

Once a white sand beach filled with umbrella stands and seashells, the winter months have coated the Jewelled Beach with a healthy dusting of snow, extending out to the shoreline and crusting the water with a thin layer of ice. Umbrellas are jutting out left and right, most frozen closed or heavy and open with sleet.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

Ashley groaned and whined as she was told to be patient.


This was not the time to be patient, when they were freezing their butts off. Admittedly, it was her own fault she had gotten lost on the way to school, but they said they were on their way home.

If they weren't getting stopped every two seconds about a plan or having a plan or making a plan or something dumb.

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Post by Deamon »

Anzu was with her on finding Valerie. Sarah was touched by that and she couldn't place why. Maybe it was because Anzu always seemed so angry at the world hearing her actually confirm that they were friends was awesome. She lowered her head to hide the big grin plastered across her face.

Caroline said she'd been looking them, well duh obviously they'd all been looking for each other, who else was going to stick together like they were? They were Scarlet Devil Mansion, the premier band at Whittree. They were best friends, of course they were going to look for each other. That was how they rolled like the three musketeers and the other guy, all for one and one of all.

But Caroline also said she had a plan. That made Sarah look up, eyebrow raised in confusion.

"What kind of plan?"

Sarah could only think of like one or two things you'd need a plan for a both were risky so she was unsure. She knew for a fact she wasn't committing to any plan without Valerie around. She refused to budge on that.
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Post by delicateMachine »

Caroline had a plan, which was pretty fantastic, since anything she had thought up was bound to be worthwhile. Anzu wasn't exactly sure what any plan beyond "find friends avoid shitheads" would even entail, but she certainly didn't have anything better in mind.

Ashley was unfortunately still quite displeased, but there really wasn't anything more Anzu could do at the moment. The sooner they heard Caroline out, the sooner Ashley could be put to bed.

Anzu nodded at Caroline and gave her a small, encouraging smile. "We're listening."
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Post by Iceblock »

"We're going to escape."

Those were the first words that came out, and frankly, Caroline could have thought of better ones. But she had come this far already, and as her heart began pounding in earnest against her ribcage, as she became intensely aware of the collar around her neck, she just kept talking.

"There's no other way. No other way that I'm willing to accept." Anzu, Ashley, Sarah, all in the ring of light. The cameras were watching; the collars were listening. Maybe not now. Maybe not even for the rest of the night, but they would pick this up eventually, as they went back over the tapes.

She didn't have much time to sell it.

"They gave us options, sure. Ten kills. Teams. But even with both we can only get two or three of us out. I- We need all of us."

Val, Sarah, Anzu, and now Ashley. No other option.

"It's not about fighting back." What had happened to Dee, she wondered, and that other guy? Their plan to burn things, to send a message?

Fight, get killed, or fight back. This was something a bit different.

"It's a puzzle. A challenge, that they made for someone to figure out." A hand went up to the collar, tapping lightly at the place where Eli had spoken to Paisley. Her mouth was dry, now, as she waited for her friends' responses. Waited for their response, too, up at headquarters, if it would come. "And we're going to solve it."
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Post by Un-Persona* »


Ashley hadn't heard a word that was said, but whatever would get the moving and actually do something was what Ashley would say or do. This was all kinds of ridiculous.

She was still hanging onto Anzu's hand, slumping down her arm, until she fell right into the snow, face-first. A few seconds later, snoring could be heard.
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Post by Deamon »


The one word that changed the mood for Sarah. She wasn't sure if it was hope or dread that made itself known in her stomach. But there was something lurking there she knew that much. How would they even escape? She knew that there were escape attempts all the time on the show but for every one that succeeded another one failed. It was the only way to get a group off the show without having to kill anyone, but they could also all die in the attempt.

Sarah hugged her shoulders as Caroline spoke, not just because she was cold. There was so many different ways Caroline's plan could go and only one of them had a happy ending. It was scary to think about. Caroline sounded so passionate about it though Sarah believed that her friend could actually pull it off, she could pull it off and get them all out of the resort, get them all home.

All five of them. Finding Valerie would be step one obviously, otherwise there would be no point even trying to escape. They were going home or not at all.

Sarah met Caroline's eyes and nodded. "Okay but we find-" Before she could finish speaking though Ashley mumbled something and face planted into the snow.

Sarah broke off her eye contact with Caroline and looked at Ashley face down in the snow. Her brow knitted in confusion and concern.

Then she started snoring.

That's what set Sarah off.

She burst out laughing. Proper, honest, heartfelt laughter. She just couldn't take it seriously. Ashley had seriously been sleep walking the whole time and had just collapsed back into sleep. It was too amazing. It broke the mood nicely as well, things had been getting really serious and it was good just to get transported back to happier times in Oklahoma. Sarah wrapped her arms around her stomach as she laughed. Once her laughter subsided into quiet giggling she looked at Caroline and Anzu a smile spread across her face.

