Everything as Cold as Life

The Lānaʻi Resort and Hotel is the centerpiece of the entire hawaiian-style resort, housed in the middle of the tropical paradise. A white washed stone building, the Lānaʻi stands eight stories tall, and features all variations of hotel rooms with a tropical theme. Each floor has a different designation of Hawaiian name. The hotel lobby features a grand piano in the corner, which looks freshly polished.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The baton hissed and Asa fell backwards and Jewel let him go, feeling his fingers slip through hers. The impact was hard. Had she held on, or had his grip been steadier, she might have been dragged down with him, and that could have been bigger trouble. Instead, the baton dropped from her left hand. It hit the ground with a clatter, plastic on tile. Her attack with it didn't mean much—a moment, it had only bought the girl she had taken it from a moment—but Jewel didn't need long. Her right hand shot to her thigh, grabbed the knife, tugged it free. It was half instinct, half gamble. With it removed, she would bleed more, but Asa would not be able to grab and twist and do more damage. The knife, too, rang out as it hit the floor.

The blood was dripping from the tear in her leg and her leggings, and it hurt somehow more than her arm had, and she couldn't focus on what was going on except for those things that were absolutely necessary. The body of the boy she had killed a short time ago was gone, and the piano was gone, and the bags and bloodstains were gone, and Sarah was off to the side on the edge of disappearing, just barely there to slow Jewel's thoughts down. Clear and present were Asa, Jewel, the blood flowing from her leg, the gun as she scooped it up. It was a rough moment; she had to dip to retrieve it from the ground and even though she took almost all the weight on her left leg, the pain from her right was still nearly enough to topple her.

This took seconds. It felt longer, but Asa was still grasping for the axe—the axe she hadn't even seen until it suddenly came clear, hadn't even considered he might hold in reserve, and what did it mean that he had two weapons?—and he wasn't hurt, wouldn't be down long. She knew that. She had recovered when shocked with only a light burn on her stomach. She had turned it around. He could too.

So Jewel took two shaky steps towards the prone boy, pointed her gun. It wavered for a second and her leg cramped and throbbed, and she almost dropped everything to clap her hand against it for pressure, but instead she focused, took a deep breath, steadied her hand and pulled the trigger.
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Post by Laurels »

Asa felt the grip of the ax handle and grabbed on. He still had a chance to finish Jewel off, and he needed to take her down. He couldn't be that fat, angry fuck-up who tried so hard to take down a player and died like a total loser. He couldn't be seen that way. He needed to be the winner, and he needed to make it leave an impact.

He grabbed the axe and began to pull it close when he realized Jewel was walking over. His eyes widened as she pointed the barrel of a gun his way. He wasn't used to this. Poodle Skirt threatened him with a spear, Shy Girl had the crossbow, but no one had threatened him with a gun before. He wanted to move away, but Jewel fired.

Asa let out a loud scream as the bullet entered his chest. He fell back, keeping a grip on the ax as hard as he could. He let out another loud cry as he felt a surging pain from his chest. He rolled over onto his left side, pressing his free hand to the wound. It was warm, wet, and he was horrified at all the blood coming out. The bullet was probably near his stomach or lungs, and that pretty much spelled out that death was imminent.

He groaned and continued to clutch the wound, gritting his teeth and keeping his eyes closed as tightly as he could. He couldn't go like this. He wasn't going to die like some weak asshole who just gave up the minute he saw blood. He had to be tough. He had to show America otherwise. He had to show them that Asa J. Rosen wouldn't die so pathetically. He had to show them that he wasn't going to be such a loser at the end.

Even so, he couldn't help but start to cry. As he felt tears start to fall down his cheeks, he gritted his teeth, threatening to shatter them from the pressure applied. He couldn't have long to live, but he needed to make it count. Jewel was probably laughing at him, or at least smirking at how pathetic he looked. He couldn't tell, but he wanted her to suffer. America had probably counted him out. His fans, which he doubted he had many of, were probably ready to turn their attention to something else. He needed them to keep watching. If he could die taking Jewel with him, then he could die laughing, proud he finally fucked over the SOTF audience and staff once and for all.

