him. She just couldn't, though.

She had made her decision. No backing down now.

So she stepped forwards, getting closer to the gun. It was about ten feet from the boy, she estimated, and five from her. If he pulled his knife and made a dive at her, could she stop him? She had her own gun in her hand, so... probably. She'd have to. She still couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong, though.

No time to worry. No time to let the stress build. This boy was a coward. Weak. Helpless. Prey for the strong contenders on this island. He was damn lucky Samantha wasn't a murderer. By all rights, he should've been dead, dead like Otis and Cristo. Much as she hated the murderer, she had to admit that he at least had known how to handle himself.

Samantha knelt and reached for the gun.

When her fingers were a few inches away, a line of electricity, a lightning bolt in miniature, shot from the metal of the gun into her hand, jumped from there along her arm, through her body, to the the two knives sheathed at her hips, along her other arm, throwing her backwards, causing her finger to spasm, firing a shot into the ground.

Had she known the specifics of the situation, Samantha would have easily been able to figure out and explain what had happened. Chris' power channeled large amounts of electricity into the ground. Under normal circumstances, this would have been totally useless, but the moss and dirt was still saturated with water, forming a nice conductive bridge to disperse the energy all around, allowing it to seep into the ground proper over a large area of diffusion. Samantha's shoes would have insulated her perfectly well under normal circumstances. The gun on the ground, however, combined with the metal around Samantha's person, had been enough to turn her body into the path of least resistance for the electricity.

Fortunately for her, as she flew off her feet, fell backwards, the connection broke, the power supply was cut, and, upon landing on her back a small distance away, Samantha was parallel to the ground, no longer directly connected, no longer a great conductor herself, though sparks still danced around her hips and the knives. The current did not return in force. She didn't take the time to gasp, didn't freeze up. Her life was on the line, and there was no one to bail her out. The boy could have his gun again by now, could have his knife ready.

Images flashed through her mind. A hut. A body lying, its eyes popped and running down its face. Burned from the inside out. It all made sense.

Pain flowed through Samantha, tried to stall her, to drown her beneath its waves, but she knew pain. She had befriended it by now. The current, the uncontrollable twitching of her muscles, had been enough to render her temporarily helpless. Pain was not.

Still on the ground, barely propping her head up, Samantha snapped her gun back into line in front of her, towards where she hoped the boy still was, shaking slightly.


She squeezed the trigger twice.

Chris didn't wait for the girl to hit the ground. When she was in the air, his muscles were already screaming as he lunged toward his gun, grabbing it up and sprinting toward the edge of the clearing. Adrenaline pumped through him, shortening his breaths as the girl stopped twitching and leveled her gun in the direction he had been sitting. Unfortunately, the shock hadn't kept her down for long enough. In other news, his stomach was screaming hunger. It seemed that his power sapped energy from his caloric intake.

It is amazing what one thinks about when they are frightened for their lives.

Two shots behind him, loud and wasteful. Already, he was out of that clearing, out of the line of fire. And he was on his way toward his next destination.

Exit Subject C16, Chris Richardson

Anger surged through Samantha as the boy vanished. She'd had him. She had had him at her mercy. And then he'd gone and...

He'd run away.

He'd run away, and she'd tried to kill him.

She'd tried to murder somebody.

All for what? A gun? She had plenty of those. And what had they brought her? Nothing. Nothing nothing nothing.

Laughter tore from her throat, mixing with tears, as she collapsed back to the ground. He could come back and kill her now, and she wouldn't care. Not in the slightest. She just lay there, watching the world move. Her hair was standing on end, still frazzled from the shock. She had small burns along both of her palms, and probably also on her legs. In fact, she was damn lucky to still be breathing.

It had been so simple. Such an easy idea. Take his gun. Then, when he resisted? Well, kill him, of course. But taking a life wasn't that easy, not in the physical sense, at least. That she was prepared to kill him made her wonder. Made her reassess herself. That was painful. She'd acted like the girl with the pink hair. She'd acted like Cristo. She'd decided to put herself first, to treat others as nothing but objects. She'd decided that long ago, actually, but now she'd followed through. Now she'd tried to kill two people in as many minutes.

Death. Such a strange concept.

She did not know how long she lay there for. When she finally stood, she wasn't sure what to do. At least she'd been right about the boy. Coward. Hadn't had the guts to finish her. She should thank him for that. Thank him also for the wakeup call. Thank him for saving her from herself.

She walked over to Pippi's corpse. Those last few seconds, those last, terrified screams, echoed through Samantha's memory, as she looked down at the girl. Red hair, red blood. Funny, how death was the color of life sometimes.

Samantha raised the gun, still grasped in her hand, and pressed it to her temple. End it now. Spare herself the pain. Avoid the agony. Just let it all end. The pressure was building inside her again. Punch a hole to release it through. Quick. Painful, probably, but she could bear it. If she couldn't, it's not like it would matter. Nothing mattered anymore. No, this was the end of everything. Normal life was gone. It finally sunk in just how fucking screwed up this was. She'd been off playing, and people had been dying, and she'd been ready to help that along without any real thought. Maybe best to add just one more body to that total.


What a joke.

Everything dies someday.

Staring at Pippi, at that open, friendly face, now contorted in pain. What a way to die.

The remembered scream again. Samantha knew what it was. She knew what it meant. That was how it felt to die. She shivered. Shivered and lowered the gun.

The scream didn't scare her, no, not one bit. It was what came afterwards. Scream, then silence. Nothing.


Another glance at Pippi. One in the direction the boy had gone.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I made a mistake. A big one. One I'll live with until I don't anymore. The sort of mistake that never gets better. The sort of fuck up you lose your life for in the real world, the kind of thing that gets you locked away forever. And why? Why?

Live, Sam.

Yeah, I'll live. I'll do my best. But not that way. Never again. It's not living if you aren't yourself anymore. Not living if you can't even call yourself human.

Wash away these horrible musings. Force it down with the pain. Forget.


No more running. No more hiding behind self mutilation. No more pretending. Just once more, just one more thing to do. With a moment of concentration, a moment of fire, Samantha returned her features to normal, to how they'd been all her life, long nose and all. She adjusted her glasses. Looked out at the world again.

Took a few deep breaths. Steadied herself.

And then Samantha was off once more.

Exit Subject C01, Samantha Reynolds
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 20:43

Enter Subject C11, Katherine Black
Kate had pushed to leave the holding cells as soon as possible, but with no real destination, they'd quickly managed to get nowhere fast. They continued on for a while though, wandering aimlessly, no real direction in mind other than "avoid the dangerzones." Even with a map, however, this wasn't as easy as it sounded. Far from it, in fact. They needed to stop, think over where they were headed. Wandering aimlessly was a waste of the little time that they had left. They needed to get a plan of action, figure out where they were headed.

After a while they began to approach a small building, marked down on the map -at least, where Kate thought they were on the map- as a Church. Seemed like a good place to rest, even if just for twenty minutes or so. Map in hand, she stopped and turned to Taryn. It was light, couldn't be that late in the afternoon, so sleeping was out of the question unless they wanted to get jumped by some hockey playing asshat who farted missiles and could taste the rainbow or anything great like that. It was too dangerous. She could sleep when it was night again. She... just needed to sit down for a while, that was all. Her feet were aching and if she took off her shoes she was sure they'd almost be as skanky as Ashley's. Almost. Sit down and maybe have a drink. She still had a lot of water left, with the stuff they’d taken from that boy almost a day ago. That alone would be enough to Her lips were getting dry anyway, starting to crack.

"T-Taryn..." Her voice was hoarse, she'd neglected to touch the bottles of water they had out of a fear of running out later on. In hindsight, that wasn't looking like such a good plan. "Sorry, but, um ...I-I need to take a break. C-Can we stop for a minute or two?"

Kate slowly ambled towards what had to have been the entrance of the church, setting her bag down on the outer walls. The church was... strange, to say the least, the signs of people having been there were all there, footprints, trampled grass, but there were no signs of any fights. Well, serious ones, anyway. No gunshot marks, no traces of blood anywhere. It was calm, tranquil.

