Luck is for Losers


Ice cold and deep enough to lose your depth easily, swimming here is not recommended. Just a little north of town, it's clear from the handful of boat sheds built around it that the lake was once used for fishing. There are even a number of small rowing boats present, though the majority of them are rotted to the point of being unusable.
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Post by Fenrir »

Aaron was grateful that his rather sudden appearance and announcement hadn’t caused the girls to panic like he had hoped; in fact each girl had greeted him in turn in a friendly enough way and had even offered to let him join their group. At least, he thought that’s what they said.

While the tone of the conversation and greetings had been friendly enough, the nature of what they were saying caught the jock somewhat off guard. The mentions of bands, roadies and singers wasn’t exactly what he was expecting to hear from the group and he got the distinct impression that he had stumbled into a in-joke that he wasn’t part of. Still, he could play along if that’s what was needed.

“Urm, sure, I could be a bodyguard.”

As quickly as it had come that line of talk was gone and the girls had apparently moved onto more serious matter. Namely, comparing weapons. Aaron didn’t particularly like that line of thinking, because it lead to wondering about what other people in the game might have, which lead to remembering that this was The Program and there were other people out there, which lead to thinking about what would happen when they ran into one of the less friendly or more desperate students. Which lead to wondering what you might have to do in that situation.

Still, unpleasant as it was, and as much as Aaron would like to avoid dwelling on those fact, it was necessary. Looking over what they had available could help them come up with a plan, plus it gave Aaron an opportunity to look over his new allies and see who they were.

The first girl to speak up was the one he had noticed from afar and, as he had assumed, she really did have a cast on her arm; thinking to himself Aaron had to wonder how bad your luck had to be to not only end up in The Program but to do so while still recovering from such a debilitating injury. Her bad luck seemed to extend to her weapon draw as well since, while the hedge clippers were decidedly more lethal than his own draw, they were somewhat useless when you could only move one arm.

The second girl to step forward, who he also did not recognise, was even worse, with only an action figure to defend herself with.

He was slightly taken aback when the girl suddenly addressed him again, answering his previous question about how they were doing. At the mention of moving somewhere else Aaron’s hand reflexively when to his pocket and felt the outline of the map and compass through the material of his jeans. He hadn’t even looked at the map yet and had no idea what kind of place they were stuck in, let alone thought about where to go after leaving the lake. Besides, he felt like it would be presumptuous to start offering his opinions on things before anybody else when he had just got here.

Instead he focused back on the matter of weapons, stepping forward so he was closer to the group as he lifted the length of rope in his hand so that they could see it. It was made of a thick and stiff rope, allowing the distinctive loop at one end to keep its shape, and was tied with a loop knot to allow the user to adjust the size of the loop and allow the lasso to tighten over the ensnared target once the loop was thrown over them. Not that Aaron knew or noticed any of this, aside from the stiffness of the rope which made it difficult to fold the rope up to make it easier to carry.

“All I've got is this. I’m not much of a cowboy so I don’t know how useful it'll be.”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
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Post by delicateMachine »

Ash glanced around a bit as Aaron reached the "band", still feeling rather exposed. While hopefully anyone who chanced upon a sniper rifle or whatever wouldn't be a good enough shot to hit someone on the first try, (sniping was complicated, from what little she had learned. Nothing at all like the games! You practically had to be a mathematician to actually hit anything!) but definitely not a chance she'd like to take.

Not that any of her classmates would ever shoot someone, of course! Said hypothetical sniper would merely be an incredibly disgruntled moose, or whatever the hell sort of animal lived here! If she tried hard enough, she could almost force herself to believe that!

After a quick round of conversation, the others began to display their weapons, though they were hardly worthy of the name. Amanda's hedge clipper would normally be decent, but operating it with one hand was out of the question. Aaron's rope had some utility, at least. Jasmine's... could be used as a distraction? Pretend to be the badass American hero Solid Snake, throw a piece of trash to draw the guards away from you? A stretch. Not really worth thinking about, though. No one was going to get hurt anytime soon.

