Tales to Tell

Once a white sand beach filled with umbrella stands and seashells, the winter months have coated the Jewelled Beach with a healthy dusting of snow, extending out to the shoreline and crusting the water with a thin layer of ice. Umbrellas are jutting out left and right, most frozen closed or heavy and open with sleet.
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Tales to Tell


Post by Namira »

((RF1: Ramón Fuentes - Start))

All Ramón could see was parasol. He blinked a couple of times, balance and clarity coming slowly.

He was laying down and looking up. He shifted an arm, felt fabric and updated that - laying on something.

Shuffling slightly, he moved upright as best he could, giving a soft little hiss of pain. The motion was sending small jolts through his head, like the aftermath of a bad headache.

Ramón managed sitting position and paused for a few seconds, just surveying what he could see. He was on a beach. Looking down - on a deckchair, at that.

Well, then.

This just had all the makings of a lovely scenic beach vacation, didn't it?


Okay, all right. This was something that was happening. SOTF-TV was a thing that was happening. To him. Ramón's teeth clenched for a moment, grinding, before he forced himself to let out a breath. Let's not freak out. Just because he wandered off and read every time his brothers wanted to watch the show didn't mean he couldn't work out what to do. From ... their second hand excited conversations about it that Ramón couldn't make any sense of half the time.


His eyes travelled along the shoreline and then down to the side. There was a plain backpack propped up against the deckchair. His backpack, he supposed. Ramón leaned towards it then arrested the motion, another jab running across his temples. A quick rub of the area, index and middle finger, and Ramón grabbed it, unzipped.

Right there on top as he opened it was a soft pink fold of fabric. Ramón hesitated, then remembered. Bandana, right. He removed it, set it aside for a moment, pushed past a dark bundle of some description, and his fingers found cold metal. Ramón pried for purchase, and then tugged the object free.

Held in his hand was a pistol.

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Post by Deamon »

"Good morning sand." Sarah was still groggy from the gas.

RBP3: Sarah Bourne: Start

That had been a few minutes ago but Sarah still felt light-headed. Maybe she was allergic to it or something? That would be the best/worst death ever wouldn't it? She'd be remembered as the girl who collapsed and died within five minutes because of the knockout gas. Memorable, yes. Good, no. She'd be dead for one thing and that'd suck majorly.

Then again...she raised her head off the sand and looked at the Mr. Potato Head in front of her. His eyes gazed back, unblinking. He was a dick like that. Sarah pushed herself up and spun her legs around so she was sitting facing the potato. "So looks like it’s you and me little guy." She looked out across the beach. "We better get moving." Sarah picked up the Potato Head and stuffed it into her bag. Picking up her multi-coloured bandanna Sarah shook the sand off it and tied it around her neck. She repeated the process for her hat before plopping it on her head and threading her ponytail through the hole at the back.

Her costume the producers had given her was still in her bag, but at the present time she didn't feel like being a pizza that action...Wow, so that thought had happened. Good to see she was taking life and death seriously though. As long as she kept herself sane.

As Sarah walked down the beach she spotted someone moving about. She sped up, someone else at last, it wouldn't be so bad after all, and as long as they were still...Sarah slowed down rapidly, nearly falling over. She didn't recognise the person at all. Then it all clicked into place, there were going to be schools, just like last time. So this person must have been from the other school. Sarah let out a shaky breath to calm herself. It was all good, as long as she was confident. It'd just be like first day of school, but with more guns.

"Hey! Um, what's your name?"
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Post by Macha* »

[Eden Zahn, start.]

Eden was dealing with being thrown into the game far better than she could have ever expected. Within minutes of waking up, she had found her bag and her assigned weapon- a riot shield- and tied her orange bandanna around her head. She spent every minute since thinking about how she was going to get her friends off the island. Even Eden knew that there were only two real ways of getting off the island. The first, as far as that psychopath Karen Ruiz had proved months earlier, was to get ten kills. This was out of the question. The second way of winning was to be the last team standing. That sounded a whole lot easier. If Eden could find her team and let the others fight it out, they could get to the end without being exposed to any bloodshed.

Eden dug her heels into the coarse sand as she walked along the shoreline, scouring the frozen beach for any signs of life. If Eden had learned anything from losing her father it was that there was no use in yelling, or screaming, or crying. She knew where she was and she knew what it meant, and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it for the time being. All she could do was keep herself alive, keep herself moving, and keep as many of her friends alive as possible. The riot shield in her hand and the orange bandana around her head reminded her that her side in this fight had been picked for her in advance, but Eden was willing to believe- for now- that she would be able to make sure her friends were safe before she had to find her team.

