

On the northernmost cliffs of the island, just outside a rainforest clearing consisting of small, nondescript huts, there stands a large, multi-layered circle consisting of small local statues, local symbols, and other assorted items believed to have belonged to shamans of a distant past. However, unlike every other area of the island, this area shows signs of recent touch - faint drag marks surround each statue, and the grass beneath them does not match the grass anywhere else on the island, as though the ground was recently excavated, then planted with grass not native to the region. However, if one were to travel any further north of the circle, they would find that there does exist something native to the island - a long, steep drop onto sharp jagged rocks, sticking out of the ocean.

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When Jen drew closer, she could more clearly hear what the boy was saying, and she realized that the girl was seemingly saying nothing at all. She wasn’t sure what to make of the dynamic, particularly when the girl was the one with the gun, but her attempt to piece it out was interrupted when the girl aimed her weapon at Jen, causing her to tense up for a moment.

But the gesture didn’t seem to be a threat, at least not primarily. The girl pointed the weapon to the ground after Jen, and Jen understood what she meant… probably.

But why couldn’t she just tell Jen to sit? Jen had heard of deaf people who couldn’t speak at all like that. It would be a horrible situation, surrounded by complete strangers in a situation like this, unable to communicate at all. Jen felt a pang of sympathy for the version of the girl she’d made up in her head.

However, it was also possible that the girl was just being harsh and stoic, or putting up some act, Jen reminded herself. She had only barely survived the last time she played the fool.

Never releasing her hold of the rifle, Jen sat down by the fire, eyes darting between the boy and girl. Her leg ached at the movement, bringing a grimace to her face which she tried to temper.

The warmth helped her relax ever so slightly, and there was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

“I’m… I’m Jen.” Her tone was quiet, careful.
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin noticed that it seemed like the girl with the gun had noticed him and he felt as if he was suddenly on edge. Not that he was giving anything away with his facial expression. His blank expression that is. He clicked his tongue as the other girl with the rifle was following what the gun girl wanted and now she was sitting down by the fire and there was a guy there too that Austin hadn't really been paying attention to.

He then made his way closer to them and he froze as he was standing just to the side of rifle girl after hearing her name. Jen. Fabiano had mentioned her. Said that she attacked him or whatever. Austin was more into the camp of that being a two-faced lie. Not that it mattered anymore.

Fabiano was gone. There was justice for Oscar's death and he realized that he was thankful that someone had done what he couldn't.

"Austin." He grunted softly before he settle himself down near the fire as well and he rested the tree branch onto his lap, glancing around at Jen and the other two quietly. "Austin Song."
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Post by Fenrir »

Fucking finally.

Zander snatched up the bottle of water from the ground with all the urgency of someone who could still taste mud on their tongue. He unscrewed the cap and took his first taste, swishing the water around his mouth before turning his head and spitting it out on the grass. The second mouthful was better, cleaner, and it did wonders for his parched throat.

By the time he tuned back in to what was going on the other girl had already moved closed to the fire and sat down opposite them. There was another arrival too, a boy, who Zander hadn’t even noticed until now. He hid his sneer behind his arm as he pretended to wipe away something from his chin. Shit was getting crowded.

He took another sip of water, savouring it like the kind of fine wines he stole when he dad was away as he looked, really looked, at the people he was sitting with for the first time. Kind of, anyway; the lack of a proper fire made it so he still couldn’t see a fucking thing, just that the other guy was way too tall and that he finally wasn’t the shortest person in the group judging by the size of the new girl’s silhouette. They were all armed too; a pistol, some kind of rifle and what looked in the dark to be nothing more than a big fucking stick. Still more than he had, he didn’t even have his rock anymore.

He felt around in the grass to his side with his free hand.

Not even a fucking rock.

“You guys mind putting the guns and shit aside while you’re here? Feeling a little left out being the only one not armed to the fucking teeth.” He brought the bottle to his lips again and took another drink, nonchalantly, to highlight his lack of weapon. “Unless you’re here for something other than conversation?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Lilith »

The Bloodied Girl squinted at the boy. Her eyes still narrowed, she laid her machine gun down on the ground and then slid it toward him. She reached out for her rifle. She hugged it like a teddy bear, warming her feet at the fire despite her missing shoe. It was still at sea. It was gone. She needed to find someone's with her shoe size quickly.

It was getting embarrassing.

Or maybe, it was already embarrassing but now that she was surrounded by her peers she could finally consider it.

She pulled out the ammo box for the Senna-77 and then also slid it with the toes of her shoeless foot. She didn't really need that weapon. It was an act of greed, and it wasn't paying out. She was thinking of that boy on the bridge. Was he still there?

Most likely.

