Yankee Punks Fuck Off


This area consists of the boat shed and the adjacent salvage yard.

The boat shed, despite its name, is simply a large warehouse that was sometimes used for storing of boats undergoing repairs or refurbishment. A big concrete cube located on a small industrial lot, the the boat shed has large metal sliding doors that have been left slightly ajar. There is also a barbed wire fence erected around the whole structure, although this is mostly for show; a closer inspection reveals that there are multiple large holes present in the fence, allowing free (if mildly treacherous) access. Inside the boat shed are two small trawlers that were clearly being worked on. One has a collection of small rotten holes along one side while the other was in the process of being repainted, so many soiled towels have been set down on its deck and around its hull to keep the paint contained. The walls are decorated with a set of four painted sails depicting fantastical nautical scenes: a boat meeting a mermaid, a pirate ship making landfall, a boat being attacked by a kraken, and a man drowning while a large eye watches from the depths.

The salvage yard is located in the industrial park next to the boat shed and is filled with the detritus of maritime life. While a handful of small ruined rowboats are kept here, it is also home to partially-submerged shipping containers, old refrigerators and bed frames, and even a number of totaled cars and trucks, forming a treacherous mountain of junk. Kept around partially for lack of a better place to dispose of such objects and partially as an opportunity to scavenge materials for slapdash repairs, the salvage yard is more accessible than its phenomenally dangerous architecture might lead one to expect. Thanks in part to its varied topography and in part its distance from the rest of town, the salvage yard was a popular spot for children and teens alike. The children using it to play games such as hide and seek while the teens used it as a party spot. This has led to some accidents over the years and at least one death when a drunk teen fell into the ocean, but the only result of this incident was the addition of a chain link fence; the gate to this was quickly sabotaged and has remained unlocked since.
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"Yeah, yeah, sure," Morton said, nodding at Michelle. The girl was treating her bag like it was a teddy bear her parents had never bothered to help her grow out of, but whatever, wasn't any skin off his back if she wanted to roll up and cry and hug an inanimate bundle. He'd've probably picked something a bit more comforting than the tools of death and destruction they'd been assigned by their captors, and hey, maybe that meant he should keep an eye on her just in case she got cute, but for now she wasn't really worth that much brainpower.

Ashley at least was actually interested in conversing besides making vague caveman grunts about not touching her shinies. The sarcasm was only slightly better, like, Morton could just shove any shit he wanted into his own bag and leave the rest be and that didn't take any extra hands, duh, but hey, you couldn't really expect that much logical thought and long-term reasoning capacity from someone with more ink than a printing press and more dangling metal than a Christmas tree. And at least she was asking something about him.

"And yeah," he continued, "figured I'd wait a bit to make sure I wasn't nicking shit from anyone I like."

Come on, Michelle, ask if you fall into that category. Do it. Double dog dare.

From up in the truck bed, Morton could get a pretty good look at the nearby vicinity, a nice perspective overall, and he did take just a moment to scan around and make sure nobody was sneaking up on them. Though come to think of it, the sneakiest thing was that none of them, presumably Michelle included, knew what she was packing. Ashley's scythe was obvious, Morton's knife was obvious if they were paying any attention which meant they probably hadn't noticed it, half-concealed as it was beneath his blazer, but what was in that bag? It looked bulky, full in a way his hadn't. Damn, should've taken a peek.

The breeze tugged at the ends of his trousers and carried more stench of decaying metal and fish.
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Ashley rolled her eyes at Morton's response and didn't bother to hide it. What a prick. That about did it for pleasantries though, such as those were in the first place. Now they were at the old Mexican standoff. Ashley adjusted her stance a bit to even out the weight she was carrying; the scythe was resting on her right shoulder, her bag on the left, the better to not put all the pressure on one side.

Speaking of bags. "Have some water now so you don't keel over," she reminded Michelle. "As for you-" she turned her attention back to Morton. "Keeping a lookout, huh? See anything interesting?" There had been a map in her own bag, but she hadn't bothered to look at it yet. Everything around here was junk, in one way or another.

She was more concerned, really, with where Morton was planning on going after this, if he didn't just want to declare himself King Shit of Trash Mountain. She'd prefer to avoid wherever he decided to hang out until rescue came. He wasn't good company, and Ashley knew herself. Bad company, her temper (already nudged towards boiling at every little thing since she'd woken up), and weapons weren't a good recipe. Not doing stupid things wasn't quite Ashley's forte but all the same, it was something she couldn't afford to slip up on here.

