A Truck Stop Instead of St. Peter's


The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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Post by T-Fox* »

It hadn't quite yet registered due to how fascinated he was with his weapon that John had actually struck Brenda. The responses of the other two however, quite powerfully alerted him to that fact. He glared over at the white boy, and then back to the gun in his hand.

And then April began ranting. Quite well at that. She immediately ripped apart the cocky little freak, just tearing in to every hostility, every cold comment he had made. Jhamel really hadn't wanted to bother with it himself, figuring that John may have been a friend of Brenda's in the first place, but... This was oddly satisfying to watch. Just that one sentence, but... still. Her thoughts had been made quite clear, and frankly Jhamel agreed. Honestly, he was already starting to like this chick, even though she was a rich bitch from fucking Texas.

"You two don't have to come if you don't want too, of course. We're not your team, after all."

"Yea, I'm down. Sounds like a plan."

He turned his gaze to John however. Should he let John come along? He was annoying as hell, and already openly hostile. Hitting her on the head with her owe (admittedly plastic) weapon was uncalled for, and didn't make for the beginnings of a good alliance. If the fucker was this cocky among non-teammates... He was gonna be a liability later on. Maybe even stab them in the back at the first sign of another yellow bandanna.

"But... I don't really think you should come along John." He grimaced a little, wondering exactly how the kid would take it. "You, Me, and these two really don't seem to mesh too much man, no offense." Of course offense was meant... But the last thing he wanted was conflict already. The last thing he wanted to do was to have to flip the safety and shoot a crazed axe murderer already. Quickly pulling the bag into his chest, he began to zip it as quickly as he could with a single hand, as awkward as it was. He didn't know what to say next, just hoping to hell and back he didn't heft that axe over his shoulder.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

((Jeanette Buendia Start))

Jeanette was sitting next to her bag. She'd recently woken up and remembered just where it was she'd ended up. Survival of the Fittest. Yeah, she remembered the audience and the clapping. She didn't want to die. Who did? But she had to admit, if she was going to die, at least this wasn't a boring way to go. So in that respect she wasn't all that bummed. She hated boring things.

Jeanette quickly scampered to her bag and dug around inside. There was the bandanda. She tied it to her ankle. Some spare clothes and things were in the bag as well. Then she found one last outfit.

"Fuck yessssss"

Jeanette pulled out a coconut bra and a grass hula skirt. She made a thumbs up sign at the camera. In a flash she stripped off her shirt and put the coconut bra on over her regular bra, removing it from under the coconuts once they were in place. She pulled the grass skirt on over her regular skirt and pulled the regular mini skirt down so that the change was complete. She looked up at the camera again and smiled.

Jeanette flipped up the back of her grass skirt to reveal an electric blue thong.

"There. That'll be censored out on the t.v. broadcast so I've just given people a reason to buy the uncensored DVD of this season. You're welcome."

After taking stock she grabbed her bag and dragged it lazily behind her until she came upon some broken down looking lounge chairs. Jeanette settled into one, grabbed a palm leaf off the ground, threw it over her eyes and tanned.
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Post by Macha* »

Yeah, we’re all friends here. Except for the one who just hit someone over the head with a nerf gun. Didn't he know how much that hurt? April's brother- Marcus- he was into those back when they were both little. Well, littler in her case, but still. She remembered losing countless times in standoffs with him- April was never particularly fast- April always ended up with a nerf dart in the face and her brother always ended up winning.

The brother she would never see again. Best not to dwell on that. Dwell on it when it mattered, when she had a free moment. Not now, when she had to be focused!April and pay attention to everything that was going on before she ended up exploding because of it.

Speaking of which, what was it that Brenda had called her? Sinsonte? April hadn't had to speak Spanish in a while, so she wasn't exactly sure what that meant. She decided to put off asking until they'd ditched Ranting Dick, but in the meantime set to trying to figure out what it meant so she wouldn't be confused the next time Brenda mentioned it- and, if April's experiences with nicknames were any indication, it was probably going to stick.