Eden spotted two figures off in the distance and slowly approached them, trying to avoid making any sudden moves that might cause them to start shooting. Eden decided it was best to assume that everyone but her had a gun. When she reached a distance that she figured was close enough for them to see who she was, and for them to see that she was unarmed, whilst being far enough way that she was not in immediate danger, Eden waved her free arm towards the two. Eden knew the girl well- she could cross Sarah off the list of friends she needed to find- but the other, the boy, was a mystery.

“Hey! Sarah, is that you?” Eden shouted, waving her free arm and taking a few steps forwards. “You guys aren't gonna shoot at me, right?!”
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Vahka Basayev continued from First Come, First Serve))

Vahka could think of a few reasons things  were boding better here than in his encounter with Birdie. First, there were three people around and they didn't seem to be fighting yet.

Second, they had at least one gun, but instead of cocking it and shooting the first thing that moved, the man on the beach just seemed sorta confused by it.

Third, he actually knew one of these people. He and Eden hadn't been exactly close back home, but she wasn't likely to haul off and do anything crazy.

Finally, they were on a goddamn beach, and that was just miles ahead of anywhere else they coulda met up.

Eden was the closest one too him. He heard her crying out something about not shooting.

"I'll second that," he rumbled out from a short way behind her. "Already had enougha that shit today."
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Post by Namira »

Ramón turned the gun over a few times in his hands. Mostly silver, brown grip, not the first colours that came to mind when he thought of guns - made him think of an ornamental weapon, or a secret agent's gun or... This was stupid. Black, silver, bright neon pink, a firearm was a firearm.

He was still sitting there looking at it when a voice called out to him from along the beach. Ramón's head jerked up and he twisted to see - Oh. Tallish looking girl, blonde hair pulled back. He didn't recognise her and with a moment's consideration couldn't place the accent either... sure, American, but not much like anything he'd heard back in Albuquerque. She had to be from someplace else.

Ramón's eyebrows raised for a second, then back down. He wasn't Mr. Popularity back at Davison to begin with, hard to tell whether some of the people here not knowing would be a plus or a drawback. Being called out to was... interesting, for one thing. He doubted he'd have made an approach had he ran across an unfamiliar face.

He cleared his throat. "Hello," pause. "I'm Ramón. New Mexico. And you-"

There was a beep from his collar, sending a jolt through him. Fuck! What'd he do? Sharing his name against the rules now- the girl had a rainbow striped cloth around her neck. What Ramón had assumed was just decoration, he realised, was the alluded-to bandanna. He looked around, found the pink material he'd set aside, and picked it up.

A fox. All right then. He put it on his head then gave the girl a wry, humourless smile. Before he could speak, another voice was hailing, calling a name. Ramón had found the best spot on the resort for company, apparently.

"No," Ramón replied, not raising his voice much, refraining from adding 'Not yet'.
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Post by Deamon »

New Mexico?

Sarah felt stupid. There had been two schools on the last season, so why wouldn't there have been two this season as well. Now she knew though, so anyone she didn't recognise would have to be from New Mexico.  The boy’s name was Ramón though and he had a gun. Wait. He had a gun. Sarah blinked a few times, realised she wasn't breathing and exhaled. She'd never seen a real live gun before, and now, there one was, right in front of her.

"Ohhh, ok, ok, ok. All good." Sarah whispered. She shook her head lightly. He said he wasn't going to shoot her so that was nice. It helped take away a lot of the fear she'd had.

Oh and he had a pink bandanna, well that was just great. So he actually had no reason not to just turn around a shoot her. But she had his word, and for now that meant everything, so she quickly moved closer.

"I'm Sarah!" She said, holding out her hand. Oh it was just like the first day of school all over again. "...OH! I'm from Whittree." She realised her hand was still extended and let it drop, with an embarrassed half-smile. "Sorry." She said. "I'm kinda nervous."

Another voice calling her name caught her attention and she turned.

"Eden!" She waved, wow Eden had a riot shield and in another surprise Sarah's years of gaming were actually an asset. Who'd have thought it? "Come over, it's safe!" She'd just been told that by Ramón? Yeah that was his name. But Sarah was excited to see a friend. Friends were good, friends were safe.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Ramón, but she didn't know Ramón, and he had a gun. There was that to consider as well. She decided to try and increase the trust between the two of them.

