And There'll Howl No Demon Louder

The housing to the northern side of the area is solidly middle-class for the region, which isn't saying too much but is a marked step up from the Western Dwellings. Buildings here are spread out a little more, with small gardens either open to passers-by or enclosed by fences or low walls. These dwellings were often family homes, and are evenly split between one and two storeys. Much of the decoration here retains a nautical flavor, with shells and sea motifs prevalent. These houses are also mostly stucco and wood, but they are generally painted in pastel colors. The area here is much more open than to the west, though that brings with it its own opportunities for mischief; there are a number of bushes, as well as occasional sheds or small outbuildings where students could take shelter or avoid prying eyes.
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Oh, she was thinking she would win. Against him.

Sebbo stepped forward and threw a punch aimed at her face.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Sofia was feeling more and more left out by the moment. She examined her fingernails, which were actually pretty clean all things considered. She kept them short, practicality in everyday situations winning out over clawing people. Besides, the latter strategy was appallingly girly, the sort of thing her prissy classmates might do at a party.

She should probably be paying attention to the fight, or keeping watch for real, or something. Sofia glanced at Sebbo and Ashley as they got started in full, then surveyed the surrounding area. Yeah, that was more nothing and nobody going on.

How many people were even left to wander by?
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Post by backslash »

Sebbo went right into it, swinging hard and telegraphing harder. Hadn't he been in a fight before? You didn't aim right where they'd see you coming the easiest, not when they were expecting it. All she had to do to avoid it was step back, and then step forward again to meet him properly.

For just a split second, Ashley's mind flew back to Freya, their fight back in Year 10, bitch knocking the wind out of her before she could even get ready. That was how you fucking fought.

Ashley allowed herself a fraction of a second more to hope that Freya was doing okay out there wherever she was, and then she threw herself into Sebbo, primed to grapple.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Sebbo expected to have hit Ashley. Sebbo expected to have knocked her out with the amount of energy he put into the punch. He did not expect her to simply avoid the punch and jumping right into him. Sebbo closed his eyes, afraid of her coming near them, so he blindly waved his arms around.
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Ashley could have laughed at the way Sebbo started flailing as soon as she closed in. Hadn't he been in a fight before? She supposed he had, but if this was how he went about it, she doubted he'd ever won any.

She threw one arm around him, almost like a hug. The blows he did manage to land smarted, but they weren't enough to throw her off. Using the grip around his back to steady her aim, Ashley drew her other fist back and then drove it into his ribs.
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Pain. Sebbo grumbled, or rather a grumble without any oxygen because he had a hard time breathing because he was hit in the ribs. Sebbo went down forgetting about the fight and trying his hardest to catch some sweet air.
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Ashley didn't laugh, but she did grin, breathing hard through her teeth as Sebbo went down like a sack of potatoes. That was it? After all the talk?

"Get the fuck up."

They wanted to try to hold her up, talk a big game, and then this was all she got?

"Don't make me stomp on your fucking balls."
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Stomping on balls. That happened before. Sebbo immediately covered the area of his testicles with both of his hands.

He had air to breathe again, but was sweating heavily. Then he used his feet to try to kick her in the leg.
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Post by MurderWeasel »



Sofia was feeling pretty unhappy for a whole different slew of reasons than she'd been at first. All the old stuff was still there too, of course. She was still on the outside, doing nothing, watching Sebbo have all the fun. Except, now the other big problem was that Sebbo wasn't having any fun at all. In fact, he was getting totally worked over by Ashley, like he didn't even really have a clue how to go at someone who was willing to get a bit dirty, like he wasn't much of a fighter after all. A dodge, a sucker punch, and he was down on the ground.

So, how had he gotten Sofia so off-guard last night? She was better than that, right? It must've been a fluke. She was tired, and it was dark, and he'd seen through her bluff with the flare gun, or else had maybe actually upon further consideration been dumb enough to charge someone with a gun. Or, or maybe this was the fluke. Maybe he was just taking it easy because Ashley was more obviously a girl, and had been fooled by Sofia's slacks and her mask and her ferocity. Well, maybe not. He didn't look like he was faking right now, at least.

The shame and anger sloshed around inside Sofia with every step she took. Stand watch. Yeah, okay, she'd stood watch, and nobody was coming, and now Sebbo was on the ground and Ashley was threatening to crush his balls and that might have been the sort of thing Sofia could appreciate in other circumstances but Sebbo was still her ally and this robbery was still her show and it was time to get things back under control.

She barely slowed as she dipped to the ground and scooped up a nice chunk of rock. Sofia was pretty good at throwing stuff, and had flung rocks at people before a time or two, back in middle school when some of her peers thought they might have a go at her, and she was a lot stronger now. Sebbo was thrashing around, kicking out, and Ashley was raising her foot like she was actually going to do it, and the temptation was really there to let it happen and only then step in, but Sofia was a better ally and a better cheater than that.