Kate took her bag off of her shoulders, carrying it in her hand until she got to the outer wall of the church. She'd been in enough churches to know that the ground was probably more comfortable than the pews inside. Kate let the bag drop to the floor before brushing some dirt away with her shoe and setting down, just inside.

Kate opened up her bag and took out the bottle she'd opened back on the beach. It was stale, but she gulped it down anyway. As she drank, though, she felt a strange cramp in her stomach. Kate scrambled through her bag, taking out the loaf of bread she'd been given and taking a few large chomps out of it. That helped. She placed the rest of the bread back into her bag, not bothering with wrapping them or anything, before taking another swig of water.

Kate threw the bottle back in her back and put her hand up to her neck. It had stopped bleeding, but it was still sore, hadn't scabbed over yet. She was still worried about it, though. Any cut on her neck was bad, especially if it got infected. She could worry about that later, though.

She pulled her knees up to her chest, gently resting her chin on her muddy, ripped leggings. She wanted to cry right now. She didn't know why, but she just wanted to curl up and sob. But... she couldn't. She had to keep a clear head, find something to take her mind off of everything, if just for a minute or two. She raised her head and looked back at Taryn. Kate decided she was going to try and get a conversation going.

"So, um, Taryn..." She asked, pulling her hair back in front of her ears with her hand. She hated how it looked behind them, and never got the chance to fix it earlier. "D-Didn't you um, say earlier that you were... uh, from New York...? What's it, um, like there? I've never-“

She paused, thought about it for a second. Rephrased what she was going to say.

“I never got a chance to go..."

Enter Subject C13, Taryn Jones
The girls had hauled ass to get out of that dreary danger zone and unfortunately “haul ass” was not a setting on Taryn’s internal meter. It got a little easier when they had slowed down to figure out where they were going, effort spread out over time was preferable to short bursts of energy. The trouble was with making sure they didn’t escape a danger zone just to stumble back into another one and have to panic to escape again. It felt like she was trapped, running from an invisible hand trying to crush her.

After a while the approached a pleasant little building that seemed to be a church. It was marked as such on the map in any case. It looked pretty undamaged and it had an air of tranquility about it.

“I’m all for a break. I’m not cut out for this,” she said and tried to swallow nothing down her dry throat.

The girls decided to go inside and while Kate went ahead and sat down on the floor, Taryn took the time to inspect the trappings of the building. She’d never really been inside a small little church like this. The closest she came to churches were the grand cathedrals she’d visit with her family whenever they went on vacation to Europe, but this had an entirely different feel. It was sort of cozy, there was a warmth to it.

She ran her hand along the back of a wooden pew as she walked back towards Kate. The girl was munching on some of the bread from her bag. Taryn sat down next to her and pulled the peaches out of her own pack. She pulled the metal ring back and the thin metal peeled back. Taryn stuck her fingers inside the can, careful not to cut herself on the edges and pulled out one of the slices. She slid the can over to Kate, who was hugging her knees and looking sadly down at the floor.

“New York?” she asked. Kate wanted to know about where she was from.

“Well, I live in a city called Albany in the state of New York. It’s not the big city, but it’s the capital of the state. It’s a really nice place and it’s pretty big in it’s own right, but I like the big city best. My dad’s got a really nice apartment in New York City so my sisters and I go spend the weekends and breaks there. It’s about a three hour drive from Albany to New York City so it’s not that bad and we usually get someone from dad’s work to drive us, though before my older sister Jayna moved out, she’d drive us sometimes.”

She took a drink from her water bottle. Taryn had been animated by the new topic to such a degree that she had forgotten how thirsty she was.

“The big city is really really great though. All the people are really interesting and they're pretty friendly too. You can get anything at anytime, sometimes I’d just walk around at 3 AM and people would still be around. There’s always something to do there: parties, museums, art shows. In the winter they set up a big ice skating rink in Central Park and the shops decorate their windows with elaborate Christmas themes and people go look. I think there’s even a voting contest for the best window displays. It’s my favorite to look at the window displays at Christmas.”

She sighed. Taryn didn’t know if she’d ever get to see the Christmas displays again. From Kate’s disposition, she could tell her thoughts were along the same lines. Her heart ached seeing how sad the other girl looked. Taryn scooted over to Kate and wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling her close into a tight hug.

“Everything’s going to work out. I’ll take you to see the city when we get home.”

Was it false hope? Probably. But then why give it? Because it was all that Taryn had to give and because she’d been telling herself that everything would work out for a long time before coming to this island. Hoping was already a way of life for her, so what harm could just a little more do?

"O-Oh," Kate glanced around the church one last time to make sure before she turned her head towards Taryn again. "We... We never, um, we never did anything big for Christmas. Just, um, stuck a tree up in the corner, put some… some tinsel up on the walls and left it at that. No, um, displays in shops or anything. Nobody... Nobody ever, um, got into the "Holiday Spirit" where I used to live, y'know?"

Kate trailed off. She wasn't sure what point she was trying to make, now, of even if there was one to make in the first place. Kate was gonna miss Christmas, though. At that point, though, Kate would've given anything to have one more Christmas dinner at home. She looked down at her feet. She was starting to feel like crap again.

Suddenly, Taryn leant over and grabbed Kate, almost causing Kate to scream before she realised Taryn's intentions weren't violent. To Kate's relief, though, Taryn just wrapped her arms around Kate and hugged her tightly. Almost a little too tightly, really. Kate nervously reciprocated, loosely wrapping her arms around Taryn. The whole thing was a little awkward, to say the least. She had no idea what the cause of Taryn just doing that out of nowhere was, but Kate... she was okay with it. She would take hugs from Taryn over what had happened to them over the past couple of days. God, had it already been two days? Everything on the beach happened so quickly, and they couldn’t have spent that long in the cells, could they? Actually, Kate wasn’t sure on that one. The whole hostage thing could have taken hours, for all Kate knew. Still, from the whole choking and the knife to the throat and stuff, Kate could probably take solace in the fact that she now had definitive proof that she wasn’t into bondage. She almost chuckled at that one, and would’ve said it to Taryn if it didn’t feel so out of place.

Taryn started talking about how everything was going to work out, how she was going to take Kate to the city after they got out. Kate had seen enough movies to know that had just done wonders for her chances. Well, she appreciated it, but it was always the one with something to look forwards to that got killed off, right? It was right under people about to retire, wasn't it? Kate moved her legs slightly. Sitting how she was was getting a bit uncomfortable. Plus Kate had always been pretty fidgety.

"W-When we get home?" Kate looked down at the can of tinned peaches she'd almost knocked over with her foot, moving it away with her hand before locking her hug in again, a little tighter this time. God this was awkward. Was she keeping her hands in the right place? It’d been a long time since she’d done this, didn’t want to give a bad impression. "...B-but... Only one of us can win, I-I thought?"

Kate desperately wanted to believe that Taryn wasn’t lying. That it was a slip of the tongue on her epic plan to get them off of the island, but then Kate realised. Taryn was just trying to reassure her, trying to make her feel better. Well… it had helped and Kate was willing to give Taryn points for putting in the effort. She liked the idea of going to the city, though, False hope or not.

“But, um… Yeah…” Kate stretched her legs out a bit and curled her toes, to stop them getting tired. She didn’t know whether she was going to start have to run or not, really. Even Taryn she didn’t even know that well, she could just have been plotting all along. But... well, Taryn seemed so genuine. She really did.

“I… I’d, um l-love to see the city, um, if we…” Kate took a deep breath. Collected her thoughts. She didn’t want to trip over her words on this one. “Yeah, I’d, um, love to see the city if, um, when we get out of here.”

The shy girl put her arms around Taryn and hugged her back. She could feel the warmth from her body, the two together had doubled their warmth and she felt calm. The church and the embrace of the sweet girl were all relaxing her, making her realize how tired she was again. She wasn’t just tired in the sleeping sense, everything about her was getting worn down.

