Mozambique Hammer

Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

They had a deal. They actually had a deal. Dylan grinned and opened her mouth to say something along the lines of 'fuck yeah,' but before that could happen something moved in the bushes again, around where the first rustle had come from.

Frank was faster to react than her, but she pointed her gun at the bushes. After flinching at the sound of Frank's rifle firing, taking a split second to remember that she didn't have to worry about that any more, she squeezed the trigger of her gun twice. And waited to see if someone would go 'oh shit, I've been shot.' Or some equivalent.

She couldn't see who she was shooting at, or even exactly where he was, but the hail of bullets would either hit them or make them run in the other direction, and either way worked at this stage.
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Post by Deamon »

Yet again Chris found himself being shot at. The first bullet didn't come anywhere near him. He heard it smash through a tree at some point behind him.

Chris didn't stop moving, stopping would mean getting shot and Chris had avoided being shot so far and he didn't feel like starting. Sadly luck wasn't working with him on that score.

He was spun to the floor mid-stride, a searing pain in his arm. Another bullet flew overhead, so in a way he was lucky not to get hit twice, as it was he didn't see it that way. Chris bit down on his hand to stop himself crying out in pain. He could feel blood pouring out of the hole in his arm.

"Shit, shit shit shit shit shit!" He hissed as he pushed himself behind the tree to at least get some cover. His arm was on fire, he quickly pulled his hoodie off, gritting his teeth against the pain that flared up whenever he moved his arm. It didn't look good. Chris knew that he would have to stop the bleeding, that was the priority. If the bullet was still in his arm he would deal with it later. He just needed to stop bleeding.

Extracting the first aid kit from his bag was effort. In the meantime he needed to stop Frank and Dylan filling him with any more holes. He figured the best distraction would be to talk to them...or at least try in between grunts of pain.

"Fuck you both."

Ok, maybe he was angry at being shot.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Frank's newfound ally gave him some fire support, which he was appreciative for. Whoever they were shooting at had found cover. And the balls to talk back to his fucking betters.

"Fuck us? I believe you're the one who interrupted our conversation."

Frank almost fired another shot, but suppression wasn't necessary. It looked like the kid was plenty suppressed.

"There's two of us, and one of you." He said. "At this point I'd say it's just a matter of time."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Dylan didn't fire again, just keeping her gun pointed at the bushes. She couldn't hit him from here and she didn't want to waste bullets. She also didn't want to go running into the bushes where the guy was, in case he had a gun himself or something sharp.

Dylan looked down at her rock before saying, "Can't you just get out of the bushes already? Stop hiding like a bitch."

For lack of any better ideas, she threw the rock in his direction. Maybe the noise would spook him out or something.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris fumbled through the first aid kit until his hand found the gauze. He knew there were more sterile dressings in the kit but he didn't have time to look for them. He held one end of the gauze in his mouth as he wrapped it tightly around the bullet wound. He could hear Frank saying something about it being a matter of time. Chris didn't rise to the bait; he just focused on wrapping his arm.

He was right though, they both had guns and Chris didn't. If they started making a move towards him he would be screwed. Luckily it seemed they were operating under the assumption that anyone left in the Program had a gun. So that was one thing that was going Chris's way at least.

Dylan took her turn trying to bait him out. It was more of an in your face attempt than Frank's, trying to wound his pride. Chris wanted to prove her wrong too. But the fact he didn't want to get shot outweighed any pride. He finished wrapping his arm and ripped the strip of gauze off. It didn't feel any better but at least he'd stemmed the bleeding.

"What, walk out so you can shoot me? No thanks." Chris quickly packed everything away into his bag and closed in his bag. As he did so a rock hit the tree. Chris instinctively ducked but it didn't look like there would be a follow up. It had caught him off guard though.

It wasn't looking like a great situation; if he ran he'd get shot. If he stayed and they looked for him he'd get shot. Neither of those outcomes were great. He needed to play for more time so he could actually think up a plan.

"Why don't you stop hiding instead?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Frank smiled, showing the corners of his teeth.

"We're not hiding. In all honesty I don't even need you to peek out."

Frank scanned his memory for information on his rifle.

