Oranges and Lemons

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This forest stretches far across the island, taking up a good chunk of it's landmass. There are a few well beaten dirt paths criss-crossing throughout, some obviously once used for some kind of vehicles. For the most part however, other than these roads the forest is relatively untraveled, most coming to the island for the more exotic features.
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Oranges and Lemons


Post by Iceblock »

[[Kathy Clements Continued From: Whatcha Gonna Do.]]

Kathy had been running for a while. Staying off camera, not doing anything particularly interesting. It'd been a day or so since the fiasco at the Ski Resort - something that may or may not have been completely or partially her fault. She tried to avoid the topic in her mind, since it tended to wreak havoc to what optimism she still retained.

The third announcement had just echoed through the forest, and the cameras found her sitting at the base of a tree, her pack open next to her.

Peter was dead. She had been expecting to hear it for the past day, but apparently they hadn't found fit to broadcast it until now. Kathy didn't know how to feel about it now. She'd been feeling guilty about abandoning the others for a while, guilty about letting Peter take the shots that were probably meant for her. But after a while, she just felt numb. Peter was dead and there was nothing she could do about it now.

Kathy looked down at her lap, where a haphazardly bound notebook sat, opened to a blank page. She flipped it back to the cover.

The title was neatly printed in black ink. Clementine: A Tragedy

She'd left the stack of paper that Tim had found for her back in the Ski Resort when she had fled. She hadn't gone back and gotten it; she figured she'd never go back to the Ski Resort again, if she could help it. Too many memories, though it held just one. The paper that her notebook was made of was filched from some tourist store she'd found on one of the beaches. The binding? Staples. She'd stolen a few pens from that store as well.

She flipped back to the first page in the notebook, the blank page that was previously open, and began writing.

I suppose this page will work for an introduction.

My name is Kathy Clements, and if you are reading this, you probably already know who I am. You probably also know how I died.

You may have noticed that this is labeled a tragedy. It's not a book, or a play. This is a diary - but it will, most likely, end in tragedy.

Why a diary, when all my actions are broadcast live on television? Well, reader, some things cannot be seen. All you see and have seen were our actions, the expressions on our faces... This is what I'm thinking. This is what I thought.

The pen paused in its progress across the page. Maybe the introduction was too dramatic, too romanticized. Too serious. But it would have to do. As someone who was probably famous once said, time was a luxury she could no longer afford. She flipped the page, and kept writing.

Day 2

This is my first entry.

Peter is dead. Lots of people are dead. Some people I knew, some people I didn't. I could name off a couple - Anthony Rollins, for one. He was the first to die. The game is real - they're really dead. If I ever doubted it, I don't now. I passed a couple dead bodies on my way here, to this spot in the forest.

I wonder, who's going to remember these people? The winner? The audience? And how will they be remembered, for how they lived or how they died? I suspect the latter, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. Maybe Peter will be remembered as kind of a hero, since he tried to save me or something. But he's still dead...

I'm going to die. This diary, this "tragedy" - it will end with my death. All tragic heroes have fatal flaws. Is mine that I have no wish to kill? Should that be such a flaw? Always the questions, never the answers. I never did write tragedies...

It's a clear cut choice, I suppose. Those who will not kill will die.

Kathy stopped writing, closed the book, and put it aside. She suspected most of what she wrote was pointless blather.
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[[BLU3: Joshua Doyle, Continued From: Magical Bunny Girl Warrior Sidney-Chan.]]

It had been almost two days since the encounter on the Cruise Ship. The horrible experience where some maniac from the other school, presumably Detroit by the way the boy had scream "I'm from Detroit I know how to use this!" had threatened with his gun and then started shooting. All Josh Doyle could do, was wander around the island aimlessly since then, reliving the frightening moment in his mind over and over again. What was worse was that it was his initial experience of what the island had to offer and as a result Josh had become quite paranoid.

