Winter Landscape

Open - January 3rd, Minnehaha Park

Saint Paul is the capitol of the state of Minnesota. With over 330,000 inhabitants, it is the second largest city in the state, roughly 75% the size of adjacent Minneapolis. Together, the two are known as The Twin Cities, and form the core of a large metropolitan area. This forum encompasses general activity in Saint Paul proper, and also in the metropolitan area as a whole, and anything one could reasonably get up to in a city may be portrayed here.
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Winter Landscape


Post by Fiori »

It was a cold winter morning, the sun just barely poking its head over the horizon to illuminate the frozen suburbia that sprawled out below.

The night prior had brought with it a plunge in temperature, the idyllic neighbourhoods that stretched for miles in every direction coated in a thick layer of snow, salt trucks working around the clock to clear the roads in time for school's imminent reopening. Many houses still had their Christmas decorations up, the New Year Blues settling in as the holidays slowly came to an end, and people got ready to return to business as usual. There were few folk out on the streets at this time of day, save for those clearing the snow off their lawn or early morning joggers braving the elements.

One figure that stood out was the young woman riding her bicycle, dressed in a dark winter coat and turtleneck sweater, wearing a pair of large fluffy white earmuffs atop her head as her red ponytail flittered behind her.

((Vera Osborne - Start))

It wasn't unusual for Vera to be out and about this early in the day. More often it would be to do her daily jogs, granted with weather such as this she would normally write the day off and enjoy a quiet sleep in.

However, with the holiday's end on the horizon and a looming deadline to submit her portfolio, today had brought with it a rare opportunity. One she had been meaning to exploit for a while now, and according to last night's weather reports this morning was likely the best chance she'd ever get.

Before long she found herself leaving the suburban sprawl, riding alone across a bridge connecting St Paul to the east with Minneapolis to the west. She glanced over her shoulder, her bike skidding to a halt and stopping off to the side, not that there was much in the way of traffic on a day like this. Staring out at the frozen Mississippi river that stretched into the horizon, she quickly lifted the camera strung around her neck, lining up a shot and firing off a quick snap before continuing onwards. It was an adequate view, but nothing compared to her real target. The fact that the river had frozen over was a promising sign, however.

After crossing the bridge, it wasn't long until she found herself leaving the suburban sprawl for quaint parkland, riding along several winding roads before stopping by sign with the words Minnehaha Park emblazoned upon it. It was a place that she was well-acquainted with, where her parents used to enjoy taking Vera and her brother out for afternoon walks. Once upon a time those memories used to bring her much warmth, though nowadays they felt about as cold as the snow surrounding her. 

Nostalgia goggles aside, there was still some appeal to be had about the place, especially now that the snow had transformed it into a veritable winter wonderland. But she wasn't here to take photographs of snow-laden trees and park benches. She had her eyes set on one particular prize: Minnehaha Falls.

Supposedly, the name translated into Laughing Water, or at least that's what her parents always told her. In reality, Minnehaha was apparently the Dakota word for waterfall, so it actually translated into Waterfall Falls. Just as the Sahara desert translated into the Desert Desert. That's colonialism, for you.

Regardless, when the conditions were just right - as they supposedly were that morning, according to last night's weather reports - the falls would freeze just like the Mississippi had, presenting her with a photography opportunity that she couldn't squander. That's what brought her out there so early, knowing how popular a spot the falls became during this time of the year. She wanted to get there first before all the tourists and social media enthusiasts swarmed the place.

She parked her bike up at an appropriate spot, opening her bag to rummage for her bike lock. As she did so she quickly scanned her belongings to make sure she had everything she needed for the day: Bike lock, check. Spare SD card and camera battery, check. Pepper spray, check.

All sorted, she locked her bike in place and began to make her way down the winding paths that would lead her to the falls, hands in her pockets as she exhaled warm steam. A part of her couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had the same idea. She was vaguely aware that there were those amongst her classmates who planned on checking out the falls that day as well, though she had no idea if anyone else would opt to arrive as early as she had. 
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Post by Jilly »

((Astrid Tate start))

The bitter chill that morning tinged the tip of Astrid's nose and cheeks, but she continued to smile regardless. All she needed were the hand warmers in her jacket pocket, and she was good to go.

This was the day she had looked forward to every year, when it got so cold that the Minnehaha froze over and turned into a curtain of ice, stuck in time but ever growing just slight. It was, in a graceful manner of speaking, fucking cool, especially how if you left and came back, the falls would be slightly different, as if a mischievous child changed it up out of boredom to see if anyone noticed. Astrid did.