"This weapon I'm holding is more powerful than you realize. 'The M24 Sniper Weapon System fires a 7.62 millimeter round." Frank didn't really know how powerful that was. But it sounded intimidating.

"I could walk my fire around the tree until you get hit. You want to see If it's my lucky day at the carnival?"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Well, the rock hadn't done shit. Staying where they were wasn't getting them anywhere. Dylan stayed quiet as Frank tried to scare the other guy out of the bushes. It wouldn't be impossible to go around. Block off escape.

Dylan edged forward a few inches, so that Frank could see her. Then, looking at him, she gestured at herself, made a walking gesture with her fingers, pointed at where the guy was hiding and made what was meant to be a pouncing sort of gesture. She didn't know if it was a clear enough way to say, 'I'll ambush him' but she didn't want to say it out loud in case he overheard, which would defeat the entire point of an ambush.
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Post by Deamon »

If Frank wasn't lying than Chris was in serious trouble. If the gun could shoot through the tree than it was only a matter of time until he got hit. Sure Frank could have been bluffing or could run out of bullets, but it wasn't a bet Chris was willing to make. He winced as he moved his arm. He doubted he would be able to break and run either, after all Dylan was still out there and she also had a gun.

He sighed to himself. Nothing was easy any more, even the simple act of surviving meant he had to take into account all the different scenarios so that he got away with only minimal damage. He wasn't doing so well on the second part of that equation as things currently stood.

Chris quickly peeked out from behind his tree; he couldn't see either Frank or Dylan. But he did notice the rock again and that was when a plan started to form in his head. He quickly reached out a grabbed the rock before ducking back behind the tree. If they made a move to try and get him the plan would be to throw the rock at one of them and follow it up with a shot from the e-tool. It was a shitty plan sure, but it was all he had.

He just had to hope they weren't good shots and that his arm held out.
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Post by Outfoxd »

Frank watched his partner as she walked out. He recognized her. A little, anyway. Brown. Swore up and down she wasn't black. Not that he gave a shit right now. She had a gun, and for the moment that made her equal to him in the eyes of God and America.

He nodded back to her, understanding perfectly well.

"You're so quiet, friend. You thinking about giving up, ending this whole blessed charade?"

He wished he could rack the bolt on his gun, to add to the intimidation. It wasn't worth un-chambering a round, though.

"We have appointments to keep, you know."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

((Slight GMing of Chris approved.))

Upon seeing Frank nod, Dylan quietly edged away from the tree and started to make her way around. She made slow progress as Frank talked, stepping carefully so that she didn't tread on any loud twigs or anything similar. It'd be annoying to be doing so well and then get murdered because she stepped on a damn twig.

But she didn't have to go far. Just a bit off to the side so she could get a better look at the guy. She ducked slightly behind the bushes again as she got a good view of him. She recognised him as Chris. Chris Brooks... hadn't he killed someone? Yeah, it'd been that jerk, Garritt. No loss or grudge there, but it meant he might be dangerous. But on the other hand, he hadn't made a move yet, he wasn't holding a gun and she saw blood. One of the bullets must have hit them. He would be an easy kill. No danger at all from his end. She raised her gun and pointed it at Chris from her spot around the bushes.

Really, the biggest danger in this area was Frank. But that was fine, since Frank was on her side.

For now. For how long, though?

Dylan hesitated, her gun still pointing at Chris. She and Frank had agreed. No hurting each other right now. But she was already second-guessing this choice. It wasn't like both of them would leave, and he hadn't sworn on anything that he wouldn't hurt her. Maybe it would be better to switch targets...

But she'd promised on her patriotism. Her grandmother would be furious and disappointed if she went back on it now, especially so soon after promising. She'd be a no-good, deceitful minority like her parents if she did that. ...But if it equaled survival, wouldn't it be right anyway? Wasn't strength about surviving, no matter what the cost? Wasn't that the point of Program? To prove that she was a survivor, better than anyone else?

Her gun moved a fraction of an inch towards Frank.

But then Chris saw her. And Dylan saw him seeing her, panicked, and pulled the trigger.