Seychelle extended her finger, drew three Z's, and put her head against the statue behind her. She closed her eyes.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

It seemed that a fourth had joined the group that had now formed around the fire. He was the only other one that actually bothered to give his name: Austin. He was a stranger too, of course, just like everyone here, but having a name made things feel a bit easier, even if it was just a feeling.

The other boy’s comment about the guns made Jen feel tense again, though. She wanted to believe that the peace that seemed to exist between this group at the fire indicated that there was nothing to fear from the other three, but she also knew that avoiding violence didn’t mean that the boy would not just rob her once she set protection aside.

There was a look upon his face, the way the light of the fire emphasized the shadows there, he seemed shallow, desperate. She gripped the rifle tighter.

Luckily, the silent girl simply passed him one of her weapons, removing the disparity, and hopefully the complaint. Jen smiled, expression softening as relief showed on her face, before she remembered herself.

“I’ll…” She paused and shook her head, eyeing the unnamed boy carefully, “Um, I’m sorry. I think I’ll hang on to my gun.” The sentiment was sincere. Jen wasn’t looking to cause a standoff, but there was a line where being unobtrusive became being an idiot. She wasn’t going to sleep, not yet.

And so she simply sat still, silent for a moment.
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Post by Primrosette »

Looked like it was only him and Jen giving out the names. Water boy seemed to be upset about them all having weapons and Austin could honestly care less for it. Seemed like gun girl was being very generous about giving the whiner a machine gun and that was making Austin feel a bit on edge. He didn't like how water boy was acting and he was praying to god that this wouldn't end up with anyone dying.

Gun girl seemed like she wanted to sleep. Jen wanted to keep her weapon. Austin hoped that water boy wasn't going to cause any problems.

"Last time I let my guard down...."

Pause. A howl in the air, the fire was cracking slightly.

"....A friend died because I couldn't get myself out of a situation and he... died."

Austin didn't know why he was opening up about it really. But he felt a bit better about it in a strange way.

"So.... I'm gonna keep this branch." He said to the boy and he stared at him with a slight look of suspicion. "What's your name anyway? I don't want to call you water boy forever in my mind."
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Post by Fenrir »

Well, shit. Wasn’t this just his lucky day?

Zander’s hand lurched towards the gun, but stopped himself from reaching all the way for it. He didn’t want to spook any of the heavily armed people around him by grabbing the weapon too eagerly and a part of him warned him that this could be a trick. When the mute girl continued to push a box of bullets his way and then signal that she was going to sleep however, he let his hand move over to touch the gun and start dragging it towards him.

“That works too I guess. Fuck it, just give everyone a gun.”

If you couldn’t convince people to put their guns down, then this was the next best option he supposed; just M.A.D. the situation and make sure if anyone tried to get smart and pop off a few shots they’d just get gunned down in return. Things just got a lot worse for mister tree branch over there, but fuck him; Zander finally had a gun of his own and that’s all that mattered.

Now he just had to figure out how to work the damn thing. Not a lot of life experience to help him out there unfortunately; he’d never even seen a gun outside of movies before today, aside from the ones that the police wore on their hips. He knew how to hold it, knew not to touch the little lever in front of the grip unless he wanted to kill someone, knew he needed to put bullets in it. Not much else.

He fiddled with it as the others spoke, making sure to point it up and away so they wouldn’t think he was trying to shoot them. There was a little switch on the side that he could move around, but in the dark he couldn’t tell what it was for; he didn’t even know if it was loaded or ready to shoot and wasn’t about to just pull the trigger and test it out.

The other girl wanted to keep her weapon, which was fair enough; even though he’d been the one to suggest it he wasn’t about to give up his weapon either, now that he had one. He didn’t care about keeping this peaceful and friendly, he just didn’t want to have no way to defend himself when things turned violent; that disparity had been dealt with, even the danger had only increased as a result. The boy wanted to keep his stick too, even had a little story to justify why he needed to stay armed around them and keep his guard up. It took some effort on Zander’s part not to laugh at that, though he couldn’t completely hide the smirk that made its way to his lips.

Sorry, I need to keep this in case I need to kill one of you in self-defence.

It wasn’t like Zander actually expected anyone to listen to his request, but it was nice to see they were all on the same page about how much they could trust each other. They weren’t even trying to hide the fact that they were both thinking they might need to kill someone here. They all knew what this was about, what was likely to happen soon, but strangely enough they had all decided to come and sit around the fire regardless. Interesting that; not one of them felt safe enough around other people to put their weapons aside for even a moment, except from the one who had lit the beacon in the first place, but they still wanted to be here anyway; near other people they were afraid of, sitting in awkward silence while clutching their deadly implements and shiftily eyeing each other in the dark, just so they wouldn’t be alone.

It was fucking ridiculous.

“Zander. My name’s Zander.”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Lilith »

Her eyes stayed shut.

She stayed unannounced. Unnamed. She slept for the first time on the island even if she wasn’t truly asleep.

