

The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

Ali wasn't sure if Harold the Ogre had heard what she'd whispered to Holly, but his words continued to reinforce his Ogrishness in Alicia's mind.  He tried to convince Holly and the Sluagh to team up with him.  A shiver ran up Ali's spine.  I hope nobody falls for the Ogre's sugary words, she thought.

Holly seemed to be thinking along similar lines.  "No, he'th not my friend, I-I don't think I've ever th'een him before, I'm not th''ame with-with him," her eyes darting to the Sluagh.

Ali was about to suggest a quick retreat away from the shore and away from the Ogre, when she heard a new male voice call out "HOLLY!!! HOLLY!!!"  Holly perked up like a dog smelling bacon.  A hopeful smile broke over her face and she cried back "Oh-Oh my god, JACK!"  Then she took off running toward the voice, and Ali saw them embrace like long lost lovers.  Which for all I know they are.  Then after a few seconds, they pair disappeared into the distance.

That leaves just the Ogre, the Sluagh, and me.  Ali eyed the Ogre nervously, then shifted her gaze to the Sluagh and caught him studying her, though he was trying not to be obvious.  I don't mind being studied, Sluagh, she thought, but don't expect me to fall into some human pigeonhole.

The Sluagh then faced Ali directly and pointed toward a small grove of trees about a hundred yards away inland.  "Cover. Talking."  He looked more nervous than threatening to Ali.  She merely nodded and started walking inland.  She glanced back every few seconds to see what the Ogre was doing, though.
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shining knight*
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Post by shining knight* »

(OOc: Short one from me due to being at college)

Harold looked down at his feet sadly “I cannot believe one of my own team ran away. What the hell? Seriously it was bad enough they all shunned me back at the Academy but my persecution continues even here? All I want to do is save as many people from this accursed game as possible. Why does this nonsense continue to stalk me?”

Then suddenly Harold dropped his back pack and began to cry. “Why do you continue to hate me...why do you continue to run? I just want to save you, you ungrateful bastards!”

He then sat down and continued to cry. There was no way he could fake a breakdown such as this.
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Post by Mungo* »

Ben looked towards the sea, breeze whispering through his hair. As Alicia continued onward, Ben followed a few steps behind. But no one was saying anything anymore. He thought he should try to say something more. In the back of his mind, though, it reeked of wrongness. He never took lead in anything. But what was that word he'd been repeating in his head a few minutes ago? Oh, right. Personable.

Luckily (or not) the big guy broke the silence. Ben's brow furrowed and he paused to listen to the whole display. He might've sympathized. Having suffered his own bouts of persecution he knew what that was like. However, he'd never bemoan it in such a dramatic way. He preferred to internalize his feelings. Although, they sometimes brimmed over.

If anything, the crying just made him uncomfortable and increased his sense of uneasiness. On the sand he shifted from foot to foot.

Ben made a decision. Making fists, he gave Alicia a look, and then proceeded to trudge forward. Cries still reached him, but he turned a deaf ear.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

They were heading towards the trees, though they were still quite a ways out. Karen squinted, trying to bring them into focus. She knew one of those figures. It was... it was that girl from the lunch room. The one she'd liked. The one who'd bailed her out of that conversation when it had turned awkward. What on earth was her name?

Didn't matter. She was with some other guy, a third making unpleasant noises off behind them. So, they'd linked up as a team already, had they? It seemed improbable that they were all actually from the same designated group. What, then? Perhaps a temporary truce? How nice it would be, a temporary alliance with people you could stand, comfort in your final days. Only, the problem was, that would get them killed. It wouldn't be long before someone snapped and took a gun to their sleeping allies. It wouldn't be long until all the teams, official and not, disintegrated and imploded. Everyone was going to die, everyone except one person.

Karen liked the girl on the beach. Actual, genuine affection, in the vague way you could have such towards near-strangers. It didn't change anything about their situation, though. It was awful, pointing a gun at a friend. A friend also armed with a gun, Karen noticed. Even worse. That made the person she liked her primary target. Just give things a quick look. Stall a bit. She didn't want to start shooting. Not yet.

So she took stock. The guy in the back was some huge freak, wearing too much blue. A pity he was so far away; he'd have been the easiest target and also the least likely to offer any threat.