Then Kate said it. She called her bluff. Only one of them could make it out. She seemed to fall back on that false hope as well pretty quickly, but Taryn knew that she knew the truth. They both did, but they were both lying to each other to make the other feel better. The fact that Kate was willing to do that for her struck her a bit. Taryn’s fingers dug softly into the other girl.

I’m going to miss you. I haven’t spent that long with you, but we’ve been together every moment since I woke up in this hell and you’ve been the only good thing. I’m going to miss your stutter; I’m going to miss talking to you. If I make it out, I know I’ll turn around some days and expect you to be there and you won’t. I’ll think of you and think of how I should call you up on the phone because I haven’t talked to you in a while and remember I can’t.

Taryn had to stop. She was getting misty eyed. Her limbs became loose and slid off the other girl. She cleared her throat and smiled at her.

And if I die first….

“I…I never told you what my power was really, didn’t I?”

Taryn took up the opened peach can and nicked her arm near her elbow. It bled slowly for a moment until the blood hardened into a sharp, red point. On top of the rich red color the fragment was smooth and shined under the light. Taryn snapped off the shard and gave it to Kate.

“Here. Something to remember me by.”

Kate looked over. Taryn well, she looked like she was close to tearing up. Was it something she said? It must've been. She released Kate, slipping her arms away. Cleared her throat. Kate figured she was about to make some huge announcement, or something. Like her plot to get them both out, how she had their way out of there sorted out and had just forgotten to mention it earlier. Something like that.

Instead, though, she asked if she had ever told Kate her real power. So the one she'd told Ashley was fake? Kate figured as much at the time, but confirmation was nice.

"No..." Kate shook her head. "Not that I, um, can remember. I don't, um, I don't think you have."

Taryn picked up the can of peaches Kate had almost stepped on earlier, putting it up to her arm. What? Was she planning on cutting herself? Why? Kate didn't know. Taryn probably knew. There was method to what she was doing. There had to be. Kate was sure of it. Taryn pulled the can up to just below her elbow and quickly nicked it with the can.

"Taryn? W-what are you do-?" Kate was cut off by the sight of some kind of weird paste oozing out of Taryn's elbow. It moved slowly, growing outwards and hardening into a sharp point. That was her power? That thing growing out of her? Was it safe? Taryn must have thought so, she snapped it off and handed it to Kate. Something to remember her by. Kate reluctantly accepted, grasping it between her thumb and forefinger. It was a crystal of some sort, blood red... although that was to be expected, really. Given the fact it was made out of what Kate assumed was Taryn's blood and all.

Kate's eyes widened as she held the crystal up to what little light remained. Made of Taryn's blood or not, It really was a nice crystal. She slipped it in her pocket. There, she'd keep it safe. Kate would make sure of that. She'd keep it, take it home with her. Make a necklace of it when she- when they got out of there. When they... Kate didn't want to think about it. No. Not at all. She noticed Taryn's arm was still bleeding. There, she had something to focus on. It was bleeding far too much for such a small cut. Something had to be done about it.

"H-Hold still for, um, for a second." Kate winced.

She opened up her bag, holding her breath. She'd always been squeamish around blood, but this needed to be done. Taryn probably wouldn't admit there was anything wrong until the spike got a foot long. She held out Taryn's arm and haphazardly bandaged it up with the few supplies she had in her first aid kit. Kate taped up the jagged bandage to stop it falling off. Words of thanks from Taryn. She threw the supplies back in the kit and the kit back in the bag. Started to feel like crying again.

Kate wrapped her arms back around Taryn and didn't say a word.

Taryn was about to tell Kate not to bother but she had already removed the bandage from her bag. It was another lie on a lie just like before. The point of bandaging someone is so that in time, they will heal properly. There was no guarantee that they would even have enough time left to develop an infection. She looked down at Kate as she finished her work and lifted her arm up a little and turned it to see her handiwork. Underneath the white gauze she could see the pointed outline of a newly formed crystal jutting out from her skin, making it look like Kate had bandaged a rock in there along with her wound.

Taryn looked up at her and smiled. She could tell it had taken some effort for Kate to do what she did from the way she squirmed. The small sacrifice meant a lot for an action so simple. Suddenly they were back in a hug, but this time it was Taryn being embraced by Kate.

I’m sorry. I can’t get us both home.

She took a deep breath and slipped her arms under the other girl’s arms and around her body. Taryn softly, steadily, moved her right hand up and down Kate’s shoulder in a rhythmic, comforting motion.

The light leaking in from the outside of the church illuminated the particles of dust floating around in the air. There was no noise other than the sound of Taryn’s hand on the fabric of Kate’s sweater. For a single moment, all was still.

“Thank the lord for small mercies,” she mumbled.

Enter Subject C03, Keira MacDonald
She didn't speak much to Ray after they had both narrowly escaped the ravine with their lives. As much as she accepted the fact that there was no way either of them could have been able to save that kid who'd been shot, part of her still resented Ray for his decision to leave him for dead.

She KNEW that it was hopeless to even consider saving him. She KNEW that if they hadn't of left when they did, they would have ended up splattered all over the ravine. And yet, she still found herself not talking to Ray out of regret. Regret for being helpless to do anything to save that boy, or any of the innocent people caught up in this ridiculous game. It was all bullshit as far as she cared... The guns, the injections, the chaos... All complete bullshit.

Eventually, after an hour or so of nothingness, she spotted a building in the distance somewhere. A church or something... Great! Finally, somewhere we can take a decent rest...

As they both approached the building slowly, the idea of it already being occupied not even occurring to Keira at that moment, she was stopped when she heard a noise in the bushes by the side of the church. She lifted her hand to tell Ray to stop, pointing her gun in the bush's direction.

"Psst... I think we might not be alone" She whispered to him, the first few words she had spoken ever since they left Joel behind. "I'll go check it out, you stay here and... I dunno, look out or something."

And with that, she lifted her gun and sneaked off behind the church in the direction of the sound. Which, unbeknownst to her, happened to belong to nothing more than a perfectly harmless rabbit.

Enter Subject C10, Raymond Pietrowski
Honestly, the feelings that Kiera were silently brooding over in regards to him weren't a one way street. Kiera resented Ray, not that he knew it, and frankly, Ray was annoyed at Kiera. It wasn't a matter of trust, no, the boy trusted Kiera wholeheartedly. And he understood Kiera being shaken up by what they had to do back at that cave. The kid didn't deserve to die; no one here did. But honestly, what could they do? It wasn't a very fucking easy decision for him either! But it was either all three of them die, or the kid he had spent the entire night trying to help recover died. And as much as he would have loved to carry him out and help, if that BITCH had given them more than five fucking minutes, he would have. But as it stood, sprinting by the time they got out of the danger zone, he could feel his entire arm buzzing. The fact he was still alive was a miracle.

Thankfully their combined annoyance and anger made the walk nice and quiet and gave the pair time to stew and cool off. If they were still alive in the morning, maybe they could kiss and make up.

Wait. Wasn't there a three day time limit on this load of bullshit?

Fuck, I wonder if I can survive an arm being blown off...

After however long; and Ray most definitely wasn't counting time, they wandered up behind a massive building that seemed to spring out of nowhere. "Woah." He crept, following Kiera's lead, and took up a pose with his weapons someone might see in something like Call of Duty. Knife in his left hand, blade out, pointed forward. Gun in his right hand, rested on the back of his left wrist. His fingers that clenched around the knife stretched on at a time and then again contracted.

"Psst... I think we might not be alone."

He simply nodded in agreement, his gun's barrel following hers to the bush.

"I'll go check it out, you stay here and... I dunno, look out or something."

Fantastic idea there babe. He thought to himself. Care to come up with something more vague for me to do? In reality it should have been a perfectly good idea. But as Ray's withdrawal-addled mind mingled with the aggravation, he very quickly found himself losing patience with every single little thing. Hell, the last time a mosquito decided to buzz by his ear, he almost lost his composure and started screaming swears and insults at the thing. Thankfully for the sake of, well, continuing to live he didn't, but it was still a very alluring idea at the time.

No matter how annoyed he was, he still stood and watched Kiera wander towards the bush. However, he felt that on the off chance something happened, he should probably at least let her know...