Exhaustion had caught up to her. Her rifle or her fire would wake her up if something happened.
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Embers floated upward from the fire, racing one another, dancing about as they twisted and turned about, before their light fizzled out. The display was somewhat mesmerizing and Jen attempted to keep her gaze focused on it, hoping their gentle flow through the air would help to relax her, to bring some semblance of ease.

However, her eyes kept trailing towards the boy that said his name was Zander. He had finally taken the time to introduce himself and seemed to settle into place with his weapon like the rest of them, but something about him, about the way he carried himself bothered her.

He reminded her of Adrian. It was the caginess, the sense of hostility that was only partly concealed, a demeanor that she had proven oblivious to in the moment, but which seemed obvious in retrospect. Jen had let herself be fooled by someone like this before and nearly died as a result.

Once the connection had been made in her mind, she could not unsee it.

Jen couldn’t let herself be put in that situation again.

“Um…” She started to speak, only to take a long pause, not sure what she had meant to say in the first place. Another minute of quiet passed before she collected her thoughts again.

“I… I need to go. Sorry. This was a dumb idea.” With that, Jen tried to rush to her feet, only to be reminded of what a foolish move that was by a shooting pain rushing down her leg, her face tensing and scrunching up in discomfort.

However, she didn’t stop long, gathering up her things and moving away from the fire’s warmth without another word, not waiting for any reaction from the others. As she did, Jen wondered where the line between paranoia and good judgement lay in a situation like this.

((Jen Mara Tuiqamea continued elsewhere…))
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Post by Primrosette »

Zander.... Alright, just make sure that I keep that in mind. Heck, he might end up on the announcement sooner or later. I wonder how many of us are left now.

Austin had watched Zander closely as he was fiddling with the gun and he wasn't going to like to himself. It was making him feel on edge on the inside and he couldn't imagine seeing any of these people firing them off like wildflowers. Well, no. That was a lie. He didn't believe that Jen would use her own gun on anyone unless she had no choice. He believed that Zander would use his new toy without question. Sleeping girl was a mystery to him.

And then just like Jen decided that she didn't want to stay with them anymore.

She just dipped like that and Austin couldn't really blame her.

"Well, then." He said with a shrug of his shoulders and he watched her go before looking back at Zander with a wary look on his face. "Can't blame her for not trusting any of us."

He covered his mouth as a yawn was overtaking his senses and he wasn't even sure when he had last slept himself.

"...Right, since sleepy girl is resting, maybe we should do so as well." He suggested to Zander. "Unless you want to go somewhere else as well. I'm not in a rush to do anything really."

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Post by Fenrir »

Zander watched as the other girl rose on the other side of the fire, slouching back against the stone behind him and letting his gun drop to his side as she gathered her things. It seems she had come to a similar conclusion that he had about where this was heading and decided to leave before it reached that point; wising up, or maybe losing her nerve. Depended on her intentions before she sat down.

He said nothing as she left, just watched her form disappear back into the shadows from whence she came, before turning to Austin to see if he would follow her lead.

He didn’t.

Not catching on, or not losing his nerve. Depended on his intentions.

“What’s there to trust?” He let go of the gun for a moment to raise the water bottle to his mouth again, watching the other boy out of the corner of his eye as he did so. There was no such thing as trust here, not when it had been made abundantly clear that only one person was making it out of here alive. The only thing he trusted was that people would follow their instincts and put their own self-interests first, as they always did; the only question was what they were capable of along the way.

The only reason Zander hadn’t shot Austin already was that he wasn’t sure if it would work or not. The gun at his side could have been loaded and ready to fire or it could have been empty, jammed or just plain broken; until he knew one way or the other he wasn’t going to take the risk. Last thing he needed right now was to make another failed attempt to end someone and provoke the taller boy into taking that tree branch and wrapping it around his skull.

Movement in his peripheral drew his attention and Austin covered his mouth to stifle a yawn, before making a suggestion that they both go to sleep that nearly had Zander spitting his water out. “You really want to go to sleep around people you just met? In this situation?”

Dumb. Or maybe he just thought Zander was dumb. No way anyone who was concerned enough about his company to keep a weapon on his person after being asked to put it away would feel comfortable falling asleep around the same people. It had to be a play, either to make Zander let his guard down; or walk away and let him kill the sleeping mute. He snorted. Not really his problem if it was the latter, except for the fact that it meant leaving this spot right when he was starting to get comfortable.

“No, I’ll stay awake a while longer. Keep watch or something… you can sleep if you want.”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Lilith »

Michelle's pretty face.

A loaded gun.

An emptied gun.

Michelle's broken face.

A knife, a club.

Weapons, strewn around.

Gore strewn.


Blood that smelled sweet, and blood that tasted acrid.

The Bloodied Girl.

The Girl Who Took The Names.

