Shun The Non-Believer


Everything else on the island, these grassy, well kept lands are a popular camping area for many a tourist too fearful to brave the rain forest, or too inexperienced to rough it in the Forest. There are certain areas marked off for camping, but for the most part these fields and plains are just there to get from point A to point B, in the most relaxing and enjoyable way possible.
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Post by Courtography »

Lexi was very nervous again. Sidney was fighting about the gun and Lexi didn't know who to trust. Chelsea was on her team, but Sidney was from her school. But hey worked it out, and she was so tired...

She wasn't first watch. Good. Needed to rest. Sleep. She closed her eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((All GMing approved by Decoy. Let the awkwardness begin!))

So off Chelsea and Lexi went to bed. Or at least, the closest equivalent thereof. It had suddenly occurred to Sidney that everyone had to sleep on the ground. Great. It only urged the matter of them finding a nice place to sleep further. Sidney wasn't sure about how she felt about sleeping in the dirt.

She couldn't help but notice, though, that David was giving her that look. Sidney wasn't a girl that boys checked out. It may have been because of her attitude, or the fact that she had taken to wearing somewhat shabby clothes, but in any case she wasn't the one who men tended to ogle. If anything, she was the one who the men would stereotypically call a bitch. Ah, stereotypes of women, even ladies apply it to themselves. But in any case, it proved one thing; if anything, that her idea of using the bunny outfit as a distraction had some merit. This had already been confirmed by Nerd-Boy's reaction, and if the corporate shill's message was any indication the cameras were focusing on her. If used correctly, she could use it to her advantage.

But just as quickly, David broke his gaze and glanced at the sword in his hand and the gun resting nearby Sidney. It was a good thing they had good weapons, to be honest. Heck, even the rope had a use. As she had told Lexi, it could be easily used to tie people up if they needed to.

David had mentioned that they were alone now, and... well, it was obvious. Of course he was alone with just a Playboy Bunny and two sleeping girls nearby. And the sleeping girls were... they were sleeping, for lack of a better term. So technically it was just them.

"I... guess so", Sidney replied, taking one more sip from the can. At this point, it was almost empty.

A couple of minutes passed as they kept watch. Then another. And a few more. And the one thing that someone would have expected happened; Sidney was bored. She had always been one to get bored easily, no matter what exactly she was waiting for. And just sitting around, looking out for attackers? She didn't realize it before, but it was starting to get boring. In a way, she actually hoped that some crazy idiot like the asshole on the cruise ship would come in and start waving their guns around, just so she would have something to do. So she attempted to find things to do. Occasionally she would inspect her gun, or toss the now empty soda can up and catching it repeatedly, or attempt another shot at reading the instruction manual for said gun, only to scoff and throw it back into her bag again.

By the time half an hour had passed, Sidney was going nuts. Well, not literally. But she was getting desperate. By this point she simply sulked, leaning forward and resting her chin on her palms, with her elbows touching her knees. Gah, and there were supposed to be three hours of this shit or whatever? She couldn't possibly wait this long without something happening. Someone should just try to run up and shoot people with a squirt gun or whatever. For something like SOTF, she'd expect it to be more.... action packed. The only action she really got was the whole incident on the ship. Most of the rest of her day revolved around walking around, talking to people, and waiting for whatever. So the ship seemed to have a lot more interesting things. And that was kind of sad, in a way.

Okay, so what was there to do?

Sidney glanced sideways at David. Like her, he was sitting on the bench, minding his own business. Mostly. But for the most part, they hadn't said much. Her blue eyes gazed him over, and she sighed. Really, what was she going to do with him? Really, what was she going to do with anyone in this group? She was the only Yellow team member here with the others being Green, after all. She was going to have to find more team mates that Chelsea wouldn't scare away by threatening their friends. Hopefully she learned her lesson. Hopefully.

He was still checking her out from time to time, though, judging by how his eyes looked up and down her body. It seemed as if he really liked that outfit, eh? Ah, men. Ah, skimpy outfits. In a way, it amused her and gave her a sense of pride. What can she really say? It was the first time guys really noticed her, as noted.

Then an idea popped into her head.

Scoot. Scoot.

She moved towards David, making it so her body was right next to his.

"Hey Dave."

He snapped out of what he was clearly thinking, and responded. "Yeah?"

Sidney smiled, and placed her hand on his shoulder. "We're still alone, after all..."

She could still see those gears in his mind turning just like when he earlier pointed out they were alone. "Uh, yeah. Alone."