Sin was without, she remembered as much, but sonte was weird to her. What did it actually mean? Without shades? April would be the first to admit that she was lacking sunglasses but for some odd reason she didn't quite think that was it. She'd go back to it, figure it out later.

And then April found Brenda’s hand on her shoulder. That was a little weird, but she didn’t really want to make a fuss about it, so the hand stayed.

Anyway, back to her half focusing on the current conversation topic. She assumed it was still getting the Ranting Dick to go away.

"Yeah, I’m down for teaming up," April said, hoping at least that nobody would point out that she was actually the newest person here, and that nobody would notice how completely lost she was in this whole conversation. "Though… It's best if you... don't come with us, Ra- John."

Wait, was that...? Jeanie, was that you there on changing into a hula costume and flashing your butt to a camera? Was April seeing things? Now all she needed was Peter to come out dressed as a hippie and April would give up on reality altogether.

Nevertheless, the possibility was there that Jeanie and maybe even Playa were nearby, and that was enough to motivate April to seek them out.

"Let's head this way." April pointed to the lounger off by the beach. Not mentioning why she wanting to head over there was a risk, but at least then if the sunbathing hula dancer wasn't Jeanie, she wouldn't look like an idiot.

Of course, maybe she was going crazy and there was no one there at all. In that case, she probably shouldn’t point out the fact she was seeing exhibitionist hula dancers. That would just be awkward.
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Brenda cringed at Jhamel's suggestion of ditching John. It wasn't that she particularly liked John, or anything, but it still felt cold to just flat out state that he wasn't welcome. She, however, said nothing, because she was rather certain that their travels would be easier without John's company. She just couldn't think of a nicer way to put that.

The upside was that April was willing to team up, which meant that Brenda had somehow merged the Brown and Red teams together, however briefly. It was then that she realized she had no idea what their next step was. She had no way of knowing where the rest of her team had landed, if they were willing to team up, or even who her team consisted of. Not to mention the fact that she was technically Jhamel's enemy, which meant that, at some point, he might switch sides. She'd have to be prepared for that, most likely. Further, her friends were with her on TV too. Karen, Brennan, and Ali had all managed to find their ways on the island, if she remembered correctly. What if they weren't on their team? What if they wanted to kill her?

Brenda shook her head. It was all too much at once. She needed to take it one step at a time.

And as fate would have it, Brenda's next step involved a girl dressed as a hula dancer relaxing on a lawn chair.

Really, at this point, was she expecting something normal to happen?

April wandered off before Brenda could say anything, and she followed the smaller girl warily. Walking up to strangers in ridiculous costumes was most likely not the brightest plan, but there was, sadly, very little else available to them.

Brenda stopped a few feet away from the chair, looking at the girl, unsure of how to continue. She cleared her throat slightly before speaking. "Uh...hi?"

She studied the Hula girl for a minute, noting the red bandana on her ankle. "You're on the same team as Jhamel." Brenda looked away from the bandana, focusing on the girls face.

"I'm Brenda. I...highly doubt you're from Detroit so...nice to meet you."

I think?

Brenda sighed inwardly. She was on an island with a team that consisted of her, a talkative white girl, a gangbanger (or at least a wannabe one), a boy who's first impression involved smacking her over the head with her own weapon, and now a sun-bathing hula dancer.

These last few days of her life were sure to be interesting, at least.
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Post by T-Fox* »

Jhamel had never quite been the most observant person. So, that was exactly why he was so caught off guard when suddenly, after diverting his focus from John, that both of the girls had already wandered away. Almost immediately switching into alarm mode at having theoretically been left behind, he scrambled as quickly as he could to gather his belongings, hand wrapping around the front of the bag as to not let it spill open as he prepared to dart accross the sand...