Then, the girl. Armed, some sort of gun. Bigger than Karen's. A gold bandanna. Okay. She was the priority target. It was awful. It hurt to think about. It was a bridge that would have to be crossed eventually, though, so why not now?

But her wavering doubts were rendered moot when she focused on the final member of the trio. He had a bandanna, too. The color was familiar. Purple. Karen glanced at her own sleeve to verify. Yes. Purple. Same shade. She had found one of her teammates.

She took a deep breath.

This was it.

Two opponents.

She wondered if they announced what team the killers and deceased belonged to. If they did, the rest of Purple Team would know she was coming for them. It didn't matter, though. Better they knew. Better everyone knew that Karen wasn't playing by the rules, wasn't falling for this factionalism. In the end, there would be one survivor. Better to waste her teammates now, to make sure they didn't put a knife in her back later. Besides, he was a kid she didn't know, had never seen before. That made him the easier target, from an emotional perspective. They weren't too close, but that was for the best. It meant she had time to bail if things went poorly.

Karen held the gun up, braced herself for the noise and the recoil. Last time, it had taken her by surprise, had left her ears ringing and her arms sore. This time, she would be more prepared. She had no idea if she could hit at this range, but she had to try, had to at the very least explore the capabilities of her weapon now, while there were still only minor consequences, while the others were still complacent.

She adjusted her aim. Tracked the purple bandanna.

Two opponents.

He was number one.

Number two would be her erstwhile acquaintance, even if she hated the thought. Unless, of course, huge boy decided to run over. Then she could eliminate him and spare the person she liked.

Aim: steady, but untested.

She fired three quick shots.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

When the Ogre saw Holly run away to be with her... boyfriend?... and Ali nervously walking away from him, he acted despairing and started actually crying, ending up seated on the sandy beach.  Ali was fairly sure that his tears were genuine, but he was still an Ogre who seemed to want to treat her like an object, a tool rather than a person.

After a moment's hesitation, the Sluagh decided to follow Ali toward the grove of trees he'd pointed to, and for a few moments, they walked side by side in silence.  The sand crunched softly under their shoes, and the sound of the waves on the shore began to fade into the breeze blowing against their clothes and backpacks.

The three quick gunshots startled Ali more than she knew she could be startled.  She immediately dropped flat to the ground and looked around for the source of the shots.  Before she spotted any attacker, she remembered to check herself to see if she'd been hit.  She decided that she wasn't in the kind of pain that she'd seen on the faces of gunshot victims, so she thought about her next move.

She looked at the shotgun in her right hand.  It was clearly a pump-action, which she knew she couldn't do one-handed.  She also realized that she hadn't yet read the manual for the gun so that she could figure out how to check if it was loaded and whether the safety was on or off.  Great, I've got a big gun that I can't use until I get a chance to read the fucking manual.  And it's heavy as hell, too!

She glanced around once more to spot the shooter, but had no idea where he or she might be.  Her decision was quick.  I don't want to be a sitting target, so I have to move.  She got to her feet as fast as she could with the shotgun in one hand and her heavy backpack in the other.  "Run!" she shouted at the Sluagh.

Ali took off running as fast as she could toward the grove of trees that she and the Sluagh had been heading for.  She didn't realize until she was almost there that the shooter might be there as well.
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold was still sobbing uncontrollably when the three shots were fired. This broke him out of his funk. He dropped his backpack fell to the ground and pulled out his machine gun. “Either of you run or help me…” He moved closer to the direction of the original shots then fired a warning shot. “I am not playing this pointless game! I shall gather an army and have them take on the production company…We shall all walk away alive if I get my way!If yo u wanna kill anyone aim your gun at the mentors or the producers of this show!”

He then laid down safely out of fires way and waited for the assailant to respond. They could either continue to fire or die in a hail of  gun fire. Run away with their tails tucked between them or Join Harold in his holy mission to tear apart this pointless contest and the bloodsuckers who ran it.

The ball was in their court now…
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Post by Mungo* »

Gunshots violated the quiet of the beach. Ben instinctively dropped to the ground and to the side. Any thoughts he had devolved into near nothingness, replaced by a constant litany of, Oh god, oh god, oh god, someone is shooting at us, oh god. Breathing fast, he waited for pain, as if it would somehow arrive late.

If it weren't for the single word Alicia spoke he might have just remained there, waiting to be shot again.

