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Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:43 pm
by Courtography
Each footstep brought a little less pain. Was it really less or was she just better at tuning it out? She supposed it didn't matter. She'd made it halfway through the room now. That's when she heard at least two voices from the next car. Could she risk that? It would be dumb to just go charging in wouldn't it?

She glanced out the window at the passing landscape. On the other hand if the train went for too long...She'd think for a moment. She navigated herself near the door, holding the shotgun at the ready. Maybe they'd open it up and she'd have an easy shot on someone. Especially Renee, she wasn't nearly so eager to fight with the others.

She breathed out. It would soon be over. Soon.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:43 pm
by KamiKaze
Renee seemed miserable, and it seemed like she was going to cry too. It felt so miserable like this. It was probably going to be over soon, but how long?

But Leo chimed in, and Katie was back in planning mode when she heard him.

So what about Rebecca?

Rebecca wasn't likely to just sit down for tea, that was for certain. Only one was going to get out. Renee made the point of pointing this out.

So what can be done with a problem like Rebecca?


The thought popped into her head. They could just hide somewhere, and once she entered the cart they could introduce her with a spray of bullets. Would that work?

Renee came up with the same idea as her, so she wasn't alone in thinking that. Yeah, ambushing her was probably the best idea, actually. You know, catch her by surprise? That was honestly probably one of the best ideas to get her.

"I... agree. Ambush her, and catch her by surprise. We can hide out someplace where we can see her but she can't see us."

Katie looked around, looking for a possible place. The seats were good, though depending on how she entered and how they hid themselves they could be easily spotted. There didn't seem to be too many places for them to hide, however. After a second, she spoke up again.

"Guys? I think the best place for us is the seats. We just curl up on the floor somewhere in the middle, and when she pops in we just stand up and... do our thing."

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Acidic*
After Rebecca mentioned she didn't want a murder to survive Leo had to force his mouth to stay shut. Making sure his lips were still touching he listened to her and Katie plan, and nodded. Deciding who lived or died could wait until they had the safety to have that discussion. As well as his justifications for his actions during this game.

"Ambush sounds good. Maybe when she comes you guys could shoot at her first," He reached in his bag to dig around until his hands grabbed the crowbar. "and if you guys miss and she's still alive I can."

Leo shook the crowbar lightly, "Well, yeah." Waking back into the seats Leo started to get on his knees.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by K-Robe
Renee nodded at the agreements among the three present. Ambush Rebecca. Good plan if she'd ever thought of one. There was one more thing, however.

She reached into her bag and pulled out her Tec-9 pistol. For a moment, she stared at it. She hadn't held this gun since her first day here, before Julia died and she took Julia's gun as her own. Maybe someone else could get some mileage out of it. Her eyes wandered over to Leo, now on his kness behind a pair of seats.

Could she trust him with a gun? After what the Sheriff had said he'd done? Maybe, maybe not. But he was repenting, wasn't he? He was actually trying to do something good here. Or at least, that was the impression that Renee was getting off of him. That was the reason he was with Katie, right? To do something good...

Unlike Rebecca.

"Raclaw," Renee tossed the gun toward Leo, with it landing on the seat next to him.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't shoot me in the back," Renee said, turning away and finding her own cover, in a pair of seats behind Leo. Kneeling down so as to not be seen, she drew in her breath and cocked the MP5. It was almost showtime.

And if Leo decided he wanted to live and tried to do everything that came with that decision, then Renee would have to do exactly what was necessary in that situation. That would be justice. Wouldn't it?

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Courtography
Standing there she heard it. Ambush. For a moment it seemed shocking. Didn't any of them care enough about staying alive to take care of each other when they had the chance? After all, she had killed plenty, but she was so injured that they really didn't think it needed all three of them together to take her down, did they? Maybe they don't know, Renee might not be smart enough to realize she hit you that bad. Stupid bitch.

She gave what was half grimace, half smile and moved her hand to that knob. The door pushed open, she didn't even look. She fired the sawed off, hearing the near deafening blast hit her ears as the recoil hit her already bruised chest.

Her screaming legs were already trying to carry her back behind the cover of the doorway. She hoped they'd panic, maybe she'd taken someone out. Then she'd try to pick them off. Simple, it was just something she had to do. Nothing left to think about, just react.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by KamiKaze
So that was settled. Ambush her first, and catch her off guard. And then what? Katie didn't know. She guessed they would discuss that when Rebecca went down. If Rebecca went down. If. There was always that little unpredictable factor there.

As Rebecca and Leo slid into position, Katie did as well, pulling herself behind a seat towards the back and placing herself on the ground, wincing as she crawled. The floor looked too familiar. The same pattern remained on the carpet, and the seats still had the same worn fabric that a few days ago, she and everyone else had sat on not knowing was going to happen.

Katie stared at the pistol in her hand. She didn't know anything about guns, and she was still worried that there wouldn't be enough bullets. Would it work?

It didn't take long for Rebecca to enter, though. The door swung open on the other side of the carriage, and suddenly a loud chorus of gunshots filled the air. Katie flinched, the sound hurting her ears.

Damn it! Did she hear that? She must have, seeing as it didn't take long for her to open fire. Or maybe someone was very visible. Either way.

Katie swore under her breath, choosing to stay behind the seat, holding her ears.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Acidic*
Leo stood there deciding if he should reply to Renee's remark, but thought better of it as he picked up the gun. Frowning at the weight he looked to Katie to see if she had any thing to say about it, but she was too busy sliding into position. Kneeling onto the vibrating floor he figured he probably deserved it, but still felt the sting.

Putting his finger over the trigger Leo positioned his hands the best he could, but they shook far more than the weight should have made them. God he hated guns, and if he made it out he never wanted to see one again.

Until then he just had to deal with it.