Oh, they were still here. And... Wait, what the hell? Was that a chick in a hula skirt? Brenda had already started talking to her by the time he had gotten his shit together, and April was just kind of standing there, letting Brenda talk. It was almost as if they didn't bother to clear out the island.

Wait, this was SOTF. They just might pull some crazy shit like that, civilians in the crossfire or some shit. Damn, that would be beyond fucked. Either way, he stood, taking care to zip his bag, holding the still unloaded pistol in his right hand. Leaning to heft the thing onto his shoulder, he offered John one last glare, as if to say "Stay boy", before trodding lazily down the beach towards the three.

Damn dude. You gettin' yoself a possee of fine ladies. Damn son, maybe this SOTF shit isn't that bad after all.

And the next thing Jhamel noticed as he approached the trio was quite the happy sight. The cute little white thing laying in nothing but grass and coconuts was flashing a bright red bandanna, identical to his. That was awesome in two respects. First, well, there was a very fine lady he was guaranteed to at least team up with him, if not like him by the end of all this. Second, well, shit, he had ended up waking up next to someone else from his own actual team.

That was the best he had to go on anyways. Find the rest of his team and come up with a plan from there. This was about the best start he could have asked for. He had a gat, he had a girl, he was starting a team. For the time being, Jhamel felt on top of the world. Fuck the unlucky bastards not here on this beach right now, he was the one going places.

"Yo, Girl! I see that red you be wearin'! What up?"

He gave her a grin, before realizing that her face was covered up by a palm leaf. Now who the fuck... Come to think of it, he had no idea who this chick was. Must have been from that preppy rich bitch texas schoo-

Oh no...

The thought of mixing schools on the same team hadn't even crossed his mind. Sure, no matter what this chick's personality, she at least was eye candy just for what she had on. But... Not everyone on his team might have that going for them. If he was the only dude from Detroit representin on the red team, well... Shit. That definitely meant he'd be the one doing the killing, and he'd be the one making it home, cause most likely these little fucks from Texas would have nothing to do with getting their hands dirty.

Doing his best to snap himself out of the train of thought, he shook his head rapidly, turning his attention back to the girl in the lounge chair. "Name's Jhamel. Looks like we'll be stickin' it out together out here."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Jeanette heard the sound of people marching toward her in the sand. She removed her palm leaf from one eye and squinted at the people who'd come upon her. She put the leaf back and settled back into her tanning position.

"You are late, cocor," she said to April.

Jeanette tapped her empty wrist on an imaginary watch and thrust it out at her for inspection.

"Late like the irresponsible stripper who forgot to take her pill."

There was another girl with April that had introduced herself as Brenda. Jeanette sighed and put away her leaf, sitting up.

"My name is Jeanette and I see you have found my sexy guy," she said nodding at April.

A boy came up behind them toting some kind of gun, but he seemed pretty happy to see her. Apparently they were both on team red.

"Jeanette," she said again for the newcomer. It occurred to her she hadn't bothered to look for her weapon. She'd pretty much stopped looking in the bag when she found the hula costume because she was pretty sure there wouldn't be anything more exciting than that. Jeanette reached over for the bag and dug around some more. Her search yielded a cliff bar and a black thing. She pushed a silver button on the black handle and a knife popped out. She went wide eyed for a moment before smiling. She pushed the blade back down and put it in her skirt.

"Dude, I will totally be cutting a mofo. I'm going to cut them so bad, they......they'll.....well, they'll wish I didn't cut them so bad."

She looked back up at the group that'd gathered. She smiled at Jhamel.

"Yo, Detroit. We're from Texas. Silver Dragon Academy. Our school makes ends meet by doubling as a high class Chinese restaurant. April and I are waitresses in between classes. We look kick ass in those Chinese dresses with the high slits," she said with a wink.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Chib* »

[Hotel California --> Eloise Winterburn]

After clambering unceremoniously out of the window, the most obvious choice of destination was the beach now directly in front of her. There was a dock or something far off to the right, but screw that, if Eloise was going to be fighting for her life on this island, she'd sure as hell enjoy the sun and sand before getting down to business.

