One Room Death Game

IC Thread, Read the OOC thread for rules/updates

This board exists to allow RPing outside the typical scope of Mini, but with a Mini-centric focus. All threads here must in some way relate to a Mini, must allow for participation by others, and are explicitly non-canon. That aside, there aren't many rules here apart from the overall board rules, so have at!
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Post by ItzToxie »

Vasya thought about telling Eugene to cut the shit.

It was hopeless. He was the only one who thought they’d stood a chance. For a second, he had Vasya on board.

Maybe, maybe for a moment he was right. But that entire time they had their chance to fight back, they all stood. They all watched.

Was Vasya really going to risk his life for these losers?

“You’re wasting your time.”

It was the closest thing to kindness he could give Eugene. Poor bastard was in way over his head.

“They took the pervert. Everyone else watched. They wanted to leave through the other door.”

He glared behind him.

“They used us as bait.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Deblod100 »

To be fair, there was too much going on in one room and scene for Gerald to process the chaos completely.

Gerald thought that he saw one of the masked figures managed to end up from behind the group, but he was too busy trying to help the businessman, who was muttering someone's name. Ted? Businessman must be daydreaming, but he could be dazed from an injury.

There were gunshots going off. Loud as the alarms going off.

"They're aren't stopping until we stop!" Gerald yelled at him, trying to avoid those baton-welding henchmen that were trying to club them.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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Post by MurderWeasel »

The masked figures continued to backpedal, but uncertainly, as if it took them a moment to realize what was happening and adjust, as if they were cautious in case of further attack. It was chaotic, delayed—an opening.

Whether or not it would be capitalized on remained to be seen.

Revolution! A number of the occupants of the room have decided to attempt to fight back. This disrupts the normal order of things, as Stagehands are dispatched to restore order. This state of affairs may open possibilities, but it may also be dangerous...

Go Out Swinging: The Stagehands are retreating, but for just a moment the chaos seems to be affecting them almost as much as the occupants of the room, and both ends of the righthand corridor lie open. One could potentially chase after them and continue the attack, though the results of this are hard to predict, and wouldn't be known to any who remain in the room...
[+] OOC
While Jimmy has successfully been snatched from under the collective noses of the remaining inhabitants of the room, the extraction of the Stagehands has been a little less clean, and a brief window of opportunity is open to capitalize and try to turn the tables.

Any character may charge after the retreating Stagehands, pressing the attack and following them to an unknown destination and destiny. Any character who makes this choice will be considered eliminated from the game, though not by either release or expulsion. This third option will lead to an ambiguous fate—the camera remains in the room, while any who leave charge off to glory or misfortune elsewhere.

To be less nebulous, this is an opportunity for an intentionally uncertain ending. Characters who continue the rebellion are probably in better shape than those who are expelled, but quite possibly worse off than those who are released. Exactly what happens to them will not be fully dealt with at this time, but it could be all sorts of stuff, including:
  • Finding at least partial success, and managing to eventually make it outside.
  • Getting captured by the Stagehands, and either held captive or inducted into their organization in some capacity.
  • Actually dying in the fighting.
  • Managing to rescue some or all of the expelled characters.
  • Really most other reasonable stuff.
This list isn't me going "Teehee, you don't know what happens!" but rather offering a list of possibilities that you can choose from later. The big catch is, it's not gonna get played out directly—rather, what happens will be a mysterious off-screen event until/unless it's mentioned/alluded to in the second version.

So, yeah, this is an opportunity to go out on (more of) your own terms while building some sequel suspense.

That said, the window here is limited. Characters must act quickly, exiting within the next week (or maybe a day or two more, if I'm slow to update, but no promises). Characters cannot carry Medallions out of the room with them in this way—those will still make the door at the far end of the hall close, so you'll have to drop them in the room.

Once the exit window closes, normal rules resume, IC and OOC. Activity will be monitored more closely, and characters will again be subject to expulsion at the appointed times if left without a Medallion. And if the Stagehands have to pull someone out again, they'll probably come in more organized...
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Post by Fiori »

"Th... They took... Pervert... Wh-whuh?" Eugene mumbled, still out of it as he tried to piece everything together.

