
The Ranch is a large fenced in area, of rich land used for farming and animal grazing. A large two story farm house is located inside of the property. Formerly the home of the ranch's owners, the home is in very good condition, but lacks the supplies it once had or any electricity. Other buildings in the area include, a barn, several chicken coops, corn silo and a stable. Also on the outside are: a large vegetable garden, now only containing withered corn plants, an empty horse corral and a large cow pen or pasture surrounded by barbed wire.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Brian wasn't hurt by her obvious coldness, but he did for a moment wonder on whether or not he should just go back and have sex with Renee before the killing started. Instead he decided that maybe it wasn't a good time to do such things, it wasn't even night time...

Maybe he should make himself useful instead.

It wasn't a big deal though, because sex might get his shotgun stolen and that's it. This wasn't about hurting Vivian or anything like that, he wasn't soft. That was ridiculous.

He followed her in.

"Are we looking for anything in particular?" He asked softly, lest anyone be hiding in here. "I mean, we already have weapons."

And what else could they possibly need?
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee crouched quietly by the window, observing what was happening within the barn. There wasn't a lot going on right then.

"If you're going to stay, then make yourself useful and help me look for things," Vivian stated matter-of-factly to Brian as he entered the barn. She sounded awfully bitter, and it really only made Renee regret her actions even more.

Brian looked like he was debating with himself a moment before saying, "Are we looking for anything in particular? I mean, we already have weapons."

It seemed like a dumb idea to Renee, actually, to look for supplies in a barn.

We have a perfectly good two-story house to raid for supplies. Why look in a barn of all places?

But then again, it wasn't really about looking for supplies, was it? No, Vivian went here because she didn't want to see her two friends having sex. Especially since it was because Renee was offering the sex.

Renee sighed quietly and kept looking through the window.
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Of course he would ask what he was looking for. Obviously, it occurred to Vivian then that there wasn't much they could look for that they didn't already have. She wracked her brain to try to think of something... anything she could say. But nothing came. She knew that she had brought herself out here to get away from them, but she hadn't counted on Brian following her. Now she was stuck, trying to find an explanation which wouldn't come.

"Fuck..." she muttered. She turned to Brian.

"Never... never mind. It was nothing," she said sheepishly. All of the anger and bitterness that had accompanied her trek to the barn had drained away. "Let's... just go back," she continued.

This was a failure. Maybe it was simply that she was giving up too easily? No, Vivian was sick of this place already, and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

It was when she was walking out of the barn that she came up with a retort to Brian's comment. Too late now.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Girls were weird.

Brian found himself wandering back outside where Renee was waiting and still wearing his hat. Perhaps he should have just stayed out there with her, taking full advantage of what she was definitely offering him. For some reason though sex wasn't at the forefront of his mind.

Probably because it wasn't murder. He frowned. Murder couldn't be that important, right? Was it because of some thrill of never having done it before? He remembered that time before he lost his virginity, it sort of felt the same.

He remembered shooting that guy.

Vivian was in a mood, and he didn't want to mess with that. Instead he walked back over to Renee and gently took his hat off of her head. He just felt better with his hat on.

"So do we have a plan? I know I don't."

He did, technically, but he had promised Vivian that he wasn't going to shoot anymore people. In a scenario where it was obvious that death was on the menu, he thought that was rather ridiculous. However he wasn't going to push her. Maybe he could find Rebecca again? She seemed rather up for killing, at least a little bit.

In any case, he felt as though he were crawling out of his skin with all of these girls and their strange activities. Where else could they go? What were they supposed to do?
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Post by K-Robe »

((OOC: Sorry this is late))

"Let's... just go back," Vivian stated in defeat after Brian talked to her.

Renee sighed as she shook her head. Peeping at Brian and Vivian didn't accomplish anything. Adjusting Brian's fedora on her head, she went back to the house to wait for the two. Sitting on a comfortable-looking armchair, she spun Brian's fedora around on her fingers. She actually quite liked the hat and she reminded herself to ask Brian if she could keep it. Suddenly, she realized something.

What the hell are we going to do?

Indeed, Renee asked herself that question as she got up and watched Brian and Vivian walk out of the barn. They were in the middle of the most dangerous situation of their lives. As she was thinking, people were probably dying left and right elsewhere in this place. The chances of survival would be very slim for any of them. Renee briefly pondered about shooting Brian and Vivian then hoarding their supplies until the competition died out.

