

Pines dot the entire valley to a greater or lesser extent. However, it's the eastern slopes of the valley that the trees grow thickest. Here, the trunks are so close together that visibility doesn't extend beyond a few metres, light has difficulty filtering through, and a carpet of needles muffles footsteps completely. Added to the steep terrain, and the stand is not a place many would feel comfortable in for long.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((GMing approved.))


This... Th-this couldn't be happening.

This wasn't supposed to happen! They were supposed to be safe in a group. Nancy could only watch as the rock came down again and again... until Brigid's face was just...

How...? How did things go so wrong so fast? Why was this happening to her? Who... was responsible for this?

...Dylan. She was the one who had swung the rock. She was the reason Brigid was dead. Nancy didn't care about what extenuating circumstances had brought Dylan to do something like this. She'd hurt her.



Something inside Nancy snapped. Before she had time to realize what she was doing, she was running forward, towards Dylan. Her fists balled up while she was running, and she gritted her teeth.

Before this moment, Nancy had never kicked anything around other than a soccer ball, but right now...

"FUCK YOU!" she yelled, as she aimed her leg at Dylan's body.

As she felt the impact of the kick, she followed it up with a rough tackle.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"
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Post by ViolentMedic »

((GMing approved.))

The rock came down. The rock came up again. The rock came down. The rock came up again. The rock came down...

And then it stayed down.

Dylan had to stop. She caught a nice look at what used to be Brigid's face. It was barely recognisable as a face now. She saw that and saw the blood and chunks of... stuff... that had rubbed off on the rock she was holding.

She should have run immediately. Or at least tried to. There were still people around her, she could hear people moving behind her and in front of her and the distinctive sound of someone puking their guts out. But she was hypnotized by the corpse in front of her.

She'd seen corpses on television before, of course. She'd watched parts of Program here and there. But... never in person. Especially not because of her. She'd assumed it would be just like looking at a bag of meat, because that was the general impression she'd always gotten from looking at the corpses on Program.

...It didn't feel like that.

And then someone kicked her in the chest, and that snapped her out of it. Because, you know, someone kicking you in the chest fucking does that. Dylan got knocked back and tackled further (oh god, this again?) while the other girl yelled something about who she thought she was.

“I'm...” The air had been kicked right out of her, and it took a moment for her to force out the words. “I'm just someone who knows what kind of game this is.”

With that, she whacked the other girl with the rock. It wasn't as damaging as what she'd done to Brigid, or even to Slanty, but it was enough of a distraction for Dylan to roll away from the other girl. She grabbed the bag Brigid had dropped and bolted for it without looking at any of the girls in the surrounding area.

((Dylan Walker continued in Out, Damned Spot!))
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Post by delicateMachine »

Everyone else was in just as much shock as Ashley, it seemed. One girl had fled the clearing, another (Ash couldn't see her face clearly) was throwing up, rather understandably, given the circumstances. Dylan herself appeared to be stunned, staring at the body of the girl.

That is, until Nancy Morris (a pretty cool girl, though Ash didn't know her very well) went berserk, screaming and charging at Dylan, who managed to hit Nancy's head with her brick, taking the opportunity to snatch a bag of supplies and bolt. Ashley was about to rush to Nancy's side to help her, but she was struck by Dylan's parting words.

Someone who knew what sort of game this was? Someone who knew what kind of game this was?

That was her justification? That was all she could say? The girl lying on the ground was dead, just because Dylan decided to "play" the game? It hadn't even been a full fucking day, and she had already killed in cold blood? Not that killing was ever okay, but at least it was somewhat justifiable if it was in self defense or whatever! But this? This was unforgivable.

Dylan couldn't just get away with it, could she? Run away with supplies, unscathed except for a couple of bruises? Ashley smiled grimly. The poor dead girl, whoever she may be, was beyond anyone's help. It was terrible, it was wrong, but if she just stood here and cried things like this would happen again, and again, and again.

There was still time to catch Dylan, though. Not to kill her, of course. Not even to hurt her. Just... just to make things right again, at least for a little bit. So there could be a world where bad people didn't come out on top, didn't crush the weak, the gentle, the meek. Heh, that was what rock n' roll was all about, right? Fighting against injustice?

Nancy wasn't hurt too bad, probably, and she had a friend with her. Stopping to assist her would only give Dylan more time to escape. Ashley dashed in the direction that Dylan had bolted in, making her way through the trees.

((Ashley Sydor: Continued in Out, Damned Spot!))
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Post by aristeia* »

Steph could taste the bile in her mouth as she heaved up the remainder of her stomach's contents. She was so caught up in her bubble of guilt she was completely unaware of her surroundings.

Steph wiped the corner of her mouth before looking up. It seems the situation had changed, leaving her with one companion. She could hardly be bothered to acknowledge the other girl, instead she just placed her head down on the grass. As she lay down she could feel the cold ground against her and couldn't help but shiver. The feeling of guilt hung over, oppressive and all encompassing.

I survived

The thought popped into her head almost unbidden. She didn't know what she thought about this. Any relief she felt, based on the adrenaline pumping through her veins, was completely overridden by guilt. Sure she was here but that represented her own failure.

Her hair was stuck to her forehead as she shakily got to her feet, trying to escape the nightmarish scene presenting itself before her. She had to go slowly to avoid falling back over, her legs felt shaky and unable to support her. She staggered forward, not caring about the hair in her eyes, her dishevelled state or the coldness. She shivered partly with cold and partly with fear as she stumbled away, in her own little world.

(Stephanie Moon continued elsewhere)
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Post by CondorTalon »

“I'm... I'm just someone who knows what kind of game this is.” Dylan replied, before swinging the rock she held at Nancy. Nancy managed to avoid major damage by bringing her head away, but the rock still glanced at her cheek.

It didn't hurt much, but it was enough for Dylan to get away.

Nancy didn't have the strength left to even chase her. All of the adrenaline that had been coursing through her veins had diminished quickly.

She knew what kind of game this was...

That's... that's bullshit...

She could feel the tears coming again. She looked around.

She was the only one left.

Nancy stood, looking over at Brigid's body. She wanted to do something for her. A proper burial or a prayer or something.

But nothing came to fruition. She simply looked at the body, closed her eyes, and let the tears fall.

And then she walked away.

((Nancy Morris continued All Grey, All Done.))
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