He stood and bolted after her. No legs buckled under him, no blood gushed from his abdomen or arm. At the last moment he looked back, remembering Harold and wondering whether he'd been shot. The irony might have struck him some other time. Turning his back one second, checking for death the next. Ben saw the machine gun, pointed in the general direction of where he and Alicia headed.

"Drop!" Ben shouted to Alicia, anticipating the hail of gunfire.

Into the sand he went, getting a mouthful of it as he covered his head. Then, a pause. Ben coughed up sand granules, struggling to his feet once more. He knew the pause wouldn't last long and any vague feelings or ideas for Alicia were superseded by his will to live and the fact that he'd brought bandanas to a gun fight.

"I'm going," he stammered quickly.

With that, he took off down the beach. He'd rather run then be part of some ill-fated army or get killed.

(Ben continued in Wising Up )
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold decided to change his mind and ran off with a dark look in his eyes. This army idea is a non-starter. People either never had much faith in him or still kept the enmity of school in the way they treated him. That did not mean he did not want to help folks though. He will have to find another way to save someone and he has suddenly had an idea of how to do it. He now knows how to save people from playing this game. However, for now he had to get as far away from this assassin as possible.

He managed to put enough space between him and the shooter and turned his head one last time at Alicia in the distance

he then ran off

(Harold continued in The Mission.)
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Post by MurderWeasel »

For just a moment, Karen felt genuine terror.

It wasn't prompted by the girl she liked. No, the girl from lunch shouted that they should run. She started to run straight at Karen, but that seemed to be poor luck, not an attack. She hadn't brought her weapon up. She was exactly what Karen feared to be, what she had thought she would become: a victim.

It wasn't prompted by her "teammate", presumably the most dangerous person in the group, at least in the long run, and the one Karen was most directly trying to eliminate. No, he was a coward as well, bailing as soon as he got the chance.

It wasn't prompted by the weapon the final boy, the one who had been having a breakdown, held. She'd known she would deal with people holding more firepower than her. This was exactly why she was taking shots from the undergrowth, using cover and surprise to keep herself safe.

It wasn't even prompted by the boy himself. He seemed relatively inept. He was firing from way too far away, using a weapon clearly less accurate than Karen's own to shoot at her, when she had ruled him out as a target based on distance. He was not a direct threat.

What terrified Karen was the boy's reaction. He fired at Karen, directly along the path his allies had taken, forcing the other member of Purple Team to hit the ground. He screamed about how he wasn't playing, offering an ultimatum that made it sound very much like he was. He was clearly insane, and the one thing Karen wasn't ready to deal with just yet was a total psychopath.

Then her fear shattered as the boy threw an insult over his shoulder and ran off too.

He wasn't crazy. He was just a player, one who had pulled together a good act. He'd been planning to kill the others, and Karen had blown his plan. Too bad for him.

Karen's pulse didn't have time to drop, because she was already moving again. She'd kept her pack on for the decreased preparation time that bought. She tried to maintain a little stealth, but it was less of a concern now. Maybe lunch girl would get a look at her. Maybe even recognize her. That wasn't a bad thing. It would help cement her reputation, help dissuade others from attacking her.

Karen briefly considered plugging the girl she liked, but dismissed the idea. It wasn't sentimentality. Quite simply, having someone who knew her walk away to spread the story was a boon. Besides...

Two opponents.

There was one girl here, but two boys had run off down the beach, one carrying a weapon that he had no idea how to use, a weapon that would be better in Karen's hands, and the other one of her assigned allies, a member of her biggest target group. The choice was ridiculously simple.

Karen took off after them. But she still sent a final, poorly-aimed shot back towards the girl she liked. Best to discourage the girl from following her, and, hey, getting lucky was always a possibility.

Then she was off in pursuit of her opponents.

((Karen Ruiz continued in Meanwhile, Back in the Jungle))
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Post by The Bearded One* »

The Sluagh had hit the dirt beside her when the first three shots rang out.  He also got up and ran after her when she shouted at him to do so.  But when he spotted something behind them which she didn't and shouted for her to "drop!" she kept running, weaving, trying to make it harder for any shooter to know where she was going.

Ali did hear a single shot ring out from behind her, but that just made her more determined to get to the relative cover of the grove.  I'm not going to look back until I get to the trees.  Sluagh will be okay; Sluagh has to be okay!