Sidney knew what he was thinking, and frankly, she wanted to play around with that. Only thing was, though, Sidney had never flirted with a guy or teased one in real life, at least consciously. Online? Sure. Occasionally she would torment people looking to cyber in a chatroom and whatnot. But as we all know, online does not equal offline.

But in any case, Sidney knew one thing; she could get a lot of humor out of... seeing David's reaction to the outfit a bit. Thanks to the above, however, it meant that she had little to no idea how to get said humor out. It took her a few seconds to realize that she could have just rested her head on his shoulder. Which she did when it occurred to her.

As she did so, she could feel David tense up a bit, as if he didn't expect that. Okay, she just started and this was already starting to be hilarious. And the next thing that came to Sidney's mind she also felt the need to say.

"Nice night out, huh? I bet that if something were to happen not many people would know."

Okay, except for the viewers at home.

She heard his voice say "Oh yeah. That's why we have to keep watch... you know?"

And the obvious reply?

Lift your head off the shoulder, smile, and say:

"I bet someone's keeping watch. Of the curves here."

David's eyes widened. He must have realized that she knew how much he was ogling her over the past few minutes. And once again, the bunny outfit produced plenty of humor. She wasn't just smiling in an attempt to make fun of said ogling. It was genuinely funny. Or at least, funny in Sidney's eyes. Sidney wasn't a good model of what was funny to others half the time.

And here's where Sidney hit a rut. Gah, what do you do after this? Some of the sluts at school were experts on this sort of thing. Experts! They would know what to do at this point. Wait, she could hear some of the advice they would give her at this point, and most of it was... well, you don't want to know. Besides, even if said sluts were here, she wasn't sure if she'd like the idea of them... she didn't know... coming in and killing them all? She and David were distracted enough, in all honesty. And death by the sluttiest person at school didn't seem so thrilling.

Really, what was the obvious thing here?

"Uh..." David started. "I'm keeping watch for-"

Sidney had cut him off mid-sentence by grabbing his shirt with one hand and reaching for the back of his head with another, pulling him into a kiss on the lips.

It was the only thing that came to mind at the time.

She could feel him tense up again, then relax, as if he was getting into said kiss. After a few more seconds, she felt his hands resting on her shoulders.

Sidney pulled away, and moved a lock of hair out of her face.

"Well, that was fun", she commented.

Indeed it was. It wasn't the first time she kissed someone, actually. That thing with Charlie at that party for one, and frankly that was a dare someone gave her. And that was a long time ago.

David still seemed somewhat surprised a tiny bit. She couldn't blame him. Not everyday you get kissed by your friend wearing a Playboy bunny outfit.

Sidney reached over to grab the manual again, attempting to read through the incomprehensibility once more, but changed her mind as soon as it was in her hand, tossing it back towards her bag.

Now what?

She turned to look at David, and... was he still looking at her? Really. Really. It was as if-

Sidney was surprised the same way she had surprised David just a few minutes ago. Namely, he grabbed and kissed her.

Sad thing was, though... she couldn't help but accept it.

As they pulled away, Sidney was silent. At first she was attempting to mock him, but... impulses kicked in, and there was a change of plans.

"Erm... Dave? We could step away from here for a bit? I mean, if you don't want to die a virgin or whatever, I guess..."

It was a cliched thing to say. And it was a stupid move. And she wasn't sure if David was even a virgin. But Sidney wasn't one for thinking things over.

Many minutes later, Sidney and David returned from farther out from the woods. She smirked as she attempted to pull the zipper back up. It was stuck apparently. Add in the leaves stuck to her clothes, and Sidney looked mildly messy.

But she didn't mind. Not one bit! Let's just say that the Chelsea-induced frustration and the boredom had... dissipated. For lack of a better term. Was it awkward? Yes. Was it trickier than it looked? Yes. Did she enjoy herself? You bet.

David had walked over to the nearest trashcan to throw "something" plastic away. Sidney sighed, remembering she had been looking for a place to throw the can away. And it was right there. Oh well. The can was still there, after all, and she could easily get rid of it. And hopefully Chelsea and Lexi wouldn't figure it out. But if they did... well, it would be amusing in its own right.

"Hey Sidney?"

She turned to face David. "Hmmm?"

"Just so you know, it doesn't change a damn thing" he mumbled, looking down on the ground as if bashful.

Liar. She could tell he enjoyed that. She could tell he was just... begging. Sidney knew what was going through his mind. He loved it. And frankly... to be honest, there was nothing wrong with that. What could she say? It was enjoyable really. It was her first and it was somewhat awkward, but... you know. It was what most people craved, after all.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now will you help me- zip this-" she had started to say, continuing to fiddle with the zipper but managing to zip up at the last second. "Nevermind. Got it."