"Y...you..." he gritted, straightening his left arm in order to push his body off the ground.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!" he screamed.

Asa pushed his body off the ground, sitting up as he swung the ax towards Jewel. He couldn't be sure if this would connect, but he needed to make an effort. He couldn't let her be the only winner here today. He had to have something come out of this mess.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The bullet connected, and though she knew it was uncommon, Jewel somehow expected him to just die. Instead, he kept going, pushing himself forwards and grabbing the axe. Jewel's lips had pulled up into a loose smile, but it fell away as he kept moving. He was shouting, screaming, and she'd heard screams before, she'd been screaming herself not long before, but hearing cries from someone else threw her off balance. They seemed more real than her own vocalizations, louder and angrier. It was hard to hear anything well. The ringing was back in full force, conjured by the gunshot, one more of too many and almost all of them in close quarters. The whirl of noise was nearly enough to overwhelm her.

It wasn't enough to keep his words from cutting through the fog with perfect clarity as he shoved himself up. Jewel's leg burned. Her arm stung. The palm of her hand felt hot. He was trying to attack her again, and that realization curled her face into a scowl. Sarah was off there somewhere, and maybe Jewel should have called for help or told her to run. There were a lot of things that a second's thought or foresight could have offered, but instead she acted on her first impulse and went down to meet the rising boy.

It was half a dive or tackle, half letting her right leg have the rest it wanted and collapsing with the rest of her body providing just enough direction and propulsion to keep her from crumpling aimlessly to the floor. He was swinging the axe, and Jewel twisted, trying to avoid it even as she swung her own weapon towards her target. She didn't quite manage it, and the other axe glanced off the back of her right hand, meeting halfway, but her own attack continued unimpeded.
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Post by Laurels »

Asa swung the ax forward, hoping he could hack into Jewel. To his amazement, the ax connected with her hand. It didn't go all the way through though, leaving her with all the fingers on her hand. He knew if he hurried, he could hopefully get it out and swing it again. If she lost a hand, that would cripple her greatly, and possibly be the start of what would lead to her downfall. He sincerely hoped that attack mattered. He was banking on the attack doing a lot to the bitch.

Unfortunately for him, Jewel then decided to fall forward onto him, knocking him to the ground again. He struggled under the taller girl's weight. He needed to get the ax into a position for where he could attack again. It was then that he realized that Jewel's gun was an ax as well. He tried to lift his arm up so he could swing, but Jewel was faster. Much faster.

He felt the blade enter his shoulder. He cried out as the blade pierced through flesh and bone. He felt his hand release the ax. He knew then that he was completely fucked. His shoulder was in immense pain, and he couldn't really feel his hand anymore. If he couldn't attack, he was completely at her mercy. He already had a bullet embedded in his chest, and now his shoulder was split open, so she could do anything she wanted, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He let out another loud cry as Jewel removed the ax. He laid on the floor, panting and crying more as he looked up at the girl. She was too good at this game, and he was going to die for it.

"God," he muttered, "how could I fuck up so badly?"
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Wrenching the axe free, Jewel leaned back for a second. She was above the boy, resting on her knees, her breath heavy. Her right hand was becoming sticky with blood, drops rolling from her fingers down the handle of her weapon before splashing the floor. She didn't feel anything from her hand yet; her left arm and right thigh were more pressing agonies, and even they had become dulled in the flurry of adrenaline that followed her attack.

There was still that ringing in her ears, but she heard the boy's cry as she tugged the axe free, and she heard him mutter under his breath, words she could mostly pick out, wondering how it had all gone wrong. He was bleeding worse than she was, and he still hadn't died. Things hadn't gone so right for her either. She hadn't been as fast as the other times, hadn't been as quick and collected and decisive, or maybe it was simply that she hadn't been as lucky.