She swung her bag onto the floor and started talking as she did so. "Looks like you got a better weapon than." She pulled out the Mr. Potato Head and turned it over in her hand so that it was looking at Ramón. "Because all I got is...um...Chip here."

Chip the Mr. Potato Head. Chip the Potato Head. Yeah that had a nice ring to it.

She grinned sheepishly.

"So if you could do what Eden asked and not shoot, I'd really appreciate it."
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Post by Macha* »

“Alright! I'm coming over!” Eden shouted to Sarah through cupped hands. Sarah was so far away that Eden could barely hear what she was saying, but it looked to Eden like she was waving a Mr. Potato Head at the kid. That meant that Sarah had either completely lost her mind, or was perfectly fine. It was hard to tell with Sarah. “Vahka's here too! Don't shoot us or we'll come back as ghosts and haunt the shit out of you!”

It didn't take long for Eden to cross the distance, swinging the riot shield with her arms as she broke into a run to warm herself up. The cold made every action more difficult. Eden hoped to God that there was somewhere warmer they could hide in until the game was over. Make a big fire and maybe cook marshmallows. Did Sarah and the mexican-looking dude have Marshmallows? Eden made a mental note to remind herself to ask them.

The unknown hispanic dude looked less looked less shady up close than Eden had initially assumed but she trusted anyone with a gun in their hand as far as she could throw an aircraft carrier. Even then, it took a special kind of stupid to start firing at people for no reason on the first day, so Eden could trust that he wasn't going to do anything stupid. But Sarah was a friend. Eden trusted Sarah enough that if she said it was safe, it was safe. Besides, it looked like the worst Sarah could do to someone was potato them to death.

“Heya Sarah. Nice potato.” Eden huffed, smiling warmly as she sank her riot shield in the sand. It was winter and Eden had spent the last couple of weeks eating chips and slacking on her cardio. Each breath she took filled her lungs with freezing air. It looked like they already had their way of thinning out the competition planned out. “I'm... really glad you're okay.”

“Who's this guy?” Eden pointed to the mexican-looking kid. Eden knew she had never seen this kid before. He definitely wasn't from Whittree. Who was he? How many schools had they taken? Eden wanted to smack him with the shield and get the answers out of him by force, but her eyes flickered down to the gun in his hand and reminded her to stay civil for now. “I'm Eden, by the way. Eden Zahn. 'Scuse me if I don't shake hands.”
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Four people. Four bandannas. One gun. That was a recipe for a cluster-fuck if he ever saw one.

The more he thought about it, the more this group didn't gel with him. It was time to make a quiet exit. He didn't like turning his back on a gun, hell, that was the reason he'd danced with Birdie in the first place. But at this distance, it didn't seem like there were real good odds of him getting hit if someone popped off. Besides, it seemed like he had his hands full with the girls.

There was nothing for him here. No opportunities, no known allies, no shelter, not jack-shit to keep him from walking away from this powder-keg. So he did just that.

((Vahka Basayev continued in Good Morning, Goodbye, Good Luck))
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Post by Namira »

The first girl introduced herself as Sarah and Ramón nodded absently. This all wasn't easy to get a grip of, and having someone stroll right up to him in this way had thrown him onto the back foot even further. Thank god that the beeping had stopped or he might have just keeled over from a heart attack right then and there.

He was still trying to figure out what he should, well, do. Sarah wasn't a teammate, for what it was worth - the cloth around her neck was multi-coloured. At the same time though, what about people from home? What about trying to ... urgh. Dammit. This was moving too quick for him, and even more so once Sarah called the other girl, who'd been shouting at them, over. They were friends then? Already he felt awkwardly placed.

Ramón laughed incredulously when Sarah showed him the toy that she'd been given, a little reminder that however things were, they could always be that bit worse.

"I don't - Listen just because-"

He was cut off by the arrival of the second girl - Sarah had called her Eden? She bluntly asked who he was. He might've been offended under other circumstances.

"Ramón. I'm Ramón. Hi. My brothers..." a pause, then a clear of the throat. "Sorry - my brothers were always talking about the 'two schools' from last season, so I'm guessing it might be the same this time around."
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Post by Deamon »

He laughed at Chip, which was a good sign. The potato head was earning his keep too; maybe he wouldn't just drag her down. He also told her his name was Ramon...there was an accent in there somewhere.

Regardless it didn't look like Ramón was going to shoot either her or Eden. That was nice of him. Sarah didn't want to get shot after all. It wouldn't have been the best start to her time on TV if she got shot straight away. She could almost hear the laughter. Eden then marched up and introduced herself to Ramón. She did it in the typical Eden way too and it looked like it made Ramón slightly uncomfortable.

