This is Why We Fight

Everything else on the island, these grassy, well kept lands are a popular camping area for many a tourist too fearful to brave the rain forest, or too inexperienced to rough it in the Forest. There are certain areas marked off for camping, but for the most part these fields and plains are just there to get from point A to point B, in the most relaxing and enjoyable way possible.
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This is Why We Fight


Post by peregrineink* »

(Jake Langston continued from Foreshadowing/Hindsights)

Jake hadn't meant to walk this far. He didn't even need to pee, he just needed to go away from all the talking and planning and the sitting and the talking to each other and the frustration. He had a gun in his hand and it wasn't as though people didn't want him to use it. wasn't as though he didn't know how to use it.

Jake could remember from the age of twelve on, all the times his father had made him go hunting, he used to complain about it, moan and groan about how it was so gross, about how all the blood and viscera was so disgusting, but his dad would persist. It wasn't until Jake finally managed to throw up in the middle of learning how to field dress a deer that his dad finally got the message.

He looked around, it was midnight, he really should not have walked this far, he hadn't even paused to see if Madelyn or Mikaela had said anything. Like some absentee father from the 1960's, Jake had basically said he was going out for cigarettes and never coming home.

That was a lie, of course he'd be back, where else would he go? He loved Madelyn, Mikaela was a good friend, what, was he going to find Shawn? Shawn seemed to be doing just fine.

Mae probably did that, Mae probably goaded him into doing that, with a bat of her eyelashes or something. They were always so weird and now Shawn's killing people.

Was it so strange to say that Jake was starting to feel left out?

Yes. Yes it was.

He stopped a good aways into these plains and took out his map. As long as he knew how to get back to them, he hadn't abandoned them.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

(( Zachariah Johnston Continued From Listen Closely ))

Zach sat down, staring at the map, controlling his breathing. Suddenly the yellow splotch that designated the Resort Beach didn't seem all that detailed, and the big stretch of green that designated the Open Plains seemed very big. Oh, and the fact that he was going to have make a detour around the Rainforest was fantastic.

It wasn't like he could do anything if it was an actual map, but it was still fucking annoying.

He folded it sloppily and stuck in the closest bag. He stood up and was about to head in the direction the compass said was the way, when a fammiliar face caught his eyes, half hidden behind a map.

"Ignore the map, mate, it's a piece of shit" He said, trying to sound jovial.
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Post by peregrineink* »

"Yeah, tell me about it," Jake replied absentmindedly...before.

Oh shit.

Jake lowered the map.


This was a very bad thing. Zach was killing people, from Jake's estimate Zach had killed three people so far, and three was a crowd. Zach had killed a crowd of people while Jake had just paced around complaining at his girlfriend. It was kind of impressive and also terrifying, because now Jake was alone with him and-

"I have a gun," Jake said, not being very convincing at being a badass at all.
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Yeah, tell me about it," He said, obviously not paying much attention. Typical Jake, somethings never changed.

"Zach?!" Okay, maybe they do.

"I have a gun," His eyes widened as he looked over him and saw that distinctive and terrifying shape. He might not sound all that badass, but, shit, he sounded scared. And scared was worse. Sooooo much worse. He might just fire and not ask questions and that'd be it. He needed to talk him down.

"Easy there, mate, I'm not here to hurt you" He said, trying to sound calming as he backed up slightly.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Zach wasn't here to hurt him.

Of course he wasn't. Why would he be? They had been friends, of course. Zach hadn't been Marion's friend, or Harold's friend...or whoever else he had killed's friend...was her name Marvia? The announcer had said "the game's most prolific killer"....


"I'm...sorry man. It's, it's just this game. I don't know what to do about it. Part of me wants to get out and part of me, well.."

God. He just wanted to write music and get married and have kids for God's sake.

"Is it easy, man? To do it? I mean, you've killed Harold and Marvia and Marion now..."
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

He seemed to relax a little bit. Good, he wasn't going to end up with bullet holes.

"I'm...sorry man. It's, it's just this game. I don't know what to do about it. Part of me wants to get out and part of me, well.."

He understood that. He was getting a bit paranoid himself. He looked at his bandanna. Yellow

Oh.. God.. Gold had to win for Mae and Shawn to survive. Jake would have to die...


