
DCHS Warehouse party, outside; open

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Post by Nadir* »

Cesar looked, amost charmed, how she took a long drag of the joint, and her beautiful features instantly relaxed when the smoke travelled to her lungs. Actually, he was glad to see that both of them had a common ground. They both liked to smoke pot. Well, at least it was something. He took the joint back after she was finished, rather carefully, he didn´t want to make himself look like an idiot by letting it fall down or something like that. Not after he had managed to start a conversation with such a gorgeous lady.

Cesar was instantly caught off-guard when she mentioned "The Swan". Actually, he thought that she would have thought of him as weird, but actually it was quite the opposite. She knew about constellations, too... well, now they did have two things on common. Pot and constellations. It was not the most wonderful of connections, but it was a connection nonetheless.

"Well, actually, I was looking at it right now" he said, a big grin on his face that he was sure was making him look both stupid and creepy in her eyes at the same time "It´s one of my favorites..."

Because it reminds me of you

He could have said it, perfectly. But it wouldn´t have been appropiate. He had admired her from afar, that was true. But not on a stalker way. He had always being curious about her, but at the same time was afraid to ask. When he had known that she worked at a cabaret, he had felt tempted about making some research. Maybe even going there to watch her on stage. He had a cousin, Ricardo, who knew most of the cabaret places around town. But Cesar was not exactly what everyone would call a brave soul. He would never ask. He would just let the answers get to him on their own terms.

Besides, he didn´t know if Odile was in the entire "romantic" thing. Well, he would always have time to know later. Maybe after a couple of drinks.

He watched her as she took out the scarf and put it around her neck, and felt some sort of regret on his mind. A true gentleman would have offered her the jacket he was wearing. Allright, it was a family heirloom and all that stuff, but sure his uncle wouldn´t have minded it being used to cover the graceful shoulders of Odile.

Then she had noticed the other boys eavesdropping them. She asked them what was going on. Cesar hold the joint on his hands again and got one last drag. He was nearly finishing it. Besides, Bobby was the first reason Cesar had got out of the party in the first place.

Well, might as well make some friends while I am out here

"Eh, Bobby, Sterling, you guys want some of this...? Sorry about not offering you before, I was kind of distracted..."
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Just after Bobby mentioned that Eloise had gone inside, Sterling went to the doorway to see for himself. Does Sterling have a thing for Eloise? He could do worse. She's not my type, but not bad looking at all. I wonder: what sort of girl is Sterling's type? Before Bobby could try to imagine an answer to his question, Sterling came back from the entrance, seemingly satisfied with himself. I guess he's not crushing on her enough to just run right inside. Or maybe he has some other reason for wanting to track down Eloise....

Out of the corner of Bobby's eye, he saw Odile pull a scarf out of her oversized bag and wrap it around her neck. Is she cold, or is she putting on some elaborate show? When Bobby had first seen Odile, he wasn't sure what pronoun to use to refer to him/her. After some months, his curiosity drove him to try to find out, and he eventually spotted her going into a girl's bathroom. Her look continued to be far too androgynous to be attractive to him, though.

He shrugged to himself as he stepped closer to Odile and Cesar. Odile noticed him almost immediately and drew attention to his intrusion by asking "what's up" to him and to Sterling. Geez, dude, I was just trying to remind Cesar that I'm still here. Don't act like I'm the one being rude. He didn't answer her right away.

Cesar was a world more polite, offering to share his pot with him and Sterling. Weird, but a nice gesture. I suppose there's no way you could know that I don't smoke or toke. Dad let me puff on a cigarette once when I was five; I choked for about ten minutes, then swore off smoking of any kind.

"No thanks, Cesar. I need my lungs for the track." That came off sounding a lot harsher than I wanted it to. Move on; don't dwell on that. Bobby blinked twice, then continued. "I wasn't actually going to hang out here much longer. I just wanted to make sure that I said my proper farewells before taking off." He took a breath. "And I think I cut Cesar off when he was talking inside...?"

He caught Cesar's eyes, then raised his own eyebrows, silently encouraging the other boy to say his peace.
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Post by Acidic* »

Sterling was not sure how to interpret Odile's putting on her scarf. Either she was cold, or dressing for a part for all he knew. Sterling decided to give a cautious reply to Odile's inquiry,

"I'm cool. Just wanted to see how you guys were doing before heading in." He could understand why someone would say he was being over analytical, but since she got him to believe she was a boy for the few hours he first knew her. Finding out only when she was naked that Odlie was a girl. From then on Sterling decided to keep an eye on the femme trickster. Then Cesar offered Sterling and Bobby a hit from his joint. Sterling didn't know Cesar that well either, but could understand why Odile was flirting with him.

