Pieces of What?

Open: Day 3.

The least frequented beach on the island, this spot is where the occasional tourist goes to completely get away. The only notable feature on its shore is the small boat rental shack, which has been carefully plucked of most of its more attractive rentals.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae felt better at having said it, and her heart broke at his tears. She squeezed his hand gently and looked into his eyes. She wasn't afraid, she couldn't be afraid. This boy had found something about her worth loving, something to fight for and protect. She was going to become worthy of that love. She would survive.

"I am going to be here, Zach, I'm going to be here until the end, okay? When...it happens."

She was afraid, but she couldn't show it.

"I'm not going to let you die alone, okay?"
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"T-Thanks" he said between gulps of air, as he tried to stay awake. He was so tired, and so cold. That heat was gone now, and the only warmth in his entire body was slowly dripping out of his side.

He didn't want to die alone. If he was going to die, he wanted to be surrounded by friends. Or atleast, a friend.

But he was still scared. He didn't know what happened afterwards. Didn't think he'd spent his time wisely enough. He wasn't going to a good place if God existed or anyplace if he didn't. And that was terrifying. He'd always been scared of the unknown. But know he couldn't run, couldn't hide. It was coming for him. He could feel it.

He was so tired of fighting it. Tired of everything.

He tried to embrace Mae for the last time, but he couldn't raise his arms from the floor by any measurable amount.

"Mae... You... You get out... You win... You deserve it... You put up with me, after all... Stay safe... Kay?" he managed to say, his thoughts almost as badly damaged as his body.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae watched as Zach tried to hug her, take her in his arms one more time. The idea of it made her skin crawl, the idea of being close the viscera and the death, but at the same time she knew that this was practically his last request, the last thing he could ask of her. She tried to get as close to him as possible.

When Harold died she was there,she watched him die much like she was watching Zach, and although he had only died two days ago it seemed like years. She had wanted to scream then, yell and cry and carry on. Now she only wanted to kill Zach so that his pain would be ended. So that she could keep moving.

She hated how he hurted.

"Mae... You... You get out... You win... You deserve it... You put up with me, after all... Stay safe... Kay?"

She squeezed Zach's hand reassuringly, trying her best to smile, trying her best to keep up the good front when all she wanted to do was curl up, sleep, let the worst come what may. Instead she nodded.

"I will, I promise. I'll live and get out of here. But putting up with you isn't any reasons to live, Zach. It was all fine."

He looked so tired, it wouldn't be long now. She couldn't leave him, not after promising that she wouldn't, but she also was so scared to watch him die.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

As the blood kept on flowing out of him, great spouts of crimson pouring onto the floor, the bloodloss slowly fragmented his thoughts, until there were only two things left. The pain, and the fear. At this point he wasnt even conscious, having regressed to an almost primal state in a vain attempt to shut out how much it hurt. 

His breathing was shallow now, and would be barely noticeable above the light breeze that blew across the beach if it weren't for the phlegmy rasp that accompanied it

He was so scared.

Before his lead lidden eyes fluttered closed, the last thing he saw, the last thing he would ever see, was a pair of was a pair of honey brown eyes, locked with his. He wasn't sure what lay behind them, but he chose to believe it was love.

He let out a final sob.

And then, He wasn't scared anymore.

Zachariah Andross Johnston: 13A - DECEASED
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Post by Cake »

Slumped and at seat on the small boat's edge was Shawn, back turned staring out through the open door, simply listening to the solemn conversation behind him. Zach wanted Mae to make it off the island; to win. Shawn and Mae were team mates. Right then and there, Shawn decided that he'd make it happen.

And just like that, everything was silent. At least for a moment.

He half expected Zach to ask Mae to end it all for him, as quick and painless as possible, with her the one person he'd allow credit for his death and to screw over Karen from getting her final kill. But then again, Shawn realized it was within character for Zach to just bleed out like this. If he was the final victim, then Karen Ruiz would be gone for good. Off the island entirely and no longer be a threat to anyone, especially, in Zach's particular case; to Mae St. Clair.

Shawn closed his eyes for a second or so, waited and then stood up. He saw Mae with Zach, hand in hand. A different aura or atmosphere filled the air. Like something that used to be here, was now gone. Sure enough, Zach was no longer breathing. For another second Shawn just stood back, behind Mae, allowing her time to grieve. Shawn himself, no longer had the energy to be so depressed anymore. He was entirely spent, merely gulping down the knotted feeling in his throat and taking in a large breath of air. He was broken up inside, sad, but he wasn't going to cry. He promised that he was going to be strong, not just for Mae, but also for himself.