He'd always been so nice... Oh god, what about Madelyn? Was she here? Was he going through the same thing he was? Trying to protect his love? Oh god, what if Mad' wasn't on Gold too? She'd always protected him when she could.


She didn't deserve to die. Jake didn't deserve to die. But he'd have to kill them. Either directly, or through way of letting them die, or Mae'd die.


"Is it easy, man? To do it? I mean, you've killed Harold and Marvia and Marion now..."

What? Where did that come from? He was on the announcements, sure... But, did everyone think thought of him as a killer now? A kill count? He hoped not. After all, he was still a human being, right? He wasn't a psycho. He was still Zachariah Johnston.

"It's not easy... It's necessary." He said, thinking back to the kills. It was suprisingly hard to kill someone. Like Harold. That bastard just would. Not. Die.

"Wait... I killed Marvia? I'm pretty sure I didn't"
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Post by peregrineink* »

"Oh." Jake felt like he had committed some faux pas by saying that. "Sorry, I was only half listening to the announcements and they said a prolific killer and I thought you....I'm sorry."

Way to go, Jake, way to straight up get the killer's kill count wrong to his face. Would he take offense? It had to be rude to actually assume you were killing more than you were. Jake laughed. That was utterly ridiculous.

"And to think, I was going to kind of ask for pointers."

As soon as it was out of his mouth, Jake realized it was true. Up until that point he had been so wishy washy, "Oh, I want to escape", "Oh, there's no way I can play" but there was something about Jared Clayton yelling at him from Madelyn's collar, or the fact that the red mentor seemed to dismiss him outright, or the fact that Shawn had even managed a kill in this stupid game with a snake Jake was walking around with a gun, a gun, and he hadn't even fired it.

He was really disappointed in himself.

"I...don't know why I said that."
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Sorry, I was only half listening to the announcements and they said a prolific killer and I thought you....I'm sorry."

He paused for a moment. He... Was a prolific killer in the eyes of his friends. What was he in the eyes of those who didn't even know him? That thought made him uncomfortable. But he'd have to get used to it.

He ignored the laughter that seemed out of place and stayed silent, waiting for him to continue

"And to think, I was going to kind of ask for pointers." A slight pause "I...don't know why I said that."

"... You want help?" He asked, a little dumbfounded. He wanted help in killing? "... Walk with me." He said, turning and walking in the direction he had determined before. This could be... benificial. For both of them. He could make it out to.

Jake didn't have to die.
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Post by peregrineink* »

"Walk...with you?"

Jake's legs didn't want to move. Did Zach want to take him to a separate location in order to kill him? Or did he...

Did he...

"Are you offering to teach me to kill?"

His legs stumbled forward a little bit in spite of himself, shocking himself. He frowned and ran his hand through his blond hair.

Right now he was useless, he could see it in Madelyn's eyes when she yelled at him from while he was ranting about making plans to escape, he could hear it in the mentor's voices, his own mentor was some useless Verizon shill, so that was pointless. He needed someone to help him, and he was going nowhere where he was.

Could he leave the girls where they were? Madelyn was tough, she had already beaten the crap out of some guy in this game just by going to the bathroom, Mikaela was going to be a doctor, if anything he was slowing them down by always falling apart.

His map fell out of his hand. He didn't want to be useless anymore. Zach would help him, yeah, Zach would totally help him and then he'd come back and protect his girls.

"Okay," he said with finality. "I'm in."

Map no longer needed, he started following Zach, wherever he might lead...
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Are you offering to teach me to kill?"

"Yes. If you want me to" He said quietly. There was a pause, then, footsteps. He was following! He could help him, he could teach him to kill. He could survive!

He smiled and walked beside him. He wasn't going to let him be behind his back, no matter how much trust he had in him. After all, the game did things to people.

"Right, I need to go to the Resort Beach first... Mae's there... After that, I'll teach you" He said, keeping a power walk up as he talked. He was not running again.

(( Zachariah Johnston Continued in A Portrait Of Skin ))
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Post by peregrineink* »


Jake was asking too many questions, he figured. He cleared his throat, reached for his gun, and mentally sent and apology to Madelyn and Mikaela.

"I'll come back for you soon, babe," he whispered. "When I'm ready."

Mentally preparing himself for what was to come, he set on after his new mentor.

He had a bad feeling about Mae though....

(Jake Langston continued in A Portrait Of Skin)
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