A quick headcount confirmed Vasya's claims. Some point in all the chaos, the bastards managed to make off with Jimmy. Did he get too close or something? Was there some other secret way in he didn't take into account?!?

W-wait... The grates... Oh for fucking shit's sake!

Truth be told, back when Eugene tried to muster everyone together, he didn't actually expect it to work. Much as he didn't want to admit it, he assumed that it'd end up with him standing alone, facing off against their kidnappers like Gary Cooper in High Noon. He didn't really have much of a plan, nor was he the kind of person suited for that kind of thing. He was just a tv executive. A corporate suit, one well past his prime at that. He never had a hope in hell at pulling this off, and he knew it. And yet he still cajoled everyone into thinking they had a fighting chance.

Was this it, then? Were they just going back to square one, waiting for the timer to run out so they can go through this all over again?


No, fuck that. He was still standing, his heart was still beating. They still weren't out for the count just yet.

"No... It's not over yet" he grunted, looking Vasya dead in the eyes, before grabbing his chair and stumbling forwards.

"I've hosted birthday parties more hardcore than this. Survived recessions, budget cuts, pandemics..."

"I've looked Harvey Weinstein right between the eyes... And told him to go FUCK himself!"

"I ain't dying to a bunch of pyjama wearing, ninja wannabe nutjobs!"

He thought back to the phonecall he had before all this began, tears welling in his eyes. He couldn't afford to give up, it literally wasn't an option. He didn't want that to be the last conversation he ever had with his daughter.

"You hear me, you miserable CUNTS! I'M EUGENE FUCKING SCHAFFEEEER!!!" he roared, before charging forth into the void, chair raised high above his head.
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Dr Adjective
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Post by Dr Adjective »

Seconds passed.

Sure, there was plenty of noise. shouting, yelling, all sorts of banging and crashing, but one thing was conspicuously absent: pain. People sounded pissed, hopeful, aggressive, all sorts of things, but nobody sounded like they'd just been shot. Come to think of it... Charlotte uncovered her head, looked up. Yeah. She hadn't heard bullets hit anything, and as best she could see, there was no sign of damage to the ceiling or the wall behind her. So nobody was hit, no bullet holes from a warning shot? Blanks?

A part of her still wanted to believe the whole thing was fake. An elaborate psychological experiment. She didn't believe it, but the glimmer of hope that she might be proven wrong still shone somewhere in the back of her mind.

By the time Charlotte was done getting back to her feet, thing had changed. Someone was missing, she couldn't place exactly who, but it felt like a safe assumption that somehow the goons had gotten the guy they'd ostensibly come for. The ones that'd entered through the "danger" door were backpedalling, seemingly unsure of themselves. And most importantly, Eugene was finishing up his Leeroy Jenkins speech and going full tilt after them. Now, Charlotte herself didn't have quite the same laundry list of things she'd faced down in her life so far, but she certainly had a list, and she certainly didn't feel like dying in a dank basement either.

The goons had to have come in from somewhere, some kind of safe entry and exit that could be used. Another way out. Well, without any medallions to her name, one way out. Hadn't they already decided amongst themselves that they were done playing, that they were gonna fight their way out or die trying? Yeah. One way out.

Charlotte spared a look at Kevin, just for a moment. He seemed busy with Malachi. No time to linger.

With a soft "oh, fuck it," under her breath, the big girl picked up her own chair and ran in after Eugene.
Esther Ježek
Status: Deceased (Vaporised)
Last equipped with: PPSh-41 submachinegun (3x 35 round box magazines)
Last seen: The Docks. In a warehouse.

Step One:🇨🇭 -> Step Two: 🏚️ -> Step Three: 😴 -> Step Four: 📹 -> Step Five: 🔥 -> Step Six: 🌊 -> †

One Room Death Game - Charlotte Torres & her opossum plush (subscribe to Goblin Town!)
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Post by NoLife42069 »

Desertion is punishable by death. It was the thought that ran through Kevin's mind, but only for a moment because he saw it. He saw the rat bastard he had tied up being dragged out. "DAMNIT!"