Blood was spattered all over Jewel, her clothes and her skin and her weapon, her blood and the blood of others. The room wiggled in her field of vision. She coughed and shut her eyes for what was supposed to be half a second but ended up more like three. Sarah was somewhere to the side, but Jewel couldn't focus on her just now. She tried to shut everything out and keep her attention solely on the boy lying before her, but her vision was clouded. She blinked in an attempt to clear it, then turned her head to the side and wiped her left eye with her shoulder. Tears again.

The boy was there on the ground, and he wasn't going anywhere. Watching him, Jewel wanted it all to be over. Why had he had to find her? It wasn't the right time. He wasn't the right person. She had no idea why he'd lunged for her, no idea why he'd betrayed the safety she'd been willing to offer. Had she killed a friend of his? No way to tell. No way to know anything at all. She'd only been aware of his existence for a few minutes, and now it had come to this, the two of them tearing each other apart.

Letting out a cross between a choked cough and a sob, Jewel raised her axe-gun once again.
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Garden of Thorns: Where Black Roses Grow

"I Guess This is Where You Expect Me to Get Profound and Impart Some Last Minute Epiphany, Isn't It?"

by Ace of Roses The Late Asa J. Rosen
Originally published December 17, 2020

Well this fucking sucks.

I guess this was the ending everyone was expecting, wasn't it? The short, fat, angry guy screams and bitches like a little girl over two days, then dies incredibly pitifully. Odds are I'm going to just be some short bit for the highlight reel at the end of the season. If it was to be longer, it'd probably only be because I didn't die easily, and for no other reason. Seriously, I managed to last through a bullet in the stomach, a shoulder hacked in half, and only finally bit it when she drove an ax into my head. I always imagined I'd go a lot quicker, so I guess I should be proud it took effort to put me down.

Now, don't think that means I'm happy this bitch killed me. Far from it. You could say I'm a lot of things right now. "Livid," for example. "Pissed," even. "Furious," perhaps. Whatever your adjective, I really have a lot of issues with the fact that I've just been murdered on national television. In fact, I'm not even sure what the hell this is. Maybe I'm hallucinating writing on my blog back home in ABQ. Maybe this is what my brain wishes I could say, considering I don't get the required ten minutes to slowly bleed to death that all those old movies gave to their characters when they passed. Maybe this is just my brain going through some twisted shit now that the sharp, steel blade of Jewel Evans' gun-ax-thing has sliced it in half. Whatever it is, I guess I have some shit to unpack.

So where do I begin? Well, I guess I could start with some immediate reactions that come to mind. Let's try that:

*clears throat, even though it's probably filling with blood and bile right now*







Phew. I think I got that all out of my system. Now I can be eloquent. I'm not one who normally abuses capslock. Generally, I think that's just a thing people who want to make it look like their comment on the internet matters a great deal do. Whatever. I'm not doing this to impress anyone. I just need to say some shit before I expire.

So, I guess it's gonna happen soon. I guess I should reflect on what I have done, what I could have done better, and how I think things should have gone. But really, what's the point? "Shoulda coulda woulda" won't help me right now, and it's not like I have much to look back on. I guess if there's anything I've learned at this point, it's this:

I'm such a loser.

Seriously, how could the end of my life be such a series of stupid and terrible events? Did anything go right for me while I was here? I mean, I did smash those instruments, but not like that mattered. I didn't even get to burn down anything, and I really wanted to do that. Eh, they probably would have just killed me for that. "Gotta draw people in for the post-show tourism boom!" Yeah, I bet some fat assholes are getting rich off promoting the hell out of where we died. "And here you'll see where that one guy crapped himself before being shot to death. Over here is where that girl got set on fire and pushed out a window. Please, no flash photography."