His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched her begin to move. "Hey... Be careful, alright? I know you're pissed at me, and I know I'm not the happiest with you... But hey, I still trust you and I don't want to see anything happen to you."

If she accepted that as a form of armistice from the cold war they seemed to be locked in, then awesome. Things could go back to normal... or whatever as close to normal as this island could facilitate was; and he could get his friend back. If not... They could deal with it later. Probably resolving with a lot of screaming. But whatever. For right now, they needed somewhere to rest. He took a few steps back, spinning around, his eyes scanning the trees. Nothing was moving, and that was a fantastic thing for right now.

Kate could have fallen asleep then and there, she really could. She wished she could just shut her eyes, drift away into sleep, and for those few hours, just forget what had happened to her. No, wait, what had happened to them. She wanted to, she really did. But, unfortunately, the island had other plans for them.

"Huh...?!" Kate moved her head up. Voices. Well, Kate thought it was the plural, she could never really be that sure if it wasn't just some nutjob talking to themselves, or someone calling for help. Whoever they were, though. They were close. "T-Taryn...?"

She pulled her arms away from Taryn and let them hang limp at her sides. It was all going so well, too. Kate was almost sure for a second that no one was gonna find them. Kate grabbed her bag, pulled it close to her. She opened it back up and pulled out her half-empty water bottle. Kate uncapped the lid and filled her mouth with the stale water, gulping it down with no real concern for how much she'd have left. If they needed to run again, she needed to drink. It was really as simple as that. Eating was secondary. She could wait with eating. Not drinking, though.

She put what was left of the water into her bag, and looked at the knife, thinking it over. Did she really need it? She didn't need the gun at the very least, though she hadn't handed over that or the ammo they'd stolen yet. She'd give Taryn the ammo later, she was probably burning through it, the way she'd been shooting. But that was something for later. For now, she had to figure out whether or not she was gonna take the knife.

Kate wasn't a fighter; Taryn had been fighting so far, not her. She'd shot the boy to protect her, she'd tried to stop Ashley from kidnapping and killing her. Kate shook her head ever-so-slightly. She'd gotten kidnapped because she hadn't had a weapon. Damn it. Kate picked up the knife with something of a sigh. No. No repeats. She wasn't going to be taken unaware this time. She wasn't going to let whoever was out there be another Ashley. She'd be prepared this time. Not taking any chances until she knew who they were, what they were doing and whether they were going to try and murder them like everyone else they'd encountered.

"T-Taryn? I, um, I think there's people outside." She shouldered her bag, clenching the knife tight in her fist. "I... I, um, I think we should go check."

"I-I, just, um..." Kate gingerly felt the cut on her neck. It was still sore. "I... I don't want to be caught, um, caught off guard again."

Like all things, the peace was brought to an end. It was time again for the universe to test how much she wanted to live. Taryn opened her eyes at the sound of speaking outside the church. Kate pulled away and Taryn pulled out the gun from the waist of her shorts.

“I hear it,” she whispered. “Sounds like a boy. I’ll see if he’s dangerous.”

She brought up an excellent point. They didn’t want to be caught off guard again. No, this time they’d have a backup plan.

“I’ll go out front and see what his deal is. You go out the window and around to the side of the church. That way if he wants to get rough, we’ll have the upper hand. She crawled over to the front door of the parish and stood. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and held the gun with both hands near her chest. All of her muscles were tensed now. Taryn nodded at Kate as a sign for her to go out the other side.

“You can do this. Prove you want to get out of here. Count to three. One, two, thr-“

She swung her body forward and kicked the door open, gun out and eyes on the boy.

“Who are you and what do you want?”  

Huh, just a cat. Thank god, and here I thought...

“Who are you and what do you want?”

Keira froze, the voice cutting though the air like butter. It was then that she realised that for all her paranoia, she'd neglected to consider actually looking inside the church first...

She raised her pistol and sneaked around the corner of the church, taking a peak to see who was demanding questions from her friend. From the looks of things, it was a girl about the same height as her. A pretty one at that... Not that Keira cared, seeing as she happened to be threatening Ray with a gun.

SHIT! What the hell should I do?!? What if she tries to kill him or something?!?

She took a deep breath, and in an act of impulse stepped from out of her cover and walked right up to Taryn with her gun pointed at her head.

"How's about YOU tell us who you are and what do you want?"

"Who are you and what do you want?"

He jumped back with a major start, his hand slipping thankfully off of the trigger of his outstretched pistol. "AAAH!"

"How's about YOU tell us who you are and what do you want?"

"Jesus, take it easy! Both of you! We just want a place to crash for the night." He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure and maybe get a second wind. "Give a guy a fucking heart attack, why don't you?" He was breathless, he was tired, and he was cranky, and most of all, he was sick and god damn tired about fearing for his god damned life.

"We aren't trying to sneak up on you to kill you or anything, if that's what you think. Now, how about putting down the gun and letting us in?" His hand repeated the motion on the knife. While he knew that pointing both of his weapons directly at this surprise visitor would be an absolutely terrible idea, he also knew that putting the weapons away in a sign of 'peace' was a terrible idea too. If this girl had other ideas besides just trying to survive and he disarmed himself willingly to show that he wasn't a threat, he would be deader than dead.

And shit, people were killing. Missus bubbly bitch herself had informed them.

His heart was racing as he fingered the trigger of the weapon again. Pointed at about a forty-five degree angle right now, his other hand still below it, he could probably shoot her in the foot without lifting the thing at all. "Seriously, put the fucking gun down, I'm sick and god damn tired of almost dying every fifteen minutes on this fucking piece of shit island!"

A girl walked up to her and pointed a gun at her head. Taryn closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. She opened them and steadied her feet underneath her. Her small mouth was set in a thin line as she continued to point the gun at the boy.

It proved to be a good decision to send Kate around the other way. But even when she did show up, that would just result in a four-way Mexican stand off. What was the end goal, then? Maybe it would be okay if they just left the church area. No offense meant to them, but Taryn wasn’t in the mood to trust new people.

“Last time I took it easy someone almost got their neck opened up. So I’m done being nice and I’m not putting down my gun because I’m sortta screwed with out it because my power isn’t great and you can go to hell if you don’t like it.”

Suddenly a thought occurred to her. What if Kate were to just run off with both of their bags and leave the three of them here to shoot it out? Would she do that? Taryn didn’t want to think so. No, she wouldn’t do that.

Taryn motioned for Kate to take the other exit. Kate figured that was a good idea. Outflank them, send her to be the ambush if things went sour. She had the knife to protect herself in case things went wrong, right?

“A-Alright, Taryn.” Kate nodded. “Just, um, just give me a second, though.”

Kate made her way to the door, and was about to go through, before she paused for a second, thought better of just taking the knife with her. If things went sour- and Kate was pretty sure at this point that things would go sour considering how the rest of their encounters had gone- rushing in with the knife would cause things to end just how they did in the prison. No. She was dead set on not having a repeat of that in a hurry.

She ducked down, opened up her bag, and pulled out her gun, just letting it sit there in her hands for a moment or two. She'd forgotten just how heavy the damn thing was. Pulling out the clip to check if it was still loaded- which it was- Kate tossed the knife into her back, pulled the bag back on her shoulders, and pushed through the door.

No one. No one there. Kate swore under her breath and stepped outside, trying to keep herself focused. What if they’d already killed Taryn? Kate pushed forwards, the voices nearby growing louder. To her relief, Taryn’s was one of them, but Kate got the nagging feeling that if she didn’t do something, didn’t hurry up, it wouldn’t be for much longer.

Hoping whoever Taryn was talking to wouldn't spot her, Kate put her back up to the wall and peaked her head around. Two people had guns pointed at Taryn. Kate was getting some serious déjà vu. Alright, she had to take this easy. Figure out what she was going to do.

Kate span out of her cover, gun pointed in the general direction of the duo holding Taryn at gunpoint. No, she wasn’t letting what happened to her happen to Taryn too. No repeats. Kate could solve this without them needing to hurt eachother; without Taryn needing to attack anyone to protect her, this time.

