Better To Be Alone Than With Bad Company.

The boardwalk is a long and and narrow walkway that connects the beach to the rest of the resort, having many little shops decorating it, mostly full of gifts and nicknacks for you to commemorate and remember your stay at the resort. Some of the more noticeable shops include the candy shop that has a filled Icee machine, petting zoo (now empty), an ATM machine, and the fishing shop.
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Better To Be Alone Than With Bad Company.


Post by Serpico »

((Corin Albanesi - The Reviews Are In, and It Does Not Look Good At All))

He sat quietly on an old beat up milk crate behind the candy shop, trying to isolate himself from anyone else that might come across the path while he chose to rest idly. He brought a hand up to his face and sucked in a large breath; he then proceeded to press the bridge of his nose.  He didn’t know how, but he felt that that would somehow stop him from bursting into a frustrated panic, from crying yet again. Thankfully this time he could keep himself on the emotional tightrope, he reserved just enough composition to hold it in.

He thought about the guy’s fingers and the other boy from the tower, those were thoughts that lingered and sunk in. He moved a hand to the collar around his neck; it lingered there as he traveled through his thoughts. His eyes unfocused momentarily, his mind played vivid images of him to grasping it and tugging on it violently. Though what his mind involuntarily suggested was not the route that his body wanted to take. Instead he pulled his hand away and placed it on his lap.

He set aside his rifle, very close to himself. He shifted his back pack off his shoulders and took one of the bottles of mineral water – which would do little to help his thirst, a loaf of bread and the packet of skittles. While he ate, he thought about how sick he was of the misery, specifically his own woes. He thought about Bunny, firmly thinking that he would not return to her, but he still wondered about her in general.

“Can I get an answer on Bunny’s status?” He asked his mentor softly.

He anxiously waited in the cold. It was not intolerable, but provided a great discomfort. It was better than the day before, but he did not really care because it offered no comfort. He looked down at his half opened back pack, eyes half shut and dull. He eyed the crusty blood streaked pistol that peeked out from under the miscellaneous items in his bag; the magazine had already been separated. It glinted, like a nasty reminder that he wouldn’t be allowed to just pretend and forget.

He kept on eating for the sake of comfort.
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Vahka Basayev Continued From Ground Rules))

From this distance, he had to see him coming. You didn't miss a guy like Vahka. Even staring into that bag, he'd see him coming.

Spotting Corin presented him with an interesting choice. On the one hand, Corin'd shot somebody. From the look of the rifle next to him, he could put down a whole lot of somebody's. Even Vahka. But he was distracted, and as far as he knew Corin'd never fired a gun in his life before this morning.

Corin didn't exactly intimidate him without the gun either. He was a baseball player, if Vahka was remembering him right, but he wasn't big enough to give him much pause. After Birdie, after Sunshine, after Vince...with or without his bigass gun, Vahka could take Corin.

If it came to that. If he had to. Or if he just plain wanted to. Not really much of a difference besides who made the first move.

He kept a nice, comfortable distance for now, and called out across the bamboo bridge below them.

"Hey, Corin."
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Post by aristeia* »

(Naomi Skye continued from Walking is still honest)

Naomi walked in a near aimless manner, deep in thought. Or at least she would have if she hadn't immediately heard a voice. She turned to the source of noise widening her angle till she could see round the corner. The sight that greeted her wasn't exactly ideal. Though any sight which wasn't her home and safety wasn't ideal. Instead she saw Vahka's rather looming back. Her first thought was to run, she didn't know the boy that well and he looked dangerous. She paused at his words, Corin? It was an unusual enough name she probably meant the same person. Or she hoped so at least. Looking up confirmed her hope and possibly made the first bit of good news of the day. Hopefully shared experiences, likes and friendship still meant something. They did to Naomi at least.

Time to test that theory

Naomi walked nearer observing the stand off between the two. The last thing she wanted to do was startle either of them. She smiled reassuringly, or at least she hoped it was reassuringly at Corin. She shuffled nearer to her friend keeping a wary eye on the developing situation and to getting too close to either. Her hands were at her sides palms out to try and convey she wasn't a threat. She waved partly to just show she meant no harm and hopefully to disarm any tension.

