Sophia "Phizz" Zemeckis

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Sophia "Phizz" Zemeckis


Post by Polybius »

Name: Sophia “Phizz” Zemeckis
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Sports, Cyber Reality games, anime, sci-fi action films, Mtn Dew

Appearance: In real life, Phizz is 5’11” and weighs 191 pounds. She’s tall with broad shoulders and well-muscled arms. However, her high soda intake had let to her carrying a bit of extra fat that is visible in her stomach and thighs. Phizz is a Caucasian of Lithuanian descent, and she has light skin with a tan. Phizz has green eyes, a bumpy nose, and a large, if slightly crooked, smile. Her hair is chestnut-brown, but with one dyed streak of bright blue; she wears her hair loose, letting it fall to her shoulders. On most days, Phizz’s clothing is very casual. She usually wears graphic tees, sweatpants, and sneakers.

Phizz’s Cyber Reality avatar looks strikingly different from her real-life self. In CR, Phizz’s arms are bulkier and more toned. The round gut she has in real life is replaced by six-pack abs. Her hair is styled in a spiked mohawk, the body hot pink with the spikes colored lime green. Her upper body is dressed in a white cropped tank-top with an open red puffer vest, showing off her arms and abs. She wears camo cargo pants that are tucked into black combat boots. Phizz wears red-and-black fingerless gloves, and her fingernails are a deep purple. Her outfit is completed with her bulky square sunglasses: blue lenses with a black frame.

Her avatar has a few silver piercings: a stud in the left side of her nose and two rings in her right eyebrow. She has a neon blue tattoo of Porunga from Dragon Ball Z on her left arm; the dragon’s body is on her shoulder, and his long tail wraps around her arm. Phizz’s avatar remains mostly consistent, but she will occasionally turn her hair to other colors or swap out her tattoo for a different one.

Background: Sophia Zemeckis was born as the only child to Michael and Zoe Zemeckis, a well-off couple living in San Jose, California. Her father was an airline pilot, while her mother was a copy editor for a nonfiction publishing house. Upon becoming pregnant, Zoe quit her job to take care of her child. While she didn’t want to become a stay-at-home mother, Michael had a much higher salary and a job that took him away from home for long periods of time, so he convinced her that it was the only reasonable course of action.

Little Sophia had a boundless amount of energy. As soon as the girl could walk, she was bouncing off the walls, running around the house and leaving her mother frustrated. Zoe was a serious and reticent woman, not prepared to handle this hyperactivity by herself. Her first solution was to put Sophia in front of the television, since that was seemingly the only way to make her sit still. In her formative years, Sophia watched TV for hours on end, often with little supervision. This led to her first experiences watching anime and movies. She liked over-the-top action the best, and watched many programs that were exceptionally violent for her age.
After a while, Zoe became worried that Sophia was spending too much time watching television, so when Sophia was six, Zoe began to send her to play outside each day. Sophia took this in stride, energetically running around her backyard and the surrounding neighborhood, playing with the neighborhood children, and play-acting her favorite shows. She sometimes came back covered in dirt or with scrapes and bruises; Zoe was annoyed by this, but she concluded it was a normal part of being a kid.

In school, Sophia’s grades were mediocre but she was popular and good at athletics. There were four other Sophias in her grade at Elementary school, which frustrated her to the point that she decided she needed a nickname to stand out. She started asking her friends to call her Phizz - a rough combination of the end of her first name and the beginning of her last name. The name was also a nod to her love of fizzy drinks, particularly Mtn Dew. Soon, her classmates all called her ‘Phizz’, while adults continued to call her by her first name.

When Phizz was eleven, Zoe put her foot down and told Michael that she was returning to work. They decided that Phizz was old enough to take care of herself after school. This change didn’t effect Phizz’s life too much; she would still spend much of her time either watching television or playing around outside. Phizz would stay after school some days to play sports, and she would also start spending more time with friends. This led to her first real experience with Cyber Reality at her friends’ house. Phizz had never cared for traditional video games, she quickly came to love the more physically exhilarating Cyber Reality games.

Eventually, Phizz’s family bought their own Cyber Reality headset, and soon after Phizz enrolled at Sycamore High School. Phizz started using the cyber reality to experiment with her appearance: she used her avatar to style herself in ways that would be inconvenient in real life, either because they would take significant effort or because her parents would disapprove. Her avatar’s style was colorful and eccentric, chiefly inspired by anime and sci-fi films.

