When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!

DC - Inky's Turn, Outfoxd's Turn

Sandbox threads from TV1.
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

Skye walked around the party, and sat back on the bleachers towards where Bobby and Amber were dancing. He felt that if he went up to talk, he could get her away from the track star. Despite not being an athlete or anything like that, he liked to picture himself as having a large part at Detroit Central.

But he didn't make that move. Not yet. He could sense that something was about to unfold, and decided to wait a minute to let it blow past.

And there it is - Devonte. Skye could see the slouching figure laughing at Bobby, and although Skye would have to admit that Bobby's dancing was not exactly top-quality, it was still a dick move. It called out to the two dancers, only to have Amber stop upon the song's end and snap back.

It was not much, really, but had it been later it could have easily exploded into something. "Later" being once everyone had started to really get into the booze.

The song itself was by one of those new rap artists. He was rapping about that SOTF thing while the bass riff for "Bastards" played behind it, every once in a while stopping to throw in the "Someone has to lose" bridge or a quick psychotic laugh from Sean Nelson. Skye didn't really get the appeal of SOTF, but he wouldn't say it was bad. It was an entertaining show, but even truly good things can be blown out of proportion sometimes.

Skye decided he would continue to sit back and wait until Devonte started to back off before making his move. It's not that Skye didn't like Devonte, it's just that he didn't like him. There was just something about it.

That's what Skye called him, by the way. It. He generally got along with people, but for Devonte he just couldn't seem to do the same. Plus, he'd heard word that Devonte didn't really care for his parties that much. Unforgivable.

He took a drink.
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The Bearded One*
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Post by The Bearded One* »

((Warning: Extremely vulgar language below.))

As the song ended, Bobby thought he heard someone laughing nearby. He didn't pay any attention to whoever it was while he made his lame apology and enjoyed one more pleasantly tight Amber hug. As they parted, he heard the voice associated with that laugh. It was Devonte Washington.

“Shit, son, you look like you fell ass-first onto a rebar! Where you learn to dance?" Bobby turned to face the other boy, the smile he'd gained from Amber's hug fell from him to be replaced by a scowl.

Devonte wasn't one of Detroit Central's more prolific bullies, but he had a reputation to uphold that was based on attitude. We're going to have to take this outside so that Skye's stuff doesn't get wrecked, he thought. At least I hope we can make it outside before the fist start flying.

Bobby only took one step, squaring his shoulders (I hope I look somewhat menacing,) towards Devonte before he heard Amber speak up from behind him. "Sounds to me like somebody's a little jealous..."

She's clearly trying to defuse the situation. I mean, if she wasn't here there would be little chance of avoiding a fight. But does Devonte want to risk fighting in front of Amber? If he thinks he can win, then he'll probably go for it. But he's got to know that I'm no nerdling push-over. Even if he wins, he'll wind up bloody. Of course, even if I win, I'll wind up bloody.

The next song that started playing was a rap about Survival of the Fittest. What is this the all-SotF mix CD?

Here I am,
So don't leave me stranded
Hanging on the edge of a lie.
Yeah, I've been torn apart
So many times before.

I have my own reputation in school. I may not be any good on the dance floor, but I can't let someone like Devonte mock me in public like that.

Bobby didn't look back toward Amber. He walked straight up to Devonte and looked him in the eye. Your personal space... is now my personal space! "At least I'm not a fagot, too chickenshit to join any school sports. It's probably best that you don't, though; you'd suck ass at it like you do at everything else, you retarded cocksucker!"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony was thankful that he met Anna. She was his best friend, she gave him some direction to his dreams, and he loved her to death as a buddy. But when she got loud, sometimes even HE couldn't handle it.

Like now.

She was getting ready, going into her whole web star routine, when she had told him at the start that they weren't going to be doing any shooting, just actually going to the party to well, party. Anthony's mistake; Anna was always on. Always.

"Think your eyes are wide enough, girl." He said to her, rubbed the side of his head with his hand as he kept his other on the wheel.