“Put, um, put the guns down!” Kate tried to shout, but her voice just wouldn’t let her. “L-Leave her alone!”

Kate hoped they didn’t notice that the safety was on, or just how badly she was shaking.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Great, the last thing I need right now is to end up in a mexican standoff ripped straight out of a Quentin Tarantino movie...

Keira didn't lower her guard for a second as she kept her sights aimed at Taryn's head, her finger barely centimetres away from the trigger. Not that she had any intention of pulling it unless she was really forced to. This entire situation was complete bullshit... They shouldn't be aiming their guns at each other, they should be trying to figure out a way out of here. Or get back at the system, or SOMETHING. Ray seemed to have the right idea, trying convince this girl to put her gun down and calm the hell down. But it seemed she had a different opinion...

“Last time I took it easy someone almost got their neck opened up. So I’m done being nice and I’m not putting down my gun because I’m sortta screwed without it because my power isn’t great and you can go to hell if you don’t like it.”

Idiot! Doesn't she realise that things are only going to get worse if we keep this up? Besides, if I WAS playing I'd of already pulled the trigger by now...

"So what, are you suggesting that we all just stand around like this until one of us dies of starvation or something?" she said in a much harsher tone then normal. Keira rarely, if ever, spoke harshly to anyone back in Boston. She would occasionally speak to people in a sarcastic tone, yes, but she always maintained a pleasant tone of voice throughout. But there was something about this chick that just rubbed her the wrong way. Something about the bitchy way she responded to Ray, who was making a perfectly valid point...

"Look, I don't want to be the baddie here with the gun and everything. I can see you've got some trust issues... Can't really blame you there, but think about it. Surely if we were playing, then I would have already....."

“Put, um, put the guns down! L-Leave her alone!"


Somehow, she could just tell that someone was aiming a gun at that back. Like some kind of sixth sense based on a mixture of intuition and genre expectations. Of COURSE there had to be an accomplice waiting in the wings, now they really where in a true and proper Mexican stand-off. Fan-fucking-tastic. All they needed now was for something to set the whole thing off...

And sure enough, something did. In the form of a loud howl of pain that she heard right at the back of her head.

What the... SHIT, is that the banshee mentioned on the announcement?!? Are we under attack!?!

It was in that brief moment that she made the mistake of dropping her guard as she turned to her left and scanned the horizon for any sign of ambush.. That was all Taryn needed to make her move...

Can't see anything. Maybe its all in my - GAK!

She experienced a sudden shortage of breath as Taryn wrapped her left arm around her neck and tugged her back, causing her to drop her gun as she began to choke. She couldn't tell what was going at first, but after she felt a metal pistol being placed against her head it became all too clear...

Oh no... You're not going to have ME as your hostage, bitch!

She flailed her arms about wildly, her elbow hitting Taryn in the eye by pure chance. Her assailant immediately let go as her hand reached up to comfort her stinging eye, allowing Keira the opportunity to turn around and grab Taryn's wrist to get her to let go of her gun. But Taryn, quickly recovering from her mild injury, resisted Keira's attempts at disarming her and grabbed Keira's right wrist in retaliation.

For the next minute or so, the two struggled as they fought over control of the pistol. Taryn was trying with all her strength to force Keira's hands off her as Keira tried hard to grab her gun away from her. At first it seemed as though Keira was winning the confrontation, until Taryn suddenly began to turn the tides against her as her gun neared closer and closer towards Keira's head.

NO! Damnit, I can't let it end like this!

The gun neared closer, nearly in the perfect position for Taryn to pull the trigger and remove the lamprey that was attempting to disarm her... Until, a loud bang ringed out followed by a shriek of pain as a bullet from Ray's gun sped across and grazed the armed girl's right hand, causing her to drop the gun in agony.

Keira stood stunned for a moment, both glad that Ray managed to get her off and petrified because of how close that gun came to hitting HER right in the head. She turned to her partner slowly, and offered him a nervous smile.

"G... Good shot there." she said, only to then turn around to come face to face with one of the most terrifying sights she would ever witness.

And, as it soon turned out, one of the last.

Instead then a steady flow of blood seeping from the girl's recent wound, there was a long a sharp blood-red crystalline spike sticking right out of her hand, like one of Kroenen's blade from the movie Hellboy. She stood there for a moment in sheer shock, not exactly sure how to react to the strange occurrence before her.

Jesus! What the hell is...


She barely had enough time to even consider moving out of the way before Taryn plunged her crystal blade right into Keira's stomach, passing through her lower intestines and poking out of her lower back as it impaled her with ease. She let out a brief gasp, the pain of the fatal injury burning through her like a wildfire. She coughed violently, her power kicking in again as smoke began to emanate from her throat.

But this smoke wasn't like the smoke from before. This time it was much thicker, practically opaque compared to the first time she experienced her power. Not only that, but it had a subtly red tint to it as her blood began to slowly fill her lungs. And, after coughing several more times afterwards, the result was a thick cloud of red smoke which surrounded her and Taryn on all sides.

Shit... Oh god, this hurts real bad...... Can't see anything.... Everything is way too hazy......

She tried to get away from the red mist, tripping over herself as she snapped the crystal away from Taryn's hand. She coughed once more, surrounded herself with more of the dreadful red mist. Tiny splotches of her own blood began to cover her head to toe as she tried desperately to crawl away from the chaos, losing more and more blood every with every second.

"R... Ray......" she tried to call out, but she was already too weak to make any loud noise. Her vision was fading away fast, the red before her slowly turning to black. Don't you fucking black out on me just yet! I'm not having it end like this, not here. Not now...

But deep down, she knew that there was no way out of this. That wound was fatal, and as much as she hated to admit it she didn't have long until she finally closed her eyes for the last time.

No... I, I didn't want it to end like this...... Not here, not on this goddamn island! There was so much I wanted to do, wanted to see, wanted to experience! I can't let it end NOW! No way, not happen......

......Oh, who am I kidding. No way I'm getting out of this... I was doomed from the start, we ALL where. How was I going to escape anyhow? They've got bombs in her blood for pitty's sake! This was inevitable since the start......

She was only partially aware of what was happening around her. Things had quieted down, that enough was obvious. A figure she assumed was Ray was standing over her, maybe even cradling her. She couldn't tell by this point, the pain was so great and she'd lost so much blood that she could barely even feel her own feet anymore.

"Ray? Is that... You?" she managed to choke out, her strength fading fast. She'd barely seconds to live, and she knew it. And there wasn't much she could do about it...

...Not much.

"Got a bit careless, didn't I?" She said, forcing a smile. "But at least you're okay... Kinda inevitable though, wasn't it? Its a shame really... I was planning on asking you ought for a cup of coffee or something once we were back home."

She tried to laugh, but the pain it caused was too much and forced her to stop mid-chuckle.

"Still... Not too late for you to make it out of here in one piece. Just promise me one thing..."

Her vision was fading fast, and her heartbeat slowed down to a snails pace.

"...Please, whatever you do, don't......"

And then, she closed her eyes for the last time.

...Become one of them.

“Last time I took it easy someone almost got their neck opened up. So I’m done being nice and I’m not putting down my gun because I’m sortta screwed without it because my power isn’t great and you can go to hell if you don’t like it.”

He was going to open his mouth to retort, but Kiera beat him to it in every sense of the word. She was righteously pissed, and honestly no one could really blame her. However it honestly scared Ray a little bit; he had never heard her like this before.

"Look, I don't want to be the baddie here with the gun and everything. I can see you've got some trust issues... Can't really blame you there, but think about it. Surely if we were playing, then I would have already....."

And then as luck would have it, no longer did they out number and outgun the girl in front of them.

“Put, um, put the guns down! L-Leave her alone!"

This girl sounded terrified out of her mind. Not that Ray would ever take that as a sign that she was to be treated lightly. Through his time hunting he had learned first hand that a scared and cornered animal was the most likely to strike back, and it tended to do quite a bit of damage too. One of the scars on his abdomen could attest to that.

