Really Should Have Thought This Through... (Content Warning)

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours)

The graveyard sits on a hill behind the church, overlooking the whole town. Many generations of continuous family lines can be found within the fence that encircles the land designated for this use. Most of the oldest gravestones have started to be reclaimed by the wild growth of the surrounding foliage, although a large ornate stone crypt featuring intricate carvings of various fish has been treated with the utmost care by the former groundskeeper. Behind the crypt is an area of land unused except for the presence of a large white gazebo. This area offers a view out over the surrounding environment and is relatively free of hazards.
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Post by Katie »

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmgggggggggghhhhhh..." Marion groaned.

She wasn't sure how long it had been since she had been robbed and left to die by that blonde psycho. It felt like hours. She felt like crap. The metal handcuffs kept chafing her wrists, her jaw hurt from being forced open by the ball gag for god knows how long, said ball gag was making her drool uncontrollably, and her stomach was growling in hunger. At first, it was fun and exciting being bound and gagged. Hell, it was definitely something she'd be interested in trying again. Next time, if there even was a next time, though, she'd make sure it was with someone she absolutely trusted, and not in the middle of a death game. Being gagged and handcuffed for as long as she had just made her feel sore and tired and hungry. But she couldn't do anything about it. Right now, all she could do was think and contemplate, something she rarely did.

In fact, at the moment, she was quite literally navel gazing. She looked down at her belly button, and the silver barbell piercing that adorned it. It was the most recent of her piercings, having gotten it when she was 16. It had taken about six months to heal, and thankfully it did with no complications or infections. The woman who gave her the piercing told her that navel piercings were some of the most infection prone piercings out there, and gave her tips on how to keep it clean and uninfected. She had taken the woman's advice to heart, and took great care to ensured it healed up well. It was one of the few things she cared about and put effort into.

Another was her motorcycle. She missed it a lot. She loved riding it around on the open road, the wind blowing her long locks back, her current paramour clinging on to her for dear life. It made her feel free and alive, something she rarely felt under her country's militant rule. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she realized she'd probably never see it again. Even if she somehow escaped The Program, it was currently what she figured must be thousands of miles away, parked in the school's parking lot, assuming no one had moved it. She looked down at her leather biker jacket, that she'd left crumpled on the gazebo floor. She was thankful Brittany hadn't taken that. She really liked that jacket. She kind of wished she hadn't shed it so carelessly.

Yet another regret in what was quickly becoming a rather long list of them...
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Post by Aura »

(Kassandra Vaitaki continued from Reflection)

After leaving the housing district, Kassandra wandered for a while without any clear direction in mind.  She didn't know how long she had been walking.  Maybe an hour.  Maybe two.  Maybe less.  It wasn't like she had a reliable way to tell time anyway, not since her phone was snapped up on Announcement Day.  She guessed that it had probably already been smashed, or given out to someone else.  Hell, maybe some suit was scrolling through her browser history for a laugh.  It wouldn't surprise her.

Her travels led her back to the graveyard.  It was hard for her to tell whether this move was deliberate or subconscious, but she understood either way.  What had happened there was still fresh in her mind, and there was that old saying about always returning to the scene of the crime.  Yeah, there wasn't a crime involved as far as she knew, but it still held up.

She rounded the crypt again, still impressed by the intricate carvings.  She gave it a little nod of approval as she passed it by and-

Oh no.

She could see someone leaned against a post in the gazebo, and more vivid memories immediately came to mind.  Her view was a bit obstructed by the posts, but what she could see made the scene pretty obvious, and it was only made more clear once she came closer and got a better view.


Kassandra hadn't noticed her own shout.  Marion was still there, hands still cuffed, head down, and ball gag stuffed back in her mouth.  Something had happened after she left, something bad.  That much she could tell from a glance.  And whatever happened, it was probably Kassandra's own fault for being a coward.  She ran up to the bound girl in a panicked rush, driven by the harsh bite of guilt.

What the fuck did I do?
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Post by Katie »

"Mmmph?" Marion said, looking up as she heard her name being yelled.

She looked over to see Kassandra running towards her.

She came back for me? Marion thought to herself, rather touched that her would-be lover hadn't forgotten about her.

"MMMMMNMNMMHMMMNNNMMMMMMHMMMMMNNNNPH!" She moaned, frantically struggling as Kassandra came over, hoping to get her to take out her gag so she could talk to her.
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I knew it.  I should've stayed.  I could've fought off that crazy bitch.  Why did I run?  I could've done something.  This is my fault.

The mental miasma settled in further as Kassandra threw her bag down and knelt down to release Marion from the gag.  Thankfully she remembered how to do it from last time, so it wasn't too hard to get off.  However, matters were complicated by the fact that she couldn't bring herself to look Marion in the eye while she worked.  She felt too much shame to meet her on eye level, so she kept her head down as she released the strap and threw the gag to the side, muttering as she tried to keep a hold on her emotions.