Moving towards the coast, it didn't take long to catch sight of the reasonably large gathering down on the sand, apparently converging on a girl sitting on some kind of lounge chair. A girl sitting on some kind of lounge chair... in a coconut bra and grass skirt. The image barely made sense to Eloise, and for a few seconds she just stood there, trying to make sense of the situation before her. Survival of the Fittest, best-and-only thing on TV, the world famous show where everyone kills each other, and here's a girl working on her tan, dressed like a hula dancer.

She shook her head, and carried on moving, coming to a stop where the grass of the hotel's grounds merged with the sand of the beach. Getting sand in her shoes wasn't on her agenda just yet. Nope, she just waited there at the edge of the beach, leaning almost casually on the handle of her sledgehammer. In reality, she was getting her bearings. The beach stretched out as far as the eye could see off to the left - east? probably east - whilst it gave way to that dock, the sea, and a large ship off in the opposite direction. Pretty salubrious all around. Meanwhile, on the beach itself, the group was more easily visible. Two she recognised, Brenda Hernandez and Jhamel Thomson, Detroit kids. Another one she knew was from Detroit, but couldn't put a name to. The girl on the sun lounger, and the other one with the group, she didn't recognise at all, probably from the other school.

More importantly, though, she could see Brenda's bandanna. The non-hula non-Detroit girl's, too. Both of them brown, same as hers. With the addition of her, that made three out of five. And of the beach group, three of six. Fully half of them on the same team. Nice.

With that confidence in mind, Eloise disregarded the concern of sandy feet, and set off towards them. It wasn't quite a smile on her face, more a smirk, but it was an improvement on the "Oh shit guns" face from the Hotel's lobby, and the "Well this bites" scowl from the corridors. She even gave a wave, as she got closer, letting her left arm drag her sledgehammer across the sand. "Afternoon all!"
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Post by Macha* »

By some stroke of luck and a rare moment of her over-active imagination not having too much of an effect on the decision, the hula dancer actually did turn out to be 1. Real, and 2. Exactly who April thought it was. This was, in April’s books, a victory. Which was awesome.

Though, always one to make sure, April held off the running hug-tackle until she moved the leaf from her face.

Basic etiquette between her and Jeanie since the time at the pool. She’d tackled Jeanie into the water while she wasn’t paying attention, caught her leg on the side of the pool and scratched it, drawing blood. That was a bad day. Peter ended up pulling her out of the water, since April was scared a shark would get her. She didn’t remember much after that, but April had been scared off of swimming pools for a while since. It took watching The Little Mermaid 8 times in a row the summer after to get her in any shape to go near water.

Jeanette looked up, and April started running.

"Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she yelled as she ran over to her (now with Hula-Dancin' action) mejor amigo, stopping just short of running headfirst into the sun lounger. Jeanie had placed the leaf back over her face.

Curses! Jeanie had done that on purpose for sure, to stop herself from getting a furious hug-tackling. Finally, April had a worthy opponent. Sherlock vs. Moriarty, Penelope Pitstop vs. Dick Dastardly, or Aristotle vs. Darth Vader! Wait, that had gone somewhere awful. April shook her head and watched Jeanie tap her imaginary wrist watch, telling her that she was late like the hooker who forgot her birth control pills.

April looked quizzically down at her own imaginary wrist watch and poked it a couple of times.

"Oh," She noted, "My mistake, must have set the time wrong when I was knocked unconscious, Jeanie."

Jeanie put away her leaf and sat up. April decided against hug-tackling her until she stood up.

Oh, right. Jeanie called her the sexy guy again. April shrugged at that. “I’m not her boy toy.”

Well, that was their team sorted out, right? Now that Jeanette was present they had two (2) members of Team Red and Brown for a total of 4 members, if she was figuring this out right, plus two members of Team Biffle (who were way too hip to have their own bandannas anyway) which meant they had roughly 88.6% of winning the game each. Multiplied by the three teams, this gave them all a 265.8% chance of winning.

