A Moment of Reprise


To the south of the town, following the only trail that seems to have been deliberately made into a path, there is the ruins of what may have once been some form of lodge. However, the building has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber - an empty shell. The one thing that's clear is that whatever the building was, it was rather large, the wreckage indicating a number of distinct 'rooms'. The entire place is quietly ominous, unhelped by the pines encroaching on the ruins, nor the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings.
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Post by Deamon »

"You're so full of shit." Chris snarled as he pushed himself to a standing position. As he did so however Maxim raised his gun. Three times in one day Chris had now had a gun pointed at him. The worst part was that all of those times he'd had the gun pointed at him by the same person, within the same time frame. Maxim had been trying to justify what he had done. Chris hadn't believed a word of it. You didn't just shoot someone, claim it wasn't supposed to happen and then try the exact same thing with someone else. That showed clear intent and a lack of remorse.

Chris genuinely couldn't believe what he'd heard. Maxim clearly didn't think they'd accept his explanation anyway, since as soon as he'd finished talking he'd pointed the gun at them. He was talking as if he'd had no choice but to shoot Dylan and hold Chris up. He even said that there was no other way. Clearly Maxim hadn't tried very hard to find another way if his first solution was to try to rob someone and then shoot them. The jump in logic needed to go straight from waking up in the Program to all out violence was huge and he was trying to justify it.

From Alex's tone of voice Chris could tell he wasn't impressed by Maxim's reaction to the situation. Alex also pointed out some interesting facts about Maxim's gun that Chris had forgotten. All in all it painted a bad picture for Maxim. He was going to be in trouble not matter what option he chose.

He could run. Chris and Alex would easily be able to catch up with him he did that. Since they were both members of the track team and as far as Chris was aware Maxim didn't do anything involving running. The only advantage he'd have if he ran was the small head start he'd get before Chris and Alex reacted and then maybe a small bonus if the ground was uneven. As it would mean Chris and Alex would be going slower than they would on flat ground. Apart from that he had nothing on his side if he did decide to run.

By the same token if he did shoot one of them, then all bets were off and the person he didn't shoot was going to beat the shit out of him. To Chris's surprise Alex's statement of what would happen if Maxim fired his gun matched his own feelings exactly. It only really surprised Chris because Alex had been very much behind the idea of them peacefully settling the issue. Then again Chris guessed that everyone experienced a change in their views once a gun came into play. He did still add in the part about them just talking it out however. As far as Chris was concerned though the talking was over, Maxim raising his gun was a clear sign that any discussions they were going to have were over.

Strangely Chris felt more comfortable with the fact that it looked like violence was about to erupt. Since that meant Maxim had a very small chance of getting away. Chris had been worried that Alex may have believed Maxim's story and let him get away. The fact that Maxim had proven his guilt and made it so that his chance of escape was tiny made Chris more comfortable. Plus he'd been able to beat Maxim up before and felt like he'd be able to do it again if need be, and if he couldn't do it Alex was always there.

"Give me your bag Maxim." Chris didn't feel the need to add a threat. He was sure Maxim knew how high the stakes were. If anything Chris was offering him a way to calm the situation down. If not then well Chris had no problem breaking someone else's nose.
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Post by jimmydalad »

Maxim realized just how much trouble he got himself into. He inwardly flinched at the insults but tried to maintain a strong outward show. Was he bluffing? Possibly. Maxim still was unsure whether or not he would be able to just kill either one of the two boys and in his current situation, Maxim very much doubted killing one of them would be a very good strategy as his gun only had one bullet.

Which Alexander pointed out to him. Maxim had already realized those things, having already shot the gun, and he didn't appreciate Alexander condescendingly commenting upon them. He glared at him as he aimed the gun right at his head. He knew intimidation wasn't going to work, but as long as he had the gun aimed at either one of them, Maxim still had time to think about what he was going to do next.