Her heart was pumping hard and the rush of blood was clouding her hearing.  She heard the Ogre say something, but couldn't make out the words, only the harshness of his voice.  Almost there.  Just a few more yards.

Then Ali saw the girl stand up in the grove.  She was a hispanic girl with long, black hair who was dressed in an odd mix of blacks, browns, and dark greys.  Something seemed familiar about this girl, but Ali couldn't figure out where she might have seen the girl before or what her name was.  Then she saw the glint of the pistol in the girl's hand rising up to aim directly at Alicia.

Oh, crap!  Ali dropped her heavy backpack and tried to dodge to her right to get out of the line of fire.  The next gunshot was louder than the others, probably because she was closer to the shooter.  She also felt a sharp, stinging pain in her left arm.

Ali let herself fall to the sand, and looked up to watch the shooter jog away from the beach, not even bothering to see if she'd hit her target.  Ali squeezed her eyes shut, trying to fight past the pain.  When she opened them again, she saw several spatters of blood on the sand in front of her.  She looked at her left arm through a haze of new tears to try to locate where she'd been hit.

Her shoulder and upper arm were fine.  Her lower arm was intact.  Her hand was  spattered with blood but not obviously mangled.  Then she counted her fingers: Thumb, check.  Index, check.  Middle, check.  Ring, check.  Pinky... where's my pinky?  She watched dumbfounded as the blood continued to trickle out from the ragged stump where her pinky finger used to be.

She looked over to where the Sluagh had been, but he was no longer there.  A glance back toward the shore revealed that the Ogre had fled as well.  She was alone.

She crept back to where she'd dropped her pack and opened it.  The blood dripped over the outside of the pack and a few drops fell inside it as well, staining her formerly pristine supplies.  She fished out the first aid kit and opened it.  I have no idea what I'm doing, she thought as she started wrapping gauze over her damaged hand.  She found a few pieces of tape to secure the gauze, but it was quickly turning from white to red.

She gave herself a few moments to weep quietly, then grabbed the pack and shotgun and moved up away from the sand and into the grassy grove of trees where the hispanic girl with the gun had recently been.  She sat down with her back against a tree and breathed deeply.  "Thanks, Sluagh.  I really appreciate you sticking by me when our lives were in danger.  You better take the first watch; I'll take a few minutes to try to read this manual thingy here."

She pulled the shotgun's instruction manual, wiped a pair of small blood droplets off of the front cover, and then began reading.
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Post by The Bearded One* »

It took Alicia close to twenty minutes to read through the 20-page manual for her assigned weapon.  She learned that it was called a Remington Model 870 Pump Action Shotgun which could hold a maximum of eight 12-gauge shells.  She followed the helpful diagrams in the book to find the safety button, the action lock bar, and the carrier.  She carefully slid the action back to reveal that the shotgun was, in fact, loaded.  She slid it forward again and then engaged the safety.  I don't want this thing firing accidentally!

A small shiver ran down her spine as she imagined how much damage a single shot from this 870 could do.  She didn't have to imagine too much, though.  Look what a much smaller gun did to me.  She glanced back to her left hand, awkwardly wrapped in gauze which was almost completely soaked with her blood.

I don't feel too woozy yet from blood loss, but who knows how long that'll take.  I'd better replenish my liquids before long.  Ali got out her previously opened water bottle and downed a few swigs.  After a moment, she shrugged, "I may as well eat something, too.  Assuming you don't mind, Sluagh."  She opened a package of saltine crackers and ate about half of them along with nearly half the water bottle.

When she put the water and crackers away, she brought out the map and compass.  "Do you have an idea of where to go?  Yes, I know the hotel seems like an obvious place to find supplies and other students, but is that really the best move while I'm so recently wounded?"

She paused, listening for Sluagh's answer.  "Yes, but in order to get to those lakes, we'd have to go over open plains or through those tar pits.  I don't imagine we'll have all that much cover from crazy shooting chica there.  No, I think we should head up to this rain forest here," she pointed to the north-east corner of the map.  "There's a good chance that we can find fresh water there, and we'll have plenty of cover if there are other crazies with guns.  Okay, it's decided."

She packed the map away in the pack, but kept the compass out, putting it in the breast pocket of her blouse.  She closed up the backpack and hefted it onto her shoulders, groaning briefly under its weight.  Then she picked up the 870, rechecked that the safety was still on, and headed north.

((Alicia White continued in Partly Cloudy))

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