SOTF-TV Playing Card Project

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Frozen Smoke
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SOTF-TV Playing Card Project


Post by Frozen Smoke »

As some of you may know, I'm a massive card game nerd (and definitely not a gambling addict) so I have a pretty big collection of promotional playing cards from various conventions/casino, and looking through them recently made me realise SOTF-TV wouldn't dare miss on such an obvious money making opportunity - so I've decided to take a crack at putting together a custom deck to represent this using the characters in the 3 fully played versions!

I’m using this website to generate the base icon, and then messing around with it in, before feeding it back into a local copy of Stable Diffusion to produce these pieces. The prompts are under each card, although as this is an obfuscated model I can’t provide seeds or CFG/Sampling Steps to allow replication.
Some further notes on how I’m approaching this;

1 card per handler – MW graciously provided me a list of all the folks who have written in any TV versions and that came out to 109 in total, so it’s flat out impossible to feature everyone involved, but maximising the amount of people who feel represented seems like a good decision. MW is also the exception to this rule, having written 2 survivors which would obviously be represented in this deck.
4-colour deck – I’ll be utilising the WPT standard of using a 4 colour deck both because it means I can use a greater variety of colours, and also because I want to actually print this deck at some point and play it in my home poker games and 4 colours makes identifying flushes considerably more easy. For those unfamiliar, this is the following scheme (Spades=Black, Hearts=Red, Diamonds=Blue, Clubs=Green).
Vague suit theming – I’m not going to be too much of a stickler for this, but I’d like to follow the traditional meanings of the suits in the characters represented on them – Spades = Villains, Hearts = Heroes, Diamonds = Anti-heroes/morally ambiguous, Clubs = Everyone else. If you can match a character to more specific card/cartomacy meanings (e.g. 7d being lucky, As being representative of death), that’d be very cool, but is definitely not required.
[+] Card Assignments
As – Karen Ruiz
Ks -
Qs – Jewel Evans
Js -
10s -
9s -
8s -
7s -
6s -
5s -
4s -
3s –
2s -
Ah -
Kh – Shawn Morrison
Qh -
Jh -
10h -
9h -
8h -
7h -
6h -
5h -
4h -
3h -
2h –
Ac -
Kc -
Qc -
Jc -
10c -
9c -
8c -
7c -
6c -
5c -
4c -
3c -
2c –
Ad -
Kd -
Qd -
Jd -
10d -
9d -
8d -
7d -
6d -
5d -
4d -
3d -
2d –
[+] Completed Cards
[+] Queen of Spades, Jewel Evans

Prompt: ((in the style of the battle royale manga)), flat colouring, black and white, (white background), simple background, portrait, depicting an 18 year old white girl, goth, smug expression, facing camera, long black hair, curly hair, nose stud piercing, wearing a black military-style top, epaulets, wearing a crown, queen of spades,

[+] King of Hearts, Shawn Morrison

Prompt: ((in the style of the battle royale manga)), flat colouring, black and red and white pallette, (white background), facing camera, flat colour background, ((red ornate border)), portrait, depicting an 17 year old caucasian male, surfers haircut, black curly hair, long thin lips, relaxed expression, wearing (sunglasses), ((red bandana tied around forehead)), wearing a black t-shirt, crown, king of hearts,

If you’d be interested in helping, please let me know either in the thread or via Discord what characters you think (either your own or another’s) would be suited to a particular card!
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Some suggestions:

Anastasia Arcadia: Queen of diamonds or clubs. AnArchy is prominent, out-there, and has an actual royalty theme going in her narrative. I lean towards diamonds because she starts out with good intentions before falling into darkness, hard. Also, diamonds are a red suit and she drinks blood. Could also be the Jack of Diamonds, which is still a face card but Google says carries connotations of unreliability, which is fitting.

Seo-yun Lee: Maybe the five of clubs? Seo-yun is definitely in villain land, and the site I'm on says the five of clubs is associated with friendship/support. Seo-yun really wanted the adoration of others, and also received a helping hand at a couple keys points to get her out.

Anthony Golden: My googling says the nine of clubs is a warning about being stubborn, which I think has quite a lot of applicability. Unless we wanna shove him in Hearts somewhere for the meme.

Corin Albanesi: Six of diamonds? Corin is in that big ol' in-between land for morality, and Google says the six maybe means communication hiccups/relationship troubles. A lot of folks die around Corin due to those things.

Mason Ross: Jack of hearts. Young? Check. Blonde? Check. Good friend? Check.

Will muse on more later!
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk equals joker.

Otherwise he’d be the 9 of spades because 9 Respects.

Edit; 9 of spades really fits actually seeing the meaning of the card. It just means death and dread and regardless of if you were Fisk, or if you saw him coming you knew something HORRIBLE was going down.
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Post by Fiori »

Todd Hudson: Two of Clubs
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Very late and probably pointless but I looked up things and now I gotta say them

Either RJ Blackburn as 8 of Clubs, or Jasper Suárez-King as 7 of Hearts

From what I've found, 8 of Clubs is difficulty in business and love, and considering the guy he liked died day one and pretty much any time he tried to do something with other people it went wrong, I think RJ qualifies

7 of Hearts, meanwhile, has a connection to broken promises, which Jasper has plenty of towards his younger sister Catalina, having planned to be with her and protect her, only for distance and SOTF to come in the way for both

Not sure if this'll lead into anything, but in case it does, someone else can choose which boy gets a card. Partial to it being Jasper since he's the gambler, but RJ is the one who's relation to the card is in-game and mainly focused on
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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