The Mission

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The most frequently traveled beach, if only for its proximity to the only real civilization on the island. The students who spend their time here will find a few abandoned food and merchandise vendors strewn about, and the occasional litter and seaweed washed up on the shores.
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shining knight*
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The Mission


Post by shining knight* »

(Harold Smythe continued from Hotel California)

The reverend walked down the beach. He had rested well after his short stint at the resort hotel. He left the tatters of his old life back at the hotel. All he kept was the necklace with his parents face on it. All the rest of the debris of Harold’s old life was gone.

He was the reverend now. It seemed like the outfit was a fan service prank on behalf of the cruel gods of the game. But it played right into his hands now. He wanted to save as many of the kids stuck in this sick and twisted game. He thought at first of creating an army and marching towards the producers and shutting the game down that way. That plan ended when one of his own so called team ran off and the others were frightened of him.

Now he will save the players in a new way. But he will still need help…he returned to the beach to see if he could save Alicia but she was long gone now. A pity she will now have to play this terrible game longer. He could have saved her from the game. He knew of a way to escape…to escape the torment and pain. To escape having their hand dirtied with blood as they killed off each other.

He knew of a way and he smiled as he hoped to share it with others…
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Post by Namira »

((Staff note: Some clarification is required here, as Harold was never stated to have actually left the previous thread - Hotel California, thus making it appear somewhat like he is now in two places at once)).
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Post by Rocky* »

((Marvia Jones continued from Candy From Strangers))

Marvia Jones was a happy camper.

Well, as happy as someone in her position could be. Aside from the whole "death is imminent" thing, she was doing pretty good for herself. She got a good weapon, she still had her drugs, she got laid, and she managed to steal the stupid bitch's bandanna. She took another quick drag of the joint she had rolled herself, extinguishing the cherry once it reached half way. She needed to make that shit last. The dark-skinned girl frowned at the lack of high the half-joint had given her, but at least she was still somewhat buzzed.

Since then, Marvia had been walking idly along. She glanced down at her wrist, where her red bandanna hugged her arm. Shortly after leaving Nate behind at the picnic table, she switched the two colours, just in case she ran into someone from the black team. Sure, it might cause her problems if she ran into someone from her actual team, but she had a feeling she would be able to do more on her own than with some fucking team.

Marvia eventually found herself on a beach near some building or another. It didn't seem like much, but the water looked nice. Looking around to make sure no one was near her, She pulled off her shoes and socks, rolling her pant legs up to her knees. Stuffing her shoes and socks into her bag, the girl walked along the beach, enjoying the warm sand between her toes.
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold hid and looked at the girl with a dark look. He fixed his glasses and moved closer. This shall get most interesting indeed. He would try to convert her to his cause first of course.

He had a good feeling about this one. She had the glow; she could be a good follower of the mission. Of course if she did not join the mission then she would need to be saved herself. He removed his backpack and left it at his hidey hole.

He slid his weapon beneath the robes he wore and approached the girl with a smile on his face.

“Hello I have an offer for you,” Harold smiled and then waited for her answer his hand tightening on his necklace as he begun.
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia noticed the boy from some distance away, acting sketchy as fuck. All common sense was telling her that continuing along her current path was more than a bad idea, but she continued anyway, pretending to be oblivious to his presence until the last moment.

So she was thoroughly 'shocked' when the boy walked up to her, holding her weapon at the ready but not pointed in his direction. He was dressed.... oddly, to say the least. He also apparently had something to offer her. She smirked at this, wondering what this man could possibly offer her.

"Make it snappy, before I change my mind." Marvia simply stated. She was pretty sure she was going to decline whatever harebrained scheme this fucker had come up with, but hey, if worse comes to worse she could just off him and be on her way.
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Post by shining knight* »

“I know of a way to end this crazed competition,” grinned Harold with a smile on his plump face. “I know of a way to save all those kids but I need your help,”

He took out his gun and threw it on the sand and kicked it over to her “This is my proof I have no intention of harming you. Most of the people here do not trust me. I need someone with the glow. Only they can help me in my mission!”

He then stared at her and silently whispered into her ear “You have the glow. I need you to help me save as many people as possible…I need you to end their time in this game. I need your help to kill each and every last one of them…”

He then began to grin a truly creepy smile “Will you help me save them?”
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia had met her fair share of people that could be considered crazy, but this guy was fucking certifiable. What was he even going on about? The glow? What the fuck? This was some weird shit, to say the least. He certainly wasn't the first nut to grace the presence of SoTF-TV over the years, and he probably won't be the last. On the bright side, he just kicked his gun over to her.