Josh had seen others, true, but he was always too frightened to interact with any of them. He always examined first, approaching slightly, but enough so that he would not be seen. If he saw a dangerous weapon especially a gun in their possession, he would quickly back away. He really didn't want a repeat encounter of what happened before. The deafening shower still echoed in his thoughts. A constant reminder of the ever present danger the show had to offer.

Groups were another thing Josh was afraid of. If any of the groups were evil killers, than he was outnumbered. He couldn't risk that at all. Even some people he knew, that he didn't really trust at school, he'd avoid. Like that blond basketball player guy from his school, Mason Ross. Josh had seen him wandering around the forest earlier in the day. The fact that Mason had a gun in his hand and blood on his face made the decision to stay away from him even easier. Josh just didn't like the prep types or the athletes, like Mason anyway. He stayed away from them back home and in this game, it was no different. Anyone who fit the description, whether they were from Bryan or Detroit were to be avoided.

As such, finding an ally was tough.

He thought of Sidney. He had pulled her out of the way from Jonas' gunshots and urged her to follow him out. But she didn't follow. He had worried about her, wondering if she were safe. She was the only person he kinda knew on this island so far. Fortunately the man on the speakers made no announcement with her names. She was safe, but yet at the same time, Josh felt slighted. He had saved her and she pretty much abandoned him to follow someone else. Now he was alone.

The lack of his anger medication for over a day, almost two, was certainly not helping and he was getting even more frustrated by the second.

He thought of using his assigned knife, imagining what it would be like to use it on everyone who worked on this show and put him here. Imagining the blade stabbing into the skin of everyone who had ever made him angry at school, at home or on the island itself. On Jonas on Sidney. On-

A girl!

She was blond, with blue eyes and wearing the same frightened expression Josh himself had on day one. She was sitting -alone- at the base of a tree and she was... writing?

Strange. She was also from the Detroit school, Josh knew that. Otherwise he'd have recognized her. He knew pretty much every face from his school and the name to go along with it. This girl was unfamiliar, yet this was the first time Josh had encountered anyone on the island who he wasn't afraid of. She didn't look dangerous at all.

He looked to spot a possible weapon first. All he noticed was some sort of stick, a cane maybe? The cane was resting to the side of her near an open bag. Yeah she seemed safe enough. Maybe she needed comforting? He sure as hell needed some himself. It would be nice to actually talk to someone instead of running away for a change.

Girl was looking forward so she wasn't seeing him come in diagonally from the left. He'd just have his knife ready just to be extra cautious. At least if she turned out not so safe, he'd have the advantage of an actual weapon and he was near her now. Slowly, Josh Doyle reached his hand out to her shoulder.

"Hey..." he began to say.
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Post by Iceblock »

Kathy jumped when the voice came from behind, then scrambled to her feet, grasping her cane in hand.

Stupid! She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. This sort of stuff could get her killed - yes, despite what optimism she wanted to have, she was fairly sure she was going to die. But she was going to live as long as she could, and this not paying attention stuff didn't exactly help her in that respect.

She looked him over quickly - brown hair, brown eyes, knife. Knife?

"H-hey," Kathy mumbled, her fingers tensing on the cane. She knew she had a weapon as well, if it could be defined as one... She wasn't prepared to use it for anything more than a good whack, though; she doubted she'd ever have the guts to unsheathe it, and actually kill someone. Or the justification. "What do you want?" It wasn't hostile - she figured she didn't want to make an enemy of him. He had talked first, so he probably wasn't looking to kill her. Yet.

Her eyes flickered to his arm, where a bandanna was wrapped. Blue.
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As what was to be expected, the girl scrambled to her feet the instant she heard him. She had held her cane in hand defensively as if it were some kind of club she could use to bludgeon him. She was scared like him. She must have witnessed something just as bad as Josh's own experience at the cruise ship.

Nervously, yet stern the girl greeted Josh with caution and asked what he wanted from her.

"Hey um, relax okay? I was only wondering why you were writing something in the middle of a forest. It's getting dark, you know it's not safe here right? I saw two people in this forest earlier today, a boy and a girl. They were talking to each other, both with guns. The boy had blood on his face..."