She took a breath, took quick stock of the situation (maybe fifteen feet separated her from the pair, both of whom were too occupied in their own struggle to have paid her much mind, and she was behind Ashley), and then took her shot. The chunk of rock sailed through the air on course for the other girl's head.
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Tunnel vision. Amateur mistake. Ashley forgot all about Sofia until the rock collided with the back of her head, setting fireworks off in her vision.

She stumbled, foot coming down hard next to Sebbo instead of on him, and before she could think, Ashley spun in the direction of her new attacker. She blinked several times, but her vision wasn't clearing fast enough. That wasn't an accident. You didn't brain someone with a rock unless you wanted to do real damage. Spots were still popping in her view, and Ashley literally and metaphorically saw red.

Fuck this bitch.

Ashley saw the vague shape of her scythe on the ground, swooped down to grab it, and lunged in Sofia's direction. Fuck the both of them, and then she was out of here.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Ashley was miraculously distracted by a flying object, probably a bird or birdshit or something like that. For some reason Ashley stopped to turn around to grab the scythe.

Wait, she was cheating! She wasn't following their fair deal. Worse, it looked like she was charging at Sofia.

"Hey, it's a duel!"

What was she doing attacking the passive bystander? Sebbo was angered by Ashley's behaviour.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Was Sebbo really calling Sofia out on intervening? Now, of all times? She had totally just saved his balls, literally, and he was going to give her grief over a matter of honor? There were two pieces of breaking news that apparently hadn't penetrated his thick skull just yet: first, Sofia had no honor, and second, the duel was over, and he'd gotten rolled. Now it was on to the next part of the program: an actual fight instead of a one-sided demolition.

Sofia was pretty excited, right up until Ashley went for the scythe. The girl's movements were slower than they could've been, sloppy now, but that was still a long, wicked-looking blade. That was a level of cheating too far. Who brought weapons into it?

Well, okay, the rock lying on the ground looked like it just might have some speckles of red on it. But that hadn't been the intention. And Ashley had been attacking someone on the ground anyways, rubbing in a victory when she didn't have to.

Oh, forget the justifications, and the fears, and the analysis. Sofia was close, moments away from being inside the scythe's effective range. She just had to keep her cool an instant more, take Ashley down, take her stuff—definitely including the weapon she was clearly not responsible enough to keep track of—and then scuttle off and call it a day and give Sebbo the tongue-lashing of a lifetime and maybe teach him a thing or two about actual fights.

Sofia slowed for just a moment, maybe two steps shy of Ashley, and scraped the toe of her right foot through the rough street, kicking a spray of gravel towards the other girl's face. A split second of hesitation, an opening, and she'd be ducking in, bringing them both down where they could settle this with fists.
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Post by backslash »

Fuck them, fuck this. The back of Ashley's head throbbed, and something dripped down the back of her neck, and she didn't stop for a second to ponder whether it was sweat or blood. Her vision was starting to clear, but not fast enough.

It was time for Ashley to be gone. She expected Sofia to back up when she grabbed the scythe, but instead Sofia stepped forward. In other circumstances, Ashley could have appreciated somebody else being equally willing to get their hands dirty.

The sand and gravel flew at her face, and she shouted incoherently with anger even as she struck out blindly with the scythe, trying to clear a path to disengage.

The blade found something other than empty air.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The pain stabbed through Sofia's side, just like the blade of the scythe. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before, a sensation of tearing and piercing and a lancing agony, but at the same time a rather distant one. A line had been torn, through blazer and shirt and improvised cloak and skin and meat, but it hadn't struck bone or stuck in anything. Sofia could still move, could still close the distance even as she felt warmth flowing from the gash.

This wasn't fun anymore.

It was an absurd thought, almost as absurd as that she'd been able to take such a lighthearted, trivializing stance towards all of this to begin with. People were dying. They were dead. It was real, and now who knew how badly she was hurt? Who knew what this would lead to? What was she doing? What had she done?

There was only one certainty: she really couldn't lose to Ashley now. A stab wound? All bets were off. From here out, they were playing for keeps.

Sofia's momentum had been stalled by the hit, but Ashley still seemed slow and shaken and disoriented, and like she just maybe had gotten a little more than she'd bargained for. Sofia staggered another step or two forward, but as she did she drew the flare gun once more. As she reached Ashley, she wrapped her left arm around the girl and half pushed her, half toppled forward onto her, bearing her down.

And as they fell, Sofia shoved the flare gun against Ashley's ribs and pulled the trigger.
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