Then came the gunshot, and Eugene's speech... But none of that meant shit. The whole thing had failed, there wasn't a point.

He should have just stabbed Vasya in the throat and died.

But then Lotte grabbed her chair and charged after Eugene. "YOU DUMBASS WHAT ARE YOU!?" She disappeared into the abyss... Kevin heard his heartbeat in his ears. What were his options? Stay here and try to kill Vasya again? Try to survive like how The Director wanted? Or charge into an unknown battle, with the same odds...

A gamble.

Kevin smirked. He let out a mad cackle. He was back there at the roulette table, betting everything just so he could live. He thought about this entire game, how it made him feel alive. It made him look forward to the next few minutes. Kevin had become something of a better person here, not by much but...

Kevin tightens his grip on his makeshift weapon. What better way to die? "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Kevin laughed as he turned to the traitor. "You want to get out right? THEN MOVE YOUR ASS!!"

The fire inside Kevin was ignited, this is how he beat Vasya. Kevin would live when he didn’t. Besides, If Vasya followed there would be another opportunity to kill him.

With a bloody smile Kevin charged after Lotte and Eugene. This was a truly more honorable end than he deserved.
I have some neat kids, check them out if you're into that sort of thing. Yes, even if a chunk of them are older than me.
[+] spoiler in the game
One Room Deathgame: Angry Knife man with horrid scars.
"I gambled away my life and paid for it, now all that drives me forward is petty revenge."

U: An older version of me in a shituation.
"I always told my mom, that if she ever caught me smoking then something Very wrong has happened in my life."
Cyber:Ángel Alcántara, Watch his halo fade and his wings morph.
"Angels have always been ruthless. Uriel watches Eden with a fiery sword. They even say he is as pitiless as the demons. Maybe aspiring to be them is why I feel like a moth flying into a golden flame."
[+] spoiler Some far off dream
TV-intermissions: The Wannabe- Ivan Rodrigues(S68)- "No, beating me within an inch of my life and carving letters on my head wouldn't be funny."
The Desperate- Cylia "Cyl" McGill(S69)- "Just one more... Just one more kill and maybe he will look at me! I'M NOT A MONSTER!"
The Pyromaniac- Seraphine Sinclair(S70)-"Brighter! Hotter!! Louder!!! Let this flame burn the arena away! They want a show, but they can't take the heat!!!"

TV4: The Acrobat- Harper -"They always told me to be ready for anything..."
The Writer- Juniper -"Mom, Dad? I know you're watching. Fuck you for dreaming of this..."
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Post by ItzToxie »

Vasya watched as people began to run down the hallway. It was certain death.

He wasn’t stupid enough to run in there was he?

This whole thing; he waited at the doorway when they stormed in. He fought. He tried to kill. They weren’t just going to let him go. Even if the rules changed, even if he was allowed to hurt these pissants, he has no reason to believe they’d let him go.

Even bitchmade Kevin was going down the hall;

Vasya looked back at those who remained. Either way was certain death, but if he followed the others, that was more shields between him and death. He didn’t join this rebellion out of anything more than self-service, and in the end it was still the best option.

Hell; he might even kill two birds with one stone, or a certain junkie with one knife.


He wasn’t dying in this room. He walked towards the door with purpose, knife behind his back, and grim determination on his face.

Then, he ran.

He got his associate out. He got the daughter of the most important man of his life out. Now, it was time to get himself out.

Vasya was never a loser. He didn’t intend to start now.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Deblod100 »

Gerald overheard what businessman said. They got the guy who was tied up. Yet, the goons at the hallway looked like they were retreating.

It was funny. Gerald had the same thought as everyone else, but...

He knew something was amiss.

These guys were too well prepared for something. They had stab-proof vests. Masked faces that could withstand pepper spray. Of course, Gerald is still pocketing the pepper spray, but it wouldn't do good when the opponent's face is covered. Plus, they seem to have guns and clubs. Both things found in a prison.