She then waited to see how things would develop, subconsciously on her heels tensed ready to run.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Nina Riddhi continued from Walking is still honest))

What was she doing, watching those two? Didn't Naomi remember that Vahka was a killer? Vahka was also huge, and experienced with sharp stabby things. She had no idea who the hell Taylor was and what made him so "flamboyant", but Vahka apparently threw them off a tower or something, so he could easily be another psycho. It was bad enough she had to deal with fucking Bonnie. She didn't want to deal with Vahka, especially if it turned out he was going to kill people. Sure, she knew she was going to die soon, but the thing was, she didn't want it to happen any second now.

Well, at least Nina found Naomi. It had been a while. Her bones started aching again, like someone had forced weights on them, especially in her wrist, still hung in its sling. It didn't help that she had started to feel a little nauseous and dizzy. Maybe it was stress, maybe it was... something else. That paled in comparison to someone like Vahka not being that far away.

Though, maybe there was enough of a distance for running, at the very least.

The other boy, she recognized as Corin. Corin was on the baseball team, and that was about what Nina knew. They didn't talk too much. Fortunately, she didn't remember his name on the announcement. So, to her knowledge, he hadn't killed anyone. At least, not yet. For all she knew, it could have been blared on the announcement alongside Vahka's. She only really paid attention briefly, and a large part slipped her brain. She was too distracted with her arm.

Standing a few feet away from Naomi, she found herself frowning again. She wasn't sure if she should give Vahka the benefit of a doubt. Corin, maybe.

"Naomi", she whispered, her voice a hiss.

Also, where was Saachi again? Did she come with? Gah. Maybe she shouldn't have told her she could have come if she wanted. Maybe that left the wrong impression?

Nina was ready to run if Vahka had snapped or something, and hopefully Naomi was, too.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Post by Serpico »

Corin saw Vahka coming before he called out to him. There was a brief moment where he lingered in his seat before he zipped his bag back up and shrugged it back on. Corin moved immediately into action upon recognising the boy, tossing the half consumed packet of skittles on the ground where they didn’t matter – where they were out of mind so that he could pick up his rifle. His hands automatically pulled the bolt of his rifle so that the spent casing would be ejected and a new bullet would be ready. Though the rifle was not immediately pointed directly at the other boy.

Corin recalled exactly who Vahka was, immediately he recalled the first announcement and immediately his frustration began rising. Corin was sick of jumping from potential predator to potential predator – in such a short span of time he felt like he was becoming a stray wire, frayed more than ever in his life. Worry, fear and resentment mingled together for Corin at the moment, and he wasn’t sure if he could really trust his own judgement.

When the first words escaped his mouth, he couldn’t help but bare his teeth. He couldn’t help but greet Vahka with a smile too toothy to be a genuine. His voice strained to hide his emotions, starkly contrasting the softer tones that Corin usually regarded Vahka with at school. His voice was louder, harsher than it ever had been before, not so much assertive as callous. Corin never realised it but his body was tensing, taking up a little more space than usual. Knowing that Vahka had been on the announcements was driving Corin’s apprehensiveness haywire.

“Vahka, how’s it going?”

Corin honestly could not have cared less about Vahka’s status, it was simply there as a false gesture.

Corin paused uncomfortably for a moment, seeing movement from his peripheral vision. His eyes darted over to Naomi, and back to Vahka. Corin didn’t see Vincent; it seemed to imply that Naomi did not find him just yet. But Corin did not have time to wonder where Vincent was at the moment; his brain was prioritising the presence in front of him. Naomi was on his side of the walk way – there was also Nina who recently appeared as well.

Now there were two extra factors that he had to be concerned about. He began to perspire slightly; his worriment was also because he considered the threat to Naomi. He was close enough to her in school to become concerned now. It was because she was only slightly smaller than he was, and while he knew that he could rely on his legs to outrun Vahka at the moment, He did not know if she could. The same thoughts passed for Nina, though she was only someone he knew in passing, who he had very little interest in so far.

He briefly regarded Naomi with a familiar and welcoming expression. He edged a little to be closer to her, and also to make the gap between him and Vahka larger. He ultimately felt more comfortable with her - even if the distance he moved was only the slightest towards her, it put him a little more at ease than before.He then regarded Vahka again, focusing on talking to him.

“So uh, Vahka, if you wanna talk, I think you should do it from where you’re standing for now.”

He tilted his head to indicate his rifle, wordlessly announcing his intention to use it if he needed to. It was perhaps, a tactless move, but it was literally his one and only condition for the moment. Corin had a vague idea of Vahka’s intentions could possibly be, or rather what he thought it could be - though he suspected the motivation to interact with him to be the same as what previously occurred in the day for him.
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

There were more people coming, but he wasn't gonna turn around to look at them. Corin had his full attention.