"We should probably wake her up."
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Post by delicateMachine »

Everybody lived. It hadn't been something that Anzu would have held the slightest hope for, when she had woken up in the sports center. Everything else was fucked up beyond any possible repair, after all, so why would she have thought that the future would hold anything different? Why would she have believed in a happy ending?

Now, though, Anzu saw things differently. Things had gone well, almost unbelievably so. She had found Ashley, found Sarah, even found Caroline before the end of the first day. With the exception of Val's admittedly distressing non-presence, the band was back together.

Caroline was right, too, of course. The pricks that made the collars would never make them impossible to solve. Escape attempts made for "good TV", regardless however many air quotes she had to slaughter to stomach even thinking of it in those terms. There had to be some opening, some deliberate flaw put in place.

Anzu nodded. "Hell yeah, we are. I'm with you, Caroline, no matter what." No matter how deadly the consequences for fucking up would be, Anzu would be sticking with Caroline and the band to the bitter end. Any dramatic effect her deceleration would have had was promptly ruined by Ashley slipping down her arm and faceplanting into the snow.

Her composure only held for a few seconds before Anzu, too, joined Sarah in bursting into laughter. Maybe it was because she still hadn't slept, maybe it was the stress finally taking its toll, or maybe Anzu just needed an outlet, but she couldn't remember the last time she had been reduced to breathless laughter like that.

All too soon, though, the moment had passed. After regaining a hold of herself, Anzu crouched down and carefully turned Ashley back over, brushing a bit of snow away from her face. "C'mon, Ashley, get up. We're actually going inside now, alright?" Anzu said, gently shaking Ashley.
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Post by Iceblock »

Caroline laughed, too, the flashlight's yellow ring dancing across white sand and snow.

And the funny thing was, it was partially at herself. She had been so dramatic, playing her intentions of escape up for the cameras, and, well, that was needed if it was to succeed, but this?

These were her best friends, her band. Her future. The reason for the plan, laid out in front of her. The words she'd said paled in comparison to the moment itself.

She could be dramatic all she wanted; this was what she didn't want to lose.

"No, wait," she said, stifling the rest of the laugh. The smile, however, remained. "Here."

She knelt down, grabbing one of Ashley's arms and looping it around her shoulders. "Take her other arm, and we can just haul her over to shelter."

Just Val and shelter, then. The details of the plan, the ones that she had thought of herself, could wait a little longer. Perhaps she could even explain on the way. What was important was now that everyone here knew about the plan - and they didn't seem to be disagreeing - they could start thinking as a team.
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Post by Un-Persona* »

The snow didn't disturb her, and neither did the sand. Those feelings barely registered as she slept a dreamless sleep.

Her eyes slightly opened as she was carried away from the beach, feeling weightless as her friends lifted her to safety. That didn't really translate well though.


((Ashley Namath: RBP2 - TV2 - Continued Next Time In It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit.))
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Post by Deamon »

Anzu and Caroline went about picking Ashley up leaving Sarah to just sit there and watch. Left alone with her thoughts Sarah realised that things didn't feel right. There were four of them but it was wrong. They had Ashley instead of Valerie. Sarah didn't mind having Ashley and she knew she was probably a bad person for thinking it but she would have traded Ashley for Valerie in a heartbeat. Just so the band could be back together. It wasn't the same without Valerie and Sarah was missing her.

She wanted to find Valerie more than anything else in the world. Then she'd start thinking about escape. But only after they had Valerie with them. She looked up from the pattern she was making in the snow with her foot to see the others had put some good distance between her and them.

"Hey guys wait up!" She called as she ran after them.

Once she reached them she took Chip out of her bag and moved around near Ashley's head.

"Well hi there sleepy head. I'm Chip the potato head and I'll be your guide to the magical world of dreams." She looked up at Caroline and Anzu with a big grin on her face.

"Sorry, I really couldn't resist."

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued in t's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit))
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Post by delicateMachine »

Ashley wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon, so Anzu gave up and took Ashley's other arm, which was a much better idea. Though there was still a trace tension hanging in the air, it didn't seem quite as oppressive as it had been. Even with the lack of any specific details, the simple knowledge that Caroline had a plan was enough to give Anzu hope. Sarah was unquestionably on their side, and Anzu didn't have a single doubt that Ashley would join them when she actually woke up.

Anzu couldn't help but laugh a little as Chip made his triumphant reappearance. Shit would likely be hitting the fan in the near future, everything being kicked into motion once they found Val. Now might be the last chance for a long time that they got the chance to just joke and let their guard down, even for a little while. "You know, I'm pretty sure this is all going to give Ashley some pretty messed up dreams."

They walked off into the night, supporting the sleeping Ashley.

((Anzu Sakamoto and Caroline Leveson: Continued in It's Bad. We're Hit, Man, We Are Hit.))
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