TV Chastememe

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TV Chastememe


Post by Yonagoda »

So, recently, I’ve heard of A. chaste kinkmemes and B. SOTF having had a kinkmeme.

Obviously, SOTF’s kinkmeme wasn’t chaste.

And that did not go well.

Well, I’m setting off to fix that. Welcome to handholdmeme (because Chastememe is trademarked by catche)

RULES because I don’t want this to become a disturbing garbage fire:

1. NO. NSFW. By nsfw I mean by any explicit sexual scenes/content. If you won’t say it in chat (mini chat with the whole nsfw ban and all) don’t write it. If there’s slight references to stuff, like for example Ivan’s oneshot where he talks about fetlife, give a warning at the very least, or spoiler it. We don’t want this to turn into the previous kinkmeme, don’t we?
2. Nothing for shock value only. If it requires a TW for the premise alone, don’t request it.
3. Have. Fun. And don’t ruin it for others.

I’m hosting this on mini because tv’s running right now, but if you want to request some main kids that’s alright, that’s all chill, it’s totally cool unless it’s, like, nsfw.

The gist of this whole thing, if you haven't seen kinkmeme before, is you post a prompt involving certain characters and somebody writes it out for you. I.E Luanne painting a picture of Pippi and rambling about communism, or Beau x Xander where they make a video together, or something like that. Doesn't have to be your own kid. Usually, in kinkmemes, the forum has anonymous users and also have "chains" of threads. Obviously, this isn't gonna work and I don't want it to work like that, so we're keeping our identities on. That way, it discourages people from posting anything inappropriate.

When posting a fill, please quote the prompt!

If anybody wants their characters to be excluded, dm me and I'll put them here.
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Post by Lilith »

i do want to see luanne painting a picture of pippi while rambling about communism but:

Jewel discussing how much she hates preps with Min-jae from v6
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Post by Yonagoda »

Lilith wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:23 am i do want to see luanne painting a picture of pippi while rambling about communism but:

Jewel discussing how much she hates preps with Min-jae from v6
“And they’re so damn dismissive,” Jewel groaned, taking another sip of her coffee. “Hey, Min-jae, you’re listening, right?

Min-jae, was, in fact, listening. Listening to The Cure, that is.

“I know that song’s good, just-” The girl yanked at his left earpod- “Just go along with me here.”

“Sure, sure, whatever.”

Jewel sighed. She took out her phone, tapped something into google’s search bar, and shoved it in front of Min-Jae’s face.

“Are you seeing this?”

“Yeah, Jewel, yeah I’m seeing this shit, and I’m tired.”

For once, what might have been interpreted as a smile appeared on Jewel’s face. “See? You get me. You hate those damn preps too.”

“I’ve always gotten you. Trust me- we think the same about those preps. Look at how they described us. Look at it. It’s fucking insulting.”

“I know right? They don’t get us. They didn’t even try to understand us. Now, hand over the doughnut.”

“Do it yourself,” the boy grumbled, taking a sip of his own drink.

(I'll get the the painting fill later)
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Post by Yonagoda »

Lilith wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:23 am i do want to see luanne painting a picture of pippi while rambling about communism but:

Jewel discussing how much she hates preps with Min-jae from v6
“Um.. can you please move your arm up a little- yeah, keep it like that, please.”

Luanne leaned back and measured Pippi’s still form with a pencil, holding it horizontally and marking the length of her friend’s forearm with the tip, before going back to her sketch. To be honest, Luanne was purposefully spending a lot of time building up the shape of Pippi’s slightly contorted body in order to avoid getting to her dress. The folds were a mess, and not really the good kind of mess. You know, the mess that people mainly attribute to works like Jackson Pollock’s well-known splatter art- and, honestly, Luanne didn’t really mean to be the kind of person who looks at abstract art and go ‘oh, a five year old can do that, so why does it cost so much?’ but to be honest, she did feel that way sometimes. It was like the same thing that could be thrown in the trash would also be sold for millions, and sometimes Luanne hated it, even though she felt bad for hating it.

Well, she did understand why it worked like that- an artist is their own brand. Anything can be worth millions if it’s attached to a person or a concept- you can smash a block of clay and be yelled at in the art room, sure, but if you book a room and invite an audience and say that the block of clay represented art block or something, people would applaud you for ingenuity- it’s about the intent. It’s about the meaning. It’s about how much space people have to interpret it and how much space your own interpretations take up.