Well, I guess none of it matters now. I lost, plain and simple. I'm under 18 and dead, meaning I've really failed to do anything with my life. I started a website, and I couldn't even make it successful enough to qualify for ad space. I didn't have any lasting impact on the people around me at home and school. My parents and sisters are never going to be important enough that they'll want to preserve my memory. Nothing I ever wrote will be preserved or published elsewhere. I don't even think my time on the show or my death will be all that remembered when looking back at the season.

I guess if anyone does want to look at me, it will be to laugh. That's why I was put on this show, wasn't it? To have someone to laugh at. I probably looked stupid when they saw my yearbook photo or whatever they use to judge the kids they pick for the show. They probably thought I'd die quickly or because of my own hubris. I guess they were right about the latter, but still. I was just a joke to you people, and now the joke has hit its climax. I died like a fool, and you can all chortle at it and write zingers about it on Twitter. Ugh.

In that case, what is left then? I have my manifesto, but like that'll matter. Jewel and Sarah will probably ignore it if they search my pockets. Even then, there's probably gonna be blood seeping through my pants that will make it unreadable. You know what? Fuck it. Let it be lost. It's something I can take to the other side. Unless some intern finds it and uploads it to the internet, no one's gonna care. I don't even think my parents would care if it was returned to them. They'd probably wonder why their son thought this was the best way to go through the game, then maybe toss it in the trash so my sisters will never see it. It's not going to change anything, and it's not like anyone will care what I think now.

I guess that's what I can really take away from this: no one will care. No one cares about me. No one cares about the kids who died. No one cares enough to stop this game. No one will really care about who wins either. The winner will probably have some fame, but will ultimately just be tossed aside when the next game ends. God, who would have thought it would all be so useless? Maybe those pessimists were onto something.

Screw it all. I've spent enough time on this shit. Life throws you into a fight to the death, and then you die miserably and painfully while morons gawk at you from home. That's all my life was building towards, it happened, and there's no reason for me to fret on it any longer. I'm going to cease to exist soon, and nothing about me will matter once that happens. If that's the way it's gotta be, then so be it. I'm done. Asa J. Rosen has left the building, you can go back to your regular lives. You don't even have to read any further. This is just the ramblings of some pissed off teenager who's no different from all the other pissed off teenagers out there.

I guess I should say one last thing before I go. Something to really show that I'm not completely lost to the pessimism and cynicism of this game. But you don't really care, do you? You've probably stopped reading this, and are just waiting for me to finish so you can go on with your lives. Fuck it, why not? If you're still reading, you're probably hoping I have something positive to say at the end.

I'll say this before I go: sometimes you have to know when something is worth fighting for. You may want to yell at someone, but will it really matter? You may want to take up a cause, but will you really change anything? If I had learned that sooner, maybe I'd be alive.

I guess it doesn't matter for me now, but maybe it will help you. Wouldn't that be nice?

- Asa Josiah Rosen
Age 17

The ax easily broke through Asa's skull. It took only a moment, and then it was done.

G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by MurderWeasel »

A quick motion down and a slower one up brought everything to an end. Jewel pushed herself back from the body, not smoothly like she'd meant to but in an awkward slide over the tile. She was trailing blood again, three people's now probably, and she let the gun fall free of her grasp. She didn't hear it land; the pain and all the other sounds surrounding her took too much of her attention.

And there was pain now. Her left arm was probably the least of it, and it had been the most pressing only minutes ago. The blood was still flowing from her leg, and now her fingers too stung and burned, and they felt strange. Something was wrong with them, and she instinctively glanced at the floor, to see if they had actually been severed like she'd seen so many times on the show in the past, to see if they were lying there next to the body, equally dead, but they were all still firmly attached to her hand.

Then she looked to Sarah.

While Jewel had never been crying, the tears too had gone now. Maybe she hadn't been drinking enough. Maybe everything hurt too much for tears. The events that had just transpired were already fading into a blur of incomprehension and revision.

She hadn't meant to do anything to him. She really hadn't. It was almost funny but she didn't laugh or smile even. She just looked at the only other living person in the room.

