SotF-TV: The First Announcement

Announcements for the first version of TV are stored here.
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SotF-TV: The First Announcement


Post by T-Fox* »

Leonardo Dahnke had tirelessly watched the footage from Survival of the fittest for the past twelve hours straight. Unlike the masses back in the United States and the rest of the world, he didn't get the luxury of TiVo, Youtube, or whatever other service had decided to pick up a copy of this season's action for everyone's viewing pleasure. In fact, he was stuck right on the front lines, a cup of steaming hot tea in his right hand, a small black computer mouse in his left. Leo had been the announcer for Survival of the Fittest for the past 31 seasons to date, a job which was tiring and high stress, but above all, extremely rewarding. His voice and name were known to almost every single man, woman, and even child in the world. He was the voice of the game, the one people hated to love or loved to hate. And frankly, he wouldn't leave for the life of him.

That fame was just far too much.

Glancing over to the soft, green glowing numbers on the desk beside the laptop he was currently using, he let out a sigh, catching the attention of the intern behind him, the only other person in the admittedly small room.

"Something I can help with sir?" The young man's voice cracked with want of sleep, his movements obviously sluggish as he rose from his desk, not used to what he was about to be sent through over the next few days.

The man didn't bother to look back, his eyes fixing back to the glowing screen, staring at a pastel pink name against a deep gray backdrop, the combination of colors the only thing lighting his face. "Yeah. It's Eleven Fourty-Five and I forgot to write up an announcement. You want to keep your internship?"

The nodding behind him went un-noticed, but the assumption was there.

"Go get me a pen. Now."

The clap of rubber on tile could be heard as Leo's only company ran out the door.


The speakers, ever so craftily placed about the island, for the first time crackled to life. It was child's play to re-wire the place's emergency system to a single PA in the announcement center. Somewhere, miles upon miles away, a small red button was pressed, making static follow immediately in its wake, just in case anyone thought they could get away with sleeping through the morning news. That was his pet peeve. And he was having none of it.

"Good morning contestants! Most of you know me, but the few of you who don't... The name's Leo, and I'll be one of two little voices of reason you lucky souls will get to listen to over the next few days! Well, some more than others, but we'll see. So far, you've all been surprising me out there. So much drama and passion, so many opportunities. I'd like to take a second to personally thank those of you playing to the cameras... Well, it's what we live off of. Try and put on a show for the audience! They're paying good money for the DvD when it comes out, after all."

Unable to suppress a smug grin, he pressed on, sliding the paper off to the side, just to make the audible crunch that went along with olden day news casting. After all, this was the only news that mattered to the sixty six... Well, sixty five teenager listening, right? They deserved the full experience, at the very least.

"Now, on to the important bits that I'm sure everyone in the thick of it is just so anxious to hear! We only have one death so far, but not to fret. There's plenty else to go around... Well, except for everybody but Anthony Rollins, who's taken one for the show, if you know what I mean. Our vicious killer? None other than Karen Ruiz folks. Feisty one, that girl. Karen, how does it feel to get an announcement all to yourself on the most popular show on earth?"

The speakers cracked, just as they did right before he began to speak, and all was silent for just a moment. Leo's finger hovered over the button for five... four... three... Oh screw it.

"Oh! And before I forget. If you plan on living up to your full potential, you're going to want to say away from The Resort Hotel and The Inland Lake. If you're anywhere near there, you have a little while to get out. Or, you can give your friends the shock of their lives, that's an option too! This is Leo, signing off. See you tomorrow morning! Or, well, most of you."


And the rolls. We're doing five per set this game.
#1: PNK5, Isaac King (Chib)
#2: 13B, Rishi Kohli (VinnyMcQ)
#3: W03, Keving Fielding (Slayer) BLK1, Bob Lazenby (Chitoryu12, Hero Card Used)
#4: BLU5, Lou Becker (HenchmenF)
#5: BRN1, Nick Simmons (Bacon)

You have three days to play any cards, and seven days after that to get in all deaths, as per usual. As a reminder, everyone has a hero and a swap (Swap is assuming you have more than one character).
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler T-Fox. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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