This show, this game, it did things to you. The deaths, the loss of loved ones and the pain to go along with it; the kind you just wanted to phase out completely. Shawn knew the feeling well. He had lost a father once. The thing is, you had to keep persevering, even through all of it or else you let it get in the way of your life.

He wasn't going to let the pain and his emotions get in the way of his life or Mae's, this time.

The point was, that he had to concentrate on making it through this game and out the show, even if it meant winning. Mae, might have done stuff that made him wary at first, but he was going to get over that. Maybe she would explain. She was a friend. She had played part in saving his life. They were a team after all. He hadn't been entirely sure about that, twelve hours ago, but now Shawn believed it. He had a responsibility now; he would make it his duty to ensure both he and Mae - The Gold Team, make it back home alive. Together.

Right now, they needed to get moving, in order to stay alive. The sounds from the violent conflict earlier may have alerted other dangerous individuals to the spot. Yet, at the same time, it would be horribly wrong to just leave Leopold and Zach, laying in their blood on the floor like this. The right thing to do, before moving on was to give both of his slain friends a proper burial. Shawn knew that Mae would want that after all. To lay them at rest, with a few final words to Zach, along with some flowers. Mae still had the flowers he had given her back then, at the very start within that rain forest, right? When they were done with that, they could move on and focus on the road in front of them.

For now, Shawn waited. He waited till Mae was ready, sitting down alongside her, with a comforting arm around her waist and a shoulder, to cry on should she need it.

Shawn Morrison only said one thing and it left his throat as a whisper. "He went out.. a hero."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae had seen a lot of death on the island so far, but she had never been this close to it, not really. She had been by Harold's side, but still kept a distance, she had not looked in that boy's eyes like she did Zach's. She owed it to him to do it now, after all that he did.

But it exhausted her.

It was a peculiar thing, watching him die. When the light when out of his eyes it seemed so sudden to Mae even though she had been expecting it for what seemed like an eternity. There was no actual fanfare when he did expire, only a sort of calm. A comfort. He seemed to die happy. She was the last thing that he saw.

It scared her to think that it was enough for him.

Mae wanted to grab one of the cameras and ask the world what was so great about her. Was a pretty face and figure enough? Was that it? She had tried so hard to be perfect and all she had to show for it was death.

When the life left Zach's body, finally, all the tension left hers. She rocked back, only to find that Shawn was by her side, his arm around her waist. He seemed there, ready for her to break down. Ready to offer support for her loss.

Was it loss, or freedom?

"He went out.. a hero." Shawn told her. It was a nice thing to say. Tears began to fall from Mae's eyes.

"I failed him." She said. And then it began. In front of the corpse of a boy who loved her Mae St. Clair began to unravel. "He wanted to love me. He wanted me to love him. He wanted to keep me safe but he was so dangerous. I couldn't stop him. I wanted to protect you, but I wanted to protect myself. I wanted everyone to stay alive."

She covered her face with her hands, she couldn't stop shaking.

"He killed so many people. For me. How..how can I..."

Oh God. Oh. Shaking. It. It was happening. No. Now. This wasn't the tears for Shawn on the plains. Not even the delicate decorative tears she had shed while Zach lay dying before her. No. Mae came apart at the seams.

"It's my fault. Ali. I wanted to protect her but she pointed the gun at me and I didn't know and all of a sudden and she died and she was on my team how could she and he's killed so many people. And now he's dead and what is any of this for what. What is it for-Jake was right."

Jake was right.

It would all be better if Mae St. Clair died.

She wasn't sure if she said that out loud or not.
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Post by Cake »

She let it all out, weeping onto his shirt, sobbing and voicing every single thought on her mind from her stay on the island. Shawn stayed silent, listening to what she had to say. This was a different Mae, a side of Mae he hadn't seen before. She was falling apart, releasing all the emotion she had been hiding this entire time. He'd never seen her be so fragile before.

"I.. get it Mae. You were doing what you had to. Things just got out of control. It's not your fault."

She was trembling in his arms, leading Shawn to hold on to her and tighten his embrace.
Then she mentioned Jake. He froze, slowly let go and looked at her for a second. His hands now holding hers.

"Jake? You've seen Jake?"

Jacob Langston was pretty much his best friend from Silver Dragon Academy and knowing he, another one of his friends was on this island made him even more sick.

"He said - what? No... never mind. It's okay. I don't need to hear it." Shawn wrapped his arms around her again, in another comforting hug.

"Mae, we'll need to be moving on soon. We can talk more, later, but first, I want to give Zach and Leopold a proper burial. You still have the flowers I gave you? Maybe we should get started." He let go of her, slowly and gently wiped a few tears from her face, with the tips of his fingers before beginning his work.