Times that by the 4 people, and divide it by the 3 teams, that would give them each a 354.4% chance of winning.

April liked those odds.

She just wished she’d spoken that out loud. It would’ve made a nice motivational speech, but she went and forgot it. Already. Anyway, at this point, Jeanie was waving her knife around, so April saw it fit to protect the general populace and calm down her psychotic best friend.

“No!” She shouted, in mock horror. “No stabbing people, Jeanie! Not after last time!”

“um…” She looked around shiftily, “I meant none of that. Totally.”

She looked at Jhamel again, after hearing him be down with da streets, and she stifled a laugh.

“Look how Gangsta he is!” She whispered to Jeanette, before frowning. “I’ll never be hip.”

They then proceeded to go on a tangent about their school being a Chinese Restaurant (April was claiming that before it was cool) and how they moonlighted as waitresses.

“We kick ass too!” April finished, flailing wildly at the air in a series of almost punches and kicks. “We’re black belts in 8 martial arts. Each.”

Someone new approached, greeting the group. Without a missed beat, April spun on her heels and turned to face them.

“Afternoon!” April shouted back with a wave and a smile.
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Brenda must have wound up in some sort of parallel dimension. That was the only explanation for...for whatever was happening. Hula dancers, Chinese Restaurant High schools, Texans with switch blades, repeated use of the word 'gangsta'- this was not the life Brenda was accustomed too. This was not a world she was comfortable with.

Brenda stared at her makeshift team. It was far from normal, far from sane, far from her house in Detroit with Sunday night dinner around the table, and soccer games and kickboxing lessons.

And the weirdest part was that Brenda was actually rather enjoying it all.

It wasn't the ideal situation, no. She was somehow the only halfway normal person in a group that had a grand total of two decent weapons at the moment, and consisted of four people from two different teams. At some point in the game, if Brenda understood the rules correctly, she'd be forced to turn against these people, or they would turn against her- and they were the two with the decent weapons, which made everything all the more problematic. She had a bikini, had already stripped on live TV, and would now be spending the next few days traveling with a hula dancer and her hyperactive best friend.

And it was all ridiculously fun.

The sheer oddness of the situation helped Brenda forget the ultimate direness of reality. Yes, by the end of the week she would more than most likely be dead, but hey, at least she was going out in style!

Brenda laughed, bringing her hand up to stifle it slightly. "Sounds like some adventures you two had. The most I've ever done is ride my bike in a patrol car."

She still had the scar on her leg to prove that one. Stupid brothers and their promises not to let go of the bike.

It was makeshift and bizarre, yes, but it was also a group that Brenda could enjoy. They were loud, they were wacky, but they were also nice, which really was all that mattered.

A newcomer caught April's attention, and Brenda turned to face them, recognizing the face almost instantly. "Eloise!" While not close friends, Eloise was not one who went by unnoticed in school. Brenda knew that she could be trusted, at least.

The brown bandana only made things sweeter.

"So, I see you're one of us, huh?" Brenda giggled slightly, nodding to the bandana. "Well, welcome to the group. We've also gained some Texans, as you can see. The red one's Jeanette, and the Sinsonte is our teammate, April." She gestured to the new Brown team member for the Texans. "This is Eloise. She's cool, I assure you."

Brenda tugged out her ponytail, readjusting it in a vain attempt to get her bangs out of her face. She pulled it tight, hoping it would stay in place for a least a few more hours. Really, it was just fidgeting to fight off her urge to say Also, Eloise, Texans are weird.

Somehow she figured Eloise would learn that all on her own.
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Post by T-Fox* »

Everything was moving so damn fast. They'd just met the (incredibly sexy) hula chick. His eyebrow cocked suspiciously as she rifled through her bag at the mention of a weapon. There was no way in hell this Texas broad was wearing that when she got gassed, was there? Nah, he would have noticed that shit in the briefing. Jhamel could have sworn he was the only one looking in every single direction during that thing, every other fucker there's eyes were glued at the screen like they were okay with this shit. Like they'd all expected it. The fuck, let the black kid miss the note, huh.