"Corin," he said calmly, staring into the boy's eyes, "you better think real careful about where you point that. 'cuz if you decide to start somethin'? You get one shot."

His fingers flexed under his cloak as he returned the crazy, toothy grin in front of him with interest. "Then you're mine. So make it count. Or we can talk, like civil folk. Your call."
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Post by aristeia* »

Naomi smiled at Corin, the sense of familiarity was refreshing and comforting. It was almost like she had just returned for baseball practice or was hanging with friends. She nearly jumped out her skin on hearing her name called. Naomi made a mental note that she had to be careful. Relieved it was Nina though a part of her was surprised the other girl had come to a decision. She inclined her head to see what Nina wanted:

"What?" she whispered back

When Corin started speaking she returned her gaze to him stepping slightly behind him. She did not like the tension in the air or the way the conversation was going. These two were going the right way to get killed. She eyed her exits ready to run if she needed. However, she needed to try to stop this situation, she owed her friend that and it was also probably in her best interests too.

"Guys, this isn't helping! Calm, everyone just stay where you are and we can all talk."

she said her arms spread in what she hoped was a conciliatory manner.  
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Post by KamiKaze »

Naomi noticed her. Vahka and Corin didn't. At least, Nina hoped they didn't. Corin acknowledged Naomi, at least, but said nothing to her. Though, she was pretty much standing out in the open. They probably did.

Nina wanted to run as much as possible. But Naomi seemed resilient. Nina wasn't sure if she should just drag her away. With one arm? Well, if she got determined enough she could do that, even if her right arm was still hurting like hell.  Just grab her by the nape of her shirt and pull her away. But right now, she was very still. Nina wasn't actually sure she should do that.

She could hear Corin and Vahka talking. Nina squeezed her eyes tightly, then reopened them. It felt like she was about to walk in on something happening between the two of them, and it wasn't going to end well. Vahka wasn't stepping away any time soon, and she wasn't sure of what Corin was capable of.

Nina's eyes then flicked open as Naomi called out to them.

"Shit", she said under her breath.

Now what?

She could run. But she didn't want to leave Naomi behind. Not like-


"Naomi", she whispered. "If he does anything... just run. Not worth our time."
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Skipping to Avoid Inactivity))


A glance over his shoulder, and that was all he could say. Damn. It had to be her. Between Vince's description and a few scant memories from back home, it wasn't hard to put together. That was Naomi.

Straight down the line, it wasn't a tough call. Corin was the big threat, and Vahka imagined he could put him down hard without too much trouble. Another bullet in the arm, maybe, but nothing major. He'd manage, and he could pick up three more kills here. Halfway home. That'd put the second act in full swing.

Except, he couldn't kill all three of them. He couldn't kill her. Vince asked for one favor before he put him down, and he intended to respect it. Snapping the other two and leaving her alive wasn't an option, either. If Corin missed, or if whoever else was with her was up for taking a hostage, or even if she was dumb enough to try something on her own, it'd be a whole clusterfuck.

Instead, he kept his eyes on Corin and his gun, and slowly backed away down the bridge. "Rain check on catchin' up, hoss. I got somewhere t' be."

Nice, slow movements. Nothing sudden. On the way back, he caught Naomi's eye, and gave her a wink.

"Vince says hey."
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Post by Serpico »

Corin silently raged, suddenly his lips shut together and his jaw was clenched. He started grinding his back teeth together.  His blood was boiling, and he could feel his eyelid twitch a bit. He didn’t know if Vahka was trying at the time to rile him up for some reason, maybe to get him to expend the bullet at an inopportune time. He just knew that he was angry and that everyone else could probably see it too.

Don’t you fucking threaten me, he thought. And they were going to be the exact words that would have left his lips, but Corin shakily restrained himself from screaming at Vahka. He knew the girls probably didn’t want to be mixed up in this and he didn’t want them to be either. He was pretty sure if they were alone, he would have already ran. At that moment it was slightly hindering to worry about others. Luckily it seemed to him like a response wasn't needed because Vahka had decided to back away.

He kept quiet until Vahka sent him a good bye, and he risked an abrasive farewell.

“Bye, fall in a ditch and die.” He returned bluntly, hoping that it stung.

