Candy From Strangers

Marvia Jones start- closed thread/Content Warning

Everything else on the island, these grassy, well kept lands are a popular camping area for many a tourist too fearful to brave the rain forest, or too inexperienced to rough it in the Forest. There are certain areas marked off for camping, but for the most part these fields and plains are just there to get from point A to point B, in the most relaxing and enjoyable way possible.
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Post by Namira »

The problem, really, was that Nate just didn't know what to do with the breasts filling her palms. Sex was a topic never broached in the Chauncey household, and it was only ever something that Nate had encountered or even considered on a very vague basis. Nate wasn't stupid, but she was a virgin, and high on ecstasy to boot. She gave Marvia's breasts a squeeze, but that was more the sheer fascination of having another girl's boobs in her hands than an attempt to pleasure her.

That continued for a while, and then suddenly Nate's hands were being put back on Marvia's butt. Another kiss and then... her lips were abruptly pressed against Marvia's chest, held there by an insistent pressure on the back of her head. There was an awkward pause, but then Nate realised that the other girl wouldn't be just holding her there if she didn't want something. Hesistantly, she opened her mouth, taking in Marvia's nipple before beginning to gently suck.

This, apparently, was the right idea, as it was now Marvia's turn to moan, accompanied by several sharp pains as her nails gouged into Nate's back. The dark-skinned girl was certainly... territorial, and the marks were only going to be more obvious against Nate's pale skin. Unsure of what else to do, Natalie just kept suckling at Marvia's breast, occasionally using her tongue very slightly.

It seemed to be going okay, but then, what struck Nate as abruptly, Marvia pulled back and got up out of her lap, though she did give her a kiss. Confused, Nate's eyes followed the other girl as she sat up on the table... then her heart skipped a beat. Nervously, the slender Texan did as Marvia bade her, standing and walking over to the end of the table before hovering uncertainly nearby. Nate... had an idea of what could be coming next. Unfastening her pants didn't leave a lot of room for interpretation.
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Post by Rocky* »

As soon as Nate was in front of Marvia, the girl wrapped her arms around the girl's bare shoulders and kissed her again. Marvia's abundant chest pressed up against Nate's, her tongue darting in and around the smaller girl's mouth. Her hands trailed down the other girls arms, once again grasping them at the wrists. She then guided the hand down, until it rested near the top of her zipper.

Much to Marvia's delight, Nate grasped the fly of the zipper, pulling it down until it reached the bottom. Marvia rewarded Nate with another kiss, before grabbing her pants and shuffling them down to her knees, revealing the black panties underneath.

Marvia couldn't help herself, passing a finger along the outside of her undergarments, sending a wave of pleasure through herself. She looked at Nate, nothing but pure lust in her eyes. Even with all of the hurdles up to this point, things were actually getting somewhere. She grabbed Nate's hands once more, placing them along the top of her panties.

Not wanting to wait for Nate to figure out what to do on her own, Marvia simply commanded "Pull them down." The other girl obliged, pulling the panties down while Marvia lifted her rear to allow them to pass over. The black material inched their way down her legs, revealing the girl's vagina. The exposure to the open air sent Marvia reeling, causing her to grab Nate by the shoulders and push her down to her knees.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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Post by Namira »

Unexpectedly, as was becoming par for the course, Marvia reached out and engulfed Nate in an embrace, springing yet another surprise. In spite of their relative height, Natalie found herself feeling tiny in the other girl's grasp, overwhelmed by a mixture of her aggression and the fact that holy shit the sky was bright and so was the grass and the bench and Marvia's skin was glistening in the sun and...

Nate stumbled a little bit, but fortunately the other girl had a hold of her wrists, preventing her from falling over. Barely paying attention and instead just staring at the slight sheen of sweat on Marvia's face, Nate took hold of the other girl's zip and dragged it down. It took her a second to register what she'd just done, but once it hit home, Nate's daydream snapped in two. She looked down, catching sight of Marvia's underwear, then bit her lip, her cheeks flushing deep crimson once again.

Trembling a little bit, not sure whether it was anxiety or excitement - perhaps a little bit of both - Nate allowed her hands to be guided once again. She hesitated as her fingers brushed at the skin of Marvia's lower abdomen, but by now it was very clear who was in control. Marvia said the word, Nate didn't even give a murmur of protest, she pulled the panties down.