It missed by a wide margin. Panic was shit for aiming.
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Post by Deamon »

Chris was tense, his whole plan hinged on the actions of the two people with guns and when he was neither of those people it added up to some stressful waiting time. Not like he had been waiting long or anything, in truth it had only been a few seconds, but that was a long time when two people were trying to shoot you.

Neither of them had tried to shoot him since the opening salvo anyway despite their talk, so either there were out of bullets, were conserving ammo or were trying to sneak up on him. Chris hadn't thought about the fact that they could just approach him from opposite sides and kill him in a crossfire. He cursed silently as he realised, stupid mistakes like that got people killed.

Not wanting to take the risk Chris quickly scanned the surrounding bushes and treeline for any glimpses of movement. That was when he saw Dylan crouched in some bushes. For a split-second the two of them stayed there staring at each other, it seemed like forever. Then Chris snapped out of the trance at the same time Dylan did and dived to the floor. He heard the gun go off and reacted pushing himself up and hurling the rock at Dylan as hard as he could.

He grabbed his bag and span on his heel. It didn't matter where Frank was because so far he hadn't been shot by him. Sensing an opportunity Chris set off at a sprint, running faster than he had ever run in his life, dodging between the trees as he did so.

Fuck Dylan and fuck Frank, without a gun he was at a major disadvantage.

He was reminded of the old saying about living to fight another day. That rang true in his current situation. As he sprinted through the pine stands putting as much distance between himself and the two gun wielding killers as he possibly could.

Chris didn't know where he was heading but anywhere where he wouldn't get shot was a good start.

((Chris Brooks continued in Two Foot Wide and Six Foot Deep))
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Post by Outfoxd »

It was all over in less than a minute. Chris had run after Dylan had taken shots. Frank had almost been startled into squeezing the trigger and opening fire himself. He was glad he saved the round.

With Chris gone, that left the more pressing matters to attend to. He turned on Dylan. He pointed the gun at the ground, although close enough to her that he could snap it up if she decided to get froggy.

He coughed and hazarded a glance off to where Chris had run.

"We can work on the execution."

He smiled, showing the tips of his teeth.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"Ow, mother--"

That bastard threw a rock at her face. Not just a rock. HER rock. Her lucky rock that had been her only weapon for days. And that bastard threw it at her face! By the time the shock of the rock hitting her cheek wore off, he was already running away and she didn't have the time or aim to shoot again.

Fucker. Next time I see him... he'll be the one with a rock in his face.

When Frank approached, Dylan tensed up a little bit. Afraid that, somehow, he knew she'd been having second thoughts. Or afraid he was having second thoughts of his own. But he didn't shoot. He just quipped.

Dylan grinned back, albeit somewhat uneasily. "Right. Sorry, the bushes got in my face, made it hard to aim and shit. But hey, no-one died. ...I mean, you know. No-one on our end of things. Obviously more death for everyone else would be flippin' fantastic."

She picked up the rock and shoved it back in her pocket, also putting away the gun, before holding out her hand.

"So. Alliance. Shake on it? Swear on your patriotism as well and all that?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

She put away the gun. That went a ways toward developing some trust. Frank let go of the rifle and let it dangle from its strap on his shoulder.

He took her hand and grasped it firmly, the handshake of a real man. He gave her one good shake and let go.

"We'll finish this game heroes. Patriots on the level of Washington." He left out the part about the fact it was likely they'd be dead like Washington too.

"Come on, then. We've work to do."

Frank spun on his heel and started out, with liberal glances at Dylan. Trust was still a wan thing at this point.

((Frank Callahan continued elsewhere))
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"Right on."

Dylan followed Frank, doing her best to maintain an outer appearance of casual confidence, while on the inside she was feeling a mix of apprehension, guilt and the urge to shoot Frank in the back while she still could.

A patriotic hero wouldn't shoot an ally in the back. It was the smarter option, but it wasn't the 'right' one. Was being a dead hero or a live survivor better? Could she even be both? If it came down to one or the other... which was better? To leave her grandmother something to be proud of? Or to survive and.... well, survive?

She could think about it later. Right now, she didn't have to choose.

((Dylan Walker continued in Vomit on the Bedsheets.))
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