And the fact that this other female was directly behind him with a gun pressed to his skull terrified him. Things were going to hell in a handbasket, and they could only honestly go down from here.

And with an ear shattering wail eminating from behind him, they did. In every sense of the phrase, shit hit the fan. The girl that had decided it was a good idea to point a gun at the pair had used the momentary action to get Kiera into a headlock, and stick the gun directly into her head. Ray knew the moment that he saw this that the girl behind him would probably do something similar, or in her terror just shoot blindly; right into the back of his head. So with a single swift movement he dove to the left, avoiding the assumed gunshot that would never come.

However thankfully Kiera landed a hell of a blow. And as soon as Taryn recoiled, Kiera jumped on the opportunity, attempting to knock the gun from her hand. He was honestly debating taking a shot, but there was way too much of the other girl covered by Kiera. And while she was admittedly extremely small, she still posed a significant obstacle in the feat of shooting a moving target. The gun flailed in the air, and all Ray could do was sit uselessly, gun pointed at the wrestling pair. No words would come to his mouth, even though thousands flew through his mind every single second that he watched the struggle going on in front of him.

The gun crept closer and closer to Kiera.

She was losing this fight.

I have to take the shot. I have to take the shot NOW.

He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes momentarily. Picturing Taryn as a buck in the sights of his rifle rather than a fellow human being in the iron sights of a pistol, he brought the gun to aim. That's it... Out from behind... There you go!

He exhaled deeply as he squeezed the trigger.

The feat of firing a pistol in this way was significantly different from firing a rifle. There was no stock balenced in the crook of his shoulder to steady with the exhale. And he knew it. But the gesture gave him confidence at the very least, something he needed significantly more than he needed any extra aim. This was a shot that under no pressure odds said he could make. He just needed to relieve some of the pressure on him.


The shot flew true to it's aim, grazing over the hand which held the gun which threatened the life of the only friend he would probably ever have again. Blood leaked from the wound on her hand, and he had the state of mind to let out a small smirk as he leveled the gun for a second shot; if need be.

"G... Good shot there."

Under any circumstance other than the current, he would take the compliment as gracefully as he could while still boasting a bit. He would laugh, and fire off another shot or two. But as it stood, as Kiera said the last words she would ever say without extreme amounts of pain, his face contorted into sheer horror. Not even at the cristiline spike that was forming from the hand of the girl he had just shot. Not at the fact that the powers were real.

No. He was terrified for the fact that there was no way Kiera was getting out of this alive.

"Kiera! Watch o-"

His voice cut short as the red spike that had just seemingly materialized out of nowhere was rammed through his only friend's stomach. Shock, and disbelief ran through his mind like a singular wave that quelled every single hyperactive, shouting thought that had plagued his mind since the standoff began.

The coughs that she created from the blood seeping into her lungs and the rest of her body where it should not be caused a... smoke. The smoke slowly gained a reddish tint as the life slipped from Kiera's body.

"NO! Kiera!" His eyes were almost mesmerized by the smoke as he reflexively flicked the safety on his weapon and slid it into his belt, rushing to her side; absolutely careless as to what the murderous pair he had just been dealing with did.

"R... Ray......"

Her voice was barely a whisper.

"I'm here. Talk to me, I'm here."

Her assumption was completely right. In his despair, he had picked her up and cradled her in his lap, his arms under her neck and her legs, tears streaming down his face.

"Ray? Is that... You?"

He took a deep breath, doing everything he could not to sob.

"I'm here, it's me. It's okay..."

He couldn't bring himself to say that everything would be okay. Because honestly, it wouldn't. And he knew that.

"Got a bit careless, didn't I? But at least you're okay... Kinda inevitable though, wasn't it? Its a shame really... I was planning on asking you ought for a cup of coffee or something once we were back home."

That was enough to send him over the edge. A loud sob forced itself from his lungs as her voice faded. She was even thinking of asking him out... She... Did like him... Even after all of that.

"N-No..." He managed to choke out. "You did good. I'm still impressed with how well you fought..." Anything and everything to comfort her in her final moments. He knew she didn't have long. "A-And if it means anything, I totally would have taken you up... up on that cup of coffee." He sniffed, trying to keep his visual composure together at the very least. Hell, he didn't even know if she could see him from the smoke.

"Still... Not too late for you to make it out of here in one piece. Just promise me one thing ...Please, whatever you do, don't...... Become one of them."

"I promise I won't. Kiera, I promise I won't."

He knew she was fading fast, and there was no way to fully explain everything he wanted to say. But in reality, all the explanation in the world that he could spew out even if he had hours on hours would have boiled down to a single three word sentence. But he doubted she even had time for three words.

"Love you..."

He felt her body go limp in his arms. And he softly set her down, turning his head to Taryn and Kate. "You bastards... You bastards. The only reason you are not DEAD right now is because I am NOT going to dishonor a dead girl's final request! CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY, YOU FUCKING CUNT. IF YOU SEE ME AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU."
He stood and picked up both of the packs, looking back over his shoulder one last time at the body of the girl he had only known for a day and a half.

One and a half more days till he either died, or got to go home to a life that probably wouldn't accept him anymore.

Exit Subject C10, Raymond Pietrowski

A bit of Taryn was relieved to hear Kate’s voice behind the other girl. She hadn’t left her. Some noise from far off made her turn and saw that the girl had also turned. There was just enough of a chance to grab her. Taryn was awkwardly slung around the girl in a sort of head lock and her gun dropped. She tried her best to manage holding the gun and the girl, but it wasn’t the easiest task in the world. Her problems were soon two fold as a boney elbow made contact with her face and she dropped the gun.

Both girls dove for it, but Taryn managed to reach it first. That’s when she heard the shot. A fraction of a second later she screamed and dropped the gun. Now disarmed, she was at a disadvantage. The other girl could pick her gun back up and this time she’d pull the trigger for sure. A glint from her stinging wrist caught her eye and as if it were instinct Taryn snapped off the blood shard and jammed it into her stomach.

Slowly the girl sunk down. An unexpected consequence seemed to be that she was leaking smoke. Taryn took advantage of the distraction to pick up her gun and run back into the church. Taryn grabbed her pack, and then ran back out to Kate. She grabbed Kate by the hand and started to run past the smoke.

By the time she’d grabbed her, the smoke was clearing and she could see the boy knelt down by the girl. Despite knowing better, she looked on at the pair instead of moving. It was because of the way he told her that he loved her that made Taryn stop. He rounded on the two, vowing to kill Taryn if he saw her again.

“This isn’t because I wanted to. It’s the situation. In everyday life, she and I might have been friends and you can bet I would never have tried to hurt her, but here we are.  You don’t want to be like me? Like what, a killer? Well then I might as well shoot you now to save you the time, because that’s the only way out of here. But I won’t. I’d expect you to try and kill me next time you see me. I expect it.”

She was stern, but quiet. She couldn’t let him or Kate see that she was afraid. Especially Kate.

“I….” she stopped. Her round eyes wavered and for a moment her façade cracked. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

With that she grabbed Kate’s hand and they were running once again. It seemed like they were always running.

Exit Subject C13, Taryn Jones

Still shaking. The gun dug into her hands. Kate almost dropped it, but just managed to keep her sweating hands loosely gripped on enough to stop it from clattering to the floor. Kate took her eyes off of Taryn for a split-second, and suddenly the tables had turned. Taryn was the one holding the other girl hostage. A dramatic reversal of the prison.

This time they were in control.

Then, as quickly as the tides turned in their favour, they turned away again. A gunshot, followed by scream. It took a second to register, Kate just standing there. She had no idea what to do. The scream... it didn't sound like the goth girl? She wasn't the target? But that meant... Oh God. It clicked in Kate's head. Taryn was hurt. Taryn was hurt and that meant- Taryn was in control again now, but the goth girl's face was contorted. Pain? Oh God. She didn't- She couldn't...