He didn’t know why he was backing away but he did know that he was glad. Though it left him slightly confused, because only moments before he was pretty sure that Vahka was going to press forward regardless of civil conversation or not. If Vahka walked away after a talk or just walked away entirely, it was better than the alternative. Though Corin also held back on the key word, which was if. He kept the rifle at the ready, but didn't make a movement to fire.

Then Vahka mentioned Vincent, Corin looked on warily and wondered something about Vahka. He waited to see what Naomi would do.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Was Vahka leaving? He said that he had somewhere to be. If so, good. Nina didn't want to deal with a known killer right now. Even if there was an explanation for what she had heard on the announcement, it would make her feel a little more comfortable if he just walked away without doing anything.

He took a few steps back, but Nina felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up as he looked at Naomi. It took her a few seconds to figure out who "Vince" was.

There was Vincent Holway, who was also on the baseball team. He was somewhat introverted and... well, cranky. From what Nina remembered, he also happened to be Naomi's boy-


That look on Vahka's face seemed very knowing. He must have ran into him at some point. But the way he said it... it gave her the creeps.

What if he did something to him?

Nina wasn't sure what Naomi was going to do if he was about to tell them how he chopped his body up or something.

But she stayed very still and silent, feeling the urge to run come over her more and more.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Skipping To Avoid Inactivity))

Everybody got real quiet. He was center stage for the moment.


"Yep. Good guy. Worked out a deal that should keep ya nice and safe, at least for now."

Vahka gave Naomi a smile and a wave as he walked back across the boardwalk. "Tell him hey for me when you catch up to 'em. Miss the crazy bastard already."

It was a gamble. Corin could still shoot him. Seemed more likely that he just wanted him gone, though.

Vahka could oblige that.

((Vahka Basayev Continued in A Failure Played In Stereo))
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Post by Serpico »

Vahka was talking, and Corin mentally pleaded with him to shut up and hurry.  He started wondering if he was ever going to just go for it. He lifted his finger, contemplating firing if for some reason he was just padding it out for some ulterior motive. Though, nothing immediately worrying came and he was gone soon after.

Corin breathed a sigh of relief. Corin remained silent for a moment before turning the safety on his rifle. One hand reached up to his forehead and wiped the sweat from his brow. Everything turned out fine, for now. His attention soon returned to the girls, looking at Naomi and Nina. Corin didn’t want to dwell on what Vahka was talking about, if he was implying something awful, or if he was just doing it to spite Naomi – Corin felt a little worse for not caring as much as he thought he should.

It was silent save for the sounds of nature in the background, Corin wasn’t sure he had any words to possibly help Naomi. One hand adjusted his backpack for comfort before his eyes looked up to meet their faces.

“Look, um.” He started with uncertainty.

He gestured with the free hand, towards the space he was referring to.

“I’m going to head the way I came from, you two. I’m not sure if you’ll want to follow but that’s what I’m doing. Otherwise, be safe.”

He walked slowly at first, so that they could join him if they desired.

((Corin Albanesi – Continued Elsewhere))
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Post by KamiKaze »

What the hell happened between him and Vincent? A "deal" that would keep her safe? What kind of weird mafia talk was that? Was he implying something happened to him? Including him?

Nina’s eyes glared. Personally, she never really had a boyfriend. A few hookups? Yes. But nothing really resembling anything like going out and seeing a guy, being lovey-dovey. Thing was, though, even she could realize that kind of talk was going to do something to Naomi. He was trying to get a reaction out of her, no doubt.

But Vahka was leaving. For good.

Nina watched as he left, cape swishing behind him. Frankly, he should stay the fuck away. She didn’t need his kind of BS right now. Or Bonnie’s, or anyone’s. No psychos and their thing. She had enough of that sort of dealio for a lifetime.

Sooner or later, though, there was going to be another psycho. Another Bonnie, or another Vahka. It was going to happen soon enough.

Nina looked at Naomi, wondering what exactly was going through her mind right now. She didn’t know Vincent well enough, but if she had cared enough about someone to consider them a boyfriend, she would be concerned.

Corin invited them along, and Nina stepped forward, a hesitancy in her step.

“Well, let’s go then”, she said, her voice low.

She may not have known Vincent very well, but she couldn’t help but hope that Vahka was bluffing.

((Nina Riddhi continued in Get Motivated! ))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by Mini_Help »

Soon, Naomi left, just like all the others.

((Naomi Skye, continued elsewhere...))
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