He glanced at his fuel gauge; he'd be filling up soon. Probably need some oil, too. His ancient pick-up didn't like keeping in any kind of liquid it required to run. The only reason he managed to drive anywhere was because his parents gave him money to handle it every so often, almost like an apology for buying him the piece of shit anyway.

Anthony flicked his gaze over to Anna as she asked him about her looks. "Yeah, stunning. Like a 20's starlet or something." He said in a deliberate deadpan, chuckled. Anna was crazy, but hell, sometimes it rubbed off.

They pulled up to the warehouse where the party was supposed to be, and Anthony took notes. Part of the reason he wanted to go to the party was to canvas the warehouse as a potential set, ask the person putting it on how they managed to get the whole thing together. Maybe even talk to a few people, recruit some extras. Anna was the star of their little show, but Anthony did a lot of the logistics and leg work.

He eased off the accelerator and pushed on the brake, easing the truck to a stop in front of the warehouse.

"Alright, I'm letting you off here. Gonna find somewhere to park. Cool?"
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Jaszmine really should not have come at all. The warehouse was weird as hell- what was this, a fucking rave? A rave with shitty music. She strolled past oddly chosen food, and a weird assortment of people. "It's like whoever planned this was on crack. What the hell?"

Not to mention the weird and out of place SOTF themed music that was blasted in her ears. "God damn, does anyone in this place got any taste? The fuck?"

Her eyes scanned through the crowd- which seemed to have a shocking amount of white people. She needed to find someone who wasn't high as a fucking kite and dancing like a retard.

She clicked. Devonte. Perfect. He was sane enough. She made her way over, ignoring most of the other people here. This was already a shitty party and she'd only been there five fucking minutes. Hell.

And then she realized who Devonte was talking too. Oh fuck. Robert Fucking Goldman and that bitch Amber Lyons. Wasn't that a fucking sight? Looks like Robert had taken his mother's advice and switched to a lighter girl- lighter, more plastic, faker, dumber, and whorier. Jaszmine rolled her eyes. Boy was moving on up alright.

Not that she cared. He deserved someone as fake and annoying as he was.

Jaszmine had strolled up just in time to hear Devonte's completely appropriate comment about Robert's crime of dancing while dumb. And she heard the Queen Skank's retort, which was enough to make Jaszmine snicker.

But the part that made Jaszmine burst out laughing was Robert's come back to Devonte. "Oh boy, who the fuck you think you is?"

For a moment, Jaszmine considered taking out all of her bitter pent up rage out on the ditzy blonde Amber and her dumbass ex, but it wasn't the best plan. For one, it made her look like a clingy jealous bitch, and she really didn't give a fuck what Robert did anymore. That and she didn't want to start some bogus scene in the middle of a goddamned party.

Besides, she was going to be an optimist, right? They didn't walk up and bitch people out.

Jaszmine instead rolled her eyes, deciding to play peacemakers before the two boys stained that girls dress with their blood.

Jaszmine walked up, putting herself next to Devonte. "Devonte, what you doing this time? I keep telling you, you gotta stop picking fights with people. You giving them an excuse to beat your black ass."

She turned to Robert and Amber, rolling her eyes at the two. "And you, Robert. For real? You gonna go pick a fight at a party? Ain't anyone ever told you to just walk the fuck away? Take your blonde ass arm candy and go take some dance lessons on the other side of the room. It's a goddamn party you two! Stop acting so serious and go have fun."

Jaszmine paused.

"Or start a fucking fight. I mean hell, it ain't a Detroit Central Party till someone calls the cops!"

Jaszy rolled her eyes again, crossing her arms. "But one of you gets me bloody, you both end. Now. Ain't anyone gonna get me a drink?"
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Post by BetaKnight* »

Devonte pulled back from Robert with dismissive click of his tongue. “Man, whatever. I ain’t wasting my time with this bullshit. You best get outta my face instead of trying to fight with me to make yourself all manly in front of your girl.” He really didn’t want to get into a fight with Bobby. The other boy had three inches and almost fifty pounds on him.

He tried to gauge the crowd, scanning for potential allies in the very likely event Bobby came at him. Devonte took a step back, trying to put some space between himself and the raging white boy. The timely arrival of Jaszmine saved him from further action.