Before Kate could let it sink in, Taryn and the goth girl were engulfed in a billowing cloud of red smoke, billowing out of the goth. Kate just stood, staring at the red cloud. She honestly didn't know what to do. Should she shoot? She considered it, honestly, but she didn't want to risk shooting Taryn. Kate turned, saw a flash of someone moving out of the smoke and into the church. Was it the goth girl? She'd just gotten stabbed with Taryn's blood, she couldn't run after that, right?

"T-Taryn...?" Kate called out. She knew what she was doing, right? Just going to get her bags, cause Kate left them in the church? Kate backed away from the boy as he ran into the cloud of smoke. Kate lowered her gun. She figured they couldn't see her through the smoke any more, or that they plain just didn't care enough about her to focus on her.

They had worse things on their minds right now.

Kate felt someone grab her hand, and almost screamed until she saw who it was. Taryn. No words, just pulled forwards. They ran through the smoke. Why? Kate didn't know. Probably the quickest way. It stang Kate's eyes, made them water, her vision blurring. Not that she could see anything, anyway. Not even her hand in front of her. Kate squeezed her eyes shut relying on Taryn to guide her as she was blinded, but that didn't help as the not-quite-tears streamed down her cheeks.

They stopped, Taryn letting go of Kate's hand. Were they out of the smoke now? Kate opened her eyes. Yeah, they were. Thankfully, it was starting to clear, too. Kate wiped her eyes. Taryn made a speech, about how they could've been friends if not for the circumstances. Kate believed it, she really did. They could've been friends, really. They could've. Taryn said her piece, the boy said his. Kate tossed her gun inside her back and slung it over her shoulder.

Taryn grabbed Kate's hand. Kate sighed and started running.

Exit Subject C11, Katherine Black
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 24, 2010: 22:42

Enter Subject C01, Samantha Reynolds
Lost again, wandering through the confusion, it surprised Samantha not a bit to find herself standing once more upon a rickety wooden bridge, staring down, down, into the depths of the river below, where the water wound its way across the island, cleanly bisecting the landmass, carrying the liquid to the freedom of the sea.

Though she found her location unsurprising, Samantha did not exactly find it comforting. It was here that she had entered this nightmare world, here that she had nearly lost her life, here that she had encountered the red-haired girl with the loud thoughts, the girl she had felt die, the girl who even now lay molding away on the forest floor. It was here that Samantha had first chosen to play a strategic game, had first considered shooting someone to death. Sure, she hadn't been anywhere near ready to follow through at the time, but the seed had been planted all the same, and it had dictated her every action. She had been a terrible person. It really was that simple.

And yet, Otis had seen something in her. Had allied with her, had thrown his life away protecting her.He must have known that she was no angel. He had still cared for her. Sure, some of it had probably been some kind of primitive lust, but the further removed from the situation Samantha found herself, the less able to believe that she was. He'd acted a bit coarse, but hadn't that just been a coping mechanism? Anything to keep his mind off the death, and hers too. Otis had been better than she would ever be.

No changing reality, though. No changing the events on the beach. Samantha had no doubt at all that the other boy, Cristo, had been the most dangerous contender she'd encountered. He'd had that special mixture of charisma and savagery, that charm shining through even as he shot at them from the dark. He was nothing like the pink-haired girl. She had lost track of herself. She was stupid with rage and fear, that much had been clear to Samantha even from their brief encounter. She was a rabid animal, a danger to the unprepared, but not crafty enough that you couldn't put it down with a bit of planning.

Samantha knew what she would do if she saw the girl again. She would shoot her, as quickly and efficiently as she could. This time, she would not screw up. It did not escape Samantha's notice that she had missed every shot she had taken so far. She'd never held a gun before this. Had never lined up a target, had never experienced recoil. Now, she would have to be better. She had spent a half hour or so practicing her aim, snapping the gun into line, squeezing the trigger (she left the safety on to prevent any actual discharge of ammunition). If she was going to survive, she knew she would have to kill.

What she would not do was murder. No shooting innocents. No shooting anyone who didn't pose a threat. And, at the end, when it was down to the last two or three, if they weren't already engaged in combat, Samantha would give them the chance to arm themselves. She would talk to them, get to know them, see if there were any other alternatives.

And then, if it turned out there weren't, they would all kill each other, leave everyone dead except one. Samantha was pretty sure she still wanted to be that one. She would survive, would survive in her way. She wouldn't let herself devolve like the others had. From here on out, it was self defense and fair play only.

She could wait most of this out, besides. However everyone else was doing on food and water, Samantha was pretty sure she was better off. She had eaten every single one of the tins of peaches in her various looted belongings, taking in as many sugary calories as she could, to keep herself going, keep herself awake. Her second wind had well and truly hit now. She could keep this up for a long time.

Yes. Wait it out. Be prepared. And then, at the end...

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Post by MurderWeasel »

June 25, 2010: 00:00-11:59
JUNE 25, 2010: 00:00

A heartbeat.

Rhythmic drumming, steadily playing inside the young man's body as he slept. He didn't know it yet, but out in the world of the awake he was being watched, monitored, observed. There were people checking his vital signs, poking at him with needles and prodding him with knives. They were busy working out how every inch of his body worked, what made it tick. The good doctors were doing so many tests, drawing so much of his blood, all the while thinking he was just another specimen, infused as he was with that ever critical serum of theirs. What they didn't realize - and this was key - was that this boy wasn't just another specimen; he wasn't just a sample. No. This boy was special. Much more special than they first thought, and much more special than those babies over there, on that ridiculous island.

And yet, conscious as he was, he couldn't seem to move. It felt like there was something missing, like something very important had left his body. Funnily enough, that was one thing the doctors actually did know. It was really very obvious, at least to those who saw it. But the boy couldn't see. He was trapped in a strange and ominous darkness, like his mind was asleep but his consciousness wasn't. Familiar feelings of isolation returned, but he had no idea why. He'd died several times before, and it always felt the same - long, painful, terrifying - but something was deeply wrong this time. It was as though he was trapped between the two planes: one of the dead, and one of the living. But then, surely he would awaken soon? It was impossible for someone to survive like this, wasn't it?

These questions would haunt the boy for an age, as his mind slipped deeper into unconsciousness - the hours dribbling by. Fortunately though, his rest was about to come to an unforeseen end, courtesy of the men on the other plane. Their cunning words and unchallenged authority allowed them to stop proceedings, to halt the hands of the many busy doctors who hovered constantly around the patient. The leader of these men was a familiar man, whose presence alone shot down any quiet protests the flies may have had concerning the state of the boy on the table, who now began to stir. This brought a rare and disturbing smile to the patchwork face of the man, and after a few orders were given, the boy was drugged once more, before a handful of masked men entered the room and stole the boy away into the night.


"You do realize what he's done, don't you?"

Doctor Marshall squirmed in his seat, trying to direct his attention away from the man in front of him. He busied himself with the files on his desk; sorting them into neat little piles while Cavery stood in front of him, leaning down to face the old, cowardly man. Fluorescent light dripped from the eyes of the mask, making the other man squint whenever he tried to look up at him.

"Marshall, look at me."

He froze. He didn't want to look at his superior, not now. Not with those eyes of his.

"I said look at me."

Marshall looked.

"Where has he taken the boy, Marshall?"

Cavery was losing the very last of his patience now, he could feel himself boiling beneath the leather. The other doctor could feel it too, the air changing with the emanating belligerence the two of them were beginning to exude. Patches of sweat swelled up around the old man's back, dampening the air. If he didn't answer soon...

He didn't want to think about it.

"I don't know, I assure you. Connelly, he- he only asked if the boy was stable. Nothing more."

The eyes behind the glass narrowed at the end of his answer. Such lies. Even children could tell that he was lying, so why was he insisting on making this so much harder than it needed to be?

"I'm not asking you again, Marshall. You've got one last chance."

Fingers tightening, he leaned in closer, resting his balled-up hands onto the desk below.

"Where did he take the boy?"


"Hey gang, guess who's back for the third announcement? Oh right it's totally me! Haha! How've you all been? Good? Great! Me too! Well, better than last week, no thanks to mama's boy over here. Now- don't even start with me Carl. Do not even start with me. Hey! Hey, I saw that! You want me to throw another pen at you? Huh?! Yeah, that's what I thought. Dick. Diiiiick."