This early in the morning, when the sun barely overtook the dark blues of the winter sky, was the best time to get out here before all the tourists and quote-unquote "influencers" gathered and blew up her spot. All people who just stuck their noses to their phones after taking a few pictures for their Insta and getting bored after 3 minutes before moving on to their next stop in their locust-swarm tour.

Philistines. Not that Astrid was much better as she snapped a few photos here at the base after ignoring the "keep out" and "closed for winter" mere suggestion signs she ignored every year, but well, just take her word for it that it was different in her case. Because it was.

Though, this spot here was about the bravest she ventured. Something about actually getting closer or even behind the waterfall itself gave her pause. Like obviously the legality was whatever, no one heeded the caution signs ever, but was she ever worthy?

The sound of footsteps in the ice behind her broke her from the waterfalls' spell as she whipped around, assuming it was some narc who saw her fence hop and was gonna tell her ~"Oooh you can't be here ma'am,"~ like people don't do it every damn day. Her smile still faltered at the sight of Vera, though.

Damn it. Please don't say anything to her, please don't say anything to her, please don't...
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Post by Fiori »

"Hey" said Vera, breaking the silence between them.

Like Astrid, she found herself venturing down towards the creek, ignoring the signs as she hopped the fence to get a closer look at the falls. It wasn't as if anyone ever bothered to heed those warnings anyway, nor was she going to get the photos she wanted from up on high. Sometimes, true art required a calculated risk or two.

Any lingering doubts were quenched the moment she laid eyes on Minnehaha Falls, her lips curling into a bright grin. It was just as amazing as she remembered, from the last time she visited the falls a year back. She always regretted not bringing her camera, a mistake she made sure to avoid this time around. Best of all, her promptness had paid off, resulting in her having the falls all to herself.

Well, almost all to herself. She never had any particularly strong feelings about Astrid one way or another, despite her being one of the more memorable faces in their year given... Well, the obvious. It seemed like Astrid wasn't too thrilled to see her, possibly on account of her frequent complaints about The General. Oh well.

"Same idea, I take it?" Vera asked, in an attempt to break the ice. Hopefully not literally, raising her camera and adjusting the lens to line up a snap of the frozen falls.
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Post by Jilly »

"Yeah." A billow of white smoke puffed from Astrid's mouth like she were smoking an invisible cigarette. Her brows furrowed as she tugged at the hem line of her beanie and pulled it closer over her forehead.

Sigh. She knew she should've stopped farther up from here. Now she and Vera were too close to just comfortably ignore each other. Vera wasn't too bad in her defense from what Astrid could tell, assuming she didn't get riled up into a morality debate which it was way too early in the morning for Astrid to deal with. But maybe a word or two would be enough to satisfy the social obligation and they could both go back to pretending they were alone.

Astrid glared at the camera in Vera's hands as the shutter snapped. She shook the snide remark out of her head.

"I wanted to see the falls before someone inevitably slips and sues the city, I guess."

She looked behind Vera and up the steps transformed into a slippery slope of hard ice. Honestly she was surprised no one ever cracked their head coming down those things, but maybe the public weren't as dumb as they seemed or hush money was involved, some sort of conspiracy to keep making people want to brave breaking a leg to see a bunch of oversized icicles.

"You alone?" Astrid asked, still looking at the stairs.
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Post by Fiori »

"Pretty much, yeah" Vera replied, the shutter clicking as she took another photograph.

She'd considered inviting some friends along, but the thought of trying to organise such a meet-up at the last second gave her a migraine. Besides, she preferred working alone anyway. Nobody to question her creative decisions, or cause delays with their inevitable schedule conflicts. Just herself and her camera, exactly how she liked it.

Still, it perhaps would have been sensible to bring a friend along regardless, just to be on the safe side. Then again, this wasn't the first time she ventured out on her own like this, seeking out unique little opportunities for her portfolio. Worse comes to worse, she still had her pepper spray.

Vera zoomed her camera in on the frozen falls, adjusting the focus so that she could get a better look. As great as her view was, it wasn't quite the money shot she was hoping for. For that, she was relying on luck being on her side, keeping her fingers crossed that the conditions were just right...

There. Exactly what she was looking for: A gap in the ice, wide enough for a person to slip through without issue.

"You know, I've always wanted to take a closer look..." she said aloud, lowering her camera as she turned to Astrid. "You ever seen what it's like in there? Behind the ice?"
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Post by Jilly »

Astrid shook her head, not even giving time to hem or haw about it. "Not in person, no. It's trouble enough just getting down here without rolling over the stairs; I wouldn't trust myself to not slip and die."

She looked away for a second and rubbed her hands, the teeth of the gears clicking from her own head as she considered the underlying implication of Vera's probing question.