If Luanne sold this drawing of Pippi she’s working on, most people wouldn’t get the meaning of it- and, like, that’s understandable, because this is art made with the intent to be shown to Pippi and not art made with the intent to be shown to a gallery, but does it even matter? There was the same passion, the same shapes, the paint- it was the same thing, with a different heart put into it. Sometimes, Luanne thought a lot about all the artists who had the potential to become the next… warhol, or someone like that. Artists who had the talent and the minds and the ability- and, yet, because of what they chose to make their art about, they were overlooked. Sometimes, Luanne felt so bad for those people robbed from their chance at success that she wanted to cry.


“I’m tired,” Pippi whined, placing her left leg down. “Can I just- Can I just sit? Where are you painting, anyways?”

Luanne raised the tip of the paintbrush.

“The skin- like, all the skin in general, so really just your collarbones, but even if you move your legs you should probably put your upper body in the same position.”

Neither of them knew how long they had been like this, facing each other, but if you’d ask Luanne she’d probably say that it’s about… two or three hours?

Luanne mixed the reds and the browns and the oranges and the yellows and the whites together with one of the largest brushes in the set, and started to apply the paint to Pippi’s face on the canvas.

To be honest, Luanne probably should be doing something more productive right now, but here’s the thing:

Productivity is just a capitalist lie. It made Luanne a little sick, how art has been just reduced to a hobby for the unproductive unless they managed to make a ludicrous living out of it. Sometimes, it felt like people expected other people to be working on something all the time- when Luanne was finished with classwork and doodling other students, the teacher would always tut her tongue and go ‘you should be working on something right now’ as if Luanne isn’t working on something already. And when she grew up, she’d be pressured to draw less and less to make way for a career that isn’t drawing, before someone told her that she should monetize her hobby because of course she should- everything’s worthless unless it racks in the cash, right?

Art’s all about the money, these days. Public galleries and wealthy furries. It’s all about consuming, and not analyzing. You can buy the Mona Lisa on a mug. Robots lurk Twitter to find popular art so that they can steal their work and print them on shirts. Sometimes, Luanne felt like 90% of art is just lifeless- made to sell, not to gift- although the fact that art made to gift would probably be seen less, so maybe Luanne just saw more art made to be consumed and not loved.


“I… I think I’m done, but can you maybe… move your head a bit? So I can apply the finishing details?”

“Yeah, sure, and also- I heard you mutter about furries. What’s that about?”

“Um, just, like, art and consumption and capitalism.”

“Cool. You know that you can talk about it out loud if you want, right? I don’t mind.”

“You don’t?”

“What? Of course I don’t. You’re cool, Luanne. I think your ideas are cool. I’d let you radicalize me.”

“Ok then… So,” Luanne said, applying paint to the edge of painting-Pippi’s leg to give it a warm glow, “I’m just… frustrated? I guess frustrated is the word for it. Anyways, I’m just frustrated at how art became all about money these days. Like, y’know, when I draw something, a lot of times mom or Noreen keeps on telling me about how I should see it and how I should be spending more time making art that I can sell, and it’s so tiring, you know? It’s like you doing- I dunno- math for fun, and then your parents swooping in and telling you should be doing accounting instead? Or… something like that?”

“Mm-hm, yeah, I get that,” Pippi said, moving her eyes to track a fly in the room without turning her head.

“So… I just hate how capitalism has turned art into this thing to be soullessly consumed sometimes. I feel like I can’t even have fun drawing, sometimes, because it’s all about money, and I just, I just-”

She was talking so fast she forgot to breathe.

“Shh-shh, it’s OK, Luanne, don’t get so worked up. You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“I-No, I want to talk about it. I’m just so… I just hate the art industry sometimes, and how capitalism and the pursuit of money ruined it, and I just sometimes hate capitalism and money, like, a lot.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Art- I’m not saying all art should be public, because of course they aren’t,” Luanne said, knowing full well she does not want anything in her sketchbooks to go public, “But sometimes I feel like there should be… art-communism. Like, I don’t personally have a thing against patreon-only art or something like that, but, I’m just talking… I’m just talking about how there should be a system in place so that people who make art actually enjoy it and are passionate about it without having to worry about it paying their bills, you know what I mean?”

“But… wouldn’t that be, like, problematic?”

“Of course it would be. I’m talking about socialism in America, why wouldn’t it be problematic? But, well, um, I get what you mean- and I know that art-communism wouldn’t work- because of course it wouldn’t, art is ultimately motivated by capitalism a lot of the time even though it isn’t always a good type of motivation, but… I don’t know. It’s, like, this utopian unobtainable concept of mine that probably doesn’t make much sense.”