Then, there was another thing that also irked him.


Was it the sake of love? Or concern for her safety.

If the cops did show up, things can be different. But they didn't release her. Nor did they release Nana. For Nana to Gerald, well... she did use him. He knew that, but why leave the pepper spray. Looking back on it now, Gerald did see that blank face of hers. Maybe behind it, there was a mind of someone who knew what to do. If she wanted to make it seem like Gerald was backstabbed, it could've been more obvious in a subtle way.

This was not the case.

He thought about it for a moment, but it was broken with businessman yelling. He apparently told Harvey Weinstein to fuck himself. Then, with the war cry of his name, Eugene, he charged into the goons.

"Wait, don-" Gerald called out, but then another person charged in after him. A tall woman. Gerald never got her name.

It wasn't until he saw the reactions of the loony and the Russian. Both were doing nothing but intimidating each other and everyone else. Yet, it seems like this moment of rebellion has united them to try to take them down. So they charged into the group as well.

Gerald gripped the chair in his hands. It can be simple. He can charge in. He can go out swinging and get his head bludgeoned like a champ. However, he was back on his train of thought.

Autumn wasn't on the right.

No. Gerald had his suspicions, but he needed to make a complete gamble.

There was Occam's Razor and then there was Autumn.

He had to make a choice. A large one.

He took a step back from the right door.

Gerald uses a razor, but not one that is simple.

He knew what he should do.