"Devonte, what you doing this time? I keep telling you, you gotta stop picking fights with people. You giving them an excuse to beat your black ass."

"What did I do? What did I do?" he asked, hiding his relief. "I ain't do nothing to this fool. It's not my fault he got no rhythm. Why didn't you teach his biscuit ass to dance when you went out with him?"

Devonte knew that Bobby wouldn’t do shit to him in front of Jaszmine. Feeling safe, he nodded smugly along with her as she laid into her ex.

“I mean hell, it ain't a Detroit Central Party till someone calls the cops!"

“Ain’t no party like a Big D party, cause a Big D party don’t stop,” he chimed in, starting the familiar chant. He waited for Jaszmine to finish before he balled up his fist and lightly hit her in the shoulder. “Awww, J. Why you gotta come at me like that? You know I would never mess up your look.”

Flashing her a wicked grin, he cleared his throat. “If you desire a beverage, I believe that I saw some diet colas located in a container near the table,” he said in a pretentious tone, each word carefully over-enunciated.

Devonte schooled his expression into a polite, bland mask for about 10 seconds before bursting into hysterical laughter. “Nah, girl. C’mon, we go get you a drink.” He headed off in the direction he had seen the drinks.
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Post by Fiori »

...Oh god, did Bobby just do what I think he did?

Amber couldn't help but place her put to her face when she saw the boy she'd just been defending go up to Devonte and make a scene of himself, letting out a series of expletives which made Amber cringe on the spot. Great. Five minutes ago she was having the time of her life, now she was being dragged into an awkward conflict over who can strut their stuff the best. She'd heard of how Bobby had something of an infamous temper, but she didn't expect him to get so worked up over something as silly as THIS!

Jesus Bobby, why'd you have to go and overreact like that? I mean sure, Devonte was acting like a total douche and everything, but now you're just embarrassing yourself!

Of course, the fact that barely seconds ago Amber nearly gave Devonte a stern talking-to herself didn't occur to her. She was too busy trying to think of a way of getting herself away from the possible fight which was bound to occur to think about little details like that...

To make matters worse, Bobby's skank of an ex-girlfriend decided show up and start acting all self-indignant, instantly taking Devonte's side and making the situation even more embarrassing then it really needed to be. Great, what does SHE want?

At first, she seemed to be berating Devonte herself for picking fights with people tougher than him. Not that she couldn't blame her, if it wasn't for Amber's presence she was sure that Bobby would have given Devonte a vicious beatdown unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Then Jaszmine began to lay into Bobby for trying to start a fight in the middle of a party, a face which once again Amber couldn't really blame her for...

...But then she had to go ahead and directly mention her, didn't she?

"...Take your blonde ass arm candy and go take some dance lessons on the other side of the room. It's a goddamn party you two! Stop acting so serious and go have fun."

Excuse me? I'm sorry, did I hear that right? I'M blonde ass arm candy? Really?

Well, EXCUSE me for not being aware that making a joke was suddenly considered to be taking things too seriously. Its not my fault that Sir Fuckshimselfalot over there decided to crack a joke about my friend for no apparent reason. Who the hell do you think you are, sistah, coming along here and acting like some kind of "sassy beeyotch" whose opinion actually mattered? As far as i'm aware, Bobby ditched your pathetic ass a long time ago, so what the hell gives YOU the right to butt into his business and insult his friends like that?


Of course, that's what Amber WANTED to say. But the young woman knew she had better things to do with her time then get into a pointless argument with Bobby's ex. As much as she loathed to admit it, the sassy bitch was right, they should all be having fun rather then getting into fights. Besides, Amber was beginning to find the whole ordeal she'd found herself in to be embarrassing enough already without her lowering herself to Jaszmine's standards...

Still... She couldn't leave without saying SOME kind of passing comment.

"Alright, geez, sorry I said anything..." she said in a cheekily sarcastic tone of voice, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Still, like you said. This is supposed to be a party, right? So why don't we all just get along and enjoy ourselves?"