Shawn headed out to find a nice secluded spot on the sand for two graves, closest to the boat store but farthest from the ocean. He found and grabbed Leopold's paddle from the earlier fight with Karen. Then he started digging, using his hands whenever necessary.
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Post by peregrineink* »

(GMing of Shawn Morrison approved by Keaka!)

As Shawn wiped the tears from her eyes she had wanted to kiss him. Her lips had ached for it, but she knew it wasn't the time. She wasn't even sure if it would ever be the time, but she she that at least at that moment, with Leopold and Zach lying dead around them, now wasn't the time for any such thing. Though she, in spite of everything that had happened, had never wanted such physical touch more in her life.

Maybe it was the constant fear of death. It couldn't be the constant eye of the cameras on her, Mae was fairly certain that it was too early for her to be picking up any such behavior like that. She wasn't...that kind of girl.

He had held her, he was being strong for her, and that meant everything.

She nodded as he mentioned graves, her head still spinning from the rather sudden and uncomfortable outpour of emotion. She almost wanted to apologize, but maybe they were beyond that. She hoped they were.

It was different now, Zach was gone and now it was just them. Mae wasn't sure who was left on her team, how funny was that? How could they even put people on teams without letting anyone know first? It seemed as though the producers for this show were more concerned with getting fancy costumes out there, which were entirely impractical in their application once on the island. Sure, her little geisha outfit was adorable and sexy and whatever and it would be really great to go like that for Halloween one year, but what was she going to do traipsing about like that on the island? Had anyone actually seriously worn their costumes?

What if her and Shawn were the only members of their team left? The thought chilled her, but maybe it wasn't true, there was still Ben, there had to be. She hadn't asked Shawn about it but she was pretty sure they had really only gotten split up. Maybe something had happened, maybe he had only run to get back to her.

And then he had seen...that wasn't important now, was it? It definitely wasn't. Mae didn't even know where the collar she had gotten off Panya was and even if she did have it, she heavily doubted that her or Shawn would know what to do with it. Another dead end, another mistake. But at least what she had done didn't truly destroy everything.

It was all changing now. All of it. Maybe she would have to kill again. The thought chilled her as she stared at her katana. It hadn't been so bad the first time out, maybe it would be so bad again. She took a deep breath. She was fighting to survive, to get out of this, to figure herself out, there was no way that she couldn't get her hands dirty and there was no way that she was going to sit back and let herself die. She had to be strong now.

Strong for her team.

She watched for a moment as Shawn began to dig, and then got to her feet. She did still have the flowers he had given her, what seemed like ages ago. Mae walked to her pack and took the pretty pink flowers out. They were a little wilted, a little smushed, but they seemed perfectly fine.

She placed them quietly next to her pack and then stood to help. It wasn't fair to let Shawn do all the work, while Mae languished around in mourning like some Victorian heiress. Plus, they should probably keep moving, plenty of people were out there and plenty of things could still happen. Karen was still out there, for now, and she didn't know that Zach was dead.

The two of them were quiet as they worked, once they got going it was rather easy to dig in the sand. Side by side graves. The hardest part would be moving the bodies.

They didn't have to speak as Shawn took the top and Mae took the bottom of Leopold, she tried to be as gentle as possible when she moved him, but winced as he plunked down into the grave. She would have to be more careful. This was about respect.

Then it was time for Zach, once again she took the feet, she wanted to take the head, almost like how there was place a pallbearer can take on the coffin where it is the heaviest, but she didn't want to drop him. She didn't want to risk...spilling anything more than she had to. The blood had slowed in his death, leaving only a sort of syrupy drip when he was jostled. She didn't think about it.

Shawn and Mae were as careful as possible as they lowered Zach into the ground. She looked at the two graves side by side, Mae bit her lip as hard as she could. Almost to draw blood. All she had to show for this game so far was a scratch on her cheek. So many people had died.

She helped Shawn fill in the mounds. When they were finished, they were both covered in sand but at least they could honor two kids they had known. Mae picked up her flowers and held them tightly. She looked at Shawn.

"Should we...should we say anything?" Was there anything left to be said to Zach? Did she have anything to say about Leopold?

But she knew Shawn might. So she waited.
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Post by Cake »

It was strange, this whole thing. Seeing this many deceased bodies over the past few days should have been too much. Only it wasn't. Somehow this whole thing had desensitized him.

He had worn an extra shirt when moving Leopold and Zach's bodies. It was from Leopold's bag and Shawn supposed he was somewhat fortunate that he and Leopold were similar in size. Carrying Zach and Leopold didn't really make Shawn feel anything, surprisingly. Not even when some of their blood wiped off onto the shirt. He tried not to focus on their wounds, especially the bullet hole in Leo's head, so close to his hands when lifting him.