"Sarah," she muttered, and her voice was more hoarse than she'd ever heard it sound.
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Post by Deamon »

Jewel shook Asa's hand, turned to her and raised an eyebrow. Then all hell broke loose. There was blood, a lot of it, screaming and Jewel used a taser or a cattle prod or something. Asa went down in a heap. Again Sarah found herself in a situation where she could have done something. It was just like when Ashley had killed Caroline. This time Sarah knew what she was doing though. She found herself unable to help someone who was practically a stranger kill one of her friends. Instead she stood and watched as Jewel executed Asa in the most violent manner imaginable.

Eventually it all ended. What was left of Asa lay on the floor covered in both his own blood and Jewel's. Jewel herself was sat on the floor looking she had been bathing in blood. She looked up at her and said her name. Sarah ignored Jewel at first. She was looking at the body the lay on the floor in front of her, her friend’s new work of art for all the viewers of Survival of the Fittest. She must have been popular with the public now.

Sarah looked over at Jewel and then back at the body. She had decided what she was going to do. Dropping the table leg she moved over to the body and stepped over it to pick up the axe from where it had fallen. It was heavier than she had expected and had a mixture of Jewel and Asa's blood on it. She looked at Jewel again and moved over to her.

"Do you know how easy it would be?" Sarah said looking past Jewel at the other body in the room speaking as much to herself as to Jewel. She swung the axe backwards and forwards idly, getting a feel for its balance. "I think it would be harder than you make it look, but that's because I know you." She spun the axe round in a circle. "I mean I would be justified wouldn't I? Everyone would know why I did it wouldn't they? No one would question if it was good or bad. It's pretty black and white when you think about it. In fact I think it’s the right thing to do." She crouched down in front of Jewel but kept her gaze off her. "So why can't I do it Jewel?" She turned and looked into her friends eyes. "Why can't I kill you?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Easy?" said Jewel. She spoke slowly through her teeth. Blood ran down her hand and legs and her eyes remained fixed on the floor. Each drop that landed spread into a little irregular circle. She hurt. "Right?"

She allowed her gaze to rise and meet Sarah's.

"I'd never hurt you," she said, "because you're my friend. Maybe it's the same for you." She shrugged her left shoulder. "I don't know."

Her eyes flicked to the back of her hand and she saw now the blood welling from the bottom three fingers, only her thumb and index left undamaged. Her fingers were long and thin. She could not move the wounded ones well. There was a hint of white amidst the red. She cringed and shivered and jerked her hand to her chest, cradling it. She did not look at her leg. She did not yet want to know. She felt the droplets of blood fall from her finger, landing now against her top and her stomach.

Her voice had been clear at least if not normal for her, but that was getting harder to maintain. Her throat felt tight, and so she looked at Sarah again and tried to focus solely on the other girl, on her friend. She tried not to think about her fingers. She tried not to think about the two dead boys in the room, but they were right there, and also there was the blood splattered everywhere. She tried to shut out everything but herself and Sarah but she found no success.

"Why did they have to come now?" Jewel mumbled.
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Post by Deamon »

Sarah shrugged when Jewel explained her theory as to why Sarah wouldn't kill her. She couldn't say for certain whether Jewel was right or not. What she said didn't ring hollow though. It sounded like Jewel believed what she was saying at the very least. As for Sarah, she wasn't so sure she had the same thought process as Jewel's. But then they were clearly approaching Survival of the Fittest from different perspectives to begin with.

Jewel was cradling one of her hands, which was good. She wouldn't be able to fight well if she only had the use of one hand. Sarah would have to keep that in mind if she decided to push the issue and actually attack Jewel. As things were though she was happy to talk with her friend for a little while longer.

Sarah shook her head slightly at Jewel's question, feeling her hair against her back reminded her she had let it down. It felt weird to have it down and not be at a gig or at home...well she could make the argument for being at a performance of some kind. Not like it really mattered in any way at all but it was an interesting thought.