To further accentuate her statement, the young girl flashed a grin in Jaszmine's direction as she held tightly onto Bobby's arm, giving her a playful wink as she did so.

She stood there for a while with a bright smile on her face, waiting for Jaszmine and Devonte to move out of earshot before finally turning her attention back to the boy she'd been playfully flirting with for the past twenty minutes or so. "God, what a stuck-up bitch... No wonder you ended up dumping her ass."

As she glanced past Bobby towards the entrance to see if there were any newcomers she could speak with, the energetic young woman was pleasantly surprised to find that none other then Anna Hitchins had arrived to the scene. Anna! YAY! She's always a blast to be around! First things first though, I've got to ditch Bobby... NICELY though. Poor guy must be under a lot of stress right now.

"Ooh, theres Anna! Mind if I go say hi? Oh, and don't get yourself into any fights whilst i'm gone, okay?"

She smiled, going up onto her tip toes and giving Bobby another quick peck on the cheek. "Catcha later!"

On that note, she turned and briskly ran in the direction of Anna, practically crashing into her as she wrapped her arms around the redhead's neck and enveloped her with another of Amber's trademark hugs.

"Omigod, ANNA! I didn't expect to see YOU here!"

She eventually let go of her, looking over the fellow drama student's shoulders to see if she could spot Anthony behind her. The two of them were BFFs, right? So it'd make sense to assume that he'd decided to come along as well.

"So, whatcha doooing? Did you just come along to enjoy the party, or have you got something else in mind?"
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Post by Nadir* »

(Cesar´s first post. He actually knows most of the students at school, but he actually has talked only with Anna and Anthony a couple of times. I hope you can do something with this).

Cesar was not a person you could usually find at parties. He was more at ease at home, by himself, watching some horror flick with his kid sister or just in his room reading or staring out of his window at the night sky or the streets below. He had actually not even been invited. It had been his sister´s idea. Julia was only two years younger than him but she actually regarded herself as the wisest between the two of them, and she was actually always trying to remind him of that. They both attended Detroit High, although obviously she was two grades below him. Basically they were polar opposites. While Cesar was always a solitary soul, always wandering by himself and keeping his thoughts private, Julia always had some friends over, surrounded herself with people, always had some party to attend, some concert to go (usually without their parents knowing it, but Cesar didn´t mind covering for his sister). When they asked where she had gone, he usually told her she was at the library or at a friend´s home. Heh, Julia in a library. That would have been like finding a unicorn in the school´s courtyard.

Well, Julia had told him that "Word is, that Skye fellow is hosting a party on a warehouse downton. You should go. It wouldn´t be bad for you to go out once in a while, maybe chat up some girl and not end up a virgin until you are forty". Yeah, his sister could be pretty convincing sometimes. However, he sincerely doubted he ended up giving someone his v-card tonight.

Anyway, it wasn´t like this party was bad at all. He had seen some people from the school by now, and even talked with some of them.

He had actually felt very tense when Devonte and Bobby seemed to be picking up a fight. He had straightened himself as he watched the two other boys fight with their mouths. Not cool. A party was supposed to be for entertainment, for fun. He didn´t came from the other side of the town just to witness how two of his schoolmates bloodied each other´s noses. Fortunately, it seemed like Jazmine and Amber had calmed things now. Cesar liked Amber, she seemed cool. Although he had never had actually talked to her.

When Anna and Anthony came through the doors, his face beamed up. He had talked with both of them at school before, and, unlike many people there, they weren´t very afraid of him and of his eccentricities, having enjoyed a couple of conversations with him. He thought of going over to say hello to them. But, just as he was setting off, he saw how Amber left Bobby´s side and darted over to salute the newcomers.

Poor guy, he thought, must be feeling very stressed after the thing with Devonte. I should go and see if he is allright.