Phizz’s personal interests have remained mostly the same throughout her life. She loves anime, particular fighting anime with over-the-top heroics, like Dragon Ball and Bleach. She also loves action films with sci-fi settings, her favorites being Total Recall, Robocop, and Demolition Man. She lives an active and, with the exception of her Mtn Dew habit, healthy life. She works out and plays sports: she has starting positions on both the basketball and field hockey teams. She also plays CR games such as CyberTag and Skating Paradise, which she has come to enjoy as much as real-life sports.

Phizz has never liked the academic part of school, finding classes boring and hard to focus on. She’s been able to keep her grades just high enough to avoid an official reprimand, but she doesn’t not excel at any class. Phizz hasn’t though much about what to do after high school. Her dream job would be as a professional CR game player, but it’s a lofty dream that she thinks is probably above her level of skill. Her mother expects her to enter college, so she figures she’ll enroll in community college while having a retail job on the side.

Personality: Phizz is friendly and boisterous. She’s always looking to have fun, and she will make friends with anyone as long as she doesn’t think that they’re a jerk. She’s very competitive, but doesn’t get too upset when she’s losing, and never lets her anger out on her teammates. Phizz is very outspoken about her sense of right and wrong - if she thinks someone is acting poorly, she will call them out for it, consequences be damned. She’s protective of her friends tot he point that she’s willing to get into fights on their behalf.

Phizz is not booksmart, and she’ll often speak without thinking. Negative comments about her intelligence bother her more than any other type of insult. Her attention is always focused on the things that excite her, and she can be quite lazy when it comes to subjects that don’t interest her, such as academics.

Phizz’s relationship with her family is distant. Her mother’s serious personality is almost the opposite of her’s, and she’s often busy at work. Her father is more cheerful, but he’s away for days at a time and has never made a special effort to bond with his wife and daughter. Michael and Zoe’s relationship has clearly grown more and more tense over the years; Phizz notices this, but knows that attempts to ask either of them about it would only be met with deflection. Phizz spends her free time either with her friends or alone in her room.

Reputation: Phizz’s outgoing personality has made her popular among her peers. She’s very supportive of her friends and teammates; many of her underclassmen teammates view her as a mentor. However, she’s openly hostile towards people she thinks are acting poorly, and that has earned her some enemies. Phizz’s unusual name and avatar has made her the subject of some mockery over the years, though direct comments have become infrequent as she’s grown more physically imposing and confrontational. Phizz tends to exasperate her teachers, as her attention often drifts during class.
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Post by DerArknight »

Hello Polybius and welcome to Cyber!

Phizz is already looking good but currently DENIED. There are a few points that need some ironing out, so let's get started:
Hobbies and Interests: Sports, Cyber Reality games, anime, sci-fi action films, Mtn Dew
Here's the thing: right now, the only mention of Mtn Dew is that Phizz drinks it a lot and used it as a reference for her nickname. That makes Mtn Dew more of a favorite drink than a hobby.

For it to be a full hobby, I would like to see her do more thank just drinking. Like collecting Mtn Dew-related merch or rating Mtn Dew flavors online.
Phizz’s Cyber Reality avatar looks strikingly different from her real-life self.
The term Avatar needs to be capitalized. This happens multiple times over the profile, I am just quoting the first instance.

In the appearance-section, please specify that the outfit described is the one Phizz wore on the day of the attack. Otherwise readers might get the impression that Phizz wears the same clotes every single day.
This led to her first experiences watching anime and movies. She liked over-the-top action the best, and watched many programs that were exceptionally violent for her age.
There is a missing line-break after this sentence.
Eventually, Phizz’s family bought their own Cyber Reality headset,
The in-universe term used is Cyber Reality Device or CRD for short.
Phizz started using the cyber reality to experiment with her appearance:
If you are referring to the tech, it needs to be "Cyber Reality tech". If you are referring to the places she visits, it needs to be "Cyberspace".
She also plays CR games such as CyberTag and Skating Paradise,
The Skating Paradise is not a CR game, but a CR server. Please write CR activities instead.
She’s protective of her friends tot he point
There's a space at the wrong place.

And that is all. As you can see, most of the edits I ask for a rather trivial and if there are still any questions, shoot me a PM or write me at Discord.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
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