But no, that wouldn't be right. Still, it made Renee realize that she needed to be more... adaptable.

The situation they found themselves in required a lot of adaptability, didn't it? Murder was out of the question, but killing wasn't. As much Renee hated to admit, she needed to start thinking more pragmatically. Charles Darwin was right. The most adaptable won out every time.

She got sat back on the armchair. She pulled off her backpack and rummaged out her Tec-9. She realized that the magazine was still inside it from her encounter with Julia. That was a stupid idea. She unloaded the magazine and set the thing inside her bag.

Adjusting the fedora, she started examining the gun while she waited for the pair to return. She needed to do something after all.

Suddenly Brian went in and took the fedora off her head. Renee only managed an annoyed look before dumping the gun back in her bag. Vivian entered the house as well.

Brian asked, "So do we have a plan? I know I don't."

"Raid the house for supplies," Renee said immediately. "Makes the most sense. If there aren't supplies, then I suggest we make base here."

Thinking logically was nice. At least she didn't have to ponder morals then.
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Vivian slumped against the wall as soon as they made it back to the house. She stared out a window, looking at the desert outside. It was kind of where she wanted to be at the moment. Hell, anything was better than staying here. She scanned her eyes across the room, not realy focusing on anything in particular.

Now what? Vivian had no idea what to do. What were you supposed to do in a situation like this? Vivian knew murder was wrong. Everyone knew that, right? But then Vivian thought back to the forest. Brian shot an unarmed boy just a few whiles ago. Brian wasn't exactly the model student that surely existed in her school, but he wasn't the worst, either. What if there were more like Brian? People who aren't afraid of killing other students. What was she to do if they met someone like that?

Maybe she needed to rethink her mindset.


"So do we have a plan? I know I don't."

Vivian's eyes rested on Brian as he said this.

"Raid the house for supplies. Makes the most sense. If there aren't supplies, then I suggest we make base here."

And then they shot towards Renee.

Vivian really didn't want to stay here. And it was for two reasons. One, she felt much more comfortable in the outdoors, and staying in this house for god knows how long didn't sit well with her. Two, Vivian was still on edge from before. She didn't want to stay in the place that caused it.

"No," she said simply.

There was a pause.

"I'm not staying."
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Post by peregrineink* »

The idea of raiding was certainly an attractive one, but what did they possibly need in a game that was clearly about murder that they didn't already have? Brian gripped the shotgun tighter and considered Renee's statement. He had more just been wondering in the long hall...but he knew it would be difficult to get anything done while Vivian was still being a killjoy.

No. She said from her place at the wall. I'm not staying.

Her turned to look at her, confusion blossoming on his face. Did he mean not stay with them? Not stay in the house? No, asking all of those questions would just make him look foolish. Plus, it's not like he even cared.

"Alright then," he said quietly. "Then we are we going?"
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Post by K-Robe »

It was good to think logically, in the moment. It was good to formulate a plan for the long term. It was good to start thinking sensibly. It was good to not have to bother with emotion.

So of course Vivian says, "No. I'm not staying."

Normally, when someone says something that Renee doesn't like, she lets them know about it. She lets them know why something is illogical, why something wouldn't work, why someone should do something instead of another thing. People asked her for advice on these things. She'd always tell them some perfectly logical answer that didn't require any emotions. If it did require emotions, then Renee would use those to her advantage.

Renee was going to tell Vivian how senseless it would be to go out there. The ranch could provide a good defensive area. It's walled up, has several buildings, and the house is large and sturdy. Out there is dangerous. That is the place where people are dying. That is where you might die, by yourself and away from the ones that you care about. That is where you will die. Once again, Renee contemplated shooting the two and just be over with it. But morals came up again, and Renee still had to retain some semblance of dignity.

Instead of erupting in frustrated anger like she expected to, Renee simply sighed. She rubbed her eyes, which she expected to be doing a lot of.

Brian spoke up, saying, "Alright then. Then where are we going?"

Well it looked like that was two against one. Oh well, the ranch wasn't that good-looking anyway. Renee pulled out the map from her backpack. She scanned it for a while.

