Floundering Hopes

Phase 1 (0-12 Hours), Open

The dump is a large pit that has been dug in the soft earth on an unused piece of land on the outskirts of town. The dump was used to dispose of the wastage from the towns primary industry and as such is a reeking pile of rotten fish meat and bones along with anything else that people didn't want or need. When the wind blows the right way, the smell from the dump can cover the entire town. There are even rumors that some people who disappeared over the town's life were murdered and their bodies thrown into the dump, though if this is true, no evidence of it can be found. Seagulls circle the dump perpetually, and rats are abundant and bold.
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Floundering Hopes


Post by Polybius »

((Zeke Brant continued from Junk Dreams))

Good God, the dump was terrible. Zeke had assumed that it would be a normal garbage dump, but no, it was a pit full of fish guts. The rotten smell that hung over the whole arena was so putrid in the dump that Zeke held his right arm to his mouth and nose as he searched. Zeke knew immediately that Mick wouldn't be here. It must have been hours since Laurie had met him, and no one would be able to withstand sitting around the fish pit for that long. Still, Zeke looked around to see if he could find anything that would give him an idea of where to look next. And of course, he also had to find Laurie's friend. Or his body.

Zeke soon came across a human corpse. It was the remains of a large black boy with his head smashed in. It was a disgusting sight, and combined with the fish stench it made Zeke want to throw up. He didn't, though. He didn't even turn his eyes away. This was his first encounter with a dead body, and there would be many more to come. His parents and his brother had needed adapt to such horrible sights in their service, and so would he.

Zeke doubted that he had been killed by Mick. Laurie had said that Mick had a gun, and this guy didn't look like he had been shot. Zeke uncovered his mouth and turned back to Laurie.

"This isn't him, is it?"
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((Laurie Moran continued Junk Dreams))

Coming back to the dump had made Laurie nervous as she thought that at first Mick would still be there. She didn't know why. She just thought that he would wait for her to come back and then he would finish her off as well. But of course, she was panicking over nothing. It had been hours since she last saw Mick. She wouldn't have blamed him for leaving immediately after her. She could never get used to the smell of rotten fish and bones. Still, Zeke needed her to help him figure out whatever it is that he wanted.

She noticed the dead body of the boy and she instantly covered her mouth from screaming or vomiting or just both in general. This was her first body to be seen by her and she didn't know how to handle it. It wasn't Scotty but it was still a horrid sight to see someone killed in such a brutal fashion. Who could have done this? She knew that she had to be prepared for more dead bodies. Still, it didn't mean that she had to like it. It just made her feel sad because people were playing right into The Program's arms. She was going to make sure that she wouldn't kill anyone. She didn't want to have anyone's blood on her hands. She didn't think that telling Zeke that she wasn't going to take someone's life would be a good idea.

Zeke asked her if the person laying there was her friend and Laurie lowered her hand from her mouth. "N-No, this isn't him...." She said quietly and then she glanced at the body again, noticing that there was still a bag with him. "But whoever killed him didn't take his bag.... I wonder why."  
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Zeke knelt beside the corpse, and after a second of hesitation, unzipped the boy's bag. There was no weapon, sadly, but everything else looked untouched. He stood back up and wiped off his jeans.

"No weapon. You can have some of the food, if you want. I have more than enough."

Without waiting for a response, Zeke turned back and continued searching the dump. The pit was very wide, and there was a lot of area to search. Zeke was beginning to wonder if he was just wasting his time when he spotted the corpse of a boy with red hair in the distance. At first, Zeke was afraid that it could be Reese, but as he continued to approach it became clear that it was another ginger boy, Scotty. He wasn't someone that Zeke knew too well. Zeke stopped in front of the body and examined the large, bloody hole in his chest. It was clearly a wound from a large gun.

"How about this one, Laurie?"
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Laurie could only look down at the boy's corpse as Zeke wandered off to look around more and all she could feel was a pang of sadness deep in her heart. She didn't even know who the dead boy was, but she still couldn't get over how he had died. The sight was pretty gruesome. At least it was to her.

She glanced at the open bag and she decided that she wouldn't take anything. She didn't want to loot from someone who was dead. It didn't feel right to her. She was going to try to avoid stealing and looting for as long as she could.

Then she heard Zeke calling to her. There was another body? She turned towards where Zeke was and she headed over to him. She had a bad feeling about the second body. She was praying to God that it wasn't her friend. She didn't know how she would react if it was him.

Don't be Scotty! Don't be Scotty! Don't be-

Laurie felt herself stop moving as she stared at the body. That was definitely Scotty. He really was dead. Mick must have done that to him. There was no way that anyone else could have done it. That gunshot she had heard as she had been running away....


Laurie couldn't even look at Scotty's body or at Zeke. She turned her head to the side so that Zeke couldn't see the tears rolling down her cheeks and she was trying hard not to scream and break down in anger and sorrow.

"T-That's Scotty.... My friend.... M-Mick did this...." She said, feeling bitter and down-hearted. "Looks like your.... friend knows what he has to do...."
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Laurie confirmed it. Scotty had been killed by Mick. Laurie was right, Mick knew what he had to do. And he could follow through with it. Good.