He walked over to Bobby and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Eh, man", he asked, trying to sport a sincere smile "You allright there? I saw the amigo before trying to mess up with you. Don´t listen to him, he can be a little bit of an idiot sometimes"
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Post by The Bearded One* »

A couple of high-volume statements sprinkled with provocative curses floated in the air for just a moment, leaving everyone in the warehouse stunned before they started reacting. If he takes the first swing, I win because he's the first one to use violence. If he backs down, I win because I made him back down. Total win-win for me. One of the first people to react was Jazm-- What!? Jaszy's here? I didn't know that she was here. If I'd known, I.... She used her cutting remarks to whittle both Devonte and Bobby down a few sizes.

Bobby tried not to look directly at Jazmine, but just as he remembered, she was powerfully charismatic. He tried to let her words slide harmlessly over him, but he couldn't. I still care what she thinks. I still care about her. She called Amber "your blonde ass arm candy." But I didn't even want to dance with Amber; she is so not my type, not that I really know what my type is. Why couldn't you and I stay together? I know what I did was wrong; it was a mistake. But was it so bad that you can't forgive me? Do you want me to beg? Would begging make any difference? Does she hate me? Oh, Jaszy, please don't hate me.

Devonte stepped back, looking around the crowd to make sure they didn't see him as a coward. He tried to play tough, but he either didn't want to risk fighting Bobby, or he didn't want to upset Jazmine by fighting in front of her. He's closer to your girl than you are. She's not my girl any more, though. Deal with it. Bobby watched Devonte and Jazmine walk away toward the refreshment area. He closed his eyes, exhaled some of the tension that had coiled up in his muscles, and then opened his eyes again. There would be no fight, no blood. Good.

He felt Amber's grip tighten on his arm. She looked almost sullen. Jazmine's cutting remarks had wounded even perpetually chipper Amber Lyons. A testament to Jaszy's mighty wit. She sounded apologetic in her fare-not-so-well to Jazmine, then when she and Devonte were out of earshot, she spoke to Bobby. "God, what a stuck-up bitch... No wonder you ended up dumping her ass."

The tension which was slowly draining away from Bobby began to surge again. He felt his pulse racing. He turned to face the blonde girl who was still clutching his arm. How dare you talk about Jazmine Johnson that way! You do not know her. You do not know what our relationship was like. You do not know how it ended or why. You are not in her league. She may not be fair-skinned or super fashion conscious, but she is genuine. And you're mostly just an airhead. He pressed his lips together to prevent himself from accidentally saying any of what was running through his mind. He imagined how satisfying it would be to yell at Amber or to say out loud the things he was thinking, but instead he tried to keep calm and keep his temper in check. She doesn't know that I still have feelings for Jazmine. Just keep it that way. She'd probably think less of me if she knew I did.

A few heartbeats later, Amber released his arm, nearly launching herself across the warehouse. She was dashing over to the loading dock where Anna Somethingorother was making her grand entrance. Anna was that loud girl who liked to have that kid Anthony Whateverhisnameis film her. Bobby just shook his head and wondered why anyone with a brain would want to be friends with Anna Talkstooloud over there.

As he stepped away from the dance floor, making sure that he was sufficiently distant from Jazmine and Devonte (I don't want to know what they're talking about. Or doing.), he was approached by a boy he didn't know well. Cesar Perdomo was a little taller than he was but less toned. He put a hand on Bobby's shoulder and said, "Eh, man, you all right there?" Bobby nodded, wondering what Cesar was doing. "I saw the amigo before trying to mess up with you. Don´t listen to him, he can be a little bit of an idiot sometimes" This is now officially the longest conversation that Cesar and I have ever had.

Bobby tried to recall what he knew about Cesar. He's kind of just this odd kid in my history class. He keeps his head down and does his work and doesn't interact with the other students much. I've heard other people describe him as weird, too. But really, I barely know him. So why's he talking to me? "Uh, thanks, Cesar, I'm cool."

Bobby looked back over to where Amber and Anna were, and a tightness returned to his stomach. "I need some fresh air, I think." He headed toward the loading dock. He glanced back once, curious to see if Cesar would follow him.

((Bobby Goldman continued in Doorways))
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Post by Nadir* »

Cesar looked at how Bobby literally dove to escape the increasing tension that was building up around him inside the warehouse. Well, actually, when it came to conversations, exchanging more than one word with him was considered an absolute success on Cesar´s part. He actually liked Bobby, he seemed like a nice guy, although admittedly he only had seen him before in History class, if at all.