Marvia crouched down, picking up the weapon that he kicked over to her. One thing was for sure, that shit was heavy. Slinging her own weapon onto her back, she picked up the other gun, holding it in her hands. Having it in her hands and not his was better than the alternative.

Logic told her to leave then, take his gun and get the fuck out. That would have been no fun though. This was SoTF-TV, the pinnacle of television entertainment. Even if she was going to die, she wanted to be remembered. Not that she would be forgotten for awhile already. So maybe she would help the boy do whatever it was he wanted to do. He wasn't getting his hands on any weapons though. She would make sure of that.

"Okay, I'm just going to come out and say you're fucking nuts." Marvia said finally. "But hey, you want me to help you, fine, I'll help you. On one condition. I hold the weapons. No weapons for you, or no deal."
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold grinned the glow around her was brighter. He chose well this girl was perfect to carry out the mission. “Of course keep as many weapons as you wish…you shall be my instrument…you shall save them all!”

He began to laugh loudly

“Let us begin…do you have a particular target you wish to save…I only ask as I have two…” Harold laughed again.

He would go after the two who ran first. Herchenroder and Lemmon shall pay for running away…they will be the first to be saved from this sinful game. He really needed to stop speaking his internal monologue aloud….
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia had to use every fiber in her being to stop herself from smacking herself for agreeing to stick around with this guy. But hey, at least she could use him as a meat shield.

"Okay, one more rule. No more talking. I ask a question, you answer, nothing more. Unless you think it's terribly important." The girl sighed, hoping he would get the message.

Placing her newly acquired weapon into her bag, she removed her socks and shoes. Slipping the socks over her sandy feet, she slipped them into the shoes. Readjusting the strap of her AUG so that the rifle hung along her back, barrel pointed up, and lay snug on her back, she took the other weapon out of her bag again, holding it in her hands. It was significantly heavier than her supplied weapon, but it was managable. And looked more intimidating.

"I'm assuming you have more ammo for this thing." she said to her new travel companion, holding one hand out and waiting for whatever form the ammo came in to fill it.
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold grinned then nodded and pulled out a small box from the backpack. He stared at the boss woman and smiled at her. He could not wait to team up with this girl even if she was not keen on him. But if she tried anything he would save her too…

This will be the final season of SOTF-TV. As soon as I save the players I shall blow those sinful sons of bitches that run this game to Damocles.

Harold nodded revealing that he was ready to move on and that they should target their first person. They shall end the game…the  players shall be saved.
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Post by Rocky* »

Marvia took the box from her... she didn't want to call him companion, since she wasn't planning on being friendly with him. Still, she needed to call him something. Travel partner? Annoying pet? Meat Shield? Yeah. Meat shield. She took the box of ammo from her meat shield, placing them into her bag.

He seemed to be ready to go, so Marvia shrugged, walking away from the beach. She didn't know where she was going, or if having a meat shield was really going to be worth sticking around with this.... freak. Whatever, he gave her a gun, so she wasn't going to complain in the slightest. Just as long as he didn't get her killed.

After about ten steps or so, Marvia turned back, looking at her meat shield. Maybe she would have been better off if she left Nate with her bandanna. Let her deal with this nut of a team mate instead. Oh well, she was here now, and she was going to make the best of his meat shield capabilities.

Assuming they find anyone else around.

((Marvia Jones continued in The Dark Prince))
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Post by shining knight* »

Harold nodded and followed. He made a mental note of his surroundings and smiled. It’s all the same to these meat suits. Ohh I have a machine gun. Ohh shotgun, spades, bottle of poison, rope, and candlestick, lead piping but the really good tools for salvation was in the trees and in the sand. It was on the buildings and littered as debris.

Yes why bother with a machine gun when a good whack over the head with a brick in a sock would do…which is exactly what he plans to do with his new toy soldier if she tries anything.

But for now he shall continue to play the subservient manservant. He shall follow her like a good doggie. He shall fetch or do anything else for her.  He shall be the mute one and be her trusty wingman…but if she tries to save him…

Then god help her…

God help him…

End thread

(Harold smythe continues in the dark prince)
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