Gene In Jeans and Terrible Narrative

Do an Oneshot, they said. It will be fun, they said.

The stories of the students of TV2, prior to their being cast in the game.
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Gene In Jeans and Terrible Narrative


Post by Sh4dE »

((Gene Steward, Start))

Apartment of the Stewards, Gene Steward's room

SOTF Champions.

Gene just was not good at this game. Else he'd have won more times. Or at least one time. But since he began the session he played the game that day, he had won zero times. And he had lost five games.

And he was starting to lose his sixth game.

Gene was just having a lose streak. On other days he had won sometimes, but when he had a lose streak he just couldn't stop losing.

A guy in the chat wrote: "LOL, look at Geneus trying too hard and failing".

If I was even trying I wouldn't play with one hand.

After he had lost two matches, he did not even try to win. He put his right hand deep inside a bag of chips, that fed his mouth. It surely wasn't good for his laptop, but he enjoyed the chips as they were spicy and delicious. And he also tried to clean his laptop as often as possible. Soft- and Hardware.

Ugh, I'm wasting time with playing this game. I should be doing something else. SOTF Champions isn't as addictive as it used to be when I got it.

Then, Gene pushed both magical buttons: Alt and F4.

Yes, it probably wasn't polite to just quit a game during a match.

Go ahead and flame that I'm a ragequitter. Or just get a life.

Gene imagined his opponents to be Champions addicts who played that game 24/7. That'd also explain why Gene lost so many times. He did not care about the consequences that he just left the game. He did not even know the people that were playing, so why should he have cared?

His window closed and he saw his desktop and clicked on the youtube button on it.

And then he clicked on the newest video of a guy or girl entitled "Top 10 SOTF massacres". He couldn't define the gender of the uploader, because it's just a video where scenes from SOTF are cut together. In Gene's mind a cheap way of making videos and getting views. Well some of those videos and channels of the uploaders were deleted because it violated copyright.

When he watched the video and saw scenes from various SOTF Seasons, like Kieran Hanley's guard massacre, Karen's kills of Sidney and David and S65's Endgame, Gene wanted to predict the Top 1. And it was pretty obvious that Jared Clayton's grenade kills was gonna be the Top 1.

Well the uploader surprised him, as Clayton's grenade kills was somehow not Top 1, but Chelsea Robert's death.

What? Can this even be considered as a massacre?

But he liked to watch the video, primarly due to the music that was used during the slaughters. The tune sounded familiar and cool to Gene. But he could neither recognize the song's name nor could he understand what the "singer" was talking.

He said some stuff and names and then screamed "Motel Combat!". Or something like that. Gene knew there was a game that had that name and that song might be the theme of the game.

Motel Combat...Sounds awesome. But was it a Fighting or a Racing game? Sounds like a rip off of SOTF Combat. But maybe it was created before SOTF was released. An ancient game like Pacman and stuff? Might be.

After the video ended there was an annotation that he should like and share that video.

Yeah, sure. I'll reward you for stealing things.

He then closed the window and stared at his Desktop again. He had no ideas what to do. He didn't want to play SOTF Champions again. He wanted to do something else. Not sitting around anymore.

Gene shut his laptop off and threw the empty bag of chips in the bin next to his door. He hit it. But it didn't land in it.

He stood up from his swivel chair, picked the bag on the ground, put it in the bin and went to his wardrobe to pick some blue jeans and a green hoodie. Then he dressed himself with these, shoes and a brown, but warm, coat.

After he tilt the window, so his room would get fresh air, he left it. He walked through the hallway, so he could leave the house. He looked to the right to see his father dressing up for the restaurant where he worked in his room.

"Where're you going?", he asked.

"I'll take a walk.", Gene replied.

Then he left the house. He lied.

((Gene Steward walks to: Arcade))
I'm so glad to be back !
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