Rio Bravo

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours)

The customs office is a building located near the inland edge of the fishing village, built after American occupation for the purpose of facilitating the transportation and cataloging of resources and people passing in and out the village. On the outside, the customs office is a small, one story building disconnected from all other buildings in the village, boasting a single entrance and several tall windows. On the inside is a sort of waiting room. This room features several chairs sprinkled across the floor facing a teller stand, with several counters and low coffee tables in between. To access the teller stand, workers at the customs office used a door on one end of the waiting room, leading to the stand itself and to an employee room, consisting of several desks still stuffed with paperwork. Regardless of what room one is in, though, propaganda lines the walls; a number of posters celebrate the American way of life and the occupation of Mexico.
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Post by Ohm »

Jason had a smile as he crawled towards her ready to get payback for his leg, get her stuff and then fuckin vamosh outta here til a blonde bitch came outta nowhere and dragged her out.

Then he got a flashlight in his face.


His hands flew up to his forehead as he cursed and screamed.

He almost had her. God dammit! Now he was stuck here while wannabe hero over there reaps the spoils.

Fuckin fantastic.
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by Katie »

Brittany smiled as she saw the flashlight had hit its target, and took advantage of the time this bought her by quickly pulling Ingrid through the doorway and shutting the door.

Brittany then continued fleeing, while helping Ingrid along, though this time at a leisurely walking pace, confident she'd bought enough time that running needn't be necessary. She decided to make small talk with her hopefully soon-to-be ally.

"You know, I recognize you," Brittany stated. "You're that pretty girl I met in the library that one time. I don't think I ever did catch your name though."
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Post by CondorTalon »


Words words words.

Right now, Ingrid was still too panicked to even comprehend what the girl was saying, let alone respond coherently.

She just wanted to get out of here. She just wanted to get away and never have to deal with something like this ever again.

It would defeinitely happen again. That thought sprung up from her mind like an angry lion, and she muttered under her breath.

"Can we p-please just go...?"
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Post by Katie »

How rude! The girl had just completely ignored what Brittany had just said. If she weren't hoping to ally with this girl, she would have given her a right scolding. Instead, she just smiled and said, "Of course, let's get you out of here. Hold on!"

She picked up Ingrid bridal style and quickly made her way out of the customs office. She paused to catch her breath once she got out, and then looked over to Ingrid. "All right, I think we've gotten a good distance from that brute. He shan't be catching up to us anytime soon. Are you all right? Can you walk?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

Ingrid was surprised when she was suddenly lifted up by the other girl. Maybe it did something to alleviate her panic, if only a little.

They managed to make out of the office, with her head miraculously dodging every doorframe. Only when they made it fully outside did Ingrid finally manage to calm her breathing and return to a (somewhat) rational state of mind.

The girl let her down and then asked if she could walk.

"Yeah," she said, "Yeah, I'll be f-"

The word died in her throat as she took a step and pain shot from her knee. She half-gasped, half-cried, before covering her mouth. She was still standing, but her legs were shaking.

She was fine. She was totally... totally fine.
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Post by Katie »

Brittany could tell that she was not, in fact, fine. She gave Ingrid a concerned look. This girl clearly was in pain, and Brittany wasn't sure she'd be able to walk on her own.

"You are clearly not fine," Brittany stated. "Perhaps I should take out my first aid kit and look over your afflictions? I have a 4.0 GPA you know, so I think I'm smart enough to figure out what's wrong and what to do about it. We may want to find a safer place though, lest that crippled brute catch up to us. You can lean on me for support if need be, since I don't think you'll be able to walk on your own."

She looked around to see where a good place to rest would be. "I think it'd be best if we head for the nearest house, there'll likely be a bed for you to lay down on and we won't be out in the open, and the less you have to walk the better."
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Post by Ohm »

As Jason laid there collecting his thoughts and breathing heavily. He heard the sounds of running in the other room, probably the girls figuring he was gonna still bounce back like the fuckin boogeyman and catch em.

Heh, like hell he will, not like this anyway. He looked at his cast. He had a huge disadvantage compared to the others, even a small bitch like that could get the better of him. It was not a good sign of things to come, he needed allies and he needed em quick.

He had heard the others names be called, Zeke and Mick. The dynamic fucking duo. He remembered their conversation about teaming up and he knew what needed to be done, but first he needed to find them, hopefully alive and not, y'know, dead or crazy or some shit like that.

