
By Area G8 (Close enough to see the school, not inside the DZ)

This section covers areas that lack major defining features. Okishima Island is largely covered in forest, broken up by periodic clearings and meadows. The island slopes up towards its two peaks, and the combination of this and the foliage make for rough traveling through the undeveloped areas, though a road through the valley between the peaks offers access to the western side of the island and is comparatively traversable.

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Post by decoy73 »

Oh, nice. Now Yoji was getting in on this shit. To be fair, with Yoshimi, Mitsuko could have simply explained that while she couldn't make Yoshimi do anything, she just couldn't make her not do it, either. If Yoshimi wanted to not do it, she'd at least have to say "No." Forcing her into this would be wrong. For whatever reason Yoshimi wanted it to be, but still. Yoshimi was one thing. Yoji, he was another. Mitsuko shook her head at the word "lowlife."

"Look, Yoji. I'm sorry to tell you this, but look at where we are right now. Suppose they had said 'yes.' Yes, we'll let you go free if you do this one little thing for us that is several times easier than killing your classmates. You're saying you wouldn't even consider it?" She approached Yoji. "Besides, even if you wouldn't, it doesn't matter, because it's not your choice to make. That choice belongs to the people who are offered it. Namely, me." She motioned to herself with her free hand. "And also Hirono, and Yoshimi." Mitsuko drew out Yoshimi's name. "Because we are the ones I offered to send to Pound Town." She tapped Yoji on the head with the muzzle of her gun.

"Just saying."
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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

The anger behind Yoji's eyes simmered to a boil as Mitsuko spoke to him. Then, she motioned with the gun, put it to his head, bonked him. But the fear gripped him, the embarrassment took hold, and, perhaps, so did the ideas for opportunity.

Yoji grabbed the muzzle of the gun and moved forward in one step. The blade caught the light, bounced it into Yoshimi's eyes like a star.

She felt her heart drop.

It was true that she had just wanted someone to love her. And it was true that while she projected an image of strength and a hardened shell as a delinquent, it was true that maybe she sought out loveless people, because she had a lot to give.

Yoshimi stepped in front of Mistuko, but she was short by an inch. The knife grazed her side, but went fully into Mitsuko behind her, as Yoji swing the knife mostly around her, going wide.

She couldn't say anything as she looked up at him. Her doe eyes filled with tears and her face scrunched up. She slapped him. The tears ran down her cheeks, down her neck and she opened her mouth, but all she could do was sob.

Yoshimi couldn't even calm down enough to ask him "why?"
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by decoy73 »


A momentary scream escaped Mitsuko's mouth as she hit the ground. Goddamn it. Her side hurt like a motherfucker. Mitsuko struggled to stand up, as if Yoji had really struck a nerve with ... something. Wasn't something good.


She looked at Yoshimi and Yoji, the handprint starting to show on his face.


Both Yoji and Yoshimi turned to face the sound of the voice. Perfect.

Mitsuko raised her arm.

Click click



And then, only one of the pair stayed standing.
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Post by Carrion Queen »

Yoshimi turned around to face Mitsuko just in time to see the other girl point the gun not quite at her.

Yoshimi stood deathly still with her eyes wide. She turned her head back only slightly, so as to slowly reveal what had become of Yoji. She turned just until she could see that his head suddenly became a mass of red. Yoshimi cast her eyes down at his leg, which twitched a bit, then stopped. He was dead, but she didn't want to look back at him to see what he was now.

Yoshimi bit her lip hard, but she didn't have much time to think. She stepped forward and supported Mitsuko, who looked like she was wobbling on her feet. Gently, shushing quietly, she helped guide Mitsuko to the leaf-covered ground. Yoshimi pulled her bag over next to Mitsuko and took out the first aid kit, rummaging for the supplies.

"Mitsu," she said in a raspy whisper choked with tears.

Are we friends?

Do we like each other?

It didn't matter because she cared about Mitsuko regardless. If she asked Mitsuko and Mitsuko said no, it wouldn't have changed anything.

Yoshimi's lip quivered as she fumbled for gauze.