I already made a note to get Eloise, and plus I have a better chance with her anyways. After Bobby declined Sterling shook his head,

"No thanks. They drug test on the team." Even though it rarely happened it was something Sterling watched out for, and used as an excuse because he's seen too many people ruin their lives for the next high. Plus he was pretty sure his brother and sister would be pissed if they found out. Then he heard Bobby say he was leaving soon,

"Well, that sucks. I guess I'll see you around then."
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Post by storyspoiler* »

So Bobby and Sterling didn't want to stick around. That was fine. She still didn't want to go inside; aching feet, blisters, and the night was cool and lovely. Caeser was still there, and the other boys were gone. The music from inside was loud, loud enough that it would hurt her eardrums, already delicate from a night's show.

Firework. An old song.

"Actually I was just looking at it right now. It's one of my favorites…" Pretty boy. The stars were clear tonight; she was glad she was outside. Nothing to be gained from dancing this late at night, in a haze of sweat and smoke. Nothing to be gained from dancing in high heels.

Instead, she pulled a couple of sparklers out of her handbag. Eloise called her bag "Schrodinger's purse", after some physicist who had some cat--anyway, it had everything in it. Only Odile could navigate it with any kind of dexterity, what with the Advil and lipstick and magicians tools in the thousands of little pockets, but it was worth it--here were some sparklers, one silver, one gold. There were more in her purse, an entire box, but two were good for now.

She gave one to Caeser. He took it without a word.

"Light it. Don't touch the end."

He touched it with his lighter, and it crackled to life. Gold, this one was gold, and beautiful.

Just own the night, like the Fourth of July.

He tossed the lighter to Odile; she caught it gracefully. Lit her own.

Silver sparks matched the stars.

She smiled at Caeser. He seemed totally rapt, a slightly dopey expression on his face as he watched the sparkler burn up. For Odile, the sparkler was a cool glass of water, a tiny precious spectacle in a night of haze.

Caeser's sparkler had nearly burned down when a man--a banger? A cop?--sauntered up. Odile had only a small chance to look up, see his face shrouded in darkness, before he grabbed the end of her sparkler. It sputtered and died.

"What this?" The man said. In my personal space. Get him out. He smelled like alcohol, and chemical undertaste, the pockmarked fingers of a methhead. Ugh.

But still. They were currently on unsafe ground. Caeser looked more surprised than scared, which was good.

"My sparkler." Odile said. She probably needn't be taking things so literally right now, but she was annoyed. Fame would give her some level of safety here, unless this guy was completely off the fucking wall. Which he might be.

The methhead turned to Caeser, whose sparkler had burned out. Put a food aggressively forward. "Who she?"

(Nadir, you can control this methhead too, obviously)
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Post by Nadir* »

(Allright, let´s see how I can do this XD Lots of gratitious Spanish in this post, but I added the translation just after the dialogue, so you all can understand. I dunno exactly how the methhead is supposed to react, but I hope that this post doesn´t sound very unrealistic for anyone)

Cesar had watched the two boys go inside after rejecting his offer of pot. Actually, he wasn´t that all surprised. The boys were athletes, sportsmen. Obviously, they didn´t need to destroy their bodies the way he was doing. And by the way, that Sterling folk had one amazing bum. Cesar didn´t notice guys very often (as much as girls, anyway), but he liked to find the beauty in a male sometimes. However, right now, he was more fixated on Odile, and just on her.

And I think I cut Cesar off when he was talking inside...?

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you that you don´t have to worry about Devonte being an asshole. He may look like one but it´s just the way he is. He cannot help himself" Cesar didn´t really know Devonte that well. Sometimes they smoked pot together, but judging by the young man´s comments and attitude towards him during those encounters, it was clear that the guy thought of Cesar as some sort of nutcase.

Well, more or less like the rest of people here anyway

"It was just that. Well, I guess I will see you guys inside, then... hope you have a good time, both of you"

Then when the two other guys went into the warehouse, Cesar turned to the girl. He was very surprised as he saw her open her bag and then took a pair of sparklers out. Which kind of girl bring sparklers on her bag nowadays? Cesar actually found himself admiring Odile even more for this. She was like some sort of legendary creature, like a fairy... actually, Cesar could even picture her with a "Tinkerbell" costume, and all. She would be unbearably cute.

Then the song started to blast. It was one of his favorites from Katy Perry. "Firework", that was the name of the world. He was not a particularly big Katy Perry fan, but he had to admit that the song always managed to get him back on high spirits when he heard it.

And then, along came an asshole.

Cesar actually knew the guy. Well, he didn´t know him, really. But he had seen him around before, in the neighbourhood. He was the kind of prick who, when high off his ass, liked to harass people. Especially young women. He knew that the guy was Hispanic like him, he had heard him shouting all sort of epithets and insults in his mother tongue towards the people who refused to give him money or just looked at him wrong.