He looked at the girl again, observing her and trying to predict what she would do. Josh noticed her eyes darting to the direction of his blue bandanna, resulting in him looking for the color of her bandanna. It was Orange.

"I-I-I'm sorry for scaring you like that. You were the only person I've seen on the island so far who didn't look dangerous and I got excited. I was on my own for the past day and a half. What were you writing about? I... okay let me start over. I'm Josh Doyle. I don't want to fight. I know we're on two different teams, but, um... do you want to team up?"

Okay yeah, he spoke rapidly and the segway from topic to topic wasn't the best, but at least he may be on his way to having an actual ally.
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Post by Iceblock »

She listened to every word the boy said. Josh, if his words were to be believed. Apparently she was the only person he had seen that hadn't looked dangerous. Funny. Kathy didn't know if she should be thankful for that or not. It probably just made her an easy target.

She glanced at her notebook, lying on the floor.

"It's just a diary of sorts," Kathy explained. "I- well, I wanted to become a writer and stuff, but I guess that never really-" She stopped. What was she saying? Why would Josh care? A diary wasn't even really considered a literary work. Unless it was historical fiction.

Josh had offered a team up. She had answered his question about what she had been writing first mainly because she wasn't sure how to answer his request for a team up. All her instincts told her no. Especially the one that contained the memory of Tim, back on those docks on the lake she had started on.

"Who knows, maybe we'll find that it's better to work together?" he had said. How ironic it seemed to her now.

And there she went again, lost in thought. Typical.

Finally, she just smiled. A sad smile.

"You don't want to fight, and I don't want to fight either. So what does that make us, if we did happen to team up?"
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Post by Mini_Help »

"I... kinda just figured, having someone else with you was better than going at it alone. At least then you have some comfort of knowing that you're not alone."

After wandering by himself for a long time, he was basically saying what he felt. He had been on the verge of losing his mind, without his pills to keep himself calm. Josh really wanted someone he could rely on, someone he could take comfort in to keep him company. Someone to talk to. Keep him together.

"It's been tough... um...?"

He looked at her, still not knowing her name, but continued talking nonetheless.

"I thought it would be easier if we both had someone to depend on you know? I mean, I don't want to fight, but there might be a time where we might need to... and if we got each other... Better for our Survival, right? and and..."

He tried thinking of what to say next to downplay the game aspects of this whole thing.

"I could use someone to talk to and you look like you could use someone too." He tried to lift his mouth to a smile, but it felt like he didn't have the strength to do even that.

"I don't want to intrude, if you don't want to team up, you could just say no."

Please don't say no.
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Post by Iceblock »

Kathy looked down at the ground. She didn't need anyone. She had her notebook, her diary of sorts. Why get to know these people that weren't even from her school? It was hard enough hearing about the dead already. People like Devonte, Tiffany, Anthony, that went to her school but she didn't know all too well. And Peter. Renée, Lynn and Tim... They weren't dead yet. Maybe. Maybe they hadn't been announced just yet - but they were all going to die, probably. Almost everyone would die.

Josh would die, too. She didn't want to get to know him, didn't want to inevitably have to mourn his death, if he died first. She barely knew Peter but the guilt, or whatever it was, was still there.

But it seemed cruel to refuse. Not when he hadn't had companionship for who knows how long, not when he didn't have an escape of his own. She really hoped it wouldn't turn out like her arrangement with Tim had, but...

"Alright," she said. "As long as you don't get any... ideas, okay? I mean, not that I'm insinuating anything but I've just had a couple bad experiences." Feeble smile. Never letting go of that cane, because she couldn't afford to be naive anymore. Couldn't even afford to be optimistic. "If it's really that dangerous, we should get moving. Maybe we'll find your team."
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Post by Mini_Help »

Josh smiled. A real smile, for the first time since the game began.

She didn't say no. She didn't turn him down and now he had an ally. It was a good thing too. If she had said no to the team up... it may as well have sent him over the edge. If she had said no and left him by himself - dashing his one hope of having a companion... if she had said no, Josh didn't know what he would done. Possibly, something he would have regretted.