“Well, it doesn’t really have to make sense. Like some art doesn’t make sense.”

“Yeah, true.”
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Post by Yonagoda »

OK now I've done two fills- can I prompt someone to write Virginia and Bethan doing each other's makeup?
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Team Affiliation: Jewel's Leviathans


Post by KamiKaze »

PROMPT: Gift Swap AU. In this timeline, the Deerstalkers have someone who is capable of swapping two Gifts between people. During the abduction, they, for Reasons, have this person swap everyone's Gifts around so when the kids wake up they have someone else's Gift. So, how would things change if, say, Alan suddenly got Kincaid's Gift? How would Melodie react to having Goth Eyes? Or Cyrus to having toxic venom? Think of all the possibilities!
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by AnimeNerd »

KamiKaze wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:03 am PROMPT: Gift Swap AU. In this timeline, the Deerstalkers have someone who is capable of swapping two Gifts between people. During the abduction, they, for Reasons, have this person swap everyone's Gifts around so when the kids wake up they have someone else's Gift. So, how would things change if, say, Alan suddenly got Kincaid's Gift? How would Melodie react to having Goth Eyes? Or Cyrus to having toxic venom? Think of all the possibilities!
For a second, he thought things were normal.

Well, a certain definition of normal, anyway. Being forced to either kill his classmates or be killed after watching their teacher and another classmate get shot in the head wasn’t exactly normal.

But he thought things would have an expected level of shittiness. He’d see people die. Someone would try to kill him. If he was really unlucky, he’d have to kill someone so he could defend himself.

Then he felt something twitching around in the sleeping bag with him.

Something long and thin.

Immediately, the dedge of a hangover evaporated for a moment, replaced with adrenaline as Joel scrambled out of the sleeping bag.

“The-the fuck-

He couldn’t even finish the question before he felt another problem. Something was stuck in the sleeping bag. A part of him.

Usually this wouldn’t be an issue. Just shake it loose or try to remove it by hand. Hell, he could still do it now. Especially when what was stuck was touching his hand.

What made it a problem was that it wasn’t his sleeve. Or a leg of his pants. Or even a foot.

It was a tail.

There was a tail attached to him.


Oh, and not just any tail! Because life decided that two punches to the gut wasn’t enough! Needed to confirm the knock-out apparently!

This was Toma’s tail.

Toma’s tail was attached to him. And not some freaky shit like it was cut off Toma and sown onto him, or pinned on, or it was attached to his pants. No, not any of that.

He could move it.

He thought about flicking it to the side. It followed.

He felt like freezing. It didn’t move an inch.

It was Toma’s tail. But it was attached to him. It was his. But also…his.

“H…how the Hell…

Another thing. His voice was muffled in his own ears. Even more than what might be expected with his hat. Removing it and running his hand over his head revealed why.

Toma’s ears. Tiger ears.

His ears.

There were likely other things, too. Stripes hidden under his clothes. Sharper teeth. Better eyesight. Stronger muscles.

But Joel didn’t really think about that.

He only sat there, staring at his new appendage, one hand feeling his new ears. Wondering what the fuck had been done to his body.
[+] The Living
Joel Foster is having a reunion while it's time to call the police
Megumi Eto is wishing she could GTFO
[+] The Dead
RJ Blackburn was axed a question in The Jarvis Method
Jasper Suárez-King was silenced in When Betting On High Card Pays Off
Jia Li Qiáo took a tumble off in Rouge Angles of Satin
[+] The Future
Colton "Colt" Smirnov is ready to aim and fire
Roselia Watson is trying to run away from it all
Titania Zabelle is going to show the world her talent
Maud Sparrow Jr. is already painting her own portrait
Aqua Elle is a literal spitfire when you think about it
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Post by Yonagoda »

AnimeNerd wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 8:11 am
KamiKaze wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:03 am PROMPT: Gift Swap AU. In this timeline, the Deerstalkers have someone who is capable of swapping two Gifts between people. During the abduction, they, for Reasons, have this person swap everyone's Gifts around so when the kids wake up they have someone else's Gift. So, how would things change if, say, Alan suddenly got Kincaid's Gift? How would Melodie react to having Goth Eyes? Or Cyrus to having toxic venom? Think of all the possibilities!
I love this
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