There were two of them and they were certainly stronger than Maxim. Both them thought they would overpower Maxim in a fight and quite rightfully so. He was not the strongest person in the game and certainly was the weakest out of the three of them. If he shot one of them, the other would not hesitate to attack him. If he had to resort to that, Maxim was not sure whether or not he would be able to keep his life, let alone fight back.

His suspicions were confirmed when Alexander threatened to kill him if he shot. That pretty much hammered the final nail into the coffin as to whether or not he was going to kill Chris or Alexander. Now that he got rid of that option, Maxim tried to consider his other options. Maxim could run. He was pretty sure he could outrun the other two boys and get away from the scorched ruin. He was pretty sure that this was the best option for him right now. However, if he got caught, Maxim was screwed.

The other option was to lower his gun and talk with the two of them. Maxim didn't really like that prospect. What was he going to say that he already didn't say? It didn't really seem like a good idea especially since he only loosely knew who the other two were. Sure they went to the same school, but they never really interacted with each other for any meaningful amount of time. Maxim didn't even know what extra curricular activities they took and the only concrete thing he knew was that they went to Patriot High.

As Maxim continued to think to himself, Chris demanded him to give him his bag. Was that going to happen? Hell no. He wasn't going to give up his supplies and therefore, the opportunity for conversation was ceremoniously thrown right out of the window. So what did that leave? The only really feasible option.

Maxim had to run.

He had a gun. He could shoot something to distract them. He wasn't going to shoot either one of them. Maxim did not want to shoot any of the boys yet. He needed some time to regain his composure and the image of Dylan was still in his mind. No, he needed to shoot something else. While the floor did seem appealing, Maxim considered another option. If he shot one of the boy's supplies, that would mean that they wouldn't be able to use them, meaning less competition in the long run. At this thought, Maxim smirked.

"I'm sorry Chris, I can't do that." Maxim declared as he turned his gun on Chris's bag and fired. As soon as he fired, Maxim ran in the other direction, out of the scorched ruin and in a random direction, not even checking if the shot met its mark. He made sure to stick to paths that didn't leave any foot prints and he sprinted as fast as he could, his main aim being to get out of there as soon as possible. Hopefully, the bullet hit the bag, leaving Chris at a weaker state than he was before.

Maxim could only hope though.

((Maxim Senders continued elsewhere...))
[+] The Program V2
Image (Minus accessories)
M09: Maxim Senders - "The stars are so pretty tonight. Shame you can barely see them." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Civil War Bayonet Gun
Pregame/Sandbox: o -> o -> o -> o -> o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Image (Minus accessories)
F10: Bailey Williams - "Don't you fucking move." - Status: DEAD
Weapon: Philadelphia Derringer
Pregame/Sandbox: o
Program V2: o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] TV V2
Erik Sheely - The Quiet Cheerleader
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o

Saachi Nidal - The Valedictorian who hates SOTF
Sandbox: o
TV V2: o -> o
[+] Second Chances
Character Planning Thread

Aria Samuels - Quiet, Paranoid and Independent
Weapon - Trumpet
Memories - o
Pregame - o
Game - o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o

Saachi Nidal - Confident, Aggressive and Regal
Weapon - Meat Cleaver
Game - o -> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o
-> o ->o -> o -> o -> o -> o -> o
[+] SOTF International
Jen Mara Tuiqamea - Adopted from Cicada
Game - o
[+] Artsy Stuff That People Have Done
[+] Maxim Senders by Mimi
[+] Bailey Williams by Medic
[+] Saachi Nidal TV2 by Yugi
[+] Saachi Nidal Second Chances
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Maxim took the stupid option. As the boy's muscles tensed, Alexander lurched to the side, hoping to react quickly enough to mess up any aim Maxim might have been taking at him. Sure, the rifle had been pointed more at Chris, but there was no point taking stupid risks. Apparently, this was a lesson Maxim hadn't learned, since he'd decided to pick a fight he couldn't hope to win. He bolted, and Alexander took just long enough to assure himself that Chris wasn't dead before taking off in pursuit. He was taller than Maxim, in better shape, and generally in a better position to win a race, but a few things held him back.