"Well, since we're apparently comparing weapon sizes now, here's mine!" Ashley said, pulling her snuggie back out of the bag, and holding it above her head. "Behold! Tremble in awe of this mighty device, which will allow me to..." she paused, letting the tension grow. "STAY COZY! AHAHAHA!" Ashley burst into maniacal laughter for a few seconds, then sighed.

"Disregard that, please. Anyway, we really should get moving soon. We've been sitting by this lake for a while! I'm pretty sure we're on the north side of the lake, which means that to the north, there's some sort of town; south of us, a cabin up in the mountains; and to the east and west, a shitload of trees."

Ashley paused, taking a breath. "Any ideas on where we should head? The cabin sounds pretty good to me, but I'd like to hear what you guys think. We're a group now, so we should use the true superpowers of friendship, teamwork, and rock, along with every other cliche imaginable!"
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Post by Bikriki* »

Things were going well given that Amanda just woke up confused a few minutes ago. Not only did she had good company now, she also had a bodyguard. Kind of. He was good company too, probably. While she tried to get the jacket on her, she got some grasps of the other's weapons. Suddenly, Amanda's hedge clippers didn't seem so bad anymore. Aaron's weapon was practically useless. Amanda nearly congratulated him for gaining a convinient suicide weapon. In jest, of course. Jasmine's weapon was definetly not something that deserved that name. Poor girl got the shortest straw. Ashley's weapon was actually usefull. Maybe not for combat, but at least for staying warm.

Amanda now had finished her business with the jacket. Only her left arm was in the sleeve, she just couldn't be bothered to put her broken one in the respective sleeve. After that, she pulled out her map, as she wanted to know where she is as well.

Ashley proposed that the group should move. Amanda could get behind the idea. If there was someone with a sniper rifle, then only luck could save them. Then again, Amanda wasn't really fond of the idea to move in a slow tempo. That was something she always had problems with. Running to a place was fine, but walking was a terrible thing. Amanda felt like simple walking is equal to voluntary moving like a snail. Useless waste of time.

The band geek then said that they seemed to be at the north of the lake. Sounded correct. However, she then continued with saying that there was a town to the north. Sounded less correct. Eitherway, she then thought that walking to the cabin would be a good idea.

"Umm... Ashley, I don't want to nitpick, but the town is actually to the south. Anyway... I am fine with cabin. I don't really care."
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Post by Deamon »

Aaron agreed to be their bodyguard which meant that he was officially part of their little group. Three girls and a guy, Aaron was the luckiest guy in the Program in terms of companions that was for least in the looks department. In terms of how useful they'd be in any other situation he had a bad draw. But that was why they'd signed him on as a bodyguard. After all you couldn't expect the girls to be able to defend themselves with the weapons they had; so even if Aaron had a bad weapon at least he was physically fit and would be some use in a fight. Whereas Jaz knew Amanda would be no use in a fight with only one good arm and she doubted Ash would be much use. As for herself...Jasmine would deal with that when she got there.

As for Aaron's weapon, well a lasso was about as much use as everything else they had between them. It was more like they were packed for some weird camping trip than a game of life of death. It looked like whoever had been dishing out weapons had a sick sense of humour though, then again there was always some poor bastard that got a "weapon" that was useless from what she had seen of the Program. Jasmine had never imagined that poor person would've been her and one of her best friends.

"You could suffocate someone with it." Jasmine muttered as Ash finished showing them her weapon. Jasmine had seen the killer in one of horror movies kill someone with something similar to a snuggie. So she assumed it could be done in real life, after all hold something over someone's head for long enough and they'd suffocate. At least the snuggie was capable of that much. You could hang someone with a lasso as well. The only problem with both of those methods was that it would be incredibly hard to do to someone who was expecting an attack and next to impossible to do to someone head-on. So in a straight fight they were still screwed.

"I don't see why we shouldn't go to the cabin." Jasmine said in response. It would be easy for four people to defend even when one of those people had a broken arm. Of course if there were already people in the cabin it could be a no go or they could just share the...yeah there was no way that was going to happen. They'd either have to have the cabin to themselves or not have it at all. That was the only way Jasmine could see it working out. "Which way are we going then?" Jasmine said, her mind made up. She propped the action figure on the inside on her hoodie so that it could see out as she picked up her bag.