His ranting, raving train of thought was quickly cut short as the girl extracted a tiny black... Holy fuck, was that a switch?


Yeah, that was most definitely a switch. Looks just like the one sitting back home on his cabinet too, god damn. Today was just shaping up to be a great day, well all things considered. Chucked on a fucking island full of killers, only to wind up with a gat, a sexy partner, and a few ladies from back in the 313. And to top it all off, sexy had gotten a hold of his knife, and she didn't seem that opposed to using the thing if it came down to it. If her bandanna had been any other color he would have been freaking out just because of how laid back she was about everything going on around her, and how eager she seemed to play it up... But that red was a sign of brotherhood. Just like back home, just like what he was trying to be a part of.

Yeah... Yeah!

A goofy grin spread across his face as she took up a line about the school they came from being some Chinese restaurant. Silver Dragon Academy, huh?

"We look kick ass in those Chinese dresses with the high slits."

Now that was something he wouldn't mind seeing either. Well, not that he couldn't see quite a bit more of her right about now, but... there was just something bangin' about the image that brought to mind. April didn't waste a second piping in after her, having joked along with the other girl's sense of humor right from the get go.

"8 Martial Arts each, huh? Don't yo parents have anything else to spend their money on?" He had to do his best to stifle a chuckle, all the while just keeping that inward grin. If both these chicks were really that awesome... Who the hell was he kidding, they had to be. This was gonna be a fun ride. Sure, it sucked that April wasn't on their team, but that's something to deal with down the road when the time came. Hell, it hadn't really clicked in the wannabe banger's mind yet that if he wanted to live, he'd have to either outlive April and Brenda, or do a little killing himself. But for now, the beach was just a trip up to the lakes. Nothing special, just pickin' up ladies down the coast... Brenda seemed pretty down with what was going on too, mentioning a story that he'd overheard once or twice in the lunch room back at Central. This was shaping up to be one hell of a start, and if the killing could just stay away for a few more hours... Just a little while longer, he'd be perfectly okay with what was to come for the memories he'd have of this shit for the rest of his life. Well, that and the DVD, but that went without saying.

But the introductions were short lived, for a new person making themselves known with a hearty greeting, shouting across the beach. Jhamel quickly spun to face the newcomer. Jeanette didn't seem that bad at all, especially for a rich white chick, but he had no idea how many more would be like that. In fact, the last thing he wanted was more assholes like what's his nut yellow dude back there. At least he knew now that all the kids from Texas weren't stuck up little fucks, but it was still somewhere in the back of his head that they were most likely the majority. Brenda seemed to know her, and she looked a little familiar. Another round of introductions were made as Jhamel stuck his hand in the air, flashing a little 'half-wave half sign' at the newcomer. Just cause he didn't know her name didn't mean she didn't know his. He kind of had a bit of a reputation around Detroit, and love him or hate him, a lot of people knew who he was from the bright red flag he flew with his wardrobe every single day.

"This is Eloise. She's cool, I assure you."

"Yo, what's up Eloise. Welcome to the gang. We got a couple of girls from Kung Pow Academy over here, but they a'ight. Well, more than a'ight, they straight awesome. How bout you, holdin' up okay?"

He shook his head. No matter what happened, this was going to be a hell of a ride. And there was no way in hell that he wasn't coming out on top. He held his head high, just for a moment, tucking the pistol into the back of the waistband of his shorts, shuddering a little as the cold steel pressed up against the flesh on his back. He'd need to read the manual later, he'd never actually fired one of the things before, and that shit he'd seen on the tube... single action, double action... Well, it seemed meaningless and unimportant compared to the more... well, fun aspects of a gun. Point, shoot, bang, dead. All the shit he saw on SOTF before he got his own shot. But... Maybe that crap actually meant something worth a damn, since he wasn't just using it, his survival depended on it. He shook his back, listening to metal clank behind him. It sounded like he had more than a few clips. That was good. Get a little practice with the thing somewhere down the line. Cause unless Eloise pulled like a nuke or some shit, he was gonna have to defend this whole group himself.