"I'm sorry.  I'm so fucking sorry."
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Post by Katie »

"Mmmphmmmphmmphmmph!" Marion moaned, continuing to thrash about, before calming down when she realized the gag would probably be easier to take off if she stayed still. And it was, with Kass seeming to take it off with ease.

Marion took a moment to catch her breath and remember how to talk while Kass made an apology for abandoning her.

"No need to apologize. I don't blame you for running off while under assault from that self-centered brat. I'm just glad you came back for me. In fact, thanks a lot for that. I appreciate it. It really means a lot to me."

Marion looked over to the ball gag Kassandra had tossed aside.

"By the way, pick that up, will you? That thing's got Brittany Chesterton's name written all over it, and I don't want it getting lost until she's gotten a taste," she said, smiling sadistically as she thought of getting revenge on that snobby cunt. She then looked down at herself, noticing she was still practically naked, and blushed a little. "And maybe fix my clothes while you're at it? Ideas on how to get me out of here would be nice as well."

She looked back at the post she was handcuffed to.

"Maybe find a way to break this thing? I'd still be handcuffed, but I'd at least be able to move around," she suggested.
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As odd as it may sound, Kassandra hadn't noticed Marion's particular state of undress until it was directly pointed out to her.  And once it was, she realized that she was staring straight down at Marion's removed pants, still where she remembered them.  She was silently thankful that her hair was in the way to hide how deeply her cheeks had flushed once she figured it out.

She pulled up Marion's pants as her memory replayed the time she had taken this exact action in reverse.  Damn brain, always going to the least convenient places whenever she needed to focus.  With a little bit of pulling and wiggling, Marion's pants were back up to her waistline, and Kass could move onto more pressing matters.

She left the ball gag alone for now, mostly because it was covered in spit and probably really gross to the touch, so she moved straight onto the post and handcuffs.  She lightly kicked the post a couple of times, trying to get a feel for how strong it was.  It didn't feel hollow, but it also wasn't super-thick.  So yeah, there was probably a chance that something could break it.  Too bad she didn't have anything like it on hand.

"Yeah, we'd probably need something heavy or sharp to make a dent in this, but it's definitely possible."

But since Marion was so quick to jump to breaking the post, Kass inferred something from the lack of other options, and she quickly made said inference known.

"So I'm guessing there's no key then?"
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Post by Katie »

"Oh, there's a key all right, but that stuck-up bitch Brittany stole it along with the rest of my things," Marion explained. God she couldn't wait to teach that punk a lesson. "Do you have any idea where you could find something heavy or sharp?"
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Kassandra closed her eyes and clenched a fist as her side.  What the fuck kind of person would deliberately leave someone trapped like that, to die of exposure or worse?  Yeah, Kass ran away, but she didn't want to leave Marion stuck like that.  And Brittany did.  Just the sheer fucking callousness of it all... she could kick her ass right there, just like she should have done to begin with.

... Whoa.  She needed to cool it down.  No need to get worked up now.  She could deal with Brittany later, but first she had to work on getting Marion free.  She pulled out her map and searched for any place that looked like it might have some tools, or knives, or anything that could possibly be a help in breaking down a wooden post.

Inspiration.  She pointed out two areas on the map and showed them to Marion.  "Okay, I see a dump and a salvage yard.  There's probably a ton of stuff there that nobody's looked through, so there's probably a good shot that there'll be something we need there.  Makes sense, yeah?"
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"Hmm, yeah, that makes sense," Marion said. "Well, better head on off then. The sooner I get out of this the better."
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"All right.  I'm gonna grab something, then I'm gonna bust you out.  I promise."

Kass folded up the map and stashed it in her pocket.  She made sure that her bag was securely fastened around her shoulder and stood up to leave.  Before she stepped out, though, she looked back to Marion.  Things had gone wrong the last time she left, and she couldn't escape the idea that something bad would happen again if she left.

But then again, she really had no choice in the matter.  Unless they wanted to stay in the gazebo until they both died, she had to do this.  But even so, she needed some form of validation to make her feel better.

"Hey, you're gonna be all right being alone for a while, right?"
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Post by Katie »

"Don't you worry about me, I'm a tough girl," Marion assured her. "Besides, my legs are free, so if anyone comes along and tries to mess with me, I'll kick 'em right where it hurts."

She kicked one of her legs in the air to demonstrate, and gave Kassandra a reassuring smile.
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Kassandra returned Marion's smile.  She appreciated the gesture, especially under such trying conditions.

"All right, I'm gonna be back as quick as I can, okay?"