"I won't tell if you go back there. I'm not a narc."
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Post by Fiori »

"Much obliged" replied Vera with a smirk, before turning her attention back towards the imposing ice sheet.

She stood there for a moment, quietly observing her surroundings. Quickly making sure there wasn't anything amiss before taking the first of several cautious steps towards the falls. The ice underfoot felt reassuringly solid, if expectedly slippery, so at the very least she didn't have to worry too much about falling through the floor.

But it wasn't the ice beneath her that she was worried about. It was the ice above her.

She paused as she neared the falls, her eyes scanning the numerous sharp icicles hanging precariously above that narrow entrance. There was no telling how long the falls would remain like this, her window of opportunity narrowing as the sun slowly rose in the distance. She didn't want to linger too long, risk having a chunk of ice break off and land on her head, but neither could she rush things given the slippery slope she needed to ascend first.

Vera closed her eyes, taking a long deep breath before exhaling warm steam. She thought back to the images she had seen online of what it was like behind the falls, trying to picture how she could apply an artist's touch to the amazing sights that lay beyond the ice. Sights that could give her the credit she needed to be one step closer to her dream.

"Okay..." Vera whispered to herself as she opened her eyes, before carefully clambering up the slope, swiftly making her way through that narrow passage and disappearing into the inky darkness.
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Post by Jilly »

"Crazy bitch," Astrid muttered under her breath as she watched Vera somehow scuttle her way towards and through the icy curtain of the falls, camera and all and without a single slip over the ice.

Then Astrid was alone again. Just how she liked it.

...Except now, a seed had been planted in her head which started to blossom. What if she did take a look behind the falls, for herself, for once?
Before anyone else* could see this beautiful lady of winter at her most vulnerable?

Astrid's eye fell dead center on the gap the camera weirdo disappeared into. She stole a few glances left and right and around herself, with only the crisp morning winds responding to her inquiry.

And with one foot in front of her and a lock of the lips, Astrid followed the trail of steps that had already settled into the snow and ice, and she disappeared into the inviting dark passage as well, slipping right past the barrier of ever-changing glass.

*Vera's company notwithstanding, of course.
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Post by Fiori »

The back of Minnehaha Falls was more incredible than Vera could've imagined.

Well, truth be told she already had a good idea what to expect going in, having seen pictures others had taken behind the frozen falls. It's why she had risked life and limb to venture back there in the first place. Did that make her any less awe-inspired by the sight before her eyes?

No, not in the slightest.

Behind the falls was a small cavernous alcove, the kind that would make for a neat experience in its own right. But what really sold it all was that ice sheet, stretching along like a wall of jagged glass, illuminating the cave with a soft blue glow as the morning sun shone through. It was like she had stepped through an invisible barrier into an otherworldly plane, or travelled to a frozen alien world.

It was all so mesmerising, that she almost slipped on the icy ground beneath her feet, just barely catching herself before it was too late. Best to not linger too long, she came here with a purpose after all.

She took a few quick snaps with her camera, trying to capture the ice wall from several angles. A nice series of photos, no doubt, but nothing yet that really hit the mark. It was like there was some missing ingredient, something she needed to include to really give her photos that extra whoomph.

Unable to figure out what that was, she shrugged and lined up one last shot, squatting away from the dimly lit entrance to adjust her camera's focus.

At which point Astrid walked into frame, disrupting the shot. Vera let out a dejected sigh, opening her mouth to say something... Only for it to finally click as to what was missing.

"Oh! Ooh... Um..." she gasps, gently biting one of her finger joints for a moment. "Could you, just... Stay there for a moment?" she asked, slowly raising her camera to line up a photo. "Maybe look back outside? Think of something... Melancholic." 
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Post by Fiori »


"Theeere we go.." said Vera, taking a moment to quickly check how her photo came out, her lips curling into a satisfied grin. 

It was exactly what she was looking for. The composition was perfect, the ice sheet forming a leading line that guided the viewer's eyes to Astrid, who only occupied the upper third corner of the photograph. And the way she was illuminated by a soft azure glow, one she could enhance further once she had a chance to boot up photoshop. No doubt about it, this was the kind of photograph you win competitions with.

"Magnifique" she whispered under her breath.

Astrid's eye patch was a nice touch, too. Added an extra bit of mystique to the image, providing fuel for the viewer's imagination. It also reminded Vera a little of...
She sighed, exhaling a small puff of steam, before giving Astrid an appreciative nod. "I'll be out of your hair now..."

On that note, she quickly scooched past her before making her way out, having gotten what she came all this way for.

((Vera Osborne continued elsewhere...))
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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