Jasmine really hoped the others would take her hint and decide on where to go so they could move. If only so they could get away from the lake. Maybe if a monster burst from the lake it would spark the survival instincts in the others and they'd be able to move on. As it stood though the lake was incredibly depressing with its broken down and rusted boats, just having been abandoned by their owners and left to rot. She saw the parallels with her current situation and she didn't like it. Which was why moving on was an attractive idea for her. Just in case they didn't get her hint though Jasmine decided to add a little exclamation point to her question.

"I'm only asking because I'm freezing my ass off here."
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Post by Fenrir »

That girl. She’s not quite right is she?

This was the main thought that went through Aaron’s mind as he watched the final girl in the group display her own weapon – a snuggie – complete with melodramatic introduction. Most of his other thoughts concerning the strange girl were ones of vague recognition; he couldn’t help but feel he had met her before, but couldn’t quite remember where for the moment.

Still, despite the girl’s strange sense of humour he couldn’t help but smile slightly at her antics. Under normal circumstances he might not have found them as funny but under these conditions and little levity was appreciated.

After the issue of who-got-what in terms of weapons was sorted out – a toy soldier, a garden tool, a rope and a glorified blanket between then – the issue of where to go from here was raised. The girl with the blanket – Ashley according to cast girl; he really should get everyone’s names sorted out – laid out all there options, none of which particularly jumped out at him as good options, though if he had a say he’d prefer to head towards one of the buildings rather than into the forest.

The girl with the broken arm chimed in next, first correcting the first girl on the direction of some of the nearest places, and then agreeing that they should head towards the cabin from here. While the third girl joined the discussion, just adding her agreement and urging them towards an actual decision by saying how cold she was, Aaron reached into his pocket and drew out the map and compass in his pocket.

He held the map steady in his right hand while also trying to hold the compass in a way that he could actually read it while still holding on to his lasso with his left, wishing the people running this game had given him a joke weapon that was a little easier to handle. With a sudden thought he put the compass away for a second before putting his left arm through the loops of his weapon, lifting the lasso up to his shoulder where it stayed, giving him a free hand to retrieve his compass and try again to read it.

“Yeah, town’s South not North. Cabin sounds good to me; the town would probably draw more people anyway. We should avoid crowds as much as we can, I think.” The compass was easy enough to figure out, all you had to do was line up the arrow so that it pointed North and follow it. Of course if he got it wrong that could be embarrassing and potentially dangerous. “Which would be… that way? I think?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by delicateMachine »

Oh, right. The direction you need to go in doesn't change depending on what way you're facing. Goddammit, I'm an idiot.

Ashley sighed as her error was pointed out. "Well, now that it's been established that I can't read maps, at least we all seem to be in agreement. To the cabin we shall travel! Oh, the last bastion of all hope awaits! With it's, uh, walls! Walls that most likely exist! Probably! And, er... chairs?" She deflated. "Dammit, I can't make a speech about something I've never even seen."

The wind picked up, and Ashley shivered a bit. "Definitely hear ya about the cold, Jaz. Maybe the cabin'll have a heater or something? At least the aforementioned probable-walls will block the wind." Aaron consulted his compass, pointing at the direction he thought to be north. Ash quickly double-checked her own compass, than gave him a thumbs up. "If that way isn't North, then... I can't read a compass. Fairly confident that we're right, though!"

She picked up her tote bag, slinging it over her shoulder. "This landscape is getting pretty old, so let's get moving." Ashley started walking the way they figured to be north, thinking about what would happen if the cabin was occupied when her group got there. They couldn't be the only ones who were trying to avoid crowds, right?

There'd be someone at the door, probably with some sort of barricade. A table? Ashley'd call out, assuring the inhabitants that she meant no harm. They'd probably have a grand ol' laugh at that, wouldn't they? Once they had calmed down enough to aim properly, boom, Ashley'd have a nice new hole through her head, her name would be listed on the announcements, her family would-

No, no, no! There was absolutely no way that was going to happen! No one was ever going to get hurt, no one was going to go crazy, no one was going to die! She... she just had to have faith.