A vortex. Unending, spinning, screaming. A spiral. Under the island. Spinning, and twisting. Dragging things to the middle.

Broken into tiny pieces. Alleles, chromosomes.

Her DNA.

Deformed and broken like Michelle's face.

Michelle's pretty face.

She wanted to touch it again.


Broken. Thousand pieces. A thousand eyes.

She had wings to see, and eyes to fly.

Thousand of them.
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin didn't have to disagree with Zander about the trusting issue as it was pretty clear that it was better to just trust himself and no one else. No one else that was alive. The only person that he kind of trusted was dead and he felt himself closing in on himself. He wished that he wasn't surrounded by people who have or have not killed. He just wished that he was like in a weird dream-like state of mind. But that wish was never going to happen, so it was better to be realistic about all of this.

"Heh. Well, it's always better to have a clearer mind after some rest, don't you think?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head to the side. "Also, you would have shot me instantly. No, you would have shot her first...." He nodded his head towards the sleeping girl. "...And then me as I'm not the other person with the gun."

He put his bag down and he was now laying down on his side, his head resting on it like it was a pillow. It was a bit uncomfortable, but it was better than nothing. He pulled Oscar's bag and the branch up against his stomach in a protective way. His eyes were still focused on Zander cautiously and his eyelids felt like they were getting heavier with trying to stay open.

"If you need to sleep at any time, Zander. Let me know."

He was being serious about it. He then drifted off to sleep.
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Post by Fenrir »

And just like that Zander was the last one standing. Austin was asleep, mute girl was asleep and the other girl had walked away, leaving him was alone with just his thoughts and his intentions and no one around to see or to stop what happened next. It almost seemed too convenient a situation; he hadn’t even planned for any of this, he just showed up ready to beg for someone’s charity and instead they gave him a gun and Zander just watched in disbelief as one-by-one they put themselves at his mercy.

He smirked to himself in the fitful light of the fire.

Fuck, why hadn’t it been this easy from the start? Why did he have to fuck around with being beaten and tied up if people like this were here?


Zander didn’t act at first. He just sat for a while, continuing to drink his water and thinking things through. His smirk faded. He picked up the gun next to him again and pulled it into his lap, fiddling with the little switch on the side for a couple of minutes as his face sunk into a harsh scowl. Nothing had really changed. What was he getting excited for? Nothing had fucking changed. Who cared if everyone was asleep, he still couldn’t risk firing the gun when he didn’t know if it would work or not. Who cared if he had some dirt-free water in his system when he still hadn’t eaten for a day and felt like his legs would collapse the next time he stood up.

Nothing had fucking changed. He still couldn’t do shit with his current situation.

Instead he just stewed, staring into space and letting the anger that had faded away over time and through exhaustion build back up in his chest.

He looked over at the other boy sleeping on the other side of the circle.

Fuck Austin.

Cocky piece of shit was over there sleeping soundly because he thought Zander wouldn’t kill him? Thought he had everything figured out? Or was he just looking down on him? What did the other boy see, when he looked at Zander slumped against this wooden statue drinking someone else’s water, waving around someone else’s gun? Something pathetic. Something powerless. What did the mute girl see when she saw him walk up to her in the dark and instead of being intimidated or defensive she gave him her supplies, gave him a weapon and went straight to fucking sleep afterwards? Not something she should worry about, obviously. Not even worth keeping an eye on.

Neither of them even thought twice about turning their backs on him. Neither of them felt they had anything to worry about.

What the fuck was he feeling excited for? Everyone thought he was pathetic.

Zander was going to kill them.

He sighed.

No he wasn’t.

It didn’t matter that Austin had the wrong end of things when he thought Zander wasn’t going to kill him, the wrong reasoning, because he was right that Zander wouldn’t, couldn’t shoot him right now. He couldn’t do shit. That pissed him off. The fact that Austin thought he had the measure of him, thought he had figured him out and felt safe enough to fall asleep right now because of it. It made Zander want to prove him wrong, want to walk over there and stomp on his skull until his head caved in, want to murder him to show he could. But he couldn’t do any of that. It pissed him off.

Still didn’t change anything.

Zander drained the last of the water bottle and threw the empty bottle over his shoulder into the night. Pushing himself up he awkwardly rose to his feet using the statue for support, picked up his pity gun and began to walk over to Austin’s sleeping form.

Nothing he could do there. The other boy was being careful, even if he felt secure, keeping both of his bags and his club in places where Zander couldn’t take them without him noticing. He turned away and walked towards the mute instead.

Her bag wasn’t as secure. It was still close to her body, but it wasn’t right up against her like Austin’s were. Zander could take it and leave. A small victory compared to killing them both, but he’d take what he could managed. He crept closer to the sleeping girl, stepping lightly as he got closer until he was right in front of her, hand reaching out towards her bag.

He grabbed the strap.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by Lilith »

Her eyes were open.
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