Twisted Steel in a Twisted World

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours)

The salvage yard is located in the industrial park next to the boat shed and is filled with the detritus of maritime life. While a handful of small ruined rowboats are kept here, it is also home to partially-submerged shipping containers, old refrigerators and bed frames, and even a number of totaled cars and trucks, forming a treacherous mountain of junk. Kept around partially for lack of a better place to dispose of such objects and partially as an opportunity to scavenge materials for slapdash repairs, the salvage yard is more accessible than its phenomenally dangerous architecture might lead one to expect. Thanks in part to its varied topography and in part its distance from the rest of town, the salvage yard was a popular spot for children and teens alike. The children using it to play games such as hide and seek while the teens used it as a party spot. This has led to some accidents over the years and at least one death when a drunk teen fell into the ocean, but the only result of this incident was the addition of a chain link fence; the gate to this was quickly sabotaged and has remained unlocked since.
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Post by Aura »

Leaving their plans for Brittany on the side was probably best for the time being.  She wasn't there, nor did they know where to find her.  But what they did have was the three of them, a small arsenal, and a van that wasn't going anywhere.  Probably best to figure out what to do with what they had on hand before they started looking into the future.

"For now, I guess there's not much we can do but stay alive.  Once we get those cuffs off of Marion though, we want to get out of here."

Probably best to let him know about their ultimate plan now.  It might be jumping the gun to do that before they actually had anything in place, but it would probably be reassuring to let Bishop know that they have no interest in playing along with the Program.
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Post by Katie »

"Yeah, I'm not sure how we'll do it, but since there's no collars I think we have a decent chance of making it. Between escape and participating, I think escape is the less risky option here."
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Post by Bowser »

Bishop's eyes shot wide open as soon as the girls mentioned their intention to escape the Program. Was that even an option? Was it even possible at all? What the hell did he just walk into? This was insane, they were actually planning on escaping! It was all but suicide to even think about trying to bust out of the Program!

Though, the more Bishop thought about it, it wasn't the worst idea in the world. At least, not quite. There was some truth to Marion's statement. Sure, some people did have an actual shot at winning the Program, but those people weren't like Bishop. Bishop was weak, small, and in the end fairly irrelevant as an actual threat. Even with a weapon. If he just stayed behind and didn't at least try to escape he was all but assured to die. In a way, escape wasn't the less risky option. For Bishop, it was his only option. The only real victory condition he had for this game. Because he sure as hell knew he wasn't making it to the last man standing, and even then... Did he really want to? Did he want to spend the rest of his life knowing that everyone else who was forced into this fucked up game died just so he could live? Even if he didn't kill anybody, that didn't change the fact that god knows how many people were dead as a result of his own survival, and that wasn't something Bishop wanted.

"... W-well... I-I don't want to participate in this g-game either, s-so... Count me in."
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Post by Aura »

Kassandra smiled at Bishop's reply.  One more invitation for the escape party.  Plus, she knew that he was a pretty smart guy, so she imagined that he could do a lot to help smooth out their plans once they started to get their facts together.

Did she have any worries about him joining?  Not really.  He was skittish, yeah.  Probably to an absurd level.  But honestly, it wasn't like she or Marion were flawless.  What mattered was they they shared a goal, and they could live with each other while they tried to achieve it.  One could say they were a merry band of misfits, only they weren't particularly merry and there probably weren't enough of them to constitute a band.

She put her arms up and positioned her hands between her head and the cushion.  She looked at Marion on her left, then Bishop on her right.  Her allies, her friends.

"So I guess we're set for now, huh?"
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Post by Katie »

"Yeah, I guess so," Marion said.

(Marion Williams continued elsewhere)
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Post by Bowser »

Bishop simply nodded at Marion's response and said "Y-yeah, I think so."

It felt... Weird, to say the least. The first 12 hours of the game had been nothing but hell for him, and he had all but accepted his fate, but now? Well, in a weird way, he actually had hope. Hope that everything would work out. Hope that they'd find Rodney, hope that this escape plan would work out, and hope that maybe, just maybe, that everything would be alright.

He just needed to make sure the three of them didn't screw this up, or die before they even had a chance at escaping.

(Bishop Smith continued elsewhere)
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Post by Aura »

"All right." With all three of them agreeing to their current predicament, Kassandra didn't see much else for them to do other than wait.

(Kassandra Vaitaki continued elsewhere..)
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