He saw him grab Odile´s sparkler. Wrong move. Really wrong. Odile didn´t look like she was scared. She seemed a strong lady, and it was clear that she was not afraid of some methhead who wanted to mess up with her. However, he was not going to let the guy treat her like that. Cesar didn´t have a lot of experience fighting. He was not the sort of person to get on a scuffle or something like that. But he didn´t liked the guy, at all. And he didn´t like the way he was adressing Odile.

Who she?

Thats when he decided to cut in.

Cesar then took a step forward, and his eyes found the man´s gaze. The guy was clearly off the wall, but he decided to go at it anyway

"Voy a decir esto en español, para que lo entiendas claramente" he started, his eyes never missing the man´s, not for one second "Esta chica es una artista, es una dama, y esta conmigo ahora. Ella no necesita que la molestes, y esta claro que yo no necesito que la molestes. Estas jodidamente borracho, asi que lo mejor que puedes hacer es coger tu mierda, irte a casa y dormir. Pero no andes fastidiando por aqui. No a esta chica. No esta noche. Ella necesita que la respetes, y si no quieres hacerlo, ella no tiene porque aguantarte"

I´m going to say this in Spanish, so you can understand me clearly. This girl is an artist, a lady, and she is with me right now. She doesn´t need you to bother her, and it´s clear as water that I don´t need you to bother her. You are fuckingly drunk, so the best thing you can do is grab your shit, go home and go to sleep. But don´t be bothering around here. Not this girl. Not tonight. She needs you to respect her. And if you don´t want to do it, she doesn´t need to put up with you

As he talked, he slowly crossed the distance that separated him and the man, until he was just a couple of inches apart from him. The methhead was shorter than him, a lot, the guy even had to raise his head to look at him directly into the eyes. Cesar uttered the last line in a way that sounded way more menacing and threatening than he had wanted it to be. He didn´t need the fool to get angry and maybe take out a knife and shiv him or whatnot. But he felt angered at how the guy had disrespected Odile, and he didn´t care as long as the guy followed his advice and left.

The methhead took in his words slowly, a little bit perplexed at hearing him talk in his native language. At first he seemed angered, indignant of being ordered around. He looked like he wanted to punch him.

Well, go ahead, then... Cesar thought I´m sure I can take you on a fight.

Then the guy turned to look at Odile again. Don´t do that. Don´t look at her. Cesar was beginning to get pissed off. Why couldn´t the guy take his methed up ass home already? But something in the man´s expression seemed to change as soon as he observed the girl´s features more closely. It seemed as he recognized Odile from somewhere else.

Well, she is sort of famous, it would make sense for her face to be pretty popular

The guy then took a few steps back, and then looked at Cesar.

"Eh, man, there was no need to get so angry... I was just asking what it was..." then he turned around and stumbled out of their sights, a lot of times watching over his shoulder to look at Odile´s face, who had remained calm and cool and collected through the whole ordeal.

Cesar put his hand on her shoulder, hoping she would not jerk away from the contact.

"Are you allright? Sorry about that..."
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Sterling said he basically just wanted to say 'hi' to Odile and Cesar before heading into the party. He didn't appear to be annoyed at Odile, so he was either good at hiding it, or he didn't think Odile was being rude. He politely turned down Cesar's offer of a toke as well, but he gave a less personal reason: Drug testing on the basketball team.

Bobby tried to remember if the track team had ever been tested for drugs, but he couldn't remember any such tests. Maybe Coach Anderson had some exemption...?

When Bobby prompted Cesar to finish his thought from inside, Cesar didn't actually have anything deeper to say than commiserating about Devonte's asshole-ishness. Bobby nodded, a bit disappointed that there wasn't anything more that Cesar had intended to say.

Sterling said a quick farewell to Bobby, and Bobby himself nodded and waved goodbye to all three of them. "See you guys in school, I guess."

He walked down the steps from the loading dock to the street level where the cars were parked. He heard a strange hissing sound from behind him and glanced back to see what it was. Still on the dock, Cesar and Odile had lit sparklers. Bobby watched them for a moment longer before turning away and heading toward home.

I wonder what kind of person Odile would be attracted to? She seems so different than the other girls at school... or boys for that matter. Deep in his own thoughts, he only belatedly noticed an odd smell. He looked back to search for the source only to see some guy in grungy clothes headed toward the warehouse. It was too dark to identify the guy, but Bobby only shrugged his shoulders, stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and continued walking.

((Bobby Goldman continued elsewhere))
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Post by Acidic* »

Watching Bobby walk away was Sterling's cue to head into the party. He turned to Odile and Cesar,

"Well, see you guys in the party." He walked to the doorway wondering if they were ever going in. When he got to the door the first sparkler caught onto the corner of his eye. He watched them light the second one and laughed to himself.