Jason reached his hands out and dragged himself along the floor over the corner, ever so slowly. He would have to wait a bit til the two bitches were gone before he could leave. That was the worst part. Being boxed in like this. As he reached it, he forced himself into a sitting position and put his back and head to the wall and closed his eyes. The only sounds in the air he could hear were his own breathing and distant sound of female voices.
It had been the usual day back at Denver. He had been skating with his friends earlier and fucked around with a camera filming tricks. He had gotten a sick one of Mick faceplanting earlier that he was hoping to save, maybe get that shit in a compilation. Anyway he was making his way home when he saw his sister outside. she looked furious.

"Hi Sidney" He said with a wave. she moved her head slowly to look at him. She didn't seem to get more pleased to see him. In fact it looked like it got worse.

"Where the hell were you?! You know what day it is?" Her eyes narrowed down at him, staring daggers. Jason just shrugged and shook his head.

"You idiot! Their airing the Program today." Jason looked at her like she had grown three heads. This was what she was making such a fuss about? The fucking program? Shit, he feared it had been something actually important for a bit, like his mom's birthday or his dad dying.

"Oh, you made me afraid for a bit there. Almost thought it was something important." He said with a smile. She stood up to stare at him on an equal level, which didn't exactly work considering he was taller than her. She pointed a finger in his face.

"You know damn well it's important! The Program helps our country weed out traitors and those minorities." She always spoke so passionately about it. And politics and the government and all that jazz. It always felt weird, sure wasn't cause of mom. She couldn't care less about the program than him.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Just calm down already." He sighed as he walked past her, he was not in the mood for this shit. He could hear her following and prattling at him. For now he'd just go along with it, if only so she'd stop.
Jason opened his eyes and stared into the thin air, blinking and rubbing his eyes. It wasn't a good sleep, didn't make him feel any better. It just reminded him that it had been that day they watched that Frank guy kill his all american buddy, he got on Sidney's shit list for that. Wouldn't hear the end of it for at least a week so thanks for that Frank.

But the worst part about it was the question that it set forward in his mind. Would he be able to kill them when the time came? He knew with Mick he wouldn't have to worry, but Zeke and Reese...could he do it? could he pull the trigger? It was easy back then to say no, he wouldn't. Back when the program was just something that happened once a year and was shown on tv.

He bonked his head backwards on the wall and grabbed his crutches, he got up on his feet and made his way to the door as quietly as he could and looked out. He couldn't see anyone or anything.

He got himself over the desk and ventured outwards, past the dead boy. He set himself up against the wall and looked out. Looked clear. He hobbled down the stairs and made his way out. Hoping to hell he didn't have to answer that question.

((Jason Rosser continued elsewhere Disengage The Simulator)
[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by CondorTalon »

Ingrid wanted to protest. Ingrid wanted to snap back at the other girl. It didn't matter that the girl had a 4.0 GPA because so did she. Ingrid wanted to just leave and just be left alone. She didn't respond to the other girl's comments. She simply tried to take another step, and felt the pain shoot up her leg again.

She didn't want help. She didn't need help. She was independent. She didn't need to rely on anybody.

Her next actions betrayed her though, because even though she didn't want help, she couldn't do anything on her own right now.

She simply nodded as a shaky breath escaped her lips.
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Post by Katie »

"All right, let's get a move on then," Brittany said as she put an arm around Ingrid and began helping her get to one of the fancy houses to the east, from whence she had come. Brittany hoped Ingrid wasn't hurt too bad, an injured ally wouldn't really be of much help, except maybe to gain sympathy. If it weren't for the fact that Ingrid was pretty Brittany probably would have given up on her, taken her crowbar and ran, but Brittany decided she'd give her a chance. She didn't want to make enemies too early, or at least not new ones.

(Brittany Chesterton continued in Getting Better)
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Post by CondorTalon »

At this point, Ingrid simply let herself be led away. She promised herself that she'd head off on her own as soon as her leg stopped hurting. For now, though, she had to admit that she needed someone's help.

The old Ingrid would have never admitted that. But then again, the old Ingrid had never gotten herself into serious physical pain. The old Ingrid would have never though she'd be in a death game, forceed to kill her classmates.

((Ingrid White continued in Getting Better.))
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