He also mentioned about there being two schools.

"Yeah I thought as much. Since I didn't recognise you, you know? Unless you transferred to Whittree on casting day, which would be the worst luck in the world." Sarah realised she was starting to go on a tangent and quickly stopped herself. She needed to stay focused on where she was and what that meant. So right now she was the odd one out should a gun fight start. Ramón had the gun so could shoot her and Eden had the riot shield so could avoid getting shot. It was like rock, paper, scissors except in this scenario she was the paper and she lost to everything. So it wasn't really like rock, paper, scissors at all. More like gun, shield, corpse.

Sarah shook her head quickly. She needed to stay focused. Why was that so hard for her to do?

The most important thing she had to do was find the rest of Scarlet Devil Mansion. She needed to find Valerie, Anzu and Caroline. If she accomplished nothing else during her time on TV at least she'd have the fact she got to see her three best and most important friends. No offence to Eden of course, but there was a bond in a band that you didn't get with regular friends. Just an extra connection you got from making music together.

That was why it hit her so hard when she realised what it meant that they were on the show. Scarlet Devil Mansion wasn't going to exist by the end of the season. It would stay through memories and internet videos, but the actual band would be no more. She felt sick at that thought, after everything, every writing session, every practice, and every gig. It would all be for nothing because they'd gotten randomly chosen for a reality TV show.

Scarlet Devil Mansion had been her future. She wasn't able to see herself doing anything else. Anything else just felt wrong, but now she'd never get a chance to live her dream. She'd come so close too, everything had been coming together since they'd had their last gig, a record deal had been waiting in the wings. Everything had been going gangbusters. Then suddenly TV.

She picked up her bag and hastily stuffed Chip away into it, her movements were skittish at best though, showing no signs of the co-ordination she normally had.

"I...um..." She laughed nervously and kept her head down; praying the visor of her hat would hide her face enough. "I kinda realised something super important right now, like an epiphany type deal." She stopped as her voice started to shake and steadied herself. "I need to go."

And with that Sarah sprinted off the beach as fast she could, tears starting to flow as she ran further and further away from Ramón and Eden. She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere quiet and isolated would do. She had a lot to sort through.

((RBP3: Sarah Bourne continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Macha* »

“Hey, wait!” Eden shouted after Sarah. “Sarah!! Wait up!”

Eden's comfort zone was falling apart around her. First Vahka had ducked out while Eden had been distracted by Sarah and the shifty-Hispanic-dude, and now Sarah herself was running off into the sunset without her. Eden cursed under her breath. It was stupid and counter-productive. They needed to stick together, not split up!

Eden left her riot shield dug into the ground and run off after Sarah. She wasn't going to lose a single one of her friends to a fucking bloodsport. There was a way, she knew, for everyone to get out of this alive but they needed to stick together and they needed to refuse to play along with this game. If everyone involved sat down and refused to kill, if they took the producers to the absolute limit until ratings plunged, the producers would have no choice but to let them all go home. If everyone got together in one place, Eden knew that they would all refuse to play. But they needed to stick together. Eden had spent years learning how dangerous isolation could be.

Eden broke into a sprint, but she was far too late doing so to catch up to Sarah. Harsh winter air entered her lungs through her nose and filled her chest with a bitter chill. Eden gritted her teeth through the sensation and pushed herself faster.


She had to go faster.

Had to catch up to Sarah.

Had to save everyone she could.

Had to save everyone.

Eden crashed to a halt outside of a sports center. Frantically, she searched the area. Sarah was nowhere to be found. Eden doubled over and wheezed, breathless.

“--Don't die, Sarah--” Eden panted. “--Never forgive myself--”

[Eden Zahn, continued in Shaken, Not Stirred.]
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Post by Namira »

Both girls took off without much of a fanfare. There was a brief moment where Ramón wanted to head after them, even taking a couple of loping steps, as if to break into a run; and then he stopped himself in his tracks.

Why, exactly, was he bothering to chase after them?

He didn't want to be on his own in this place. On the other hand, being on his own... why was being with those two any better? They obviously knew each other, were from the same place, and that was setting aside that Ramón didn't share a team with either of them.

Maybe it would be better to... well, pick who he was putting his trust in.

This blew chunks.

Ramón pocketed his gun and started walking - opposite direction to the girls.

(Ramón continued in Fear and Loathing in Tiki Land)
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