Quirks//What_makes you t!ck: ((Interlude Multishot C))

Trigger warning for: Explicit descriptions of an irl suicide attempt, Normal Online Childhood Trauma,

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.

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Post by Yonagoda »

Melodie was proud of being a bona fide cannibal. She was only slightly less proud that most of her friends are also unwittingly cannibals. Whoops! Should've told them the results of that gene testing.
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Post by Yonagoda »

''NO,'' Leah screamed, ''THAT'S IT! I'm done! I'm done with this play, I'm done with this fucking show! It's over! It's all over!''

''Um,'' said the director, ''Next, please?''

Still reeling from the previous girl's outburst, and still taking in her scent of blood and sandalwood, the girl stepped up to the front.

''So, uh, hello! I'm auditioning for the role of the main character,'' she said.

''What's your name?''

The girl frowned. She didn't have one yet.

''Alright, so, then,'' the director cut in before she could get a word, ''Your name will be Melodie.''

''Alright,'' Melodie said. ''I'm auditioning for the role of the main character, Melodie, playing the role of, uh...''

''Wait wait wait,'' said the person who played Vasily in the back, ''You have purple hair, too? Seriously? And you dress in black?''

The director jotted another note down at the interruption. ''Let's just pass it off as, like, a tie-back. This would be a really meta one anyways. And also, you've been dead for, like, a year. Last time I checked you croaked even before the halfway point. So stop.''

''And Leah?''

Everyone turned their heads to Makaria, who almost never spoke, so when it did, it was kind of more excused. ''What about her,'' it said.

''She's kind of my flagship. Anyways... Melodie, what's with that look?''

''You said this would be meta.''


''I meant no offense, but, uh... I think that I'm not a character suited for meta? The script says that I shouldn't be another Leah. Not to say that she's, um, meta of course. Unless she wants to be.''

''Leah doesn't have a choice either way,'' Vasily pointed out, their voice dripping with contempt, a reminder of how his narrative was hijacked as well.

''Enough, ENOUGH!'' The director's voice seemed to echo around the room in a positive feedback loop. ''I'm changing the plans, Melodie. You could be whatever the fuck you want, as long as you're readable. Vasily, out.''

''What? I didn't do anything!''

''You've been here for long enough. I think you should leave. Now, go!''

''Fuck you,'' they muttered, ''Never even wanted this role in the first place. Who the fuck has an eboy tattoo anyways?''
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Post by Yonagoda »

"True crime is inconcievable on an empathetic, personal scale, so that's why we reduce them to almost fictional figures, I think."

"Doesn't justify the flower crown Ted Bundy on your phone."

"Fuck off, that was weeks ago. And ironic."
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Post by Yonagoda »

Death was simultaniously incredibly attractive and terrifyingly inconceivable to her
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Post by Yonagoda »

Melodie was actually, surprisingly, team Jacob.
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Post by Yonagoda »

She knows that she needed a therapist. Maybe if she doesn't get one she wouldn't live past nineteen one way or another. Or maybe she's overreacting.
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Post by Yonagoda »

"You're not fucking dealing with everything like this I'm so tired of you I'm tired of your-"

"Wait shit."

"Sorry. Hold on. Sorry."



''I missed you.''
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Post by Yonagoda »

Somewhere in tenth grade, there was an assignement where she had to put humanity on trial- does it deserve to remain the dominant species of earth, or should it be overthrown? Using the past 800 years of history, Mr.Vahil's AP World History class pulled off a mock trial with about seven days of prep and another day of people yelling at each other on what order they should go.

Melodie, the edgy bastard that she is, prosecuted humanity. Of course she did.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Violence- it’s a concept that humanity claims to despise. And yet despite how they seemingly clamor for world peace, that they stand for nonviolence, humanity proves itself capable of grievous, bloody crimes against each other- not just individual cases, but systematic violence, enacted on a scale with millions dead, where people become nothing but a statistic- From attempted genocides of numerous populations, including Romani and Native Americans - to bloody wars waged over supposedly “pacifistic” religions, the blood on humanity’s hands can only be outmatched by their hypocrisy of their words. How can we forgive this species, no, how can they forgive themselves, when people are sent to death camps to get processed like they’re not even human? How can they claim moral superiority when they kill, torture, and rape children as they proclaim to be the liberators and educators of the weak? We, as the prosecution-
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Post by Yonagoda »

In retrospect it was really shitty. Someone tried to play elon musk as character defense.
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Post by Yonagoda »

"Alright, Alright, I admit it, fine. Fuck. I'm a xenophile. Fine. Godammit. Fucking... slenderman started it. Fucking Mass Effect, bringing it up. Dammit. Goddamn..."

"Does that mean you are a furry?"

"Did slendy LOOK like a furry to you? Gimme a break. I was twelve. The tentacles looked nice."

"Least it wasn't the onceler."

"No, but Sans..."

"What about Komaeda?"



"Let me guess," another kid on the call said, "What about... Jeff the killer?"

"No. Basic. Too anime-fied. Even if I did, it's gonna be, like, bishie guys with joker makeup anyways. Eyeless Jack, though..."

"Why are we having this conversation again?"

"Because, uh... that one H.R Giger or whatever scuplture of the xenomorph on all fours presenting itself? I think?"

"The WHAT?"

"How did she even know about that?"

"You knew about that too?"

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"Yeah, it's really weird. But honestly I'm more worried about the Ouma part...?"

"Listen," Melodie said, "In my defense, I was in middle school."

"Why did you play it in middle school? Wasn't it M rated?"

"So was your Ao3 stash but that didn't stop you from starting it when you were fourteen."
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Post by Yonagoda »

She lied actually, she found Jeff kind of hot when she was twelve. The bished version.

Man she hated herself.
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Post by Yonagoda »

"I think actually 80% nihilism is stupid," Momoho said over discord.

"That's so naive."


"Because the truth is that there really isn't a meaning, isn't there?"

"Of course! But here's the thing- people get so damn weepy about it. Like yeah sure alright there's no reason why you're alive, but why should there be? Like, just... exist, man. I can go and eat ice cream and do whatever and I don't have to justify myself."

"But what about the big picture? What about what we'll do for our whole life?"

"Just... string together the small stuff, I guess. Life's just you moving from one little task to another."

"That's not-"

Melodie couldn't finish her sentence, because the computer restarted.
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