First off, Alexander was carrying a folding chair in his right hand. This messed up his rhythm, kept him from using his arms like he normally did. The bag compounded slung over his shoulder compounded this, pulling him off balance. He could tell, only a few steps in, that a lengthy pursuit would be tiring and would require a tremendous output of energy.

More than that, Alexander wasn't actually too worried about tracking Maxim down. The boy was obviously an idiot. He was a mildly dangerous idiot, but only to people who were unprepared for someone to act like he was. He'd abandoned logic in favor of fear and reflex as soon as he'd been cornered, had decided to fight without taking the time to do it in a logical way, and Alexander knew decision-making skills of that sort would get him killed before long. The only thing that had saved him here was the lack of ranged weapons between Alexander and Chris. If Maxim met someone with a gun of any sort, especially a better gun, he'd most likely go down like the little punk he was. Had Alexander been given a gun and had he been planning to kill his way out, he wouldn't have bothered asking people to turn their stuff over. Easier by far to put a bullet in them and pick their corpses. Sure, he'd never do something like that, but he wasn't dumb enough to think something like that would help him in the long run.

Because of this, Alexander only gave chase for about thirty feet. Maxim was fleeing in a panic. He had a head start. It simply wasn't worth going after him, not when doing so might mean getting into more trouble, and not when the payoff was so small. No, Alexander decided that Maxim was on his list now. If they met again, he'd do his level best to give the boy a beating he'd never forget, but he was more than willing to let someone else take that particular honor if they happened to find the opportunity first. At the moment, there was something more important to check out.

"You alright, Chris?"

Alexander was pretty sure he'd gotten ahead of the boy. He doubted that Maxim's shot had even come near Chris; rifles like his were notoriously difficult to aim, and Chris would've been stupid not to try to get out of the way as soon as Maxim started telegraphing his intentions by speaking, but it wasn't certain. Alexander glanced around, trying to see if Chris had followed along, or if he was still back in the ruins.

He figured it'd be good to stick near his track teammate, at least for now. Chris had shown himself to have a level head and to be good in a pinch, if not the most perceptive. That made him as good as anyone to stay around, at least for the moment.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris would have laughed at how dramatic Maxim's declaration that he couldn't give Chris his bag was.

He would have laughed if Maxim hadn't swung his gun in Chris's direction directly after he said it.

Chris may have gotten used to having a gun pointed at him but someone shooting at you was different, so when he saw Maxims fingers clench around the trigger he scrambled to the side. It would only occur to Chris later that it wouldn't have mattered if he'd had moved or not but as adrenaline started to be pumped around his body for the second time he only had one thought.

Destroy Maxim.

As Chris pushed himself up he saw Alex run past him. Chris didn't think about checking himself for injuries or think to get his weapon. Both of those actions would have taken too long anyway and Maxim would have had more time to get away. Maxim getting away would bug Chris for the rest of the Program, especially if Maxim ended up killing someone, since Chris would have missed a chance to stop him. That was what Chris was telling himself but the real reason was that Maxim had shot at him and the chance to hurt the boy in revenge for that was something Chris didn't want to pass up. To say he was seeing red would have been an understatement. Chris could see Alexander ahead of him and even further ahead of him was Maxim. Chris kept the chase up for a little while but it started to become pretty clear that Maxim would get away.

Chris however didn't stop running. He kept on going. Even though it was obvious he had no chance of catching Maxim, Chris didn't want to give up. He didn't want Maxim to get away, otherwise all the bullshit he'd have been put through already would have been for nothing. It was only when Alex pulled up and stopped his chase that Chris truly realised he'd let Maxim get away. The other thought that stopped him from continuing was that he'd left his bag in the ruins, and he needed that if he wanted to keep on living.

As he watched Maxims form continue to run he dimly heard Alex's voice. Chris himself slowed to a stop just past Alex. He held up a hand to let Alex know he was getting his breath back. Chris was angry and he didn't want to take it out on Alex without meaning too.