Zeke was about to say as much to Laurie, but he stopped himself. She was looking away from him and the body, and her voice was choked. Was she crying? For a moment, Zeke was annoyed. Would she have second thoughts about allying with Mick down the line? But then he put himself in her shoes. If Scotty had killed Mick, he would have reacted much worse. He would've killed Scott, and maybe Laurie, too. It seemed like she was really trying to make the partnership work, despite her grief. The least that Zeke could do was try to comfort her. A little kindness could help preserve the alliance.

Zeke stepped over to Laurie and put his arm around her should. He squeezed, giving her a half-hug. Zeke had to struggle to come up with what he would say to her. It was a rare problem for him, and it made him uncomfortable.

"It's... okay." Zeke finally said, "You can be sad. You don't have to hide it from me. I... I'm sorry that it had to end up this way. Scotty was a good kid."
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Laurie hadn't thought that Zeke would give her such an act of kindness. She thought that he would have got annoyed at her for getting so emotional over her friend's death. But still, she was relieved that he was trying his best to comfort her. At least he was not treating her in a cold manner. Maybe he was trying to make their alliance work as good as he possibly could.

Laurie sniffled and she tried to wipe away her tears with her free hand. "S-Sorry for getting so emotional, Zeke. Just seeing Scotty like this.... It was too much for me not to cry." She said honestly as she turned her head to look at Zeke and she bit her lower lip to stop it from quivering. "...If we do find Mick...."

She paused for a moment, thinking about the other boy.

"Um.... Do you think he really will be okay with me being with you as your ally, Zeke? What if he.... you know...."
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Laurie turned her head to face him, and Zeke could she that she was, in fact, crying. The sight of that miserable face made Zeke feel something for her. Sadness, or maybe pity? The girl had been through a lot of hardship in only a few hours.

"It's fine. You're reacting well to it, actually. You actually seem pretty strong. Mentally. A lot of other people would completely break down over less."

Zeke meant what he said. He really did. He gave Laurie a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about Mick. I doubt he has anything personal against you, he's just trying to survive. But if you're my ally, he'll accept you as his ally, too. He's been my best friend since we were kids, trust me."

Zeke was being less truthful there. He doubted that Mick or any of the others would be so willing to let Laurie into their group. Laurie was a stranger. There was no history, no affection, no loyalty. She was nothing to them. Maybe they would be willing to work with her for a little while, but they wouldn't be able to trust her long-term. Especially not after what happened with her, Mick, and Scotty. They could be stubborn. When the whole group was finally assembled and ready to cause some damage, why would they want some tagalong?

"But... if Mick actually does try to attack you, I'll stop him. I promise."

That was the truth. In that moment, Zeke made his decision. It was a sudden resolution, but he meant it wholeheartedly. When the time came, Zeke wouldn't let the others near her. He would do it himself. He'd make it quick and painless. She deserved that.

Zeke started to feel ill. He could only stay in this disgusting pit for so long before passing out. He removed his arm and took a few paces away from Laurie. He looked back at the body. Scotty's bag was gone, and but there was a whip lying a few feet away from his corpse. Zeke didn't know what the hell he'd be able to do with a whip, so he didn't move to pick it up.

"Do you still need a few moments with him or can we get out of here?"
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Post by Primrosette »

"....T-thank you, Zeke. That really means a lot to me, you know. I know that I can trust you." She said to him, nodding her head a little. "I hope everything will turn out okay."

I really hope that I am making the right choice in trusting you, Zeke.

Laurie glanced back down at Scotty's body once again. She did actually want to say goodbye to him even though he wasn't alive anymore and the fact that he saved her from the same fate that he had suffered at the hands of Mick.

"Actually, I want to at least say goodbye to Scotty. I'll join up with you in a few minutes if you don't want to stay here any longer." She looked at Zeke sympathetically. "Then we can decide where to go next."
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Post by Polybius »

"It will. Everything'll be okay."

Zeke stared at Scotty for a little while longer, stared at the red gory mess in the middle of his torso.

"Alright, yeah. I'm sick of this place. I'll be waiting at the edge of the pit."

Zeke was a bit apprehensive about leaving Laurie alone, but he tried to dismiss the concerns. What was she going to do, run away? She'd have to be stupid.

"Don't stay too long, and if there's any sign of danger... well, run to me."

Zeke gave one last wave and set off in the direction that they had came from.

((Zeke Brant continued in You Think You Know Someone))
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Laurie felt like she was going to cry again as she stared down at Scotty and she moved closer to him. She closed his eyes and she moved his hands over his chest to make him look more peaceful. Bits of his blood had got onto her fingers. But that didn't matter to her. The important thing was was that he had been a hero to her in a way.

"Scotty, thank you for saving my life. I guess the only way that I can repay you is by surviving for as long as I can. I'm going to at least try.... So...." She said quietly and she took a step back from his body. "Goodbye, Scotty. I'll see you around."

I'm so sorry, Scotty.

She then felt a single tear roll down her cheek and she turned away from Scotty's body, taking a few moments to stay calm. Then she followed in the direction that Zeke had been heading to catch up with him.

((Laurie Moran continued elsewhere))
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