Hotel California

Holding hundreds of people at its maximum capacity, this hotel features a beach front pool, and nearly every room has a view. However the most common complaint that the management used to get was the paper thin walls, and how easily the building carried noise.
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Post by CorruptDropbear* »

People were leaving faster than a… something leaving a something. Daniel was kind of transfixed on watching all the dots move away, and thinking of comparisons in his mind wasn’t really a top priority. Sliding his hair out of his face and putting everything back into the bag, he looked outside. It was a bit of a fall, but nothing he hadn’t done before. The main problem was that it was kind of stupid. Seriously, why wasn’t he using the fire exit at the back? There were usually other exits that weren’t the front entrance.

Realising his stupidity, he slapped himself, shaking his head. Must have been the sleeping gas affecting his brain. The GPS said there wasn’t anyone up the corridor, why was he taking the dangerous route out? Walking out of the room and up the other end of the corridor, he calmly found the green exit door and kicked it open.
Game plan was simple, really. Walk around the island until he found someone with a red bandana. Anything that wasn't red he’d run away from. He was happy playing ghost, going under the radar for a while. That was what they called it at home, wasn’t it? Under the radar. Make a big appearance in the second half with his badass team of… well, he didn’t know if it was a badass team. Could just be four geeks with a pineapple. Like him. Oh well. Well, at least it was nice to know he could rely on someone that wouldn’t stab him in the back. Stretching, he started to walk out into the sun.

“Go under the radar. Simple. Now, to hit the beach or go on a cruise. Or swim at the lake? Man, choices!”

[[Daniel Renard continued in Smoke On The Water]]
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Post by Slayer* »

A plan. Did he have one?

Did he have a plan?

A plan, mate. D'you have one or not? Mason really wants to know. All right, plans, plans... hell if he knew how these things typically went. Maybe he should've actually watched some of this barbaric show when he'd had the chance. Hadn't he heard plenty of talk about it, though? There had to have been some useful tidbit in all that gossip and chatter he'd heard every day going through the corridors. Escapes weren't unheard of, almost encouraged in their own way from what he'd heard, so there had to be something.

...Aha. That's the ticket, then. A slight smile crept across his face, and he offered a quick nod to Mason. "In fact, I might well have one after all. First order of business is finding the rest of our team, then we can look to our classmates. I think if this goes right, people are going to learn you don't mess with the Academy. We're the elites for a reason, no?"

The devil of it was, if his hunch was right the execs wouldn't even be able to do anything about it. Surely they'd be more entertaining alive than dead, wouldn't they? Soon they'd see. Everyone would.

You didn't corner a Fielding, not if you were smart. The gears in his head were already turning; there might actually be a good chance after all, if he played his cards right...

(Grah, one day I'll stop with these shortarse posts.)
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Post by Chib* »

After almost a minute, it became clear there wasn't anybody chasing after Eloise. Or if there was, they weren't making much progress. Either way, she decided she could relax, slow the pace a little, get a better sense of the hotel's layout and where she was going, too. Because so far, in trying to distance herself from the frighteningly casual gun dude and his friend, she'd managed only to get lost in the corridors, and completely forgotten which direction she'd estimated the friendly boy had gone.

Didn't matter for long, though. Several seconds later, from one floor above, came the sound of a door being slammed. Or maybe slammed into. Moments afterwards was another one. Thrown open carelessly and allowed to slam back into the frame? Sounded sort of like that. Hard to tell, the thin walls made it plenty audible but far from clear. Eloise scowled, disappointed in herself for not noticing the staircase that had practically been right in front of her the second she left the lobby, or realising it was probably the path someone running away might take. Or the path she should probably have taken, pretty much running away herself.

Well, it was all redundant by that point, so Eloise didn't bother thinking on it any further. Potential friend/distraction lost, no big deal. Odds were he wasn't on her team, so one of them would've turned on the other before long anyway. No major loss, and in chasing after him, Eloise had at least managed to put some distance and some winding turns between herself and the immediate danger. Next course of action? Go somewhere else, hope to spot some brown bandannas, try not to get shot.

So to this end, she entered the next room she came across. She'd anticipated the door to be locked, and having to smash it down, but conveniently it wasn't the case. Instead her sledgehammer came into play breaking the window and sweeping away shards of glass to make room to climb through. It was only a short drop to the grounds outside, being on the bottom floor, and from there, the beach was plainly visible. Seemed like as good a destination as any.

[Eloise Winterburn --> A Truck Stop Instead of St. Peter's]
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Post by Outfoxd »

"Heh. Yeah. Elites."