"Just give me a sec." He said in between breaths. Chris busied himself with lightly bouncing on his feet, it was at that point he realised that he'd formed tight fists with his hands and the nails were digging into his skin. He slowly clenched and unclenched his hands as he waited for his anger to dissipate. He also took a quick check to see if he was injured, something he'd forgotten to do in the heat of the moment. "Yeah I'm fine. He didn't shoot me. Fucking annoyed he got away though."

Chris raised one of his hands and gently dabbed his nose. He winced as pain shot through his face, although it wasn't as painful as it had been it was still extremely tender. It had finally stopped bleeding though, which was nice of it. "I should go get my bag and clean this up." He said pointing to the blood on his face. "We could think about what we're going to do as well." Chris didn't see any reason not to trust Alex; he'd already helped him out a situation where his life was on the line. So he owed him for that at the least. The thing was Chris really had no idea what to do next. Although the idea of finding Felicia did enter his mind, sure she was his ex but they were still close friends. He made a mental note to bring it up with Alex at some point.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Alright," Alexander said. Chris seemed rather bent out of shape about Maxim getting away. His posture was tense, and his voice betrayed his frustration. In a way, Alexander could relate. He wasn't pleased that they'd failed to stop someone dangerous from getting loose, and he was more than a bit irked at the boy on a personal level, but it wasn't anything worth losing his composure over. There would be more time, even in The Program. There were only so many places to run and hide, and there were only so many encounters someone could approach aggressively before biting off more than they could chew. Maxim clearly had no idea how to interact socially, at least not when his intentions were bad. He was going to have to fight to get anywhere, and fighting seemed to be something he wasn't good at.

It was almost funny. Maxim had never struck Alexander as a bully, but that was exactly what he'd turned into. He threw around his strength, and the second that didn't work, he panicked.

"I can help you look at your nose, if you want," Alexander offered. "Then, yeah, we can figure out what to do. I've got a few ideas, but they can wait until you're ready to listen."

Alexander didn't want to try to plan while Chris was distracted by his problems and his rage. The boy was decent enough, but his temper seemed likely to be a liability, and it remained to be seen how competent he was. Alexander was a little bit worried by the fact that Chris' greatest injury had been self-inflicted. Maybe he'd been lying to save face, but it seemed unlikely since he'd been trying to prove the veracity of his version of events at the time. Alexander just hoped that Chris would be able to pull his weight in the long run; he didn't want to babysit his teammate any more than he'd wanted responsibility for Brigid.

He turned and headed back towards the ruins, keeping his attention sharp in case anyone else was around. The altercation had been rather loud, and it wasn't at all unlikely that other students might be nearby, and might come to investigate.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris nodded in reply to Alex's question. "Yeah that'd be cool. I think I've put it back in place, but it's impossible to check." Chris grimaced as he remembered the how painful it had been to realign his nose. He didn't relish the idea that he might have to go through it again but it was better than it being completely destroyed since he imagined that it would start to impede his breathing at some point, which would definitely be a hindrance as time went on. Chris was interested to hear what Alex's ideas were, since the other boy had been very calm and collected so far he assumed they were plans that maximised their chances of surviving and minimised the risks they were likely to face. Chris also assumed that the plans wouldn't be very aggressive since Alex hadn't seemed open to killing without reason. He'd told Maxim that he would kill him but that was only if Maxim was aggressive towards them, so it would have come under self-defence.

Alex had started to make his way back towards the ruins and Chris followed him, due to Chris's still partially aggravated state he got back to the ruins before Alex did. He headed back to where he had left his bag and what he saw was an unpleasant surprise.

His bag had a bullet hole in it.

That...That wasn't good at all.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Chris said through gritted teeth. He picked the bag up off the floor and quickly opened it to check the contents. What he found was both reliving and disappointing. For a start the bag had left a puddle at the bottom of it, Chris then found out that the bullet had pierced through one of his water bottles, his loaf of bread, a pack of saltines and his jacket, before embedding itself in his first aid kit.

