A Day on the Water


Similar in feel to the Inland lake, this lake also features the smell of the salt air, and the sound of waves lapping against the cliffs and beaches can be heard if you just take the time to listen. The most obvious feature of this lake is the small sailboat that apparently has sunk in the center, a lone mast breaking the water line.
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A Day on the Water


Post by Dr. Nic* »

[Yellow #4 - Marcus Walker. Continued from Familiarity.]

He didn't have the time to check his map, his compass, or his surroundings. He just walked. Ever since he left the cabins and the bastard with the shotgun behind, he'd done nothing but walk with Anna cradled in his arms. He didn't know how long it had been. He didn't remember the last announcement he heard. He didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do when he got there, either. He just walked, without a destination or a goal or any idea of what he was going to do or what he was supposed to do. It seemed that walking was all he was intent on doing and indeed the only thing he could do. He sure as hell couldn't protect his friends. He couldn't even take revenge on the people who took them from him.

He was weak.

He set Anna down in the grass and stared at the water. Just sat and stared, breathing in the fresh salt air and thinking back on all the things he failed to do. He failed to protect his friends. He failed to make the people who killed them pay. Hell, he even failed to stay strong and hard. Devonte would have been so disappointed. Anthony too, and Jaszmine. They would all be disappointed in him if they could see him now. He could hear them now, Devonte especially. Devonte would be calling him gay, telling him to man the fuck up, and then looking around to see if his grand mama heard him cuss. Jaszmine would chide him, tease him, but try to make him feel better if she thought he was actually hurt. Wouldn't stop her from walking all over him though, and she'd probably tell him to get over it. Anthony? Anthony's voice was harder to hear. Anthony would try to be supportive and helpful. At least, that's what Marcus hoped and thought. That Anthony would try to help him, and rattle off scenes from old movies that Marcus could take courage or hope from.

Why couldn't they be there with him now? Why did they have to go?

Marcus sat there with his head in his hands and almost didn't realize that he had started sobbing. He was lost in his thoughts for so long that when he looked up at the lake again, it looked completely foreign. Maybe it was the light. Maybe it was the wind. He didn't know what it was but the world didn't look the same, even through the fog of tears and bloodshot eyes. It didn't seem like he'd been sitting there for very long, but he couldn't be sure. And just then he felt his heart skip a beat or three, and he spun round so fast he heard his neck crack and his spine tingle. But she was still there. Anna was still there, lying in the grass. Bloody and stained, but at peace.

At peace...

That was right. He did have something to do. All this time walking and he'd ignored the very task he'd given himself not long ago. After Devonte had died, and he buried him there in the woods, he promised that he would find the rest of them. He promised that he would find Anthony and bring him there, and he made good on that promise. He promised that he would find Jaszmine and bring her there, but he hadn't found her before Anna was the next to go. He had to make a new promise. Bring Anna back there and put her to rest with the others. Find Jaszmine, and reunite their little group. Yeah... reunite his friends.

But for now, he wanted to sit and watch the water. Sit and enjoy the sea breeze. Sit and forget everything that had happened.

He just wanted to sit.
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Post by Acidic* »

((Madelyn Conner continued from A Rest))

When Madelyn came to the lake she walked around it. Making sure to stay near the water keeping an eye towards the distance. It didn't seem likely for someone to attack from the water, but just in case the gun was in the hand near the water. When she did look at the lake her eyes were drawn to the sunken sail boat.

It was one of those like a family friend had. He'd let the family take it out on the lake. It was relaxing. The bright days, the wind of the lake pushing them forward, and her father controlling the boat. Sometimes she'd swim along with them as long as she could, or until they wanted her back in.

While in nostalgia she had stopped paying attention to her setting. Madelyn exited in time to see a boy near a body of a small girl. She was too close, and would definitely had been noticed. Making sure not to alarm him she kept her hand with the gun relaxed, and to the ground.

"Friend of yours?" She asked, sympathetically.
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Someone was there. Someone was bothering him and Anna, and interrupting his moment of rest. He just wanted to sit and stare at the water but no, someone had to come along and upset things. He didn't want anyone around to see Anna like that. He didn't want anyone to see him, either, but he definitely didn't want anyone to see Anna in the condition she was in. He just wanted to be rid of these people. But it didn't do him any good to just sit and stare at the water and be annoyed at the presence of another person, so he tore his attention from the lake and turned it on the new girl. He didn't recognize her. He might have seen her during the little pep talk before the island, but he didn't think she went to his school. Most of the people he'd run into were from his school, but the names being called out were strange to him. This girl just confirmed his earlier suspicions, but he didn't care anymore.

"Leave her."

Marcus stood up and made his way over to where Anna was lying in the grass. He didn't want this new girl going anywhere near Anna, or to see her in the condition she was in. He tried to cover her with what he could. The spare clothes from her bag would have to make due for now, if only to hide her from the new girl, and keep Anna's bloodied body away from prying eyes. He ran his fingers across Anna's cold, lifeless cheek, and covered her face last.

"You people did this to her."

He cast an accusatory glance at the girl, but didn't look at her for very long. He just knelt next to Anna, and made sure she was covered. He didn't want anyone to see her like this, not even people neither of them knew. And it struck him that there were cameras all around, so he had even more reason to hide her from the eyes of the masses. They didn't need to see her like this. She didn't need to be on film, not like this. Her family didn't need to see any more of her like this. She didn't deserve this. Anthony, Devonte, Jaszmine... none of them deserved this.

No one did.