"The town would seem like a good idea," she stated. But she quickly retracted that statement. "Actually," she said, "it'd probably be a big hive of attention. Let's try somewhere more low-key. We could go back to the train station, but I'm sincerely hoping Wilson's left the area. We could also try the trading post and try to find more people. There's also the mines, but I don't know about that. Thoughts, you two?"
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Vivian was already up. She had already gotten to her feet by the time by the time Brian had replied. By the time Renee had pulled her map out, Vivian was already at the doorway, staring out into the open plains. She didn't even register Renee's question to them. All she cared about right now was going out. She didn't even really have a destination in mind, but she didn't want to stay here.

Vivian considered running, sprinting out of there with no warning. It would catch the other two off guard, ad they wouldn't be able to catch up. But no, Vivian wasn't that mean. Besides she'd rather have two people who could protect her, and she didn't want to abandon that because they pissed her off. Instead, as she made her way to the fence, she looked back at the other two.

And then her legs started moving, almost robotically, with no real destination in mind.

((Vivian Cathwell continued in Rebel Without a Clue.))
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Post by peregrineink* »

Brian didn't like that.

Brian didn't chase.

Brian watched Vivian go.

He looked at Renee, allowing his slow burning smile to come to his face once again, forcing it.

"After you, sugar," he said. It wasn't phony. Just hollow. Brian didn't show weakness, he didn't like it. He thought of Vivian walking somewhere, he thought of Renee following her.

It was ripe with opportunity.

He got to his feet and took note of where Vivian went, her footsteps.

"We should really all stick together," he told her.
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Post by K-Robe »

"Jesus..." Renee muttered.

She allowed herself to rub her eyes once again before looking toward the doorway that Vivian had gone through. No destination in mind, no idea in the whole wide world of where to go. Wasn't that peachy?

Of course mouthing off possible logical destinations wouldn't work. She should've known better than to apply logic and thought into the mind of an emotionally unstable girl, especially one that had seen what people could stoop down to in situations like this one. Not that she was listening in the first place, anyway.

As Renee contemplated leaving Vivian out in the wilds so that she wouldn't have to bother with her, Brian spoke up. "After you, sugar." A slight pause as he got up to his feet. "We should really all stick together."

"Right," Renee said tiredly. She couldn't really argue with that. Whatever friends she could find in this place would be useful anyway. She wasn't about to let one, let alone two, go. Renee zipped up her backpack and flung it across her shoulders. She went outside the house and she saw Vivian in the distance. Rubbing her shoulders despite the humid weather, she watched Vivian from the house.

The dreary atmosphere was getting to Renee, so she felt the need to crack a joke before following Vivian. "Hey Brian, let's make sure that our random destination is at least comfortable enough for sex, okay? I'd rather not do it on the hot ground. Unless you like that sort of thing." After a wink and the flash of a forced smile, Renee did her best to catch up to Vivian.

(Renee Murphy continues in Rebel Without a Clue)
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Post by peregrineink* »

"Hey Brian, let's make sure that our random destination is at least comfortable enough for sex, okay? I'd rather not do it on the hot ground. Unless you like that sort of thing."

Good God.

Brian watched Renee as she left the house, his eyes dipping lower and lower at her hindquarters as she trotted to catch up to Vivian. It wasn't his taste to chase after moody women. It wasn't. If there was one thing that Brian Larke didn't enjoy, was following after girls, making sure that they were okay. If there was one thing he wasn't going to do was watch Vivian pout because Renee wanted to have sex with him.

"I have got to feed the war machine," he said stoically. Outloud. To no one.

That felt so much better.

Girls, in the long run, though fun, really cramped his style. He adjusted his fedora...thinking about Renee rubbing her shoulders...she was probably a virgin wasn't she. She was probably a virgin, she had to be because she had held out so long up until this point.

So how many other girls were willing to give it up now? This prospect was exciting to say the least.

"Nope," Brian said out loud again. "That is not what we're doing here."

That's not what anyone was doing here. Sure, sex was obviously still on the table, but so was jealousy and all of the other nasty and boring feelings that went along with absolutely everything.

And Brian Larke had a shotgun now.

So why not use it?

He watched for a moment, as the girls went in one direction, and he slipped out of the house. Staying close to the side of the house, watching them to make sure no one turned around, he slipped of towards the opposite direction.

Because let's be real, if there was one thing Brian Larke was good at...

it was leaving.

(Brian Larke continued elsewhere.)
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