Nate froze up for a long few seconds, her dropping to her knees caused just as much by a sudden loss of composure as by Marvia's pressure on her shoulders. Another long moment ticked by as Nate knelt on the ground in front of the other girl, staring at her exposed sex. Then, Marvia gave a sigh of exasperation.

"Just fucking lick it, Nate."

The smaller girl flinched a little, then shuffled forward on her knees, hesitantly putting her head in between Marvia's legs. She hovered back a few inches away from her destination, then leaned forward, tentatively sticking out her tongue. Nate took the plunge, darting in quickly and then licking at Marvia. Only once, though, and then, embarrassed, she moved back again - or tried to. The dark girl grabbed Nate by the back of the head and forced her face back towards her vagina.

"Bitch, I didn't tell you to stop."

Nate didn't have much choice at that point; she started to lick as best she could with her head pressed right up against Marvia's crotch. The other girl started to moan as Nate's tongue trailed across her centre, a satisfied hiss of air escaping her. For her part, Natalie wasn't exactly making use of technique, simply lost in the moment, the taste of Marvia's wetness proving intoxicating, addictive. Though it was probably the influence of the drugs, she found herself wanting to lap Marvia's juices up, and to that end Nate began to force her tongue inside of her partner.

The slender artist found herself oddly pleased at the moan this evinced from Marvia, whose hands began to grip her hair more and more tightly. Nate kept going, beginning to thrust with her tongue, clumsy but enthusiastic about her task.

"Fuuck," Marvia muttered. "That's it you little slut..."

If anything, the dirty talk, in spite of being by far the most vulgar thing Nate had ever heard, got her going even more. Her pulse was racing, she felt... alive.
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation of Nate's tongue inside of her. It was by no means the best licking she had ever gotten, and the girl was clumsy at best, but to Marvia's drug addled mind and body, it was enough. Besides, there was a certain satisfaction in knowing that she, Marvia Jones, middle class black girl from Detriot, was being eaten out by some rich white bitch from some preppy ass school in Texas.

After what seemed like an eternity, Nate flicked her tongue upwards, hitting Marvia's clitoris. This sent the dark-skinned girl reeling, her grip on the girl's head tightening. "Right there." Marvia choked out, pushing the girl's head back until her tongue made contact again, forcing another wave of pleasure through her system.

Nate got the hint that she found the right spot, lapping at Marvia's clit as the girl let out small moans with each contact of her tongue. Marvia released her grip on Nate's head, knowing that at this point she wasn't going to stop. She leaned back on her elbows, teasing and pinching her own nipples, intensifying the pleasure coursing through her body.

Finally, with a quiet but otherwise uneventful "fuuuuuuck", Marvia climaxed. She lay back on the table, letting the orgasm wash through her with a small smile. It was by no means the best orgasm she'd ever had. It got the job done though. Which was enough for her. Taking a moment to reorganize herself, Marvia sat back up.

"You're a good fucking slut." Marvia said to Nate, running a hand through her hair before pushing her away. Standing up from table, the girl took a moment to pull up her underwear and pants again, before turning to the girl who just helped her get off.

Marvia didn't even hesitate, going straight for her companion's zipper. Pulling it down in one swift motion, she popped the button and yanked them down, underwear and all, revealing the girl's pale, slender legs and glistening vagina. She instructed Nate to lift each foot in turn, pulling the clothing off entirely and tossing them on the table near her shirt.

Staring at the fully nude figure of her companion, Marvia inwardly sighed. While the girl hadn't been much to look at before, seeing her completely devoid of clothing was.... disappointing. Still, it wouldn't hurt to show her some appreciation for helping her out with her problem.

Grabbing her around the waist, Marvia guided her back onto the bench, spreading her legs with her hands and straddling one of them. The girl's hand snaked down her body, tracing down the contours of her body until she reached her vagina, inserting her middle finger. Nate gasped, trying to squeeze her legs shut, but was unable to due to Marvia's positioning.

Marvia slid her finger in and out, but in the end couldn't get into it. Now that she had gotten what she wanted, sex with this girl just wasn't very appealing any more. Which wasn't to say that she was quite done with her yet. She still had a few more 'gifts' to impart on her.