"I dunno Jewel. That Asa guy was after you though." Sarah gently tapped the handle of the axe against the floor. "I mean otherwise what would have been the point of that entire act, with pretending to become your ally and all of that. Makes like no sense otherwise right?" Sarah had a slight smile as she explained her thoughts at least she was being honest with what she intended to do. "And I just stood there and watched. Some people are nuts right?" Maybe she could actually enjoy talking to her friend as actual people for a while at least until she would have to go back to reality.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Crazy?" Jewel said. She pushed herself to one knee and from there lifted herself up to stand straight again, but that sent a shooting pain through her thigh and she dropped back immediately into a kneel. From pushing herself and risking further injury, she would gain nothing. She instead scooted herself along the floor again, again trailing blood, until she reached her pack. "I don't think so."

She rifled through the backpack, using only her left hand. She tossed her old clothes, the ones she'd worn back home, off to the side. Maybe she'd need to change again. The chill wrapping her was almost as terrible as the pain. She pawed past the last box—time later for that—and pulled loose a first aid kit. Shakily she opened it, nearly dropping it to the ground. It took both hands now, and she tried not to look at her right, tried to ignore the droplets of blood falling across the contents of the kit. The tile was freezing.

"I'm sure they all had their reasons," Jewel said. She looked back up to her friend, letting her smile return. It felt hesitant and weak at first so she pulled it a little bit tighter.

Because Sarah had just stood and watched. It had been obvious enough, after a moment's thought, and that she now brought it into the open meant nothing. She could perhaps feel bad, or mean her comment as a warning, or be trying to tease out her own chain of thought. Jewel couldn't guess. She liked Sarah, but it was always harder to read people who she mostly interacted with through a computer.

"And so did you," Jewel said, and shrugged. Her voice remained noncommittal and dull; she could manage a statement of fact, no more and no less.
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Post by Deamon »

Sarah stayed crouched down as Jewel responded. She kept her gaze on her friend though, trying to take in as many details as she could. She was bleeding badly from her hand. Sarah didn't have enough experience with first aid to say whether or not it was serious, but the amount of blood didn't make it seem minor. Would she have helped Jewel if she could have though? Sarah still couldn't say.

"Yeah I guess I did." Sarah stayed in her crouch but dropped her head to look at the floor. She was having trouble going through with her plan. It had seemed so simple at the time. All she had to do was find killers and then kill them. Nothing complicated, or so she'd thought. As it turned out though there was more to it than that.

"I dunno Jewel, I know what you're doing is wrong. I mean just look around." Sarah swept her free arm out in a sweeping gesture that covered the whole room and the two corpses within it. "...but I don't want to stop you." She looked at the corpses and blinked. They were both from the other school. She'd never known and would have never known them. They had never been her friends. Jewel was her friend though and Valerie and Caroline had been. She had started to run low on friends in the game.

Was she really thinking of letting someone who had killed so many go because she was her friend? That was why Jewel wasn't trying to kill her. In a way Sarah could respect Jewel for that, more than she could respect Ashley...and what about Ashley, Ashley had killed Caroline, the ultimate betrayal and yet Sarah was delaying making her pay for it. Maybe there was a reason for that...maybe.

"What are you going to do now?"
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Jewel looked around when Sarah directed her to. She looked at the bodies and the blood. She looked at the room. She looked at the piano and at Sarah. She shivered. The floor was still cold and the pain was coming stronger now. She wished she hadn't taken off the lab coat, but the wound on her arm had necessitated access.

She turned back to her hand after she'd seen it all, started to pour disinfectant over it shakily. She still couldn't move her lower three fingers, so she avoided looking as much as possible. The disinfectant burned and now the tears were from pain. She had waited a few seconds without saying anything, a pause as much to swallow back the hurting in her throat and try to regain a normal voice as anything else.

"I don't know," Jewel said.