Lizzie stuck her tongue out at the sound technician who'd usurped her position the last time, then turned back to the microphone, missing the two fingers he now stuck up at her from behind.

"Alrighty-roo, so, death time. My favourite time~! After lunchtime, that is. Ooh! And bedtime! I loooove my bed, seriously. So comfy. So cozy. I could literally lie in it all day long if I didn't have so many dead kids' names to read out. See guys, you're such a hassle and yet I still come up here and do this for you. I'm like... Hm. Oh! I'm like Princess Di! You know her, right? Princess of Wales? Stunningly beautiful, like me? Oh, snap, you can't see me, huh? That's okay, I'll send you all a picture of me after you're all- y'know what, never mind.

On to the deaths! Yay!

Okay so first up waaaas-" Lizzie snorted. "Joel Deitrick, who like, died of blood loss? Or something? He just sorta... died. Fun times. After that there was a crazy-assed confrontation in the black forest, which resulted in poor Pippi- what? Shit, right. Penelope Rivers getting shot right in the boob. As a girl, let me tell you- painfullll. Last of all came Keira  MacDonald who made a very pretty dead person with all that smokey stuff. Is it bad that I totally wanna get some of that for my birthday party? I dunno if you guys saw, but it looked super pretty.

As for danger zones, all the ones from last time are now cleared and whatever, so here's your new ones!

The Church, Black Forest, The Ravine and The Settlement have all become no-nos, so stay the heck away from those if you wanna keep being not-dead!

Annnd, that's all we've got for today, so make sure you survive another twelve hours of family fun to hear the next announcement, okay? Have fun kiddies, and make sure one of the guys stays alive long enough to receive one of my super special mixed tapes!"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 25,2010: 00:09

It was a nice rest, but it had to come to end. All peace was transient on this island, and Samantha was simply thankful that her time spent sitting on the swaying bridge was brought to an end by the announcement of her location as a forbidden zone, rather than by a hail of gunfire or a snap and a plunge into the icy stream below.

It was apparently midnight again. Time had fairly well lost its meaning to her, but Samantha knew one thing: half the contestants were dead. Ten people were gone. Samantha had seen three of those deaths firsthand, had stumbled on the aftermath of a fourth. Was she really damn unlucky, or was there something else going on? Did she somehow attract unstable people? She'd given up on the idea of a curse, given up on the notion that death was trailing in her wake, but only because she had pondered the situation. Of course everyone she met died. There would be one survivor. Everyone else involved would never leave this island, except perhaps to be carried back to a lab and dissected.

She stood slowly, gathered her things. An hour was more than enough time to get clear. No need to run. Jogging was a comfort for bad times, and, for the first time in a long time, Samantha felt relatively at peace. She had come full circle, she had purged herself of her own poisonous impulses, and now she felt she really had a chance. She would survive, but, if she didn't, she'd be damn sure to die well. She would not share Pippi's fate, oh no, she would go out with a fucking bang, take that awful murderous bitch with her, maybe, or otherwise do something really crazy, mess up the experiment somehow.

She straightened her glasses, then slowly began to wind her way down from the ravine. Yes, so many things to do. So much left to live for.

If only you could see me now, Otis. If you were still here, maybe we'd have a chance. Maybe we'd crack this thing open and make it out.

At the very edge of the area that would soon become fatal, Samantha paused. Thoughts flashed through her mind, ideas. She'd searched the forest. She'd scoured the damn place top to bottom. She hadn't quite been with it then, true, but that didn't mean she couldn't do a passable job.

This led to interesting thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Thoughts that consumed more time than she'd really expected.

A buzzing vibration in her body snapped Samantha to full awareness, her eyes widening in shock. Shit. She'd nearly given in there, nearly sat down and waited. Not a smart move. It was time to move on.

She picked up the pace, seeking a new sanctuary.

Exit Subject C01, Samantha Reynolds
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Post by MurderWeasel »

JUNE 25, 2010: 02:37

"Hey... I remember this place."

Enter Subject C10, Raymond Pietrowski

Only the wind greeted Ray's comment this time. For the first time since he had woken up on this island, he was alone. And now that he had put enough distance between himself and that Taryn character to realize it... He felt it.

It fucking hurt.

He sat down at the end of the cable cars, waiting for the only way back up to that cell phone tower to return to him.

He thought about Kiera.

"Why did this shit have to happen?" He wanted the two of them to become a hell of a fighting force on the island and get out.

But now she was dead and gone. How could he justify killing anyways? When he hunted, he was killing for meat, for clothing, for resources. He needed to do it to survive, and such was the way of the world.

Survival of the Fittest.

But... Killing a human felt so... different. Logic wasn't something that could be used to understand all of this. If he and Kiera had killed someone... What makes them better than Animals? The other kid's parents would completely blame him. And they would be right.

Ray hadn't cried since he was a little kid. First time for everything though, right? He was jarred from his thoughts by a soft splash echoing from the ground. And he opened his eyes with a small sniffle. And where the ground wasn't wet before, it was now.

"A-Am I really crying?" He punched the dirt. "God damn it man! Stop being such a fucking PUSSY!" Shouting out into the wind, which retaliated with a whistling noise as it rushed between the cliffs. His bag laid haphazardly on the ground, untouched in almost half an hour, the cable car having come and gone twice.

He told himself he was waiting. He just couldn't muster the strength to stand and go back to that place where he first met her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he held the hope that she was alive, waiting for him there; like a re-spawn. He wholeheartedly knew it would never happen. But he had seen powers. Those powers were real. Kiera could cough smoke. That Taryn girl could make knives out of her blood.

His fist clenched as he thought about it.

"What is my Power? Will I ever find out?" He shook his head, resting it in his palms. This was all so confusing. So un-necessary. Everything was falling apart around him.

"Only a day and a half left to go."

He sighed a soft, depressed sigh. I don't want to move... Maybe just until the announcement. Hear what that fucking cunt has to say about her.

...Why in God's name am I so attached to her?

The cable car had come and gone again. At least four more times. Just as the announcement had come and gone at least half an hour ago. The words of the object of his sheer hatred rang through his mind of the last time that Kiera would ever be recognized again by anyone but him.

Last of all came Keira MacDonald who made a very pretty dead person with all that smokey stuff. Is it bad that I totally wanna get some of that for my birthday party? I dunno if you guys saw, but it looked super pretty.

First had come rage, and screaming at the sky. How dare she make fun of her like that? Then had come the guilt. Could I have done something differently? Denial. Regret. Longing. Here he sat now, just... numb. The squeaking of the cable car departing for the fifth time wasn't even enough to jar him from his spot perched on a rock. This could be a danger zone for all he cared, he still wouldn't be moving.

He debated ending it all. The best way to keep himself from becoming one of them; the easiest way for him to keep his promise.

Man, looking back on it all, he was a full 180 from the "hardcore redneck" he was thirty six hours ago. Actually attached to a girl by more than superficial 'feeling' and a mutual lust. Unable to bring himself to pull a trigger. Hadn't eaten all day, he just couldn't bring himself too.

Damn, maturity comes fast when you're fighting for your life.

He closed his eyes, and just listened to the wind howl. Up through the Great Divide, racing over the Black Forest, and between the cliff face upon which he sat and the mountain holding the radio tower. Was escape possible? Was contact possible? He'd promised Kiera that they'd come back, and they'd at least try to get a hold of someone with the old broken piece of shit.

That was then. This was now. Things were so different back then. But it wasn't long ago at all. It was all so surreal, Things were changing so fast. He couldn't keep up. 20 were alive yesterday. 10 were alive today. Maybe less. When would he go? Or would he be the lucky bastard to go home? Would that be lucky at all?


The cable car again.

I really should...

He stood. And slowly, he scooped his bag from the ground. Meandered his way to the car, and pushed open the door. And he sat.

Three hours. And he was finally ready to face this place once again.

Exit Subject C10, Raymond Pietrowski
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