Odile, you so crazy. He figured it must of come from that Mary Poppins bag of hers. Remembering the things he'd seen her pull from it: camera tripod, bicycle pump, top hat, rain stick, an umbrella (That's when he started calling it the Mary Poppins bag), kitchen utensils, and a fucking sword cain one time.

It looked like they were both having fun, so Sterling went into the music and the movement. Not even noticing the old man approaching his friends.

(Sterling Odair Continued In When It's Time To Party We Will Party Hard!)
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Post by storyspoiler* »

Ceaser put his hand on her shoulder. His touch was warm.

You know, I might just like you.

He was all wrong about her, of course. She was no lady. But he had called her a lady. And it was a nice thing to be. To have someone think of her as. A lady.

The Lady is often a character holding emotional or moral leadership of a particular group of people whose welfare is her absolute priority. She is a person who genuinely loves people and considers certain individuals to be her "own". These may be family members, personal friends, members of a common organization, or some other collection of people. Her motives and desires revolve completely around ensuring and promoting the well-being of her people, and she is often indifferent at best to her own needs in comparison. The Lady is nearly always the acknowledged leader or other crucial member of this group and bears responsibility commensurate to her power; she is motivated by love and is receptive to others' feelings and concerns.

But Odile was not magnificent. Enchanting, maybe. Entrancing, with her stage-show, and her Schrodinger's handbag. But never magnificent. Never lovely.

Still, it was nice that a boy could get confused. Her Spanish was rusty, much as that was hateful to admit. Shouting in Spanish onstage--she had done it, more than once, when she was younger, another language sprinkled into the show, spicy--only alienated people. The latino gangs would come out smug afterwards, and some fuckheads who weren't latino would come backstage and threaten her. She did some shows about it, thoroughly skewering the guys who had threatened her, and the snarky Latinos in the process. Then she moved on.

She always moved on.

Still, Caeser was nice. A good kid.

"I'm fine." She said, breathing deeply. The air was cool. "Thank you."

She didn't put her own arm around him, but she didn't move her shoulder either.

I'm not a Lady. I'm a Witch.
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Post by Nadir* »

"What an asshole" Cesar said, when the methhead turned around the corner and dissapeared from their field of vision.

Cesar looked at Odile. She had thanked him. Actually, that actually made the effort of going to a party that he didn´t even was supposed to enjoy even worth it. His hand still rested on her shoulder. He slowly got it away from her skin, almost caressing her in the process. If he were another guy, he would probably now trying to make out with her.

But Cesar was not a normal guy. He knew that, the rest of the world had made it clear to him that he was very different than the other guys and gals that were roaming around its surface.

He stood just there, at Odile´s side, trying to look into her eyes. If this were a movie, he would right now be leaning in and stealing her a kiss. But this was not a movie, and Cesar knew that, for better or worse, it would have to be enough. Saving her from a random methhead was one thing, but he didn´t want to go around trying to kiss people around their will. So, he just decided to do what he did best. Break the ice a little bit.

"It´s getting cold..." he said, somewhat a little bit more hurriedly than he had wanted to express it "Should we go inside, or do you want to stay here a little bit longer...?"

He waited for her answer. Actually, he didn´t want to go inside. He felt comfortable here, with Odile. It didn´t matter what decision she took, until she told him to go away somewhere else, he wasn´t moving from her side. Besides, the cabron who had accosted them before could possibly be around in the area. He now knew that Odile was enough of a celebrity for people to respect her, but well, a little bit of protection never hurt anyone.

I hope she wants me to stay with her
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Post by Fiori »

((Amber Lyons continued from When It's Time to Party We Will Party Hard!))

...To find that Odile happened to be in the middle of courting someone herself.

Hello... Whose this?

He was a young man of Hispanic descent who Amber recognised from around Detroit High. Ceser Pedoramo or something like that... Wasn't he a stoner or something? Amber wasn't entirely sure herself, but in any case he definitely came across as being somewhat attractive. Probably just the kind of person who Odile would get along well with. Heck, there was no denying it, the pair looked damn cute together like that.

This, however, meant that Amber's intentions would have to wait. She knew more than anyone else in school just how annoying it was to be interrupted whilst attempting to flirt with someone, especially when said someone happened to be a reasonably cute boy like Cesar. And as much as she wanted Odile to herself, there was no way she could bring herself to actually go as far as ruining the night for her. And as long as Cesar didn't want to try and form a relationship with Odile or something, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with letting them do their own thing.

Besides... If Amber really wanted to, she could always just find somewhere private and convince Sterling to join her for a little bit of fun...

Oh well... Hehe, go get him.

With a bright smile on her face, Amber retracted her head and returned to the party...

((Amber Lyons continued in When It's Time to Party We Will Party Hard!))
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