And speaking of that-

Ashley squinted at Morton a bit more closely. Just what was he packing? There was something in his belt that she hadn't noticed at first glance. A knife? He hadn't volunteered it, but then, neither she nor Michelle had asked. It didn't feel right to run around interrogating everyone about what kind of lethal tools they were carrying, regardless of the circumstances. Morton would tattle on the Pope if he thought it would get him into Heaven faster, and he'd flat-out admitted he was willing to steal from others, but was he the literally backstabbing kind of rat? Ashley didn't want to think that about any of her classmates, even him.

Was that thing about the Pope even a phrase? The Pope wasn't something that Ashley spent a lot of time thinking about, admittedly. Her family was Jewish.
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"Whole lotta rubbish," Morton replied. "And... looks like a warehouse, off that way."

He gestured vaguely in the direction of the aforementioned building. Truthfully, it didn't look to be much better than their current location. It was a large block of concrete with some sheet metal doors, surrounded by a fence. Less unsteady footing and tetanus, more potential for others lurking inside and closed-off escape routes. That he could guess at what it was from his distance was mostly due to its brutal, efficient, boring deign. Something about that actually held a little evocative appeal for him, though. It was a strong looking building, like a tower or a bomb shelter.

There really was nothing else of note going on, besides some seagulls circling, though Morton wouldn't have necessarily volunteered greater detail had it been present. It was one of those things where he felt inclined to tell Ashley only what she needed to know. Her tone felt snippy and haughty to him, and that always got him all riled up. He didn't owe her any favors, or Michelle, who was basically a useless lump of flesh at this point. If someone did decide to start playing by the rules their captors had laid out, he imagined she'd be one of the first to bite the dust.

The good thing about keeping that to himself was that he didn't have to even loosely pretend to feel bad about the thought.
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Ashley glanced over in the direction Morton indicated, making a noncommittal noise almost before she even fully turned her head. A warehouse didn't sound that interesting, unless it happened to house either the secret headquarters of the Americans or something that they could use to signal out to somebody friendly. She seriously doubted either, though the former was just a little bit funny. They were already practically movie villains, they might as well have a shitty secret headquarters.

She was already kind of getting bored of this place though, and neither Morton nor Michelle were great conversation partners. She didn't expect to find any hidden treasures in this junkyard, the way she might with a normal one. All the vehicles she'd seen were missing wheels or engines or other essentials that made them worth anything as more than a temporary shelter. With a sigh, Ashley gave in and unzipped her bag to dig for the map with her free hand.

She shook it open and scanned it, hoping something intriguing or helpful or something would jump out at her. "We're right outside a town, it looks like. Not huge, but there's a factory and shit." There was water on three sides of the map and more land set apart by a thick, dark line labeled "Barricade". Ashley knew the word for a landform that had water on three sides but wasn't quite an island, but she couldn't remember what it was.

"So there's like... three neighborhoods, some shops, the factory, this place, a beach, and... some other stuff." She quickly got tired of listing off everything that she saw. Michelle and Morton had their own maps to check if they were curious. She did make note of the dump, though. Maybe she'd been hasty in declaring the scrapyard Morton's trash mountain; the dump sounded much more his speed.

"If I had to guess, I'd say a lot of people are going to head for the town. That's probably a good bet." As soon as she said the words, she wondered. A good bet, right, if none of them were armed and jumpy. If nobody was stupid or decided to be a rat. They had to know that it wasn't going to work the way the chucklefuck in uniform had told them, right? Why kill all but one and then send that one home? Did they even do that for the sole survivor with their own?

Ashley wanted to say she believed that everyone would know that, that you'd have to be too stupid to stay in school or too wrong in the head to stay in society to think otherwise, but she wondered all the same. She had to make a conscious effort not to crumple the map in her fist.
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Michelle had drunk a gulp’s worth of her water, as Ashley had told her to. Listened in, as Morton and her had their conversation about what exact place the arena they were in was. There was still no real telling whether Morton would be someone friendly to her or not. She tried to put what he said in her head and she was seriously trying to think and work out whether he was telling the truth to her or not, but just like all those other times where people were able to get their true meanings over her head because she just wasn’t good at these kinds of things, she couldn’t come to any sort of conclusive result. For all she knew, Morton could just as easily still be the same person he’d used to be before now but at the same time could have also finally changed for the better.