Cesar thought that History was his favorite subject at school. Sometimes he just set his imagination loose while he was on class and imagined himself as a sort of general from the Napoleonic Wars or maybe even one of the World Wars of almost one hundred years ago. Actually, one of the most fascinating points of history for him were wars. There was a part of him who researched it almost to the point of obsession when he was at the library or while surfing on the Internet. He knew lots of facts on every battle and every general that had served on the German Third Reich... which sometimes made him look like a total and utter Nazi fuck. Which was kind of uncomfortable, because he actually didn´t like that political doctrine at all.

Cesar decided to follow Bobby outside. Now that he had initiated conversation and eye contact, everything on the same package, he didn´t felt like losing the battle so easily. And he knew exactly how to please a guy who was stressed out.

So, swiftly and wihout any pause (and feeling the small joint of marihuana that he had on his pocket ready to be smoked), he made his way to the door.

(Cesar Perdomo, continued in Doorways)
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

"Jesus, Devonte. I leave you alone five minutes and you go start shit."

Marcus sighed and shook his head as he looked at Devonte. Really, why was he friends with this guy? They didn't have a hell of a lot in common and their interests weren't very similar. Well, besides basketball, but it's not like Marcus couldn't find other people to play with. Devonte always seemed to drag Marcus into shit he's started, and more than a few times Marcus has had to come back Devonte up when talking shit turned into an actual fight. Even if Marcus didn't know why he stuck with Devonte, there was no way in hell he was going to let him get his ass whooped.

"Really man, you think you could tone it down for one night? I don't feel like getting kicked out."

Oh well. For whatever reason, Marcus was friends with this idiot, so he might as well make the best of it. Tossing a can to Devonte, Marcus moved from the table to hand Jaszmine one of the other cans he held, keeping one for himself obviously. Why go get a drink and not keep one for yourself?

"Can't believe you dated that prick."

Marcus eyed Bobby over Jaszmine's shoulder, watching him retreat to lick his wounds. If only Jaszmine would let Marcus take one good swing at him. If only. But it was probably best not to cross Jaszmine. No one wanted to cross Jaszmine. Not Devonte, not Anthony, and certainly not Marcus. She was the piece of ass in their perpetual sausage fest. Well, her and that white girl of Anthony's. But Jaszmine was a lot more down to earth, and she didn't have a camera glued to her face at all hours of the day and night.

"Still, not like I can say anything."

Marcus certainly wasn't the best person to get relationship advice from. Not with his track record. It may not have been the same issues Jaszmine had, but Marcus certainly had his own issues. And it was those issues that kept him from ever saying too much that went against what Jaszmine had in mind. Definitely didn't want to make that girl mad. She had claws.

"So, you think they'll show up? Ten bucks says she'll be glued to the camera."

She was always glued to the camera. But with Anthony came Anna, so Marcus tried to keep quiet as much as he could. The same probably couldn't be said for Devonte though. That boy always opened his mouth. Always. And then never closed it. Open mouth, insert foot.
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Post by CorruptDropbear* »

[[Daniel Renard, debut]]

And we'll drink, drink, drink a toast to the sun, sun, sun!

Was it three or four drinks in the last hour? Four. Probably should stop there. Don't want to end up like whats-his-name, Skye last year. Hell, he still remembered that shit. Kinda scary at the time, but hilarious in hindsight. Eh. Probably shouldn't even be thinking of that.

Daniel stretched and took a shot at the bin with his empty cup. Dong, with a bounce it jumped in. Grinning, he started to spin around and see where everyone was. People to avoid, people that he probably shouldn't interrupt... eh. DJ was actually good for once, although the tunes were slightly too new for his taste. Or too old. Or just meme trolling songs.

...Fuck it. Get another beer.
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Jaszy rolled her eyes at Devonte's playful chant, smiling at the boy. He was an ass, but for some reason Jaszmine liked him. Hell, he knew how to party- even if it did involve Jaszmine saving him from getting his ass kicked on a regular basis. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just take me to the drinks boy."

