
Bye Lucy

Sunshine Tower is a 100 metre tall tower that is located near the centre of the resort area. The towers purpose is for guests of the resort to be able to get a panoramic view of the bay area itself. The top of the tower also has a gift shop with many racks and shelves displaying cliché gifts such as postcards, picture frames and tacky models of the tower for visitors to buy. Normally the easiest route to the top of the tower is by the glass elevator the runs its height. However it has been disabled, so the only way to the top is via a long, spiralling staircase.
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Weakness had made him drowsy. His eyelids, held open by pain and determination, started to slip closed as he stared at Lucy's body.

Don't. You can't afford it. Food, activity, a better spot, focus for fuck's sake, fo...

The next thing he remembered was someone calling out to him. A weak, hesitant voice. His eyes sprung open with a frown and he squeezed down on the gun's handle. No talking this time, if they wanted trouble, he'd just open fire.

A feeling of uneasy calm drifted back over him as he realized who he was dealing. Erik wasn't a good buddy or anything, but the guy was kind of a pussy. He remembered that during the food-fight back home, he'd spent most of it cowering under a table and asking people to stop, not that anybody more than a few feet from him could hear the mousey bastard.

He didn't want trouble. Smart man. Gabe gave him a short grunt before replying.


A nod to Lucy's body.

"She did. Didn't work out."
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Post by Namira »

A voice murmurs conversationally from Erik's collar.

"Kid? I'd make my excuses. This is not where you want to be right now."
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Post by delicateMachine »

It didn't take long for Gabriel to confirm Erik's worst suspicions. "So wait, you d-did kill-" he blurted out in surprise, quickly silencing himself with a rather fake bout of coughing. "Ahem. I'm, uh, perfectly sure she had it coming and all that." Erik hadn't noticed Gabriel's gun on his first glance-over of the boy, having been more surprised with his presence than anything else. Agitating a man with a presumably loaded gun was not exactly high on his list of priorities.

The voice murmuring at him from his collar caused Erik to suddenly tense up, but thankfully not to the point of noticeably flinching. He seemed to have the same opinion as Erik, namely, that it was about time to get the heck out of dodge. "Um. You know, you seem you've g-got a lot of stuff on your mind, and, uh, I'd hate to d-disturb you any further, so I'm just gonna get going bye!" He said, the last few words coming out in a slightly jumbled rush as Erik backed out the door.

Once he was a safe distance away from the tower, Erik halted to catch his breath, exhaling in relief. That could have turned out a heck of a lot worse. Something was niggling at the back of his mind, though. The voice from his collar had seemed so familiar- holy crap. Parker. He had the very first SOTF Champion ever as his mentor. This was about the best thing that could have possibly happened to him! Sure, he hadn't exactly been the most well liked, but Erik had never had a problem with the guy!

Erik pumped a fist in excitement before realizing that it was still pretty darn cold outside and hurrying along on his way.

((Erik Lowell: Continued in Eat Fresh.))
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

It'd been real simple. Erik came in, Erik saw that he wasn't fucking around, Erik left. It was a smart play.

The briefness of the encounter weighed on him as he stared back at Lucy's corpse, the sting of his fresh wounds still vivid underneath his rough first-aid work. Why couldn't you have been smart, niña? Why couldn't you just walk away?

The irony of his rebuke was lost on him. He did not have the luxury of introspection right now. With a hissing gasp, he drug himself out of the corner and to Lucy's bag. She hadn't touched much in it, so it was a pretty damn useful place to restock on medical supplies and the food he'd eaten so far. His gun was tucked into his waistband and his hands were filled with Lucy's sword and one of her bottles of Powerade. A deep, refreshing drag helped him steady his way back out, leaving the carnage of the Tower behind him.

((Gabriel Munez concluded in Bitter Dream))
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