There was no real way that she could know unless she asked directly.

But that felt embarrassing, unbecoming, the sort of thing that advertised to others ‘hey, I’m Michelle White and I don’t really know how social conventions work!' Maybe that didn’t matter now and Michelle was just letting casual conversation get all in her head again but part of her felt that she couldn’t show that sort of weakness. Forming a group was the #1 thing she wanted to do and if she showed that she was incapable then the people she was talking to might not see her as a credible partner or someone she could work with.

Then again, if she placed the wrong sort of trust in Morton and Ashley, that could ruin any sort of chance of her doing what she wanted- needed to do.

God, it felt as if she was about to give a speech for History. Nobody was looking, but it still seemed as if every individual eye was on her. She put her bottle back into her bag. Waited for any sort of appropriate pause in conversation.

“What are you two planning on doing here?” She asked. “I… want to know. For myself. To see if it’s possible that we all can work together.”
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"I'm planning on playing it cool and not stabbing anyone unless they ask stupid questions," Morton said, shrugging.

Like come on, what did Michelle expect him to say? She thought he had some big ol' scheme in place already to just cruise through this easily, or tide it out until someone came and picked them up, or what? Michelle obviously didn't know jack shit about what she wanted to do, or else she wouldn't be asking.

Or, wait. Maybe that was rash. Morton was both underestimating and overestimating her. He was overestimating in that he was expecting her to behave like a normal human being who hadn't been dropped a time or two as a kid, and he was underestimating her in that he was just paying attention to what she was saying instead of, until now, considering what she wasn't.

She hadn't said that she didn't have a plan, she'd just asked for theirs without offering anything in return. In fact, she'd sort of insinuated she did have something in mind. Made him remember that nobody knew what was in her bag yet. Except, she'd just slipped that water bottle in, so that wasn't true anymore either, now was it? No, now Michelle only knew what she had, and suddenly she was asking leading questions without showing her own hand.

Morton's eyes narrowed. His lips went thin. Somewhere up above a seagull screeched, and he became more aware of the sunlight slowly baking them, the heat emanating from the metal bed of the truck.

It was a good thing he'd just made fun of the girl instead of saying anything material. Of course, now that his guard was well and truly raised, it would be best not to let the others in on that. Ashley had read off the list of places they could go like she was auditioning for a summer job as a tour guide, so hey, she could take the lead some more. Morton would see if she'd be dumb enough to give Michelle ammunition to use against them, and what the suspicious girl did with it if so.

"I could go for getting out of this junkyard, though," he added, noncommittally.
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Ashley's hand twitched slightly at Morton's mention of stabbing. She'd like to dunk his head in a toilet, but she reminded herself again that he was probably all talk. It sounded like he was trying to invite himself along with... them? She supposed it was them. Apparently Ashley was the Babysitter's Club now, having to keep an eye on both Michelle and Morton and make sure they stayed out of their respective troubles.

"My plan's to not do any stupid shit and make sure everyone else doesn't do any stupid shit if I can help it, so maybe we'll all get along just fine," she said. She folded the map as best she could with one hand and stuck it in the pocket of her shirt. "The map's in like... Spanish, so I'm mostly just guessing at what the stuff is based on what it looks like," she admitted. "But there's definitely a town close by. Lots of buildings, probably people. That's where I want to go."

She - they? - could figure out the rest after that. One step at a time, yeah?
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She looked away from the other two and placed her eyes down where she couldn’t really see either of their faces. She tried to think about what they said in response to her question but nothing either of them had said had revealed anything. Morton was still being a mysterious jerk who she couldn’t figure out or trust and Ashley was still being super cool and super tough and someone she really should’ve talked to more back in school and she was sure that was the same impression she’d had only a couple of seconds ago.

So she did her best and looked up. Tried to put a smile on her face. If she couldn’t tell anything now then she wouldn’t be able to tell anything now. Trying to find peace of mind right now would only make this so much more stressful. She took a step behind Ashley. Placed her bag up on her back.

“Well, um, if you guys have a plan on where to go, I’ll be willing to follow. Safety in numbers, right?”
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"Alright, sure, whatever."

Did they have a plan on where to go? Did they really? Morton had called for "out of this junkyard" and Ashley had added "lots of buildings" which was all very nice and specific but it had already been established that Michelle was planning something sketchy, had eaten too many paint chips as a child, or (and this was most probable) both. But alright, sure, whatever, they could do the whole safety in numbers thing, at least for now. Of course, he wasn't down to let Michelle literally follow, which was to say she didn't get to walk in the back, with a nice clear shot at the others.