She gave a nod and a thumbs up before hustling off in what she was pretty sure was the direction of the salvage yard.  Her fears started to creep in again, but she shook them off and kept running.

I'm doing this.  End of conversation.

(Kassandra Vaitaki continued in Scrapyard Dive)
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(Scott Wallace start)

Marion could see someone approaching, and she hoped it was Kassandra coming to free her. As the person come closer, she quickly lost that hope, as it clearly wasn't Kassandra at all. It was Scott Wallace, a known patriot, bully, and sadist. She and Scott did not get along at all, they even got into a fight once at school that earned them both a five day suspension, so she doubted he'd be coming to free her. He had what appeared to be a cattle prod in his hands.

"Well well well, if it isn't my dear friend Marion Williams," Scott said sarcastically. "You seem to have gotten yourself into a bit of a bind."

Scott laughed to himself, despite having made one of the corniest puns possible. Fucking prick.

"Fuck you, Scott!" Marion spat at him. She didn't have the patience to deal with this bullshit right now.

"Such a dirty mouth," Scott fake gasped, as he walked over to the ball gag Kassandra had discarded and picked it up. "I think we better keep you quiet until you're ready to talk like a civilized human being, no?"

"Don't you fucking dare," Marion said, glaring at the douchebag as he walked over to her, ball gag in hand. She did not want that thing back in her mouth, not when her jaw had finally recovered from the soreness it had caused, and especially not after it had been lying on the ground. It probably had like dirt and shit on it now.

Just as he was about to place it in her mouth, she kneed him in the crotch, causing him to double back and wait a bit while they recovered. After which, he took the cattle prod and prodded her with it.

"AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMMMPH!" Marion screamed as the electricity coursed through her, before Scott took the opportunity the shove the ball gag in her mouth and quickly strap it behind her head. God fucking dammit. He then backed away and prodded her again.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Marion moaned in pain. She couldn't let him keep torturing her like this. As he went for  another prod, she kicked the prod out of his hands, and then kicked him in the chin. He fell back, banging the back of his neck against the railing of the gazebo. After rubbing his hurt neck, he charged at her in anger, before again getting kicked in his chin. He fell back, over the railing and out of the gazebo, and Marion heard a sickening crack as he landed. When he didn't get up, it became clear to Marion that he had broken his neck.

Jesus fucking Christ I just killed a man! Marion realized in shock. She was definitely gonna have some explaining to do when Kassandra returned.

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Post by Aura »

(Kassandra Vaitaki continued from Scrapyard Dive)

Kassandra couldn't help but feel a bit triumphant as she closed the distance between herself and the gazebo.  She had been taking a few glances at the pipe along the way, and she was getting a really good feeling about her chances.  It looked like she would cut the hell out of her finger if she tried to check the sharpness manually.  That was only one of the reasons why she hadn't bothered to do so.  The other was the rust that had started to build up in a few spots, and she'd be damned if she was gonna give herself an infection, especially this early.

Yeah.  Yeah, it's gonna work.  It has to.

She couldn't wait to see the look on Marion's face once she got back.  She couldn't lie to herself, thinking about it gave her a little bit of a thrill.  Once the gazebo started to come into view, she raised the pipe and was about to call out, but she was silenced when more of the scene was revealed.

There was a corpse lying just outside the railing, and Kassandra's heart sank at the implications.  If someone was dead, that meant that someone dangerous had come along while she was away, which meant that disaster had come for the gazebo during her absence once more.  She felt a surge of panic as her mind immediately jumped to all the horrible things that could have happened to Marion in the meantime, and she ran up to her with all the quickness she could gather.

Please be okay.  Please be okay.

She slid in front of Marion and released the pipe, letting it slide a couple of feet away while she focused on the biker girl.  She was alive, thankfully, but the gag was back in, and Kass felt like she had been punched in the gut when she saw it.  Breathing heavily both from adrenaline and worry, she undid the strap for the third time and looked at Marion with large, concerned eyes.

"Marion, what happened?"
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Post by Katie »

"Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmph!" Marion yelled as she saw Kassandra approaching. She spit out some dirt after her rescuer undid the gag for her, and stretched her jaw a few times before speaking.

"I was re-gagged and tortured by that sick, sadistic freak Scott Wallace. At least when Brittany tortured me it was consensual... Anyway, I wasn't gonna just sit there and take it, so I kicked him in the jaw, which sent him back over the railing, and he broke his neck when he landed. I... I didn't mean to kill him, I was just defending myself, you know?"

She looked over to the cattle prod, still lying on the gazebo floor.

"At least we get a semi-viable weapon out of it, plus we can take his bag to replace the one Brittany stole from me."

She then glanced over to the broken pipe Kassandra had dropped.

"I take it you found something to break the post with?"
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