"Alex, Maxim shot my bag." Chris didn't really know what else to say. Instead he placed his arms up against the wall and rested his head on them. He focused on his breathing like his anger management therapist had told him to do if he ever felt himself getting angry. Remarkably it worked, after about ten seconds Chris started to feel calmer, he didn't feel good but he wasn't as angry. As he waited for Alex to catch up he busied himself with emptying out his bag of anything that wasn't any use with a bullet hole in it. He tossed the empty water bottle into a corner along with the pack of saltines and the loaf of bread. The jacket was still usable but it was wet so Chris laid it out on a patch of floor that wasn't covered in too much dirt. After taking everything else out of the bag he turned it upside down and watched the water fall out and splash into the dirt.

All in all it wasn't too bad but the loss of a whole bottle of water and loaf of bread was frustrating. It wasn't a crippling loss of supplies though. Chris still had his two MRE's so that was something at the very least, and the first aid kit was all still intact.

"Alright Alex you can look at my nose now I guess." He said, he knew Alex had been behind him but he wasn't exactly sure where.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Alexander let Chris get a little ahead on their walk back to the ruins. He didn't see any need to expend more energy than necessary, especially now that there was no immediate threat. He was a bit over a dozen feet behind the boy when Chris realized that his bag had been damaged. To Alexander, it didn't look that bad. He thought Chris was overreacting by throwing away his loaf of bread; it wouldn't be too hard to just cut out the bit that had been mangled. Of course, when Chris dumped it on the ground, that idea went out the window. Alexander would normally have commented to that effect, but it wasn't his provisions and Chris was still working, laying things out and settling himself, so there wasn't much of an opportunity.

Alexander, meanwhile, set his chair down, unfolded it, and took a seat. It beat freezing on the ground, that was for sure. It seemed his weapon had some good secondary utility, though it wasn't particularly warm itself, being made out of metal and having been carried through the chilly air. At least it was better formed than the dirt, and wouldn't stain his pants.

Once Chris had finished, he said Alexander could take a look at his nose. This wasn't anything Alexander had any specific training in, but he figured it couldn't possibly be too difficult. After all, he wasn't going to be doing anything too major, probably just a little cleanup and some bandaging. He opened his own bag and searched for his first aid kit. He wasn't too worried about using up some of his materials; Chris needed help, and Alexander didn't really plan to get beat up too badly himself.

He found a pair of disposable gloves and tugged them on, then searched out an antiseptic wipe. With all that handled, he got off the chair and faced Chris.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the chair and giving Chris a smile. "The doctor is in. I'm going to wipe the blood off as best I can, and see what there is to see. It may sting. It'll be best if you stay pretty quiet, though."

Alexander didn't really fancy what could happen if someone heard Chris screaming and barged in on them while Alexander's hands were up by his face and covered in blood. That was a terrible misunderstanding just waiting to happen.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris watched as Alex got everything he needed out of his first aid kit. Chris didn't really expect Alex to be able to do much in terms of fixing his nose, since Chris assumed he'd handled anything major that needed to be done. But Alex would be able to get a better view and it never hurt to have a second opinion, after all Alex would be able to see things that Chris wouldn't be able to.

By the same merit it would be good for both Chris and Alex in the long-term if they stuck together. The situation with Maxim had been a prime example of that. If Alex hadn't turned up Chris would've have been in a bad way or at worst dead. But with help from Alex Chris had managed to get away with minimal damage to himself and they'd chased off Maxim. Sadly they hadn't been able to stop him but it was better than nothing.

As time went on though it would be much more beneficial for both boys to stick together. The way Chris saw it they'd be able to watch each other’s back and help each other if they got into another fight. On top of that if anyone else was trying to rob people they'd think twice about attempting it when there were two people around, especially if they didn't have a gun. It would also be good because they could share supplies, although that only really applied to Chris at the present moment. Since his bag had been shot after all.

Chris couldn't help grinning at Alex's little joke. That was another bonus of partnering up with someone; it eliminated loneliness and prevented you from going completely insane due to a lack of social interaction. Maybe going insane was a bit of a stretch but it wouldn't be pleasant to have to go through the whole of the Program on your own. Chris knew he preferred the company that much was for sure.