No, that was Morton's position. Just in case.

He made his way over to the edge of the truck bed, put his right hand on the rim, and vaulted over it. It was a little more of an awkward movement than he'd wanted, because the metal was searing hot against his palm and that threw him off enough that instead of landing cleanly he took a couple extra, stumbling steps, though thankfully did not pitch not a mound of rusty, jagged metal. The duffel bag he had slung over his shoulder banged him in the side, just enough to bounce him around a bit more. His blazer fell off his shoulders and landed on the dirty ground, which was definitely mostly comprised of trash and broken machines and that sort of thing, but he quickly scooped it back up and brushed it down with his hand and most of the crumbly dirt and detritus came right off. He slung it back over his shoulder, but just one this time, keeping hold of it with his right hand like it was a towel. Gripping tightly helped mask the stinging of his palm.

"Ladies first," he added, bobbing his head in an eminently sarcastic bow to the pair before him.
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Ashley snorted at Morton's failure of drama. "I guess I'm leading the way then?" Asking was pretty unnecessary, since Michelle had decided to stand behind her and Morton clearly wasn't taking the initiative, but Ashley could just see herself wandering off while they continued to stand around doing whatever.

She wasn't completely down with Michelle being between her and Morton, mostly because Michelle had "target" written all over her and Morton had already established himself as a rat, and Ashley having her back turned wouldn't have boded well for any of that in a situation just a couple degrees worse than this one, but... well, the alternative was telling Michelle to lead the way, and Ashley wanted to make it to something like civilization today and not next week. She took in a deep breath of salty, rusty air, huffed it back out, and nodded.

"Alright, well, if the shed's off that way-" Ashley waved her free hand in the direction Morton had indicated earlier."-then we should go... this way. Keep up or mama duck's leaving your asses behind." That was an empty threat, but a little tough love never hurt anyone. It had always been good for her, at least.

Ashley took a couple steps backwards, eyes on Michelle and Morton to make sure they were actually going to follow, then she turned and began winding her way out of the maze of scrap and junk.

((Ashley Pontecorvo continued in Morton's Fork))
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She tried to make her sigh not sound like a sigh because maybe it was best that Morton couldn’t tell how Michelle felt about him but it sounded like a sigh and now maybe Morton knew how Michelle felt about this grouping because no, Michelle did not trust Morton. At all. He was a sleazy jerkball back at school and with this she now knew that seeing the teachers getting their heads shot off hadn’t changed him one bit. She wanted to believe that her classmates would rise above this and that they wouldn’t murder anyone just because their kidnappers told them to, but as horrible a thing as it was to say she now felt sure that Morton was going to prove her wrong. She did not want him in a position where nobody was watching him, but it seemed as if he had outsmarted her, that she wouldn’t be able to prevent him from doing that without forcing the issue and letting him know even more how she felt.

So she closed her mouth. Made it look like a smile. Things were totally fine despite the fact that they’d been kidnapped and their teachers had been killed in front of them and the one person she was sure would make a move to kill the two of them would be able to attack without them knowing. Yep. Michelle was very happy about where she was right now.

She moved into a jog for a moment. Let her next sigh be part of her breathing. Slowed to a walk next to Ashley, and stayed side by side with her. At least there was one person here with enough humanity to prove her right.

She could only hope that there were more of them, somewhere.

((Michelle White, continued elsewhere))
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Off they went. Morton wasn't really that sure where they were going; apparently Ashley was under the impression she'd been much more specific than she actually was, but a lot of people were like that. It was easy to think you were a good communicator when you didn't pay any attention to what other people thought of you, which was obviously an issue Ashley had. Otherwise, she'd've dressed differently.

Michelle, at least, didn't cause any more direct trouble. She did walk side by side with Ashley, though, and Morton focused on listening in, trying to pick out any whispers or plans. They were making it clear where he stood, the odd one out, and he didn't care for that. But it didn't seem they were plotting anything, just having girl time or something, and it displayed some trust in that it meant they both had their backs to him. Call it a neutral.

He crunched his way through trash and debris, keeping his footing with only a bit of effort, as they headed towards their destination.

Wherever that was.

((Morton Bishop continued in Morton's Fork))
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