Half way though a deep breath Rebecca burst in. Leo gasped as he fired a reflexive shot, and a window proved to be a fatality as it shattered outwards letting the wind in.

Ears ringing Leo's hands shook as he tried to find the courage to stand and fire, but they held fast to the floor of the carriage.

Once again, Leo's skin was haunted by the ghosts of the flames from a few days ago.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by K-Robe
Rebecca struck first. Renee wanted to smack herself for being so stupid. She didn't even think to tone down the volume of their conversation, just in case a certain someone might be spying on them.

Stupid, Renee. Stupid.

And she was certainly paying for it, now. A wall of bullets tore through the train car and Renee was vaguely aware of the wind now hitting her face from a broken window.

Of course, Renee wasn't paying much attention to that at the moment. She had felt flesh tear in her shoulder.

Her eyes widened and she gasped, as the shock of getting shot caused her to fall backwards, her neck hitting the edge of the seat behind her. Renee heard her MP5 drop to the ground as she grasped her left shoulder, her arm almost numbing from the pain.

She muttered a few curses as she layed flat on the ground, attempting to stop the bleeding with her hand, though this only served to make her hand covered in blood. Her mind turned to Rebecca and how they could've avoided this. This, because of a stupid mistake.

Stupid, Renee. Stupid.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Courtography
Her ears were still ringing when she finished lurching out of the way. She hadn't heard if any gunshots had followed. What she did know is that they'd be after her now. Their fucking ambush might not have worked, but she knew they wouldn't just let her go. She wasn't stupid, she knew the score.

She climbed up on the bottom bunk closest to the door, training the sawed off shotgun at it. When they tried to enter she'd fire. She had three shells left inside, that should at least be enough for her to buy enough time to reload. Reload or get her bow out of her bag.

Her leg felt like it was going to stiffen up and turn to stone from the way she was crouched in the bunk. It didn't matter, she tried to block it out. She wasn't going to let her injury beat her now.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by KamiKaze
Katie felt the gunshot still bursting in her ears.

She spotted them.

She spotted them. Katie still couldn't get over that. She just came so quickly.

Katie stood up, looking around.

Where did she go? Katie had no idea. Her ears continued to ring. Gun in hand, she stepped out, wondering if she hid somewhere. She probably did.

A few more steps.

Deep breath.

She couldn't have gone far. Katie had the feeling Rebecca was smart. She couldn't have gotten all those kills if she wasn't, would she? Of course she wouldn't. That was fact.

She did, didn't she?

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Acidic*
Okay, gotta get my shit together. We're all going to die if you fall apart now.

Leo rubbed his eyes, and took a few startled breaths before standing up. He followed Katie until she stopped.

He stood with a perplexed look on his face and whispered, "What? She still here?"

He waited for an answer before he remembered Renee, and added, "Be right back. Gonna check on Renee."

Waking backwards to keep on eye out for Rebecca he approached Renee.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by K-Robe
Renee groaned in pain, though the more she held her shoulder, the more it seemed to subside. That wasn't to say that the injury wasn't serious; far from it. She'd still need some medical attention. She sat up and threw off her backpack.

She spotted Leo approaching her, after reassuring Katie.

"Hey, Leo," she said, though she found it rather difficult. "Got shot. First aid kit in my daypack." She gestured at the backpack. "Help me out, will you?"

Renee found it somewhat ironic that she needed someone's help just to get a first aid kit, but she was even more surprised to realize that this was her first real injury during this whole escapade. And how many had Rebecca sustained even before Renee decided to shoot her in the leg? God, she never realized how painful this place could get.

Renee almost laughed.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:44 pm
by Courtography
Rebecca couldn't hear if they were coming. It was making her crazy. They could just pop through the door at any time and if she was inattentive they'd be there and they'd be killing her. Her finger was on the trigger. Why couldn't they come? Then it'd be over. This anxiety over when they'd be coming would be over and lost in how she had to fight.

She felt her breath coming quicker and quicker. Come on come on, why wouldn't they do it? Were they going to sneak up on her? She'd seen ladders before. What if they were going up one of those? They could come around the other side and then they'd have her surrounded and they'd kill her. Pump her full of bullets.

But if she watched both ends she could get caught off if they just came from one side. The breaths were faster now, too fast. The only sound she could hear was her heartbeat in her damaged ears. She had to make up her mind. Try to attack again to stop them from catching her off guard or run or keep hiding? Her legs stayed where they were like they had been nailed to the bunk.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:45 pm
by KamiKaze
As Katie walked, a stagger in her step, she heard Leo get up behind her and tailing her. Only, however, a sound came from him saying he was going to check up on Renee.

She briefly turned to him, and nodded, as if to say she was still going to deal with Rebecca.

Katie didn't even realize Renee was injured.

As she continued to step forward, with a deep breath she went through the door to get a closer look at the bunks.


There she was.

Rebecca Clark.

She both wanted to see her and didn't want to see her. Seeing her meant dealing with it. Not seeing her meant that she was still out there. Sometimes Katie, like she did with Simon and the Sheriff, fantasized about causing her serious harm. Crushing her head, stabbing her in the stomach, you name it. But here she was.


Rebecca's gun had been trained near the door, and Katie's pointed back.

Re: Last of the Alderbrooks

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:45 pm
by Acidic*
Leo stalled a bit before going to Renee's bag. After some digging he was able to bring it to her, opened it, and started to reach for something when he heard Katie shout.

Pausing, Leo looked over his shoulder as he slid the kit to Renee,

"I should probably help her." He said as he picked up his gun, and stood. He wasn't gonna let Rebecca get win this. He considered giving her some advice about what to use, but that would take more time than he was sure they had.

Wobbling on the train floor a little bit before he started walking towards Katie pointing a gun, but he couldn't see Rebecca,