((Ashley Sydor: Continued in Listenlistenlisten!.))
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Post by Bikriki* »

A, hopefully warm, cabin. Sounded good. Amanda's last reluctant thoughts faded away once she was harshly hit by an cold wind. Didn't matter if they moved slowly, as long as they moved away from this terribly cold lake.

Aaron and Ashley already departed, going into the direction that they assumed to be north. Amanda looked after them for a moment, wondering if they were really right about the position. If not, they could change directions. Probably. As long as they wouldn't run into any killers... Amanda shivered at the thought of some crazy minority holding a gun pointed at her. If they did, she really needed the strenght she gained in the track team.

The girls once again looked over the lake, trying to empty her mind this way. There was no point in dwelling on the... thing that might happen. After a few seconds passed, Amanda turned around to follow her group. She got faster and faster, untill she catched up with them

"Please try to be fast, it is cold as fu- I mean it is very cold out here."

Despite that, she slowed down on their tempo, it would be really bad if she gets lost alone.

[Amanda White, continued in Coward Die Many Times]
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Post by Deamon »

Finally the others had decided to stop talking about going to the cabin and were actually starting to head off towards it. Jasmine was grateful of that because she had been becoming increasingly impatient with the lack of activity from her partners. But now Ashley and Amanda were starting to walk off. Although it looked like no one knew how to use a compass and map so Jasmine was worried about their ability to actually locate the cabin in the first place.

Once they did however they would probably have to deal with the problem that it would be occupied by other members of their school and that had the potential to lead to problems. If there were people already in the cabin, which seemed likely than they could aggressively defend their safe haven. Some of the other possibilities were equally bad. They would probably have to share the cabin with others if they did manage to get in and when night fell they'd have to sleep in the same room as whoever else was there. Meaning they might have to sleep next to a minority and there was no way Jasmine was going to do that. The minority was more likely to kill them all in their sleep.

Yeah, if there were any minorities in the cabin then there was no way Jasmine was staying in there at night.

Hell if they got lucky the cabin would be empty and warm and they could hole up in it for a while. Jasmine didn't mind the sound of that.

Doubt did enter her mind when she thought about what they'd do if they were attacked by anyone who was in the cabin when they arrived but she didn't dwell on it. If there was any sign that violence was going to break out Jasmine was going to either: find a heavy rock or if no rocks were available get the hell out of there. There was no point trying to be a hero with only an action figure, especially against someone with a gun. She just hoped that Ashley realised that as well and would have enough sense to follow her if they need to break and run. If not Jasmine was going to have a hard decision to make. In the meantime Jasmine took her mind off things by going through songs she had written in her head. She didn't want to dwell on what could be ahead.

((Jasmine Stone continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Fenrir »

Aaron was the last to leave the lakeside area, waiting until all the girls had gone first before following. He paused at the treeline and looked back at the lake, panning around to take in all of the lake and shore that he could see from this spot, making sure there wasn’t anything that he or the girls had left behind by mistake and that there was indeed no-one else around to see them leave. He knew that the precaution was most likely not necessary but he needed to do it just to satisfy that little nagging doubt in the back of his mind before he left.

He wasn’t entirely sure how he had gotten into this situation; not The Program itself, that was just due to random lottery, but the situation with the girls. Aaron had always been the solitary sort; not isolated, just… separate from his classmates. If it wasn’t for his place on the football team he probably wouldn’t hang out with anyone from school at all. He was happier just spending time with his family or focusing his efforts on his extracurricular’s.

If he had thought before this about what he would do if he ever ended up in The Program – not that he ever did – he probably would have pictured himself sticking to himself and just trying to make it through the game on his own merits. He was just more comfortable that way.

Now, a snap decision to talk to the first group of people he saw ended up with him acting as bodyguard to three of his female classmates. That was more responsibility than he was comfortable with. That was three people, three lives, who kind of depended on how well he could protect them.

He really hoped they didn’t run into any trouble at the cabin.

((Aaron Chalmers continued in Aimless))
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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