"Just don't ruin my beautiful face." He said as he sat himself down on Alex's chair. "This would look so bad if someone walked in." Chris said with a smile. Chris didn't really want to think too much about what someone would think. Their minds might possibly jump straight to torture, which would cause problems. "I liked this hoodie too."

Chris decided that there was no harm in asking Alex what his ideas for what to do were, since it wasn't like he had anything to do in the meantime.

"Since I'm calmer, do you want to tell me your ideas about what we should do?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Alexander didn't say anything for a few moments, as he focused on cleaning the blood off Chris' face. It wasn't really a task he had much personal investment in, besides making sure his teammate looked a little more presentable and was a little more comfortable. It didn't take too long to get the worst of it taken care of, at which point Alexander folded up the wipe, then removed the gloves and wadded the whole thing into a ziplock baggy from the kit. He tucked it back into the box; it wasn't like littering would be bad here, but he didn't really want to leave any more evidence of conflict around than necessary. Even little things could give away information, or in this case could make other classmates more suspicious once they saw that blood had been shed.

Chris declared himself calm enough to handle some planning. Alexander wasn't entirely convinced, but decided to go ahead and trust the boy for the moment.

"I think we should take things nice and easy," Alexander said. "The best time to move around will be night, since neither of us has much of a ranged advantage and that'll mitigate some of the risk. We're not going to be going after people. I think Maxim did a pretty good job showing how dumb picking fights can be."

Alexander straightened up, rolled his shoulders, and took a glance around. This was a decent enough place to stay for the time being. It made him more than a little edgy, but that was an irrational feeling, and the same air of menace might keep other classmates from coming after them. At the same time, he didn't really feel that the right choice would be to hide from everything. Letting everyone go crazy wasn't the right way to go about this. Maybe if they all sat down and agreed not to fight, there'd be a way out of this. Realistically, he knew that wouldn't happen until the bad elements had been neutralized. Doing so personally would be quite a risk, if they didn't play it safe.

"I think we should stay here a bit, at least until later tonight. It'll be easier to stay safe here."

They weren't within easy sight of the outside, and Alexander was pretty sure anyone heading their way would make enough noise to tip them off. Yeah, the best plan seemed to be to wait a little and see how things went, then take more assertive control of the situation when the time was right.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris could see the logic in Alex's plan. It would be safer for them to move around at night for a number of reasons. Most of those reasons related to their chances of meeting other people. Things had a chance of going incredibly bad for the two of them if someone had a gun that was accurate over long distances, like a sniper rifle. If they were walking around in the daytime and were spotted by someone with a gun like a sniper rifle and who was actively trying to eliminate competition than it would be hard to get rid of both him and Alexander. But if they moved at night it would be extremely difficult for someone to spot them. It would also allow them to avoid confrontations with most people if they decided to sleep at night, reducing the amount of conflicts they got involved with.

Of course there was the issue that they would probably need to find somewhere safe to hole up and sleep during the day. Since there was no way they'd be able to keep up decent physical and mental functions if they were sleep deprived and it could be the death of them in their situation. If their reactions were just a little too slow they could end up with a knife in the neck. Alex was right on the subject of picking fights too. Maxim had already shown that the tide could turn fast in the environment of the Program and it was a risk Alexander didn't want to take from the sound of it. Not like Chris could blame him, everyone would be prioritising survival over everything else. That was just human nature and if a person could find the safest way to do something within the Program they were going to take it.

"I'm fine staying here. Looks like it'd be hard for someone to sneak up on us, but Maxim managed to sneak up on me so make of that what you will."

Chris didn't feel any shame telling Alex that Maxim had managed to sneak up on him and he didn't feel like he needed to make excuses about it either. After all he'd managed to get Maxim back by punching him in his face so there was that. But with two of them hanging out in the same place it would be difficult for someone to sneak up them. The ruin was full of holes so they'd most likely be able to see anyone who approached.