Brushing the grass and similar things off her clothes, she finally asked:

"So, when's the next shift anyways? Should we just kick Chelsea up right now or something?"

Oh god. When it came time to wake Chelsie up, she thought they should do that. Just to have her freak out or whatever. Just a kick in the side, and then see what happened.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
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Post by decoy73 »

"Just so you know, it doesn't change a damn thing." There were many words that David could use for what he had done, but only one stuck out: what David had done was called "lying." Of course it had changed things - he'd just nailed her, and he had loved it.

"So, when's the next shift anyways? Should we just kick Chelsea up right now or something?" Sidney asked him. David looked at his watch.

"N-no. Not ... yet. We've still got a bit of time left." He just looked at her.

Hell, yeah. He'd just gotten laid. Okay, maybe not by a supermodel, but Sidney was actually pretty nice. David, however, was making every effort to hide his mountain of glee (and the fact that he still had it a little bit up). He just sat back down on the bench and looked around, at the nothing except the two sleeping girls and Sidney in the oh god he so wanted another

Breathe in, breathe out.

Nothing wrong here. Just go about business and hope that neither Protester Wackjob or Corporate Shill intrude with useless shit.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((If it's alright with everyone, I'm ending the thread on this note so we could move on to the next and get Sidney killed. If there are any problems, let me know so I can fix it for you guys!))

Bah. Still a lot of time left?

Seriously. Not even that could make time speed up. It was strange how they had just... given in. She wasn't that interested in David to begin with. Maybe getting shot at by guys with pink bandannas on a cruise ship did something to people who were supposed to be friends. Maybe. It... it wasn't like she was in love with him or anything. That would be silly. But here they were, just getting back after doing that sort of shit. Really, self?

It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy it, though. In fact, the look on her face said everything; she loved it.

Like he said, though. It didn't change that much how they saw each other, right? But she knew how much he enjoyed it. Oh, she knew. She bet he would like another. But not right now. Maybe... later. When she wasn't so tired. Getting laid was exhausting, apparently. So was being on a boring ass watch.

Such a strange turn of events, no? Wake up on a cruise ship, dress up like a Playboy Bunny, get shot at by some ass pirate from Detroit, run into a bunch of people at a volcano, get yelled at by corporate shills and crazy protesters, and end it with doing that for the first time, with your sort-of friend, no less. God, it was kind of a weird day. She would assume that this was what happened when you were on SOTF-TV, no matter who you were.

At least it ended on that note, though.

Sidney said nothing as she sat down next to David again. And by the time the shift was almost over it was clear that it was all too much; Sidney had rested her head against the back of the bench, having fallen asleep without a word.

However, she dreamed.

She was in what appeared to be some sort of slaughterhouse. The smell of blood filled the air as lambs hung from the ceiling by their legs, still alive and screaming. They weren't baa-ing or anything. Screaming. Like people.

Sidney knew what she had to do; kill all of them. So she did that; and as she slit their throats with a knife and watched the blood leaked out she couldn't help but notice that they all wore bandannas. She could see green, pink, blue, yellow, and orange, among other colors.

What was also weird was that there were other people helping slaughter the lambs. One she recognized as Andross, smacking a particularly fat looking one around. Another was Odile, still wearing her top hat, wringing the next of a lamb who screamed in a girl's voice.

All in all, a weird dream.

In the morning they all set out once more. Sidney remained quiet for once.

So why was she hanging around this group? Maybe sentiment, maybe.

But she knew one thing; in the end, she had to win. Winning was the goal here. It didn't matter how; either by ten kills or by being the only survivor. She was supposed to win. Sidney wasn't one for losing. She had all the resources she needed to win; she had a gun, she could easily get more weapons by killing someone who had it. But in any case, it was clear that she had to win.

It seemed liked her plan wouldn't work now that she thought of it. But she could easily think up another. But in any case, something had to be done about Chelsea. Maybe she'd figure out a way to avoid the Tiffany situation all over again. Maybe just gag her or something. Or steal her bat. Or something. Or maybe just make sure she doesn't pull out the 21 foot rule again or something.

God, was she ever going to live down the 21 whatever horseshit rule shit? No she wasn't. Sidney was going to mock her for that until the rest of her days. Then again, what didn't Sidney mock?

But no matter what happened, one thing was official as she thought about the game; she was going to make sure she was on the winning side, and she didn't want any bullshit to happen that would prevent that.

In the end, Sidney was still Sidney. Always jumping at a competition.

((Sidney Rice, David Myerez, Chelsea Roberts, and Alexis Allwell continued in Banhammer'd))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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