He had his plan. The kidnappers were currently at a disadvantage. The only way that Gerald can beat them is to act like he was playing their game, but he found himself clever enough to do what it takes to make sure that Autumn and anyone else who exited Stage Left got out alive.
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] The Winner
- Stephanie "Seth" Geller - A DOTF girl, who is going to die as the "post-ironic" hipster goth moron she is. She sacrificed her humanity, after she became an undead beast in the care of another monstrous beast. She won the game, but she lost her wife in the process. Hope still blossoms to her after she was brought back to life.
[+] The Forbidden Zone
A graveyard to those who have fallen. Rest easy, fair children.
- Chevy Gallagher - (University Guy who wants to be hip with them kids. The Art of War and balls of paint isn't going to save you, when your life is on the line.) He wanted to do the right thing, but he was caught among a burning bridge and became a victim to an invasive species.
- Nicholas Rothstein - (A DOTF boy, who knows how to get very weird and become a 13-eyed monster.) He didn't go to the Backrooms, but he got lucky that gravity was merciful on him. By impalement.
- Scott Bee - (Another DOTF boy, who I just made in one day and killed off.) He couldn't take the heat and he might never be heard from again.
- Mitch Cline - (Also another DOTF boy who was dating Scott Bee.) Mitch Cline would get front row seats to a volcano eruption and got his head ripped off post-modern.
[+] Current Kids
Current Kids:
- Gerald Yao - One Room Death Game guy. A misunderstood "Asian Twink".
- Kenton Zinn - Spookr8ma lives free and fast in a digital world free of his fears and worries, but the facade has to come down eventually.
- Pineapple "Pippi" Bloodworth (SC3) - Adopted from handler Lilith. She was killed and tossed in the seas. Years later, she would be fished out from a river and given another chance.
- Chevy Gallagher (SC3) - He came back to life, because he wants to go to Valhalla.
- Ulysses Padron - A DOTF V2 boy, who claims to be a "survivor type". This can't end well.
- Mitsuaki Cirsley - A DOTF V2 boy who like many unfortunate students, find themselves in hell. His only weapon? An analog camcorder.
- Karen Wyler - A DOTF V2 girl brutally punished for her need to be in love with the women of her dreams. She learnt her lesson, but will it return to haunt her?
[+] The Sinful 13
A collection of planned and current villain characters, whom crimes and atrocities will take those into the darkest reaches of what humanity might find. Beware.
- Lust -
- Gluttony - ??? (ALIVE) - Planned for TV4. He wanted to become famous in his own way. He spent his craft, making delicacies and allowing others to enjoy his creations. When SOTF-TV takes him, the culinary artist becomes a hunger artist, when he hates the taste of what he is given. With a new twisted imagination, the viewers back at home are going to lose their appetites.
- Envy -
- Greed - Quentin Coyle (ALIVE) - Survival of the Fastest character. In a world that has gone through horrors from nuclear war, one man and his troupe drives on the wasteland. He is an extortionist who keeps his wealth away from others and pillages what he sees as the hottest commodity. Human organs. Already with a bounty for his severed head, Quentin will make a wish to the President that will reduce what is left of America into a new genocide for a profit.
- Sloth - Terrence Og (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. The world passes him by without a second thought, until it stopped and saw what his neglect has done to an innocent child. Far from home now, all Terrence wants to do is let others do all the dirty stuff, but how close is karma when a pit full of snakes awaits him.
- Pride - ??? (ALIVE). "I want to have you pause here and ask you a question. What are you willing to do to make sure that you will live forever? Be forever in replays and re-runs until the heat death of the universe. Get rid of all of that is holding you back. The whole world will know you as my victim."
- Wrath - ?? (ALIVE) - An AU character. He was born physically and mentally flawed, while the rest of the world benefitted with their own abilities that were nothing like his own. Life has dealt him an unfair bad hand and he wants to make those who have the weak suffer pay. The problem is how much bad is he willing to do to rid the world of the elite?
- Vanity -
- Heresy - Emil Vholes (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. He lives as a parasite, making lives miserable and sowing discord and misery with his presence. When SOTF happens, he lets a massacre benefit him. It isn't long, until the sins that he refuses to take account for to return, but what will he do, even when the world now wants him to burn as the heretic he is?
- Violence - Nancy Carlson (ALIVE) - DOTF V2 character. She had no one to turn to. Her fairytale life that was a lie finally collapsed. All of her hope was gone. Until from the depths of Tehom did an entity come to take advantage of her torment. Now, Nancy will finally be happy and have her hopes and dreams come true in delusion... with a blood trail behind her.
- Fraud -
- Treachery -
- Despair -
[+] Future Kids
Future Kids:
- Jules Szymanski - First character by handler. SOTF-TV Season 68 Contestant. Artist and Unwilling Martyr. The only way for salvation is to maintain humanity, not world domination.
Jules Szymański ma zostać skazany na śmierć za próbę stworzenia świata, w którym wszyscy zginą niezauważeni przez masy.
- Valente Lozano - SOTF-TV Season 69 Contestant. The Influencer who knows he is going to live forever and will climb the ivory tower of impeding doom before him, as long as his death can net him more than 10 millions views online. If he falls, he will start to fly.
"Este mundo está hecho para recompensar a los psicópatas como nosotros. No lo admitirían, pero soy su próxima historia de éxito".
- Haven Szymanski - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Gamer and Pop Culture Geek, who is sentenced to death for being a mourner. Left to die, so they can pick up the body parts to carry on. Będąc w cieniu, Przystań zyskała ciemność w ich sercach.
- Vincent Talbott - SOTF-TV Season 70 Contestant. Smoke and mirrors always got him far, but now he must do the dark arts of murder to get himself by. Can he be the star that he was meant to be?".. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .-- .- -. - . -.. / .--- ..- .-.. . ... / - --- / -... . / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- .-.-.-".
- "Blaze" - Supers V2 Kid. Misnaming your elemental kid is bad enough, but when he becomes unstable, things go horribly wrong..
- "Point of View" - Supers V2 Kid. The average human sees what they themselves to see. This kid can see what others see.
- Lizzie Price/The Scarecrow - Concept character for upcoming Slasher High. She is not okay. She is not okay at all.
- ??? - Be wary of false prophets, for hell is all they bring.
- ??? - All she wanted for the perfect life and the perfect dream. What she got was torment.
- ??? - A woman from the States and from Far East, she sees this oddity she's in as another day in chaos.
- ??? - What was once a memory of a life that could have been brings back a dark trauma that haunts a would-have-been actor.
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