She turned to Amber, who was squeezing Bobby's arm as if her life depended on it. Damn girl is gonna tear his arm off. Fuck, I'd pay to watch that.

And then that blonde bitch winked at her. Jaszy rolled her eyes, still smiling, waving a hand in their general direction. "Yeah, yeah, just wear protection. Lord knows we don't need no more kids like you running around."

Jaszy grinned as she noticed Marcus standing by the drinks. "I didn't even know you was here!" She took the drink from his hand, cracking it open and taking a sip. "Boy, you know I can't let you kick his ass. There ain't no point- it'll just end with both of you on the floor crying for your mommas, and really, I ain't cleaning up that shit."

"And I can't believe I dated that jackass either. Ain't I allowed to make a mistake or two? I know I'm a goddamned God to y'all, but I ain't perfect!"

Jaszy laughed rolling her eyes. She glanced back, noticing Bobby was gone. Thank God for it too. The whole place felt a hell of a lot better with him out of it.

"And you know Anna's gonna be here with that camera. In fact, if I'm right- and y'all know I ain't never wrong- she's already made her grand enterence Queen Skank got to her I think. Damn shame- Snowflake might never make out of there alive. We best be sending our prayers to Anthony. He gonna have to drag her ass out of that warzone."

Jaszy turned back to Marcus, shaking her head. "And don't be so hard on Snowflake. We all know that Anthony wants that ass, and since we like Anthony, we like her too. And besides, she ain't that bad. Kinda cute, if you get past the loud-ass-crazy-white-bitch part."

Jaszy took another sip. This party wasn't half bad after all. She just needed to find the right people to hang with. Gotta admit- I got myself some of the best friends in all of Detroit. Fuck yes. This is gonna be a good year.
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Post by BetaKnight* »

"Jesus, Devonte. I leave you alone five minutes and you go start shit. Really man, you think you could tone it down for one night? I don't feel like getting kicked out."

Devonte sucked his teeth and frowned at Marcus. “Man, why everything gotta be my fault? I didn’t do nothing to stuck-up Bobby Goldman. It not my fault he looks like he’s having a seizure when he dances.”

To illustrate his point, he busted a few Goldman Frankenstein-esque dance moves for Marcus’ benefit. He made sure to keep his arms and legs extra stiff for emphasis. “Shit, if I was Bobby and knew that I not only suffered from White Boy Syndrome but was also a carrier, I just wouldn’t dance.”

Actually, dancing like Bobby was highly amusing. It reminded him of the pop and lock dancing his father had showed him before…well before things turned out the way they had. Of course, Bobby’s interpretation of pop and lock wasn’t nearly as smooth as his father’s but that was just to be expected.

With one final super jerky flail, Devonte caught the can of soda Marcus lobbed to him and nodded his thanks. He couldn’t really drink anything tonight. His grandmamma would whoop his ass if she smelled even a drop of alcohol on his breath and he really didn’t need that tonight. Not after his near-miss with punk ass Bobby.

Opening the drink, he continued nodding, agreeing with Marcus. “For reals, J. Your boy a bitch, getting all up on folks for no good reason.”

"And I can't believe I dated that jackass either. Ain't I allowed to make a mistake or two? I know I'm a goddamned God to y'all, but I ain't perfect!"

Devonte threw back his head and laughed. Jaszmine was probably the most fun to hang out with out of their group. Marcus and Anthony were usually so serious and dignified and shit, even if hanging with Anthony meant having crazy ass Anna in the background.

Not that Anna wasn’t occasionally entertaining. She was just…so, well *needy*. She just NEEDED everyone’s full attention on the time, which was just exhausting. He wasn’t sure how Anthony had kept killing her crazy ass yet.

But Jaszmine, Jaszmine could be all grown and dignified one minute, and just as ghetto ass as he was the next. She didn’t put on airs like most of the girls in their class. And she sure as hell wasn’t crazy like most of the girls, either.

