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Re: Last Lesson of Term

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:23 am
by Primrosette
Kian let out a hearty laugh at Dan's reaction and response. It would have been so typical and so simple if a skater like him played skater games. To be fair, he had tried it once and he didn't find it as exciting as doing it himself. At least he gave it a shot. He liked trying new things even if he didn't end up liking the experience.

"Jeez, it would be like if I said a girly girl liked to only play make-up games, dress-up games and any other girly games but she actually really likes to playing survival horror-type games...." He paused for a moment, thinking about what he said. "....Not that there's anything wrong with playing those games. Everyone has different taste in games."

"Are you the type that yells and screams when his team in a multiplayer game is losing or has lost?" He asked out of curiosity.

Re: Last Lesson of Term

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:23 am
by Frozen Smoke
Dan grimaced as Kian brought back a few bad memories of playing shooters with some of his more competitive friends. He got trying to be the best, but there was something to be said for team spirit that they didn't really seem to get, and it made him reluctant to click accept when they invited him to join them for games. He still did, but there was that hesitation.

"Nah, that ain't me" he replied simply. "I don't really like competitive games anyway. I prefer those games where it's like, you and a friend versus the game.. uh..."

Dan paused for a moment, searching for the word he was trying to bring to mind. Working together... It was on the tip of his tongue. The pause stretched on a little longer, then he snapped his fingers and pointed at him, looking a little pleased with himself as he recalled the phrase, the silence disappearing as quickly as it had come as Dan finished off his sentence "Co-op campaigns, you know. Like Halo or Portal".

Re: Last Lesson of Term

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:36 pm
by Primrosette
"Oh, yeah. Those type of games are definitely fun to co-op with a friend or friends. I need to play those games a lot more. Halo and Portal are fun to play from what I have seen." Kian said with a causal smile; but he noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Mrs. Harris was glancing towards him with a frown on her face and he moved back slowly in his seat towards his desk. "Dan, I would definitely like to catch up with you about these games. So I will talk to you later, yeah?"

He turned his attention back to the class and he couldn't help but find a bit proud of himself for making a new friend who had different hobbies from him. He was definitely going to tell Faith about this later at home. His sister would not care about his life, but he had to try to find a way to talk to her.

((Kian Banks continued elsewhere))