She then moved the bottle of disinfectant, let it wash along her leg. It was a stopgap solution. There was a good deal of blood, but no spurt like some she'd seen. She did not think she was mortally wounded yet. She'd seen that happen too many times to mistake the experience.

"Sarah," she said, "I've just been trying to get away from all of this, and they follow me everywhere. I don't want any of this. I don't want them to keep attacking me. I don't want to have to choose between dying and"—she gestured at everything with her right hand and drops of blood and disinfectant speckled the floor and she winced again—"everything else. Everyone from the other school is crazy. I'm going to try to stay away from them."

She turned now to the first aid supplies again, and picked out one of the largest bandage pads. She had to tear it open with her teeth, and almost dropped it, but managed to keep her grasp. She pressed it across the backs of her bottom three right hand fingers, and now at least she could look at her hand again as she started to wrap those fingers in gauze, holding the pad fast. She still couldn't bend them, but it was hard to say if that was the work of the pain or if something more vital had been damaged. It was hard to think when everything hurt, but Jewel focused as best she could. Objectives. The bandage was still white for the moment, at least, no blood showing through.

"What about you?" she asked Sarah.
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Post by Deamon »

Jewel said she didn't know what she was going to do. Then the excuses started coming out. She was trying to get away from the violence, she didn't want anything that had happened, she didn't want people to keep attacking her. Sarah had a hard time believing any of it. God knew she wanted to. She really wanted to believe Jewel, but she just couldn't. The announcements had said that Jewel's first two kills had come one after the other. It wasn't the start you made if you didn't intend to carry on killing, and Jewel had.

Sarah kept those thoughts to herself however. She just looked at Jewel long and hard, not wavering or blinking. She didn't care if Jewel didn't notice. It was as much for her own benefit as it was for Jewels. As if to convince herself she didn't believe what her friend was saying. Jewel was pouring disinfectant on herself and bandaging her wounds. She'd been hurt badly. Again Sarah found herself split, she was simultaneously glad Jewel was hurt and at the same time felt bad for her friend.

Maybe it was why Jewel had only killed people from the other school. Maybe it was easier that way, less personal. No connection with them beyond the fact both of you were on Survival of the Fittest. No memories of growing up together in Oklahoma. Without all of that weighing you down Sarah assumed it must have been easier to kill them.

"Me?" Sarah exhaled and thought to herself before answering. "I guess...I dunno. I had this idea that I'd kill any player I found but..." She waved her hand at Jewel and grinned slightly at the ridiculousness of it all. "It's not really working out. Mainly 'cause I think I just want revenge on the people that killed my friends. After that," She shrugged. "I'll think of something I guess."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Chuckling, Jewel secured the end of the wrap. Things hurt just a little bit less when she let herself laugh. Maybe she should have bound the pistol to her hand, so that she could still hold it with the steadiness of her dominant arm. It didn't really matter. The pistol was lying on the floor and it didn't really matter. Her leg twinged and her muted laughter died.

"If that's what you have to do," she said. "But be careful. Getting in fights can get you pretty fucked up."

The blood was still coming from her leg, maybe a bit slower now, maybe not. It wasn't something to leave alone while she had a casual chat. The cold was seeping in again, from all the places her costume didn't cover, and she shivered now and wanted to be wearing one of her coats again. With her left hand, she gathered her bags and medical supplies closer to her; the various weapons she left where they lay. She blinked as she glanced over the room again. The bodies had almost fallen out of her mind there. Everything smelled like blood still.

"I need to deal with my leg," said Jewel. "I was gonna find a bathroom, if you don't mind."

She adjusted her position. Now she could put some weight on her leg and it hurt, hurt more than if she just left it alone, but she thought that probably she could stand and make her way into another room. She had what she needed in the bags at her feet, but somehow still she had a feeling that she was forgetting something or that something wasn't right.

"Hey, Sarah," she said, "if I go, will you be here when I get back?"
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