His gang.

That's what I'm talkin' about.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

April protested about being Jeanette's sexy play thing and in response Jeanette slapped her friend in the ass and told her to get her a beer.

"Cold one, sugar, thanks."

Jeanette decided lounging time was over and sat up on her chair. Right behind Jhamel she could see a blonde girl coming over. Brenda seemed to think she was fine.

"Hey Barbie," she said casually.

Jhamel didn't recognize her but he vouched for her and April. Jeanette smiled.

"He is super cool," she said back to April. "Very heep."

She turned to April with the manic excitement of someone who'd snorted a tube of pixie stix. "You could be heep if you had confidence."

Jeanette got up and walked in a circle around April before stopping abruptly with her hands on her hips.

"I'm king, and they know it
When i snap my fingers everybody says show it
I'm hot
and your not
But if you wanna hang with me I'll give it one shot
Top that, top that
You can give all that you can, but you will never top that!
You can dream until you're blue but you can never top that
huh huh
I'm hot
and your not
But if you wanna hang with me I'll give it one shot
Top that, top that
You can do all that you can but you'll never top that, top that!"
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by Chib* »

Texan team member seemed happy to see her, cheerful greeting and such. Nice to see. Brenda even recognised her, sounded even more pleased than the weird girl.

"Eloise! So, I see you're one of us, huh?"

Well spotted, Brenda, full marks for observation. Like Eloise would've been stupid enough to walk up to a big group of people, toting a sledgehammer, if she didn't have a pretty good guarantee they'd be friendly in the first place. Before being able to think better of it, she said about as much out loud, not-very-subtle sarcasm fairly evident. "Well spotted."

"Well, welcome to the group. We've also gained some Texans, as you can see. The red one's Jeanette, and the Sinsonte is our teammate, April."

Mental note, weird girl on our team is April. Eloise had no idea what Sinsonte meant, but she figured it was an adjective not far off how she'd already been describing April inwardly. Jeanette wouldn't have warranted being quite as memorable, if the name and lack of modesty hadn't instantly made Eloise append the surname Voerman to it.

"This is Eloise. She's cool, I assure you."

In both senses, yes. Not a threat so long as nobody pulled anything stupid, and also the coolest person in Detroit Central, bar none. Obviously anybody else might debate that, but Eloise's ego refused to recognise any other claimants to the title.

"Yo, what's up Eloise. Welcome to the gang. We got a couple of girls from Kung Pow Academy over here, but they a'ight. Well, more than a'ight, they straight awesome. How bout you, holdin' up okay?"

Ah Jhamel, still trying extra hard to be bad, then. Straight awesome? please. It was an exercise in sheer willpower for Eloise not to roll her eyes the second the boy said the word "gang", let alone started peppering his speech with gangsta phraseology. But that would have been a bad idea, she was there to make allies and increase her odds of lasting the day, not to alienate people because their choice of subculture wasn't nearly as cool as hers. So she kept a straight face, nodding in vague response to his question - did she look distressed or injured? No.

"Hey Barbie,"

And finally hula-girl spoke up, evidently not giving a flying fuck about Eloise's presence. The flagrant disregard stung a little, but she quickly rationalised it as "She's one of the Texan kids, she can't know who I am.", and tried to soothe her bruised ego.

And then... Jeanette started singing, or something close to it. No sooner had she started spouting nonsense about Jhamel, of all people, being cool to... April? Yeah, April. No sooner had she finished that tract, she'd burst into a - very poorly chosen - song. Honestly, a song whose lyrics read like a try hard explaining why they're cool? So vulgar. It's all about the subtlety, about being cool enough not to have to say a word. Clearly, Texans had absolutely no class.