Thankfully she didn't and for the first time here, Josh was happy. She didn't leave him alone, like Sidney had done. He was really quite relieved at her answer in the positive.

"Tha-Thank you. I promise, I won't do anything underhanded with you. I owe you one, but yeah I really appreciate your help."

The girl mentioned moving on. Yes, they really should. What if Mason and that other girl was wandering the forest and caught up to them and shot them?

"Yeah, you're right, let's get moving. Maybe we can find your team too." Josh began following her lead as they started walking through the forest.

Josh really just wanted to talk a bit now. He hadn't said ANYTHING with in the last 2 days til now and stuff he wanted to say just kept spilling out.

"What happened to you the past two days? I mean, about your bad experiences that is... oh shoot, sorry, I just haven't talked to anyone for a while, you don't need to answer that. I-I know how it is. I mean, I had a really bad experience myself."

He figured he'd share his own experience first, to be fair to his newest partner. He paused and took an intake of air.

"I started out in the cruise ship. I saw some people there. A classmate Sidney, and someone else from my school, erm, David. Then two other boys showed up... come to think of it one of them was on your team. He had an Orange bandanna around his arm and he was pretty big. The other boy, was a freaking maniac! He started threatening us with his uzi yelling out 'I'm from Detroit, I know how to use this!' and then he started firing at us non stop! I saved Sidney, but she ran away and I ran away and I threw up... Fuck."

He stopped walking to take several breaths before continuing to walk with her.

"Sorry, I got carried away.. um... what is your name anyway?"
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Post by Iceblock »

Kathy picked up her notebook, her daypack, everything she needed. Daypack on her back, bandanna wrapped around her wrist, notebook in one hand, cane in the other. Then she started walking, her cane tapping on the ground in front of her.

Josh was by her, talking her ear off. Asking about her bad experience, apologizing, talking about his own experience, something about throwing up, et cetera. Apparently there was a Orange Team member. She didn't exactly know whether to believe him, but she did for now. He seemed enthusiastic, like he hadn't had anyone to talk to for a day and a half. Which was true.

"My name's Kathy Clements," she replied when Josh finally stopped to catch his breath. "Sorry to hear that you got threatened by guys with uzis and stuff."

A pause. "Nothing really happened with me. Just met up with some guy when I woke up on the island, headed to the ski resort with some other people we met on the way, then he thought I liked him and, well... eventually he ended up shooting another guy right in front of me." She muttered the last words, her voice having gotten quieter and quieter throughout her recap.

She blinked a few times rapidly, then changed the subject before he could respond. "But, uh, you should drink some water or something if you haven't already. Puking gets you dehydrated."
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Post by Mini_Help »

Finally he had her name. Kathy. Not 'random girl' but partner Kathy Clements. Then she started talking about her experience. Some other wacko with a crush, going insane and killing somebody, presumably for getting turned down by Kathy.

Wait. That sounds familiar. What would I have done, if she said no to me? I need my medications.

Josh was about to ask for the name of the crazy guy who attacked her, but Kathy had already changed the subject. He listened to her and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe I'll take a couple more drinks of water to make sure." Josh continued following her, continuing to search for his bottle of water in his bag, in the increasingly dark forest. It was night and the trees were blocking the only light from the moon. When he found his water, he unscrewed the cap and started chugging down not minding really where he was walking as long as he was following Kathy still. Not noticing the half buried corpse of Devonte Washington laying in his direct path.

"I was thinking we settle somewhere with a shelter maybe the-"

His foot caught on to the side of Devonte's body, causing the Silver Dragon boy to tumble forward suddenly, right over the Detroit boys' body. He rolled forward and hit the ground front first. His bottle water flew forward spilling water all over Devonte's body, Josh himself and the ground around them.

Then came the stabbing pain in the center of his body all concentrated on one spot.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH!" Josh let out a pained scream. "Oh, god. Oh shit... OH."

