O03: Start

Hugging the southern side of the island, this small village is where the vast majority of the island’s previous residents lived, worked, and leisured. The houses and occasional business closest to the waters edge all reside on stilts, a preventative measure for the unpredictable tides, while those closer to the outskirts begin to have backyards and small farming coops. What some would consider the centre of the town also contains a small square, as well as a simple stone church, short two-story bell tower, and wild overgrown gardens surrounding a distinctly leaderly house.

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"Ok, ok, we cooperating? Good, let dups over there roll away from you, and," A pause as Jevaun licked his lips, eyes darting from flashlight to the downed boy and back.

One could hear him swallow before he continued.

"then you show me what you got waste man."
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Austin's face flashed in irritation briefly. But then it went back to a look of blankness.

So this guy wanted to see what he had got, huh?

Austin let out a bittersweet chuckle but his expression did not change. Nor did he say a word.

He was waiting for the downed boy to move away from him. But it seemed like he wasn't gonna move at all.

He let out a soft sigh as he shrugged his shoulders at the boy with the gun still pointed at him.
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"Uh, dups?" Jevaun said as he stared back at Austin, eyes occasionally darting down to see if he'd start moving or not, with the answer seemingly being no.

They stood silent for a while. He got a shrug in return.

"Oh, for...Alright! You move away from him, and then show me!" He yelled and lightly shook his weapon as his left hand pointed a bit away from the two before finding it way back to the barrel.
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Austin almost rolled his eyes at Jevaun. But he didn't want to provoke the boy into actually shooting him as that would be the most unfortunate thing to happen to Austin and he actually did want to go back home. But would they really let him go if he was the only survivor? He wasn't sure what they would plan for the one survivor and he guessed he would have to find out somehow.

He obeyed the gun boy's order and he stepped away from Pranay, wondering if his hit had caused more damage than he thought.

Good. Serves him right, was all that Austin thought as he took off his bag and unzipped it, putting the flashlight back in quickly.

He glanced at his 'weapon' inside and he let out a louder sigh.

He took it out and held it up for Jevaun to see, keeping an eye on the gun.
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Jevaun's aim faltered as he watched flashlight's weapon get pulled out; he almost dropped his gun out of shock as it was unveiled.

"What the fuck?" He said as he stared at the bolt of fabric held out in front of him, squeezing his eyes shut before opening them again as if to be certain, that yes, the people running this game really hated this kid.

"No wonder you wanted to steal my shit." Jevaun couldn't help himself as he started to chuckle at the audacity of it. Both of them were on the opposite ends of the extreme here, and flashlight had nothing he could do about it.

It was all in Jevaun's ball park now.

"Ok, alright, I don't want that and I don't want you here." He took a few steps over to floor boy whilst keeping his sights, and more importantly his gun aimed at flashlight.

"So, how about this. You leave some food out here for me to take, take that 'weapon' with ya and get out. I won't shoot if you do that."
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Austin scoffed softly.

This guy really thought that he wanted to steal from him and Austin wanted to yell that he was dead wrong. Even if the gun would be more useful in Austin's hands than this foolish, naive guy.

Austin knelt down and he started to put the fabric back into the bag.

Then he paused.

He then looked at Jevaun and he shook his head, putting everything back into the bag before zipping it back up quickly.

He didn't think that Jevaun was going to shoot him and he watched him quietly, starting to back off on his steps.

Hoping that he could leave without paying the price for trying to saving the guy who wanted to rob him. How foolish was Austin for doing something right?
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Post by Sh4dE »

Meanwhile, Pranay rolled away when he realised what the heck Jevaun meant with 'dups'.

He still anticipated gunshots, so he switched from covering his head to covering his ears.
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The expression on his face had changed once flashlight's intentions were made clear. His clear cut grin replaced with one more reminiscent of a sneer as Jevaun stared daggers at the retreating boy.

"That's how you wanna play? Alright, alright, get out of here! I got what I need right here!"

Jevaun kept a harsh tone, but a zoom on the handle of the gun and one could see his finger hovering over the trigger, unsteady and shaking in it's conviction.

"Next time though, you're not gonna be so luddy, waste man."
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Austin was relieved as he was backing off more and he has been right about gun guy not shooting at him. He made sure to keep an eye on him as he got more and more distant from him and the other guy and he made sure not to trip or bump into anything while doing so.

He then stopped moving for a few moments before turning and making sure to dash off and he looked behind him a few times to make sure that the fading view of the boys were going to attempt to go after him.

He need to find somewhere to rethink his plans.

((Austin Song continued elsewhere))
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Austin exited the camera's view. Pranay slowly walked back to Jevaun with a sigh of relief being picked up the microphone and a face of concern being shown.

"We got lucky there. Good thing you had a gun."
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Once the other boy exited their area, sprinting out of view. Jevaun's posture suddenly slacked, and he could be seen breathing heavily as Pranay approached.

"Yeah, good thing." He uttered, the harshness his voice had attempted to exhude during his stick up leaving him behind, a breathy quality to his voice remained.

He took deep breaths before sticking his chest out and leaned his head to the left till he could feel the crack, he did the same the other way.

"Got luddy there." He said as he turned to Pranay with a smile whilst tapping his gun with his left knuckle.

"Thanks, you helped me out there mon."
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"No problem. It's good to have an ally. There are dangerous people in this game. Imagine what that guy would've done with your gun."

Pranay scratched his head.

"What's your name, by the way?"
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"Jevaun Barrett." He answered with a casual tone to his voice.

At this point Jevaun's gun was pointed towards the ground, his left hand finding it's way into his jean pocket, four fingers in with the thumb hanging out.

"Yours?" He asked while tapping a beat on the ground with his left foot.
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"Nice to meet you, Jevaun."

Pranay put his own gun back into his bag.

"My name is George Harper. I'm from California," he said with his Indian accent. "Do you have any idea who could be behind all of this?"
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Jevaun raised an eyebrow at George saying he's from California, but kept quiet about it.

"No clue. I know about as much as you do." He said, keeping his gun out even as George had put his away. Better safe than sorry.

He took a few steps away from him. His arm swaying a bit from left to right as he did so, looking outside into the distance.

"Got any ideas?"
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