All in all Chris was pleased with how things currently stood. Sure the loss of some of his food sucked but Alex seemed to be able to distance himself and think tactically and logically about any scenarios they could end up facing, which was something Chris would struggle with. All in all the two of them were in a good state. Now they'd just have to battle through the boredom of camping out in the ruins until night fell. Then they could head out.

"We should probably plan where we're going to head off too when we do leave though. No amount of care in the world is going to help us if we're stumbling around in the dark." It was at that point it occurred to Chris that he didn't actually know what else in the area they were confined to. "So what's around here anyway?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

"Mostly, lots of trees are nearby," Alexander said. "I came off a path from above. It looks like there's a town and a lake. I think we've got a pretty good spot right now. If we scout at night, we should stick to less exposed areas. The town may be worth a visit, but I bet it'll have a bunch of people in it, so we'll want to move carefully, maybe not check it for a day or two. I bet anything worth taking is already gone."

Really, Alexander's primary reason for wanting to move out at all was because he knew at some point they would have to. If they stayed put, and if nobody came around to hassle them, it would probably be construed as a challenge to the people in charge of The Program, and they'd be flushed out to avoid a repeat of the girls from last time. It seemed like the wisest choice would be to minimize movement but keep things interesting enough. Then, of course, there was the matter of dealing with other people. That was an area in which Alexander was torn.

Quite frankly, most of his classmates were hopeless. Brigid had been a special level of pathetic, but the overall thought process behind her actions was not unique to her. Most of the class, Alexander suspected, would either crumple into uselessness and panicked idiocy or crack under the pressure and start killing. Most of his peers simply did not have the capacity to realize the alternatives, and in that lack deprived other of those options as well.

So, then, classmates would either be direct hazards or would be burdens. Chris was a minor burden; he was able to hold his own to some degree but would still require some watching and bailing out. Maxim was a hazard. Brigid would have been a major burden. Alexander would have to carefully weigh how much responsibility for others he could take on without destroying his own ability to be effective in case bad news showed up. He didn't exactly relish the thought of abandoning people to their fates, but at a certain point practicality took the foreground. If it was immoral to abandon somebody, then surely it was more so to doom many by taking on too much.

He rolled his shoulders and decided that these things could wait until a time when they were more relevant. For now, he and Chris were taking the prudent options. That had to be his focus.

"We can both keep watch here, make sure nobody else sneaks up on you," he said. "If you need some rest, we can even take shifts, so we're ready to go after dark."
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Post by Deamon »

"Sounds like the best way of doing it."

Chris gingerly prodded at his nose. It still hurt to touch so if they got into another fight he'd have to be careful he didn't take a shot to it. As long as he avoided that, Chris reckoned that he'd have a good chance against anyone that attacked him in a straight up fight. The fact that everyone had been assigned a weapon complicated things slightly because he wouldn't be able to do much against someone with a gun at long distance, even with his own weapon. In the end it was just like Alex said they would have to be careful. Chris couldn't shake the feeling that a fight would be inevitable at some point though. Especially once the number of people still in the Program started to drop, then fighting would become especially hard to avoid. That was a problem for later though.

It was at that point that Chris heard speakers turning on and some humming 'Born in the USA'. The person who started talking sounded familiar to Chris but he couldn't figure out where he'd heard the voice before, it didn't help that he was hearing it through speakers either. The voice announced that they were going to tell them about the deaths that had occurred so far. Chris didn't think there would've been deaths so soon but he would've been fooling himself if he hadn't expected someone to die. There was no way his encounter with Maxim had been the only excitement in the day.

As it turned out Dylan, the girl Maxim had shot had gotten the first kill and she'd killed...Brigid.

Chris didn't know how he was supposed to react. His mind instantly flashed back to when he'd had a race against Brigid and Carlyle. It had been one of the only days he'd ever seen Brigid smile and now that was all she was. A memory.

Dylan Walker.