Kevin had seemed ok to Mason back at school, but his passion for maintaining their elite status was something that had always bothered him. He always figured circumstance and luck had given him his status in life. He didn't really want it. He would have gladly lived in a trailer eating government cheese or buying groceries with a Bridge card or whatever the fuck financially strained people were doing nowadays if he could just play basketball whenever the fuck he wanted and not have his dad make him be a fucking doctor.

But he mentally digressed.

"So where's a good place to look, you think? Pretty big island they threw us on. Nice, too. I might ask the execs how much it costs to get a timeshare here, take the wife and kids water-skiing."

Mason looked around at the hotel, toward the elevators, the ceiling, taking it all in.

"You think they got a pool? Hot tub, too?"
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Post by Slayer* »

"Dunno about hot tubs, but probably a pool. Doesn't every worthwhile hotel have at least one?"

Seriously, you couldn't toss a dead cat without it landing in a pool, it seemed. Hotels were always like that. If you forgot to put a pool in your hotel, you had brought great dishonour to the entire concept of hotels and needed to commit ritual suicide. But on to more important matters, where would they start looking? There was a lot of island, and probably not a lot of White Team members. There had to be a solution...

Hah. Mason would probably like this. Their disagreements on SDA's status aside, he was a decent enough sort, and they got on well enough. "First step is not to look just to our team. If we see SDA students and they're not immediately hostile to us, we should give them the chance to come aboard. Maybe through there we can start gathering intel, even find out if anyone knows where the others on our team are."

As for destination? That's a little trickier. A few moments' fumbling produced his map of the island, which he pored over thoughtfully. Where could they go... "The closest places are the dock, the cruise ship, the resort beach and an inland lake. Not sure how good any of those options sound to you."
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Post by Outfoxd »

"They better have one." Mason struck a pose reminiscent of a 20's diva for a second. "If they've no pool so that I may enjoy aquatic activities, then I shan't be frequenting this establishment anymore!"

He smirked, shook his head. Maybe he was already going crazy. He'd seen a little of SOTF-TV before, saw some kid who had went nuts and started killing people because he lost a grip on reality. Mason didn't think he was gonna be that guy. He wasn't crazy. He was just a bit of an asshole, and that was ok. Assholes were normal.

Mason shrugged at the options. "If I had to pick, I'd say the beach. Open space, we might be able to spot people easier." He coughed, clearing his throat a little. "And maybe some our female classmates decided to take a dip. Don't know about you, but a bikini-clad body or two would do wonders to improve my day."

He really didn't know about Kevin. The guy was ok but he seemed to hide some of his baser instincts behind his frosty elite persona.
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Post by Slayer* »

"Pervert." Something about the quick smirk that appeared on Kevin's face made it sound more like a term of endearment - or at least amusement - than a rebuke. He looked over the map again for a few moments before nodding slightly. "I'm not sure I like just how open it is, there's no cover if something happens, though it does cover a good part of the island's coast, so we should be able to cover some ground. Or at least see what's going on. I don't really like the idea of being trapped on a boat, anyway; if something goes wrong there or on the dock, we have nowhere to go."

The mental image Mason brought up was largely ignored, despite a brief chuckle from Kevin. He was hardly a monk, that was true, he just didn't see any need to go around announcing the fact. It was... crude, really. Distasteful. Such things ought to remain private. Besides, at the moment there were things far more important to worry about. Such as how they were going to get out of this mess alive.

Of course, there was at least a chance of seeing people there. Maybe even teammates - if not actually from White Team, maybe at least SDA alumni who wouldn't be hostile to an alliance. That seemed to be the choice made, then; Kevin put the map away and gave Mason a quick nod. "Let's get going, then. You want to give me the gun, or be on lookout duty? With only one actual weapon between us, the one with the gun's going to have to be the one who deals with any threats."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Mason let the gun drop, uncomfortable. He was alright with Kevin, of course. He knew him. But right now, Mason felt better having the weapon. Besides, he wasn't a fighter. He was fairly certain that Kevin, on the other hand, could handle himself, with or without a handgun.

"I...uh, I'm good with holding onto the gun. Think I need all the help I can get. You spot stuff out for me, I'll take care of it, and that all works for me."

Truth be told, Mason didn't even feel confident in his ability to "take care of it". But he sure as hell felt better holding onto the gun at this point.

"Anyways, you seem to have the place figured out better than me. Lead the way, el capitan."

Mason took an exaggerated bow and swept his hand grandly out to the door they had entered the hotel through.

((You can go 'head and move us out, boss))
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Post by Slayer* »

And so they left, Kevin taking point slightly but staying as out of the way as he could to offer Mason a clear line of fire if they ran into anyone.

(Lazy exit post for the win! Kevin and Mason continued in A Truck Stop Instead of St. Peter's.)
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