Jaszmine was like, one of the guys. Only, like, hot and shit. Which is why it was important they kept mama’s boy douches like Bobby away from her. They were all waiting for someone special for Jaszmine. Because unlike everyone else, Anna included, Jaszmine had a future waiting for her. An important one, he could just tell.

He rejoined the conversation just as Jaszmine was laying in to Marcus. "And don't be so hard on Snowflake. We all know that Anthony wants that ass, and since we like Anthony, we like her too. And besides, she ain't that bad. Kinda cute, if you get past the loud-ass-crazy-white-bitch part."

“Man, J. That girl is straight-up crazy. You know it. I know it. Only person who don’t know it is Anthony. And that’s just cause he got a mad hard-on for her. Once he tap that, we can be rid of the Snowflake once and for all. Just wait and see.” Devonte nodded sagely as he heard a familiar voice bellowing. “Sweet Jesus, please let him send her on her way.”
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler BetaKnight. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by ThePureLight7* »

(Note: I'm going to go ahead and say that the post-order for this was screwed over big-time by Inky's disappearance - starting now, we will return to the pre-disturbance post order, kay? Me, Outfoxd, Casey, Beta, Fiori, Nic, DropBear. Thank you.)

Skye sat back in the bleachers and watched as it all unfolded below. At first it seemed that there was gonna be a fight between Team It (Which had gained one new member in that Jaszmine girl who hung out with their group) and Team Amber. He knew Bobby could probably kick Devonte's ass if he wanted to, but he didn't count on it.

Personally he was pulled apart by his good and bad conscience - Go on! Start something! Join in, Man! You know you want to see that shit! shouted Skye's bad conscience, in a voice that hissed like a snake for some reason, despite the fact that Skye really liked snakes in general. Meanwhile, his good conscience would stand back and calmly say Listen, Man. You know I'm all for a good ass-whoopin', but do you know how damn difficult it is to clean blood out of a floor like this?

He decided to just sit back and watch.

After a while, the two teams started to disperse. Jaszmine and It went off to hang out with their other friend, while Amber trailed off from beside Bobby in order to catch Anna, who had just walked in the warehouse. Ooh! Skye thought, sipping his beer still, An opportunity to make my move has risen. Commence Operation Amber Alert...

He stood up and started making his way down along the bleachers, darting gracefully around the other people littering the scene. He heard some of their muffled ramblings as he made his way down. "PVC pipe is always a good idea," said one man, or at least, that's what Skye thought he could make out above all the yelling. "Ah, yes. So, what's your opinion on graveyards?" shouted another voice from along the bottom tier, meeting an almost instant response of, "So I said to him, 'Listen, I'm not here to apologize! I just want my car keys!'" Everyone laughs.

It amuses me how they all think that they matter here... Skye chuckled to himself as he picked up his pace towards Amber, Right now, the only ones who really matter are me and her.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler ThePureLight7. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Anthony had slipped in behind Anna a ways back, but as soon as they made it in the door she was off, in the crowd, being Anna, and he was alone. He was used to this sort of thing. Part of the reason they'd hit it off so well was because Anthony knew when to let her go off and do her thing, because the Anna Show(trademarked) was something that wasn't meant to be contained by one person.

That was all fine anyway; when there was a group, Anthony didn't like following her around. He usually got lost in the bustle. Besides, he saw a big group of people from school lounging around by the snack table that he regularly talked to. There was Jaszmine, of course, but there was also Marcus and Devonte. Good people, mostly.

Anthony walked over to them as Anna split off from him. While his parents always raised him to avoid speaking like he had no sense (niggerish, as his father had put so bluntly to him once when he was ten), he had long since felt comfortable around some of the people at school, and sometimes he just code-switched.

Like now.

"Goddamn, there's a lotta niggas over here! Who let you black motherfuckers in? Somebody need to call the cops before y'all start stealin shit. Looks like the Exxon Valdez fuckin crashed into the snack table." He borderline shouted, smiling almost ear to ear as he delivered this.

He looked at the snack table while he waited for a response.

Twinkies? Edgy, man.

He grabbed one of the little snack cakes and popped it into his mouth.
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