It was the same with Yoji. Yoshimi was the kind of person that wanted people to love her no matter what, but she was hopelessly the kind of person who did exactly that. Once you had her love, there was no way she could ever take it back -- even if it would be better for her if she could.

Yoshimi wanted to tell Mitsuko all the things she'd done that strained their relationship and wanted to yell at her for what she had just done -- wanted to scream at her for shooting Yoji. But as she put her hands over Mitsuko's wound with a wad of gauze and looked down at her, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

She whimpered pathetically as the tears fell, not able to actually come up with anything to say to the other girl. Yoshimi bent down and pushed her forehead against Mitsuko's. It felt more intimate than a hug or even a kiss, because it was leaning on someone for support and held the vulnerability of admitting you needed them in that moment.

"We didn't always agree on things, but..." she cried and closed her eyes. "I love you," she concluded, feeling it come from deep in her chest, hating that it was true at the end.
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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Post by decoy73 »

Oh, shit.

Whatever Yoji did must have done a number on Mitsuko. That was what she realized as she tipped over, only stopped by Yoshimi, who turned the collapse into a lowering, on the side that didn't hurt like a bitch. Mitsuko heard Yoshimi struggle to speak as if she was crying, but why? Yoji had hurt oh motherfucker. That was why Yoshimi was pushing into her side. Yoji had done a number on her.

She felt Yoshimi's forehead rest on top of her own. Yoshimi thought Mitsuko was fucked. Mitsuko just felt ... really dizzy.

"I love you." Mitsuko almost wanted to laugh. She just looked at Yoshimi, then the stars.

"I love you, too." She looked up at the sky. Whoa. It was becoming really blurry.

"Heh. Yoshimi, I've never really looked at the night sky before ..."


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Carrion Queen
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Post by Carrion Queen »

She said it back.

Her big eyes were wide, looking up, perfectly reflecting back the sky above them. Mitsuko marveled at the nature of the night, and then was still.

"M-Mitsu" Yoshimi said after a moment with only the rustling and wind keeping her company.

Helplessly, she fell back, sitting by herself between the two bodies. She was truly alone now. It scared her.

What am I supposed to do?

Yoshimi sat with her knees pulled up and her head buried in her knees and sobbed. She didn't want to be alone. She'd gone so far to avoid being alone to kill Yuka -- she'd played right into The Program. If she could take it back, she would. She'd take back everything if she could. Maybe if someone rewound time to the start of the game she'd have grabbed Yuichiro's gun and shot herself in the head with it.

After some time sitting like that, Yoshimi eventually moved. She went to her bag and took out her pencil case with the pencil she'd used to write the note in the classroom. On the ground, she pulled over both Mitsuko and Yoji's bags and took the maps out of each one.

Dear Yoji,

Thank you for staying with me as long as you did. Even if we didn't get to live our lives out and do everything we wanted, I can't tell you how grateful I am that you even decided to stick with me until now. I'm still glad that you asked me out that day at the mall. You're a comfort, like a security blanket, and you believe in me. It hurts so much to imagine life without you, but thankfully we won't be apart for that long. It won't matter where I end up after I die, as long as I'm with you -- and I know you'd roll your eyes at something like that, but its the truth. So wait for me just a little, and I'm sorry.

Yoshimi folded up the paper and carefully tucked it in to Yoji's shirt, taking care to avoid looking much at what was left of his head.

Then, she took out the map from Mitsuko's bag.

For a long time she sat and looked at the blank paper. Then, she began to write. And as she wrote, there was anguish on her face, because how she felt was not so straightforward, and took some difficulty to parse.

When she was done, she folded up the paper and also tucked it into Mitsuko's shirt near her heart. Yoshimi scooped up all three bags and the gun.

Dear Mitsuko...

((Yoshimi Yahagi continued in Lay your heart upon a Hill ))
[+] May you find that which shines and learn the power of miracles.

The only thing I've ever been proud of was describing the setting sun as "daylight's falling star" in a recent Supers post.

Ximena Rodriguez: "Everything is just a matter of time."
Soraya Martinez: "Need a translator? I'm pretty good."
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