Removing the finger from Nate, she smiled at the smaller girl, before sliding off the bench and onto the ground, resting on her knees. It didn't take long for her to make her way to her companion's vagina, expertly flicking her tongue along the outside before massaging her clitoris with her tongue. She did this a few more times, just enough for Nate to relax. Then, a wicked grin on her face, Marvia suddenly bit her hard on her inner thigh.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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Post by Namira »

Nate couldn't really tell exactly how long it all lasted, but it couldn't have been much time after Marvia let the pressure up on her head that the other girl was convulsing, climaxing. Nate herself was a little dizzied by everything that had happened, all of it passing by in the blink of eye at times, whilst stretching for an eternity at others. Probably something else that the ecstasy was to blame for, not that Nate was aware of the drug she'd ingested.

It was with some difficulty that Nate managed to pick herself back up off the ground, her balance thoroughly shot, unhelped by Marvia's half pet, half shove. The other girl's words sent a rush of guilt through her, making her wonder if the description was true or not. Okay so you didn't usually have sex with people you just met, but... Nate shook her head from side to side. She wasn't thinking straight. ...She was thinking less straight than usual. Better.

She didn't get much of an opportunity to regain her bearings though, because Marvia wasn't letting up. No sooner had the larger girl reclothed herself than was she doing precisely the opposite to Nate. The Texan opened her mouth to protest at the stripping, but stumbled over the words, forgetting them pretty rapidly in any case as Marvia manouvered her back over to the bench, laying her down on it. Nate squirmed as Marvia touched her in that intimate spot; it felt good, but she was far from comfortable with it.

The feeling with unease persisted as the other girl moved off her and went in with her tongue instead. Nate shifted in place again, still unsure if she-

Nate yelped, loudly. There was no thrill mixed in with this lovebite, this was just - ow - what the hell!? With a combination of dismay and distress, Nate stared down at Marvia, feeling betrayed as a serious welt began to form on her thigh.

"W-what the heck was that!?"
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia smiled at Nate. This smile was different though. There was no friendliness, or lust, nothing even remotely positive. This was a smile of nothing more than sadistic glee.

"What's wrong?" Marvia said, standing up as she did. She looked down, realizing that her breasts were hanging out. She readjusted her bra until her assets were covered again. Locking her eyes back on the other girl, she reached a hand out, stroking the side of her face. "Don't like it rough?"

Nate moved, trying to get away from the other girl. Marvia responded by shoving her head, forcing her skull into the wooden table. Nate's head connected with the flat surface on it's side, sending the girl reeling to the ground. The dark-skinned girl walked over to where her bag lay on the table, shuffling through the contents inside.

"While you're chilling down there, let me explain to you why you are such a stupid fucking bitch." Marvia began, pulling her turtleneck over her head and smoothing it down. "First, you took a pill from someone you barely even know without even questioning what it was. By the way, that pill you took was ecstasy." She grabbed the clothed belonging to the other girl, shoving them into her bag. "Next, you proved what a little slut you were by fucking her without even resisting. You probably even thought I found you attractive."

Marvia pulled out a mass of clothing with various bright coloured accessories. She assumed that this was supposed to be her "alternate" outfit. She dumped it on the ground near the other girl. "I'm sure you're not all there right now, so I'm just going to be blunt with you. You're an ugly fucking skank who just happened to be convenient for me. Good thing for me you were so easy." She hoisted her bag up on her shoulder, grabbing her gun from the table, and began to walk away. "Oh by the way, I swiped your bandanna." The girl waved the black piece of fabric in her free hand, before quickly moving away from the area, descending the hill as fast as she could.

"Teach me to fuck a virgin...." Marvia muttered under her breath as she reached the bottom of the hill, tying the pilfered bandanna around her wrist. She admired the piece of cloth for a moment, before moving on, searching for something else to do with her time.

((Marvia Jones continued in The Mission))
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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Post by Namira »

That smile was quite possibly the most horrible thing Nate had seen in her entire life. She had no idea why Marvia's mood had suddenly taken a u turn, but one thing she was sure of was that she didn't want to be anywhere close to that smile. Not that she really got much of a chance to flee from it.