Chris had attacked Maxim partly out of vengeance for what he'd done to her, but it turned out she was just as bad as him, if not worse. It only served to tell Chris one thing: everyone was dangerous. He made sure to remember her name and the fact that she had a different skin colour.

There were two more names: Caleb Smartt and Emily Barnes.

Three of their classmates had been killed by others.

Then the danger zones were announced and Alex's plan was made null and void. The ruin was a danger zone and they'd be killed if they stayed there. It ended all hope of them waiting it out in the ruin. It probably wasn't that big a deal, it just meant they'd have to leave sooner than they'd expected. Once the announcement was over Chris looked at Alex trying to see his reaction.

"I guess we're moving on a bit sooner than we thought."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

It was getting later in the day, edging towards real night. By the time the announcement came on, the sun was on its way down. Alexander frowned as the silence was broken. He'd been expecting it later on, for some reason. Maybe he'd just bungled his conversions slightly; after all, the change to twelve-hour cycles from six-hour cycles was another little detail about this run through The Program that differed from past versions.

Then, he let that go as the deaths were announced. To Alexander's considerable consternation, Brigid had in fact been the first to die. She'd been beaten to death by Dylan Walker, the black girl who was too stupid to look in the mirror and figure out that, no, she really wasn't just tan. Dylan snapping wasn't a huge surprise. She'd probably been somewhat unstable before, and she did go out of her way to act patriotic. It wasn't unreasonable that a pretender would conflate active participation with patriotism.

America was another minority girl. Caleb had been a real patriotic sort, so Alexander suspected that some kind of grudge or bitterness might have played into that. He'd always thought one of the biggest dangers of The Program was when people got a chance to air their grievances in lethal ways, since so many chose to kill rather than put aside past incidents.

The last killer, Robin, was a white girl, popular enough, not really a likely player from what Alexander knew. The same was true of her victim. He put it down to some stupid social squabble.

Really, it was Brigid that bothered him the most. No matter how he spun it, Alexander had left her behind and then she had died. The correlation was obvious. She'd been a burden, a hassle, but she had not deserved to die. Alexander decided that he and Dylan would probably not be friends if they ever crossed paths. No, that meeting would likely be an unpleasant one indeed.

There would be time to figure everything out there later. Alexander straightened as the danger zones were announced. He pushed his glasses back up his nose as Chris spoke, then nodded.

"We can get clear of here and then just lay low until it gets all the way dark. I wouldn't give that much longer. After that, we can start looking around. I bet they'll let us come back here next cycle, so if we play our cards right we can settle right back in come morning if we don't find somewhere better."

With that, Alexander retrieved his chair and headed out of the area at a fairly speedy clip, making sure not to lose track of Chris. He didn't want to see his teammate die over something silly, and he certainly didn't feel like risking death himself.

((Alexander Bonham continued in Real American))
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Post by Deamon »

Chris nodded as Alex laid out his plan. It seemed solid enough. They were just going to leave the ruin and lie low during the night. It sounded easy enough; of course Chris expected it to be anything but easy. That just didn't seem to be the way anything went in the Program. After all just checking out his weapon had led to Chris sustaining a broken nose. He didn't expect creeping about in the night to be any easier or less eventful. If anything he felt like things would only get more difficult, the deaths of three of their classmates had only been the first wave and Chris would be kidding himself if he didn't expect more deaths during the night.

Returning to the ruin looked like the best thing to do if stopped being a danger zone. It was easy to hide in but still managed to give a good view of the surrounding area. It was essentially the perfect hideout, and with their weapon draws Chris and Alex needed the advantage the ruins gave them.

"I haven't got any better ideas, especially if we want to lay low." Chris said as he started to put all of his stuff back into his bag.

It was mostly all dry so that was good and Maxim hadn't exactly caused him to lose too much in the long run. All in all, that entire encounter couldn't have played out much better for him really. He turned to see Alex start to leave the ruins and quickly jogged after him to catch up.

"I kinda doubt that we'll find anywhere better than this, especially with that cabin off limits." Chris gave a shrug. "But hey anything can happen."

((Chris Brooks continued in Real American))
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