But no matter, Brenda was good enough for now. Eloise could tolerate hanging out with such tasteless people for the time being as long as at least one of them wasn't a person she wouldn't be caught dead with back in the real world. Just put up with them until it's "us or them", and take the Brown team home. It shouldn't be long.

Please God, don't make me suffer this for long.
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Post by Macha* »

April looked over at the new girl. She looked like she should’ve come from the take-out school, but Brenda apparently knew her.

Her name was Eloise, according to Brenda. In the nicest possible way, it didn’t exactly seem like a Detroit-ish name, but that might have been her prejudice showing. Damn, she should probably tuck that in. But hey, she seemed nice from first impressions, so she’d probably do alright on their team. Jeanie spoke, said something about her not being hip enough, and how she needed more confidence.

April saw where this was going, and she didn’t like it one bit.


No Teen Witch.

Jeanie, stop what you’re doing right now, or you’re getting a slap.

But no, Jeanette broke into the routine, carefully memorised from 100 middle school sleepovers spent watching the movie over, and over, and over again. April had to step in, here, it was just insane.

“Jeanie,” April shook her head. “Stop singing.”

But she continued, singing the entire song, as memorised from a hundred middle school sleepovers spent watching Teen Witch. She kept walking around April as she did it to, in a kind of “Hey, I’m going to embarrass you now” kind of way.

April noticed the opening, taking a running start and hug-tackling the ever-loving hulas out of Jeanette. She stood back up from the mass of limbs and sand and grass and dusted her clothes down.

“Ha!” She shouted, sand in her hair and a wide, beaming smile on her face. “Gotcha!”
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Post by Casey The Undead* »

Brenda's eyes were wide. "I...uh...well...alright then!"

Jeanette had been singing, and then she had been tackled, and now there were a ton of people, and somehow Brenda had entirely lost track of the situation. She stood there, dumbfounded, struggling for words and unable to even think of a coherent sentence.

She swallowed, shaking her head. She had to focus. Now was not the time to lose it, even if there was random singing and tackling going on.

"As much as this is...certainly interesting, it's probably best if we started thinking about what to do next. We...aren't exactly an inconspicuous group, to say the least."

Hula dancers singing and getting tackled by loud white girls. Yeah, really not going to do well on stealth, were they?

Not to mention they were freaking huge. They had enough people to open up a small traveling circus.

"Well, yeah, anyways, I guess what I'm saying is that we should probably move soon, right?
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Post by Slayer* »

(Kevin continued from Hotel California. Mason should be following. Short, I know, but I realised there's really not much to say. :/)

"Hello there?"

Unluckily for Brenda, she had said this just as Kevin arrived, presumably with Mason in tow. The walk could barely be called one, as they found themselves on the beach practically just by stepping outside, and the grass gave way to sand soon after. It so happened their first destination seemed to reveal a rather sizeable group, including the attractive woman from before, with both people he did and didn't recognise; none were wearing white bandannas, but that wouldn't matter if things went as he planned. The new faces, he assumed, were from the other school, and as for the ones he could make out...

Hm. Amongst the SDA alumni he spotted were April Stone and Jeanette Buendia. He was rather... intimately familiar with Jeanette, even if he sometimes disapproved of her outlook. It was rather undignified, but she was actually friendly to him, and they got on well enough - both in and out of bed - he overlooked it more often than not. Excellent; at least one person in the group would be receptive to any offers he made, then. Foot in the door.

...Was he really thinking of a friend of his as just a tool to be used? Already? No, he had to think of the big picture like this if he were to have any chance at all. Keep approaching, slowly, raising hands a bit to show you're unarmed. Good.

"It's Kevin Fielding, from SDA! I'm with Mason Ross! We don't mean anyone any harm, don't worry!"

...Yet. We'll see how things go.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Slayer.
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