But someone did this to them. Someone killed Anthony, Devonte, Jaszmine, and Anna. Someone was responsible for their deaths, and since Marcus wasn't able to protect them and keep them safe... maybe he could do what Anna said. Avenge them.
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Post by Acidic* »

When the boy spoke Madelyn knew she done goofed. As he went to, and concentrated, on the body she took a few steps backwards. Madelyn knew she should have ran, but it was like watching a car accident. Her instincts were too meshed with the spectacle before her. Someone was losing it before her, she'd only seen it on the TV.

When the guy looked back at her Madelyn stopped in her tracks, hoping he didn't notice. She had it in her mind that if he knew he'd go psycho all over her. That wouldn't end well for him, would it?

Raising her gun-free hand she tried to think of something to calm him down, but her voice cracked.
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She was moving. She was leaving. If she knew what was good for her, she would have turned around and run as far away as she possibly could. If she knew what was good for her, she would be gone the next time he looked over at where she was, and Marcus would be alone again to sit and stare at the water, and take care of Anna. But when he cast another glance her way, she was still there. She had moved back a bit, and looked like she was about to piss herself. He could swear that he saw her trembling. She's scared, and with good reason. She should be scared. Marcus didn't know what he was going to do. He knew what he wanted to do, what he should do, but he didn't know what he was going to do.

She tried to say something. She tried to do something to calm the situation and get rid of the tension. But holding up her hand wasn't enough. Marcus just turned, and stared at her, and looked at the gun in her hand.

"You think you can use that thing?"

He stood up, and turned away from Anna. Her eyes were closed, and her face was covered. He didn't want her to see anything.

"Are you strong enough to pull the trigger?"

He started walking toward Madelyn. Slow, calm, and not once looking away from her.

"Can you fucking do it? Have you fucking done it? Killing someone... it looks so easy on TV, doesn't it? Doesn't it?"

Another step, another line, another moment spent staring the poor girl down, glaring right into those off color eyes. He could feel her fear, and he knew what she was thinking. This bastards going to kill me. This psycho wants to kill me. But Marcus didn't know what he was going to do. It was all blank, and the only thing that came to mind were the words he spoke, and they only came moments before they left his lips.

"You think you could do it? You think you could pull the trigger, like on TV? After all, it's TV. Its not like its real..."
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Post by Acidic* »

Here she was, helpless to herself and the psycho approaching. He started asking if she thought she could use the gun. The gun that ended Eric, severed Mikaela from herself, and justified Tim. You have no idea, do you? Madelyn thought at the boy, as if he would hear it. What I did, or what I would do.

He asked if she was strong enough. Well, she was going to have to be, wouldn't she? She lifted the gun to point at his chest, as he dared her to. Madelyn was slow, as if she needed oil for her joints. He said that killing someone looked so easy on TV. You have no idea, how easy it is. Buddy, if you don't back off I'll show you.

He was close enough to glare at her, and the gun was against his large chest. She had promised not to hesitate when this came up, but the king of hearts was on the table and she wasn't raising the stakes.

"Please leave, while you have the chance." It sounded weaker to her than it was.
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"While I have the chance?"

Marcus stared at the girl in front of him. Looked down at the gun she had pointed at his chest. And grabbed a hold of it.

"Pull the trigger. Do it. Here."

And he held it over his heart.

"Right here. Or here."

And he put it to his forehead.

"Do it. Do it! I fucking welcome it. You people took my friends. You people took me from my family. You people took everything from me and ground it all into dust. Dust."

And he let go of the gun, pushing it down away from his face. And he just stared at the girl. He stared for the longest time and thought things over before he started to turn away. But he didn't turn and walk away. He turned away, but immediately turned back, and shot his hand out to her throat. He moved closer, pressed in to her personal space, and closed his hand around her throat.

"If you won't do it, I will."

And he tightened his grip.

"I'll fucking end it."
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Post by Acidic* »

She nearly jumped out of his hand when grabbed her neck, but his firm grip kept her in place. Madelyn had tried to play nice, and this was the reward for pacifism. In life, and SOTF-TV, it was like this. Well, Madelyn wasn't any kind of martyr.

She rammed the barrel of the gun into his flesh and fired.


His grip never released, not even a falter. Oh god, was he wearing a vest? Did she manage to fucking miss? How, she was sure it was against him. Madelyn fell from conscienceness. Her hands trying to pry his away.

I've lost.
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

Marcus didn't feel the gun. Didn't hear the crack it made either. He just held his grip on her throat and waited until she went limp, and the only thing keeping her up was his hand around her neck. He stared at her through it all, and watched the strength drain from her body. He watched her eyes roll up and stared at the white that was left to be seen. And when there was nothing left to resist him, when she was limp, he let her go and dropped her. He figured she was dead. He didn't bother to check. He was certain she was.

But it didn't make him feel better. She had probably killed someone before, most of the people on this god forsaken island had, but it didn't make him feel any better. She wasn't the one who killed Anthony. She wasn't the one who condemned Devonte. She wasn't even the one who killed Jaszmine, or Anna. She was just another fucking person on this damned island. But even if she didn't make Marcus feel any better, he knew who would. He just had to find them. He just had to track them down and do to them what he did to her. Do to them what they did to his friends.

His friends...


He turned back to Anna and left Madelyn there on the ground. He didn't care about Madelyn anymore. All he cared about now was getting Anna back with Anthony and Devonte. As he gathered Anna up and started on his way, he became aware of the blood coming from his stomach but that wasn't important. Anna was important. His friends were the only thing that mattered now. He had to bring them together, and make the people who killed them pay for what they did.

That's all that mattered now. Nothing else. Not the pain or the blood or anything else. Just his friends. Fuck everything else. Fuck everyone else.

And as Marcus walked away... he could swear he heard a cough.

[Yellow #4 - Marcus Walker. Concluded in Sleep.]
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Post by Acidic* »

((Madelyn Conner continued in Clusterfuck)
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