He flipped around onto his back, still laying on position on the ground. The first things his eyes met was the dead boy he had just tripped over.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Another scream, this time in response to the corpse.

He tried getting up, but, it was, it hurt. Too much. Josh went back down to his knees. His hands feeling his body. Warm. Sticky and wet. His, own blood, his own fucking blood! No scream this time, just a gasp, and then quick breathing. He could feel it. The handle, the familiar feel of his own knife was what had jabbed straight into himself. This was pitiful. Getting stabbed by your own knife, by yourself, because of someone who was already dead.

"I..I I'm fucking stabbed. Oh god."

It didn't feel too deep, he could still see some of the blade jutting out. It didn't kill him at least. He wasn't really bleeding so hard. The knife could be removed and they could get something in his first aid kit, to fix it and prevent infection.

Fuck it hurts though.

He tugged it, but every tug kept hurting more and more and by reflex his body would hesitate to pull the blade from his belly, afraid of the pain to come. His eyes looked around. There. Kathy, she was still there. She could help her pull this fucking knife out!

"K-KATHY! KATHY PLEASE. I need you to grab this knife and pull it out! Oh SWEET JESUS.... Help me."
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Post by Iceblock »

One minute they were walking, the next Josh was on the ground, impaled on his own knife. She didn't even notice the dead body.

Oh geez, oh geez oh geez oh geez...

Kathy was beside him in a second, her hands twitching slightly from not knowing what to do.

The knife, pull it out?

He was yelling now. Pull it out, pull it out!

She reached for it.

Wait, no, what if pulling it out just caused him to bleed even more? But if it was stuck in then there wouldn't be any hope anyway - maybe it could be bandaged if she did take it out. But what if, what if, what if? Stabbed people generally didn't live, and - she hadn't been expecting him to die so soon-

Dammit, Kathy, do something!

"I'm pulling it out, I'm pulling it out!"

Her hand closed around the hilt. She pulled.
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Post by Mini_Help »

"T-Thank you, just don't press that-"

The WASP Injection Knife, was no ordinary knife.

Within the knife and three more cartridges in Josh's bag was a bullet size canister packed with compressed air, that when triggered by a press of a button on the knife itself, shoots an extremely lethal 800 psi air burst of Co2. The freezing blast of compressed gas can freeze and destroy organs and force air into the blood stream.

When Kathy's hand went around the knife, to help pull the blade out from Josh's torso, her hands managed to activate the the WASP's Co2.

800 psi bursts of Co2 shot immediately into Josh's body like an explosion, freezing intestines, pulping organs and blowing out the area where the knife had stabbed in, along with other gruesome details. Fortunately for Joshua Doyle, the WASP Injection Knife spared him the pain from the initial stabbing. His death came instantaneous.

What else would you expect from a knife that can blow up sharks?

BLU3: Joshua Doyle, Deceased.
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Post by Iceblock »

"Josh?" Useless question. No response.

He was dead. There was no doubt about that - somehow the knife had exploded in him when she had grabbed it. Or made parts of his body explode. She had felt him die, felt that explosion, somehow. Maybe she had only imagined it.

She just sat there, his knife clutched in her hands. Blood on her hands.

He would have died anyway, from the stabbing, from the blood loss...

That didn't help. He hadn't even been able to say any last words.

Kathy burst into tears.


This is my second entry.

It's still Day 2. Josh Doyle is dead. I can't believe it still, and it sounds cliche, but it all happened so fast. He was here, I knew he was here, and then he died.

I had just finished writing my first entry when it happened. He came up, and we started talking, kind of. We teamed up, at least for a while. Then he tripped, fell on his knife and died. I think I just made it worse - I pressed a button or something on the knife on accident, and that killed him right away.

I took the knife. May it not hurt anyone else until I am dead. His bandanna too. I don't know why. Sentimental reasons, I guess...

Josh, I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind that I placed you next to a tree, next to Devonte. Your daypack should cover up your wound. I closed your eyes, too.

I know you can't hear me. It doesn't do any good now but I'm sorry.

((Kathy Clements continued in Last Page))
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