Before Nate became entirely alert to the danger, her head was slammed onto the table, the rebound sending her spilling to the ground. A starburst exploded in each of her eyes, the sickening pain at her temple making her stomach lurch, her vision blinded by a bizarre lightshow. Somewhere in the midst of the ringing echoing through her head, Nate heard Marvia talking, her voice weirdly distorted.

But the words got through nonetheless, to Nate's dismay. She'd well... she'd been feeling weird yeah, but... this had all been some kind of trick? What kind of person would pull a horrible stunt like that on somebody else? The explanation it... made sense, connecting the dots as to why Nate's mind was foggier than usual, why she'd been so malleable to Marvia's touches and suggestions. That didn't make it any easier to bear, any less hurtful.

Nate started snivelling on the ground through a combination of pain both physical and emotional. Much as she didn't bother very much with other people, Nate didn't have a particularly thick skin, the insults cutting straight to the bone. Nobody had ever spoken to her in such a bluntly cruel fashion before. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the situation finally catching up with her, but as Marvia turned and walked away, Nate began to cry, sobbing face down in the grass.

For a while, there was quiet, apart from an exchange of gunfire and of course... Nate crying. She wasn't exactly sure how long it lasted, but at length, something snapped Nate out of her misery. Perhaps it was the ecstasy wearing off, or perhaps the realisation that she was lying naked on the ground with a host of potential killers around her. Sitting up, Nate looked around, quickly figuring out that Marvia must've taken off with her clothes, underwear and all.


There was a bundle of clothes alongside her. Dark fabric. Rather less of it than Nate would ever personally look for in anything she wore. But, well... current events didn't leave her a whole lot of choice in the matter. Nate swallowed and picked up an article of clothing at random. Then she stared.

A little triangle of silk. Lacy.

...A thong. Holy christ. Involuntarily, Nate started to giggle, blushing, even though she knew households across the world were watching. Couldn't possibly be anything worse than what they'd just seen, anyway. Nate's memory felt smudgey around that area in any case, probably because of the high she'd been on. She remembered what happened, but not distinctly, like a weird kind of dream. If only the marks would fade as easily.

Nate sighed, the panties suddenly less funny. She slid them up her legs, blushing even more heavily than before at how exposed she still felt, then looked back to the pile of clothes. Next out was a pair of tights, although not like any pair she ever owned. They were fishnets, and, as Nate pulled them on, torn fishnets. Probably a 'style' thing. Nate picked through the pile, realising that it lacked a bra, although her lack of bust would probably prove fortunate in that respect in any case, she managed to find something for her torso. The top was an off-shoulder number, consisting more of mesh than actual clothing, though thankfully it was black cloth across the chest, complete with dark red slashes made to look like claw marks. Next was a skirt, far too short for Nate's liking, black and replete with studs. She pulled that on too. A pair of boots caught her eye next. Thankfully, in spite of sporting a highly unnecessary amount of buckles, they weren't too tall, nor did they have much of a heel. Another stroke of luck, as Nate put them on - she and Marvia must've been very similar sizes.

All that was left after that was a pile of random accessories. Bright pink gloves, wristbands, a white ribbon, a set of a bracelets and anklets... they'd really gone the whole hog with this extra outfit. Nate paused, picking out one last item. A leather collar. Normally, she wouldn't have even looked twice, but... well, she had to be sporting a hell of a mark on her neck from Marvia biting her. Nate sighed, pocketing it, then stood up, feeling distinctly uncomfortable in this new outfit.

Casting about, Natalie was astonished at the sight of her rifle still lying on the table. Marvia seriously hadn't taken it? Crazy. It seemed almost too good to be true, and Nate only discovered more good news as she walked back to the table, noticing magazines scattered all over the ground. Not as many as she'd started with, but the thing with Marvia had to have caused a bunch to fall out of her jeans. Nate allowed herself a smile, retrieving the ammunition and then her weapon.

"Could be worse," Nate murmured. "Could've been an axe murderer whilst I was high and naked. Or a kittie with laser beam eyes. But more likely an axe murderer."

Nate turned away from the bench and headed deeper into the plains.

((Nate Chauncy continued in Wising Up))
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