Would You Rather

The science laboratories are on the first floor of the East Wing, rooms that dwarf regular classrooms and feature the typical setup for any standard traditionalist American high school laboratory, down to the safety chemical shower in each. The doors for the science laboratories were always heavy due to being designed to be more resilient to possible accidents; it seems on inspection that these doors are virtually vault-like now, a touch-up added by the hackers, perhaps for dramatic gravitas. Shelves upon shelves of glassware and dangerous chemicals remain present for the taking, under lock and key, but those keys are found in the teacher's desks, just as one would otherwise expect.

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Would You Rather


Post by Namira »

Jon never really liked the would you rather game. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands? What? What does that even mean? Like, what stupid situation had to have happened for that to be relevant, like, ever? Stupid thought experiment wasting stupid time on stupid things. How about concentrating on something less stupid for once?

Actually, come to think of it, there was probably some kind of weird CR sim out there that messed with things under the hood and made it feel like your feet and hands were switched. So like, that wasn't totally hypothetical. But that did mean that somebody had wasted even more time setting that whole thing up when they could have been doing literally anything else.

Would you rather make something incredibly sophisticated but completely useless, or the best innovation ever, that everyone hates?

This was a lab he was looking at. Some of the containers were open. Someone out there was trying to make innovations. Bad ones. Technically you could make a whole lot of things in CR. Didn't really count though. If you build a big house in CR you're not an architect. And you don't get to live in the house.

Would you rather die by doing nothing, or kill not to die?

Not a hypothetical anymore. Jon was living it. Zeph had laid the threat out real clear.

Jon never liked the would you rather game.
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Post by Namira »

He had a lightsaber, was the thing.

Like it was so stupid to think about, put things straight back into CR gameland. Lightsabers weren't real. This one right here wasn't even real.

But nothing was stopping Jon powering that bad boy on and slicing a desk clear in half with barely an effort. Sounded just like it did in those old movies.

That's what it could do to a desk. Imagine what it'd do to a person.

He didn't want to imagine. He didn't want to start thinking about that twisting mass of partway dissected flesh that used to be two people.

Cuts would have been cleaner.

Would you rather get peeled off another person's body by a knife, or a beamsword?

Jon's stomach roiled. He stared at the halves of the desk and saw the bodies again.
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