Carefully, they lowered them into the graves. Leopold being first in, had been dropped a little too early on Mae's end and landed a bit awkwardly, which made Shawn cringe. Knowing what to expect, they made sure to be extra careful with Zach. When they were settled in, Shawn took the wooden paddle again and began to sweep the sand back in.

First was Leopold. With him, Shawn buried the remaining roll of marijuana he had. Shawn had been too late to save him and Leopold didn't even get a chance to do what he loved to do for one last time. At least Shawn could take comfort in knowing that he had been there to keep Alexis Allwell from being shot as well. Shawn had taken the paddle he was currently holding to Karen Ruiz. Knocked her down and then he ran away.

He should have finished the job. Maybe then, Zach would have still been alive too. But Shawn had been too scared at the time. He had been pragmatic, but also couldn't shake off the thought that maybe things would have been different if he tried. He shivered at this. He had thought about killing somebody, again? As if Jaszmine wasn't enough already. Even if it was Karen it still meant ending somebody's life and Shawn just wasn't the type. But unless they could find a way off this island without violence; that would have to change.

Mae had asked if they should say anything after burying Zach.

Shawn thought for a moment. He didn't say anything. Instead he removed the peace symbol from around his neck, for the first time in three or four days since he first got onto this island. He crept over to the mound of sand, which was Zach's grave and crouched down to it's side. He looked at the peace pendant one more time, in his hands and then gently laid it over Zach's grave.

He stayed in the crouch for a minute or so, before he stood up and walked back to Mae.

"Whenever you're ready."
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Post by peregrineink* »

Mae held the pink flowers tightly in her hand. She opened her mouth to speak, trying to ignore the goosebumps that had run down her spine at watching Shawn lay down his peace sign at Zach's grave.

Did that mean what she thought it meant? Was he thinking the same thing she was? She looked down at her hand, the flowers, then at the raised grave that contained Zach.

She couldn't say anything. What more could she say? They had to keep moving, they had to keep surviving. They had buried Zach and Leopold, and that was the best they could do.

She lay the flowers at Zach's grave, taking care to be gentle, not to crush them any more than they already had been, then she straightened her spot.

"We should keep Team Gold together," Shawn told her gently. "Last I saw Ben-o he was at the hotel."

Mae nodded. It was a good plan. The teams were the only thing they could really trust now, wasn't it?

She would follow Shawn anywhere... and reached for his hand.

((Mae St. Clair Continued To: I Found a Whistle.))
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Post by Cake »

They had to get moving. The best course of action was to keep whatever was left of the gold team, alive and together. Which meant they had to look for Ben Grayson. Shawn had left Ben-o at the hotel, when the gun shots went off. He told himself that it was because they had a plan to head back to the merchandise shack should anything happen. But Shawn had run away from there too and now the Resort Beach was a Danger Zone. Ben had no where to go and so they'd need to find him. The first place they had to check was the last place he knew Ben had been, back to the hotel.

Before leaving the area, Shawn felt it was best to take Leopold's remaining supplies and Zach's bag with them.

Zach's bag, sagged down immediately after Shawn had hoisted it into the air. It felt almost exactly like the weight of his own bag at the beginning, back when he had that corded circular power saw with him. Shawn decided he'd check later, when they had found a safe spot to stay.

Then the weapons: A sword of some kind, similar to Mae's katana and Alicia White's pump action shotgun. Shawn still could not envision the girl suddenly turn on Mae for no reason at all. It had to be some kind of misunderstanding, especially since they were team mates and to Ali, fellow elves, or Fae, as she called it. Shawn decided to leave the paddle and the guitar there, being that they lacked enough hands to hold them, especially with Zach's heavy bag in tow.

Lastly, Shawn walked over to the ocean to wash the blood off of the shirt he had worn, from Leopold's bag. He put on a different spare T-shirt from Leopold's bag - A plain white one, presumably Leo's team T shirt. As he did this, a gleam caught the side of his eye.

It was Shawn's own, golden team shirt. It had drifted back onto shore during the night. It was still a bit wet and covered with sand, but it was still... Shiny.

He picked it up, flicked it into the air and started dusting all the sand off of it. This time he was going to keep it.

When he was ready, he told Mae of the plan to look for Ben and keep Gold going strong. She answered by reaching out her hand and nodding. Shawn nodded too. Hand in hand, they were headed off once more and this time there was no "Ride of the Valkyries." Only silence.

[[GLD4: Shawn Morrison Continued To: I Found a Whistle.]]
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