Grave Encounter

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours), Private

The graveyard sits on a hill behind the church, overlooking the whole town. Many generations of continuous family lines can be found within the fence that encircles the land designated for this use. Most of the oldest gravestones have started to be reclaimed by the wild growth of the surrounding foliage, although a large ornate stone crypt featuring intricate carvings of various fish has been treated with the utmost care by the former groundskeeper. Behind the crypt is an area of land unused except for the presence of a large white gazebo. This area offers a view out over the surrounding environment and is relatively free of hazards.
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Post by UnmaskedMountain »

Fate had caught up to Bianca. She would have laughed, had the boy not being exerting so much pressure on her throat. She continued to kick her legs, but all the attempts were futile. She was going to die regardless. She examined her killer's face one last time, trying to figure out his identity.

It was ultimately pointless. She felt her vision gradually become spottier, and she began to panic once more. She kicked out wildly, like a captured beast. And tears streamed down from her eyes. She was in pure agony. She could barely see anything anymore. She resisted the urge to vomit - It wasn't like anything could move up her throat anyway.

Bianca was terrified. She never wanted her life to end like this. The great Bianca Cantrelle, dying in such an undignified manner - It simply didn't suit her. However, the cards don't always play to your favour, and Bianca knew that.

She couldn't distinguish anything, and her mind was only focused on one thing. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pure agony, ripping through her entire body.

Her actions became faster and faster, wilder and wilder, until eventually, they stopped. Bianca blinked for the final time, and she was gone.

Bianca Cantrelle, dead
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Post by Primrosette »

She had finally shut up and died.

Damien took his hands off of Bianca's neck and he stared at the dead girl for a while. He had done it. He had given in to The Program and he had killed someone. He had lost control of himself and just choked the life of a girl. He couldn't be able to take it back. The worst thing was, was that his parents would be proud of what he had done. That really sickened him to his stomach. He had come what they wanted to be. And he did it all by himself. Why did he just let Bianca kill him? Why did he become the victim instead of her?

I want to survive. I want to win. I want to be the winner of this stupid game.

Damien suddenly got off of the dead corpse and he crawled next to a gravestone. He wasn't feeling too good. He heaved and puked right next to the stone. He groaned softly after he had finished emptying his stomach and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

He had to get moving before someone spotted him with Bianca's body. He couldn't let someone take him out in revenge for her or something like that. He had to live. He had to, he had to, he had to!

He got up to his feet and he headed back over to Bianca. He opened up her bag and he put as much of her belongings as he could into his own bag. After he slung his heavier bag over his shoulder; he glanced at the Kama with his blood on it. It was definitely a better weapon than his whistle.

He picked up the Kama in his hand and he felt himself smile a little. He would have an easier job of taking out other people with this weapon. He glanced down at Bianca's body one last time and he felt his eyes welling up with tears as he walked away from the graveyard.

((Damien Crossly continued elsewhere))
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